The Old Man Pt. 01 by SybianVronni

An adult stories – The Old Man Pt. 01 by SybianVronni

Dear Reader,

Along came two people and inhabited my head and took me in a completely different story to the one I wanted to tell. I have lived as a single mum for so long that I will no doubt always write of sexual loss and longing for sexual relief. I once had a work colleague whose first sex was with more than one elderly partner and was open about her interest in much older men but she was no Alison.

Please let me know what you think as I will write another part if you are interested.


Alison lived alone in part of a rented house, downstairs her neighbour was an elderly man who had lost his wife several years before.

Alison had a friendly relationship with Eric and she always checked he was ok.

Eric remained active visiting a local restaurant each day and baking at home. He liked the company of regulars and the traditional meals offered. The restaurant had brought him home delivery during the lockdown periods during covid and he had received food deliveries. Alison had spent time with him in the garden and he loved his younger neighbour’s support. As a widower he missed his wife enormously not least the sex they had until her illness and death.

He longed to have sex with someone and missed the eroticism of his wife talking dirty to him before during and after sex. She gave him blowjobs even from her hospital bed whilst masturbating herself.

Alison was extremely modest in her clothing longer skirts and black tights which hung out on the dryer in the garden Eric shared with her. He often wished she would uncover her legs and developed increasing interest in her because she seemed confirmed in being single and she dressed attractively but as an unavailable female. He wondered why always black tights but liked her petticoat hems under her long dresses. She was 30 and had friends but was very committed to her work place. Eric had never seen a friend visit her flat and wondered whether she was interested in men or women or neither; she seemed devoted to her work in a finance company in the City of London. She was black haired and her hair was presentable in a modest style. She visited her parents regularly but he had never met them.

Eric invited her regularly to watch TV as they had a mutual interest in classical music ballet and drama. She was excellent company on these evenings and quite animated in her love of opera. She was a kind and very good person he thought and he felt…well he was attracted to her personality and came to be turned on by her presence in his large living room. He developed frustrated erections and was slightly awkward to find his body excited when Alison had never said or done anything to excite him but he would remain hard for no reason he could think of. This didn’t just happen around Alison. He got hard when he was not thinking of anyone or anything. He was sexually frustrated. He once masturbated but didn’t enjoy the loneliness of it. He had grown up in a different era and never liked touching himself. He had loved his wife touching him and had been comfortable sleeping naked with her. her lack of any sexual inhibition leading to a a fulfilling marriage with no children. She had never wanted children unusual in his generation.

Alison had recently seen her female doctor who had referred her to a female gynaecologist. She had a vaginal ultrasound which had broken her hymen and the ultrasound instrument had been uncomfortable. Her gynaecologist had performed another examination and discovered that only one ovary was ovulating regularly hence the abnormality of her menstrual cycle. She had a tiny womb and a very tight small cervix. Alison had not been disappointed; she had never had boyfriend and had never masturbated. She was however sexually aroused if she was in her menstrual cycle between periods. Because she had periods irregularity her consultant recommended she wear period pants rather than underwear and she did so. Her consultant had fitted an IUD to regulate periods but had told her she would be incapable of carrying a child and would probably enter an early menopause. She was prescribed hormonal medication and began a regular menstrual cycle. She was seen regularly for counselling and saw her consultant every three months.

Alison sensed Eric’s loneliness and loved his polite articulate conversation when she visited, his kindness in sharing his baking and felt she was sharing the house with her own grandfather who had died a few years before. Eric was an interesting man who had been a personal Secretary to a a Trade Union General Secretary of a large Trade Union. He wore tailored clothing and was conservative in his lifestyle and had a generous pension from two sources.

The anniversary of his wife’s death always made him sad and he felt lonely. Alison was the only person he could talk to about his feelings and loneliness. They had discussed loneliness several times and she comforted him and it meant a great deal that she hugged him and held his hand at the saddest times. These physical contacts were completely appreciated and lifted his mood. She wasn’t shy; he wondered how such a bright sociable young woman dressed so well but seemed to be a “plain Jane” single for the rest of her life.

Alison made a point of spending time with him around the anniversary of the loss of his wife and joined him for tea and cake, which she loved. He cooked a meal for her if she worked late and she loved him for that. He clearly missed his wife and had occasionally confided how sexy she had been. Alison’s behaviour had always been appropriate and she liked to offer him physical assurance that he was important to many people who knew him. She knew that he felt very low around the anniversary increasingly lonely.

They sat together on his settee and Alison was surprised Eric began to cry. Instinctively she hugged him as he sobbed about his wife, how alone he felt and how much he missed her sex and the pleasure she gave to him. Alison wasn’t alarmed and tried to understand what a grieving elderly man felt including his sexual loss.

Eric had not meant to mention his marital sex life to her but felt huge burden lifted to be loved and listened to by his young neighbour.

Alison held his hand as he stopped crying and he felt better. He hoped he hadn’t shocked her by mentioning sex to her but Alison said he should talk whenever he needed to about that part of their love shared during marriage.

She was rather fascinated to hear from an old man about sex as she remained a virgin and had no experience of sexual activity. She had never touched herself or masturbated so to hear about his wife’s desire for sex over years was joyful for the couple and she saw how it animated him.

Eric suddenly developed an erection. His heart sank; please not where Alison might see. His slacks didn’t hide the size of it. Alison always maintained eye contact with him; hopefully she wouldn’t notice and he asked her how her work was going in the hope things would subside. Again he had lost control for no apparent reason.

Alison noticed a movement and glanced down to see the bulge and tent in his immaculately tailored slacks. She looked him in the eye and said nothing but saw his face reddening. Poor love he is embarrassed she thought and didn’t mind in the slightest that he was erect and throbbing. Was he attracted to her she wondered as she chatted about finance which ought to bore anyone especially an old man with a hard on!

Eric knew this was not going away he could feel a damp precum leak in his underwear. He had broken down before and decided he needed to explain his erection difficulty to young Alison.

He began to talk about a problem that kept happening with his body. Alison quickly understood she wasn’t the problem and he felt uncomfortable about what was happening. She wanted to look at him she really did and she felt wet herself although he would not be aware of that. She politely asked if she could touch him there and could she help him now with anything as she didn’t like the thought of him feeling awkward about this or physically uncomfortable with an erection.

Eric took her hand and she laid it very gently against his rigid erection feeling him twitching. She was entranced by the feeling he obviously had and asked if he might show her because she literally had never seen a man naked. She noticed men in swimming pools and sometimes had interesting shapes but had never seen a naked man.

Eric was surprised but he undid his slacks and his cock sprang out of the flap of his underpants. It spoke for itself throbbing and red tipped with foreskin all the way back and dribbling precum.


Alison stared at how thick he was, not at the length of it. The red head slid back his foreskin felt clean and soft. His precum she gathered on her finger and then sniffed as her other hand felt around his hairy balls. She couldn’t reach around the base of the hot cock; she just managed with both hands. She made a mental note that it was altogether too big to ever enter her small tight unit. She had vaginal contractions and knew she would make a white mark in her dark underwear. She was aroused by a male erect and wanted these moments to last.

She asked him what his wife used to like to do when he was hard like this and he told her how dirty she liked to talk and to….. well she liked to suck his cock but he felt this might offend her.

Alison replied that she wasn’t offended and she was actually quite excited to see a man erect; it was her first experience of a male erection. She also was excited in an unexpected way that she could share this experience with Eric. She had grown up even as a small girl calling her slit her unit. Her parents had gone along with her own idea of an inoffensive word for her genitals. She still privately thought of her unit hidden in her black haired bush but for Eric she was comfortable to call it her cunt since he was used to that. Her cunt was more aroused now than when she gripped a pillow between her legs in bed and felt wetness and excitement and she stroked and fondled him sitting cross legged on the floor. She wanted to put him into her mouth to satisfy him and asked how his wife had kissed him.

He told her how his wife would suck the head and swallow as much of his cock as she could but he had been so thick that was difficult. He was aching for Alison to lick him and try to swallow what she could.

Alison started to lick around his knob head and explore his foreskin using both her hands to slide this up and down from curiosity and excitement. She had flooded into her underwear by now and wanted to take her clothes off as she was uncomfortable with the wetness. Then she put the whole red knob into her mouth and sucked.

Eric moaned and knew he couldn’t hold it back for long as she licked and moved his foreskin he warned her he might shoot. She instinctively covered him with her mouth and sucked whilst stroking his shaft. He groaned more and then she felt squirting hot liquid coming in spurts and saw his hairy balls jumping and pumping. She allowed the dribbling liquid to run down her throat and tasted his spunk. Eric groaned was even more excited she was drinking that he came longer and pumped more for her.

Finally she felt the spurting ended and she drank down what was in her mouth and licked his rapidly shrinking cock as clean as she could then knelt on him and kissed his mouth and thanked him. He loved the deep kissing he gave to her and she returned. He expressed the deep gratitude he felt that a young woman would love such an old man enough to do that for him.

Alison said she now needed some help from him. She was wet and excited and wondered if he wanted to help her have an orgasm. She explained she was hairy and he smiled and said that was perfect; his wife had a hairy bush too and he loved it.

“Eric would you like me to share your bed tonight so you don’t feel lonely?”

To be continued….


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