Becoming Goddesses by Bottom_side_up

An adult stories – Becoming Goddesses by Bottom_side_up

Author’s Note: First of all, if you’ve found this story randomly, then welcome. Skip everything in this note and continue to the story. I hope you enjoy.

However, if you follow me, or even if this is your second story of mine, I want to give a brief explainer. All my stories take place in the same universe. You will see a lot of character crossover. Generally speaking, they are posted in chronological order. But each story should still be able to stand alone. And thus, you should be able to read them in whichever order you choose.


Tariq had spent too much time fucking lately. Which was never a problem he had expected to have in his life. And it was awesome. But also, he was a physics major. And physics was hard.

His “girlfriend,” Beth, wanted to be fucked basically around the clock. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure girlfriend was the right word. They had never explicitly defined their relationship as such. But, he didn’t think she was having sex with other guys, and they certainly spent enough time together for the boyfriend/girlfriend label to apply. So…probably, girlfriend.

And then there was Laney. He definitely didn’t know how to define that relationship. She came in almost every weekend and functioned as his and Beth’s collective girlfriend. Or maybe just fuckmate? Their already active sex life somehow picked up when Laney was in town. He wasn’t sure if it was because of how much Beth liked watching other people fuck. Or how much she liked being watched herself. Or if Laney just allowed Beth to embrace her bisexuality. Whatever the answer, things got ridiculous when the three of them were together.

And Tariq certainly wasn’t complaining. He was living a life he hadn’t even dared fantasizing about a year ago. However, it didn’t leave much time for physics.

Fortunately, it was now Monday. Laney wouldn’t be in again for a few days and Beth had a big Linguistics project. Tariq was hopefully going to have a few days to get caught up.

He walked into his room to find his roommate, Chris, sitting at the far desk, working on his laptop.

“Oh, hey man,” Tariq said. “It’s good to see you.”

“Oh, hey,” Chris replied, turning away from his work. “Sorry I’m over here. I’ve just got to get some shit done.”

Tariq laughed. “We share rent, you know. You’re welcome here literally whenever.”

They technically shared the room equally, but Chris spent almost all his time staying with his girlfriend, Chloe. It had been over a week since they had even seen each other.

“Thanks,” Chris replied.

“But, I hear you,” Tariq told him. “I feel like I’m behind on everything in my life.”

Chris laughed. “Especially Beth, right?” He held up a hand from across the room to give a fake high five.

Tariq frowned. “Have we even talked about Beth?”

“I mean you told me you two had been seeing each other a bunch.” Chris replied with a shrug. “But Laney filled me in on the rest of the details.”

Tariq paused. Laney might be his fuck thing, but she was also Chris’s 19-year-old sister. “What…did she tell you?”

“Just how adorable she thinks you two are,” Chris said, laughing. “And how much she someday wants to find even a part of what you two have.”

Tariq swallowed deeply. “Huh, that’s sweet.”

“But man, seriously,” Chris said, suddenly serious. “I want to say thank you. To both of you really. I was so worried about Laney after her breakup. But you and Beth have really stepped in to take her under your wing.”

Tariq nodded. How much had Laney actually told Chris? Surely, he didn’t know everything. After all, Chris had given Tariq explicit instructions not to fuck his sister. And Tariq had thoroughly broken that rule.

Chris smiled again. “Honestly I’m a little jealous. I know it’s my fault. I spend all my time at Chloe’s. But last year, we were so close. And now, my sister knows more about your sex life than I do.”

The room felt like it was getting hotter. Tariq just wanted to get some homework done. Now he felt like a circus performer. Unsure how to navigate a tightrope. He felt himself shrug awkwardly.

“Let’s fix the problem then,” Chris said with a chuckle. “Tell me about Beth. How’s the sex?”

Don’t mention Laney. Don’t mention Laney. Tariq repeated the words in his mind, like a mantra. “It’s good,” he replied. “Actually it’s really good. I’ve never been with someone who pushed the bounds like she does.” So far so good.

“Yeah? What does that even mean? Pushes the bounds how?”

Tariq thought through his next words for a moment until he landed on something that wouldn’t implicate him. “So, this will probably sound weird, but Beth likes to be watched.”

Chris’s eyes went wide. “Like, while you’re having sex.”

Tariq nodded.

“Shut the fuck up. You’re telling me that she wants to have other people in the room, just as voyeurs?”

Tariq nodded again.

“Like, she would be into it if Chloe and I just sat there, staring at y’all, while you fucked.”

“Honestly man, I’ve kind of come around to her view,” Tariq replied. They weren’t talking about Laney, so that was good. Maybe if he just kept pushing the envelope, Chris wouldn’t put the pieces together. “It’d be weird at first, but if you and Chloe ever want to observe, you have an open ticket. It’d certainly turn me and Beth on. Our sex is way better when someone’s watching.”

“Wow,” Chris said, shaking his head. “I did not expect things to get that weird that quickly.” He let out a nervous laugh before pausing. “She would really be into it if we watched?”

Tariq shrugged. “We both would. Like, the sex is a lot better.”

“Wow,” Chris repeated. He leaned back in his chair, considering the implications. “Are we being for real right now? You actually want me to watch you fuck? Like, that’s not weird, for us, as roommates? You don’t care if I see your dick?”

Tariq laughed. “I mean, none of this is normal. But it’s not like I’d be jacking off with you as the only audience. Beth would be heavily involved.”

“But, like, that’s also fine with you? Me, and Chloe, seeing your girlfriend naked?”

Girlfriend. Hearing Chris say it made it feel right. Even given the context. “You just check with Chloe if y’all would actually be into it. I don’t want either of you there if you don’t feel comfortable.”

Chris nodded, and then frowned. “So my sister knows about…” He trailed off and frowned again. “Tell me Laney hasn’t been the one watching you have sex. I need to hear those words.”

Tariq hesitated. “Do you need to hear all those words exactly?”

“You know what,” Chris shook his head and sighed. “I don’t even want to know.”

“Maybe we just don’t have a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy as far as Laney is concerned?”

Chris scrunched up his nose, “Honestly, I feel like I know too much already. Too many pieces are fitting into place.” He shook his head. “Nope, you’re right, I don’t technically don’t know anything right now. Let’s just keep pretending that’s true.” He turned his head back to Tariq. “You really want Chloe and me to watch you fuck?”

Tariq shrugged. “I mean…only if y’all are into it.”

Chris nodded his head far too many times than the situation called for. “Ok, I’m going to head out,” he said eventually. “And just wander campus until I process all this.”

Tariq grimaced. “I hope I didn’t make things weird,”

“No, no, you’re good man,” Chris replied, his gaze distant and his voice removed. “Get your shit done…I’m just going…to, you know, wander…”

“It was good seeing you,” Tariq said as Chris wandered past.

“You too, man.”


That night, Chloe sat in her dorm room waiting on Chris. She knew he had some homework to get done, but it was almost 11:30. He almost never did work this late.

When he finally came in, he smelled like beer. And stumbled a bit.

“Are you drunk?” she asked.

“A little.”

“Is…everything ok?”

Chris shook his head. “It’s a long story.”

Chloe gave him another look over. Dressed in khakis and a dorky sweater, he was still the cute, charmingly awkward boy she had fallen for last semester. But still, she worried about him. Like most college guys, he drank from time to time. But hardly ever on random Mondays. And never alone.

Chloe guided him to the bed and sat down beside him. “Well, let’s hear it then. That’s what I’m here for.”

He let out a deep sigh. “I had a weird conversation with Tariq today.”

“Oh no, are things alright?” Chris and Chloe had been dating for more than six months now. She had hung out with his roommate dozens of times. She liked to think that they were closer to friends than friend-in-laws at this point.

Chris shook his head, staring at no point in particular. “I think my sister has been watching Tariq and Beth fuck.”

“Oh! Wow!” If she had a thousand years and a million guesses, she never would have picked that to be the problem Chris was about to voice.

“I don’t actually know.” Chris replied with a scoff. “It’s just inferences.”

Unintentionally, Chloe’s mind drifted to Laney’s point-of-view. She imagined what it would be like to watch Beth ride Tariq’s black cock. Did Laney actually get to see the penetration? Or was it more of an under-the-covers situation? No, that would be lame. Right? And not really worth mentioning. Surely, she had gotten to watch penis-in-vagina action. And also, it sounded like it had happened more than once. Were all three…just into it?

It was completely inappropriate, given the context, but Chloe felt a tingling between her legs. She had a million more questions. But one seemed more pressing. “Wait, what do you mean inferences?”

“Apparently Beth likes it when people watch her fuck.”

Chloe felt her eyes go wide. “What? For real?”

Chris shrugged. “Yeah. I guess so.” He shook his head. “That’s what Tariq told me. I don’t technically know anything about Laney, I guess. Apparently we have a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy.”

The tingling between her legs intensified. They were definitely talking about over-the-covers action. It also explained why Laney had been in such a good mood since her breakup.

But then she remembered she was the girlfriend in this situation and needed to be on Chris’s side. “And, how are you doing with all this?”

“I don’t know. I guess it’s all fine.” He rolled his eyes. “But it’s weird as shit, right? I mean I asked him not to do stuff with Laney. And so instead he invites her to watch him fuck?”

Chloe nodded in what she hoped was sympathy. Mainly, though, she was confused. How did something like that even come up? Was it discussed beforehand? Or was it somehow organic voyeurism?

Chris shook his head. “And then also, what if it ever went further? What if he actually fucked Laney?”

That wasn’t a scenario Chloe had considered yet. She again let her mind drift to Laney’s perspective. She imagined Tariq, having just finished fucking Beth, but still in need of more. Laney would step up to his still hard cock, glistening from the juices of another woman’s pussy. Laney would climb on, horny from the show she had just witnessed. The relief of a dick plunging deep inside her would be incredible.

Chloe was definitely wet. She realized Chris was still waiting for an answer. “They’re all adults,” she said, as gently as possible. “They’re kind of free to do whatever they want.”

Chris let out a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, that’s basically what I keep coming back to.”

Chloe thought through it all for a moment and frowned. “Wait, how do you know any of this in the first place?”

Chris chuckled. “Tariq asked me if we wanted to watch him fuck Beth?”

“We? Us? Like, you and me?”

Chris nodded.

“What did you say?” Chloe’s throat felt suddenly dry.

He shrugged again. “I said I’d talk to you.”

Chloe felt a tremor flow through her nether regions. She was embarrassingly turned on for a situation where she was supposed to be consoling her boyfriend. “He actually offered that?” She tried not to let her voice come out as a squeak.

“Those were his literal words.”

“Oh, huh…I, umm…that’s…” Chloe struggled for words and couldn’t find them.

Chris shook his head. “Are you being for real right now? My sister is watching my roommate fuck. And now, you want to follow in her footsteps?”

Chloe smiled. “I mean we don’t know that. But, take your sister out of it for a moment.”


“Doesn’t it sound kind of hot?”


“We’ve watched porn together. It’s sexy seeing other people fuck. But we’ve never had a live performance. Like…doesn’t that sound even sexier?”

Chris laughed. Some of the tension finally easing from his shoulders. “You’d really be into that?”

“Does it make me sound slutty if I say yes?”

Chris laughed again. “Yes.”

Chloe pouted her lips. “Well, still, yes.”

Chris looked at her deeply. “Are we being serious right now? Do you want me to text Tariq and tell him that we want to watch him fuck his girlfriend?”

Chloe smiled. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” She moved her hand to his crotch and rubbed his dick through his pants. “But I can promise you the next hour will be very sexy for you if you do.”

“And my sister?”

“Maybe just think about me instead?” she said, as she leaned her head forward to kiss him.

And then, only in her mind, she added, ‘And let me think about Beth fucking Tariq.’


Two days later, Chloe showed up at Chris and Tariq’s room wearing a cute floral sundress. She had gone back and forth on her outfit a thousand times before finally settling on this one. What exactly was one supposed to wear to a private sex show? Jeans somehow felt like the better call, but she was worried she might get wet enough that it would soak through her panties. At least the dress would hide her crotch.

She almost knocked, but that felt silly. She had been to the room dozens of times. And besides her boyfriend lived here.

Chloe realized she was overthinking things. She wasn’t even the one about to have sex. She shook her and walked in.

On the far side of the room, the boys were playing video games on one of their computers. They both sat in office chairs facing away from the door. When they heard her walk in, they both shouted a hello. But quickly went back to killing their enemies. Or maybe each other. It was hard to tell. Chloe frowned at the reception.

On the closer of the two twin beds, Beth sat playing on her phone. The two girls had never actually met before.

“Oh, thank god, you’re here,” Beth said when she noticed Chloe.

“Hi,” Chloe said with a little wave. “You must be Beth.”

The other girl stood. Chloe was immediately taken aback by how pretty Beth was. Long blond hair flowed down over her shoulders to her mid back. Smoky eyeliner framed a set of piercing green eyes. She wore a plain white cami that did little to hide her massive boobs. Even her yoga pants were sexy somehow, accentuating her toned thighs and ass.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” Beth said, extending her hand. “Tariq has told me all about you. It seems like you and Chris are such a sweet couple.”

“Aw, that’s sweet,” Chloe replied. “I’ve heard a lot about you too.” Even as the words left her mouth, Chloe regretted them. She had literally only heard about Beth’s sexual fetishes.

“All good I hope?”

Chloe felt her cheeks flush, but forced herself to nod. She even managed a weak, “Mmhmm.” Nothing like implying you know about someone’s deepest kinks right after you meet them.

Chloe tried to smile to hide the clumsy comment, but Beth gave her a sly wink in return. So much for this not being awkward.

After an uncomfortable moment, Beth turned to look at their boyfriends. Both remained intensely absorbed by their game, oblivious to the situation at hand. “How dumb are boys?” Beth asked.

Chloe laughed despite it all. “Have they been playing the whole time?”

“I only got here about 15 minutes ago.” Beth shook her head. “But still, now they have two beautiful girls hanging out. Two girls who might even be willing to…” she paused to flash Chloe another coy glance. “Well…you know.”

A wave of heat flashed across Chloe’s body. She felt her cheeks blushing, but she also felt something between her legs. It was wild to even consider what Beth was implying. And yet, the other girl was being so casual and cavalier about this whole thing.

Chloe looked back to the boys. “I’m honestly just glad they’re still talking to each other. A few days ago, I was a little worried.”

Beth winced. “Shit, did he find out we’ve been fucking Laney?”

“Fucking her?” Chloe felt like a cartoon character with her eyeballs popping out. “I thought she was just watching you two.”

Beth pursed her lips and gave her shoulders a little shrug. “She does that too sometimes.”

Chloe stared wordlessly at the other girl. They had literally just met, and already they were discussing Beth’s threesomes. “Yeah, Chris definitely doesn’t know about any of that,” Chloe said finally. “Probably best to just avoid bringing it up.”

Beth nodded. “Sorry if this puts you in an awkward position.”

Chloe waved a hand to dismiss the comment. This whole situation was weird, but she didn’t feel like she was owed an apology. Honestly, she was still more curious than anything else. “So, you’re just into it? When other people watch you have sex?”

Beth laughed, but didn’t seem upset. “Have you ever tried it?”

Chloe shook her head.

“Hmmm.” The other girl gave her an appraising glance, running her eyes up and down Chloe’s body. “Do you want to make out with me for a sec?”

“Do what?!” Chloe felt her breath catch in her throat. She had made out with a few girls before. But it was always when she was drunk at parties. Never in the middle of the afternoon. With basically a stranger. While they were both sober.

“I want to do a quick social experiment.”

“And you need to kiss me for that.”

Beth nodded with a smile. “Don’t worry, it’s for science.”

“Umm…just like, right now?” Chloe knew she was stalling, but the look in Beth’s eyes stayed the same. Chloe’s eyes drifted down to the other girl’s rack. It was immediately clear that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were poking out through her cami. Was she turned on by the thought of making out with another girl? Chloe flashed her eyes back towards the boys. Somehow they continued on playing their video game, obliviously.

Just as the pause between them was beginning to grow awkward, Chloe heard the words leave her mouth. “Yeah, ok, I guess.”

Beth took a step towards her. Their bodies were almost touching. The other girl reached a hand out and brushed Chloe’s cheek with her fingertips. “I hope you know how pretty you are,” Beth murmured before leaning forward to plant a light peck on Chloe’s lips. “Tariq told me you were a volleyball player. But…damn, what a body.”

Chloe pulled back to look her in the eyes.

“Just relax,” Beth told her. “Don’t overthink it.”

Chloe nodded as Beth leaned in again. This time, it was more than a peck. Their lips parted as their tongues found each other, swirling delicately back and forth. Kissing Beth was nothing like kissing a boy. Guys always wanted to jam their tongue as deep into your mouth as they could get it, almost turning kissing into a type of fucking. But Beth’s mouth was soft and gentle. The passion was still there, but it lacked the urgency. Beth knew how to enjoy a kiss for what it was. It was sensual and sweet and tender.

Chloe pulled the other girl tighter into her arms, wrapping her hands around her back. Beth placed her hands on either side of Chloe’s jaw bringing her mouth closer. She could feel Beth’s breasts pressed firmly against her own.

Suddenly, Beth’s hands dropped down to grab Chloe’s ass. Chloe let out a light gasp, but their lips didn’t break contact. As heat spread throughout her body, she realized her panties were already more than damp. She was glad she had settled on wearing a dress. Beth continued kneading her ass and began to move her mouth along Chloe’s cheek until she was nibbling at one earlobe. Chloe let out a gentle moan. This girl was really good at making out.

Chloe opened her eyes for a moment to find both boys staring in shock. Her breath caught in her throat and her body straightened. “Yeah, that got their attention,” Chloe whispered as she began to pull away. “You were right.”

But Beth held on tight to her ass cheeks and continued kissing behind her ear. “That wasn’t the experiment,” Beth murmured lightly.

“What…was the experiment then?” Chloe asked.

Beth moved one hand from Chloe’s ass and slid it inside her dress to grab a breast. Chloe sucked in a deep breath and felt her eyes go wide. Beth continued on. “Just look at how badly they want us,” Beth whispered between kisses.

Chloe glanced back at the boys. They had turned their gaming chairs around to watch with rapt attention. Both shifted uncomfortably to adjust their growing erections. Even in this situation, Chris was cute. Nerdy and awkward, but very cute. A mess of brown hair fell shaggy around his ears. His mouth was agape, his eyes wide, like he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. Tariq, on the other hand, smiled hungrily. Some part of Chloe focused on the deep dark tone of his skin. She had never seen a black dick in real life. But the bulge in his pants made it hard for her not to picture it.

Beth finally let go of her ass and grabbed one of Chloe’s hands, moving it to the fabric covering her own chest. At first Chloe resisted. After all, this was someone she had met no more than ten minutes ago. But as her fingertips brushed against Beth’s nipple, she felt her hesitancy fade. Beth didn’t seem to care that they had just met. What would it be like to be like her? To just embrace the moment? To let go?

Gingerly, Chloe squeezed one of Beth’s massive breasts. This was officially the farthest she had ever been with a girl.

“That’s right,” Beth cooed. “Don’t be afraid. We’re everything those boys have ever hoped and dreamed of. Right now we have all the power and control in the world.” With that Beth went back to kissing her firmly on the lips, gently probing her mouth with her tongue. Chloe felt herself relax a bit and began exploring Beth’s body with her hands. After playing with the other girl’s tits for a moment, she let her hands drop down to grasp Beth’s ass through her yoga pants.

Chloe was already breathing heavily when Beth moved her hand to Chloe’s thigh, and ran her fingers upward. She met the hemline of Chloe’s sundress, but didn’t stop. Instead, tracing her fingertips all the way up, until they barely brushed against Chloe’s panties.

“Seems like I’m not the only one enjoying this,” Beth whispered as her hand made contact with the damp fabric.

Chloe stared into the other girl’s eyes, but didn’t pull away.

“Have you ever been fingered by a girl before?” Beth asked.

Chloe lightly shook her head in response.

Beth began tracing her fingers up and down Chloe’s pussy, caressing her vagina through her wet panties. “Boys are always just guessing what will feel good,” she said as she continued, each movement sending a wave of electricity through Chloe’s body. “But girls have had years of experience with the real thing,” Beth whispered. “We don’t have to guess.” As if to emphasize the point, Beth paused, her middle finger hovering just above Chloe’s clit. She wiggled it a little to let her finger tip, along with the fabric of the panties, sink between Chloe’s labia.

A long, low moan escaped from Chloe’s lips as Beth moved her finger gently against her clit.

“Do you want me to keep going?” Beth asked.

Chloe found she could only nod in response.

“Come over to the bed with me then,” Beth said with a smile. She pulled Chloe by the hand to follow her. Before Chloe could sit down though, Beth reached up her dress with both hands to grab the waistline of her panties.

Chloe’s eyes went wide and she turned to look at the boys again. Both continued to look on in utter amazement, the outlines of their cocks clearly visible against the roofs of their pants.

Beth laughed at the sight. “You two are allowed to look and enjoy. But, you may not touch yourselves. Deal?”

Chris and Tariq nodded immediately.

With that, Beth began tugging Chloe’s thong down her legs. Chloe could smell the scent of herself filling the room as air flowed against her inner thighs.

Her breathing came heavy with both nervousness and anticipation as Beth positioned her on one side of the narrow bed. Was this really happening? Was she really about to spread her legs and let another girl finger her in front of both of their boyfriends? She hadn’t even had a drink today.

“Don’t be nervous,” Beth said, sitting down on the bed next to her and gently running one hand up and down Chloe’s thigh. She moved her fingers further up until they slid under her dress. Beth’s hand again made contact with Chloe’s crotch, this time without a layer of fabric in between them. Her bare fingertips caressed Chloe’s clean shaven slit, damp with moisture. She tried to sink her fingers inside, but Chloe’s legs were clamped too tightly shut.

“Just look at the boys. See how they’re watching us,” Beth murmured. Her voice was low, but loud enough that the boys could hear her words. Chloe let her eyes dart to their boyfriends. Both were still staring on eagerly. “Right now they’re worshiping us.” Beth paused to stare at the boys. “If we asked them to watch from their knees, do you know what would happen?”

Chloe shook her head lightly, as Beth traced her fingers against Chloe’s slit, her legs still clenched tight.

“Boys,” Beth said to their two boyfriends. “I’m so sorry, but I have to prove a point. For science.”

They both leaned forward for her next instructions.

“This is a bit degrading. But for me to keep going…” Beth’s eyes flashed to Laney’s pussy. “I need you both to get on your knees.”

Without comment or question, the boys followed her commands. The new position made their hard dicks even more evident inside their pants.

“If I asked them to start masturbating right now, do you think they would?”

Chloe lightly nodded her head as Beth’s hand continued to lightly stroke her pussy under her dress.

Beth looked at the boys, their faces hungry. “You’re still not allowed to touch yourselves,” she told them before looking back to Chloe. “Do you think they will follow my instructions?” Beth asked her.

Chloe nodded again as Beth continued to run her finger up and down Chloe’s slit.

“Then do you know what that makes us?” Beth asked.

Chloe shook her head, even as Beth continued stroking her vulva.

“Goddesses,” Beth replied. “Five minutes ago we were just college girls. Now we’re Venus and Aphrodite. Complete with our own supplicants.”

Gradually, Chloe let her legs relax, allowing Beth deeper access to her vagina.

“That’s right,” Beth cooed. “Normal sex is good. But when people watch, you get to turn into an actual sex deity.” Slowly, she sank a finger between Chloe’s labia to find her clit. A moan escaped from Chloe’s lips.

As Beth continued gently fingering her, she leaned forward to kiss her deeply on the mouth. Chloe felt her legs relax even further, giving Beth deeper access to her inner parts. Beth sank another finger into the folds of her slit, picking up the pace of her fingers against Chloe’s clit.

The boys were still on their knees. Still not touching themselves.

Chloe began to pant, even as she continued making out with the other girl. Beth used her free hand to hike Chloe’s dress higher up her hips and spread her legs wider. Chloe realized she was now giving the boys a perfect view up her bare snatch.

With one hand still working Chloe’s clit, Beth let her other hand drift down to the entrance of Chloe’s vagina. She pushed two fingers against the opening of her canal. Chloe was so wet, they slid inside easily. Beth plunged her fingers as deep as they would go before pulling them back out to repeat the motion. Chloe went from mere panting to actually gasping as she felt the other girl’s fingers inside herself.

As Beth continued fingering her – one hand slowly pumping away inside her vagina, the other masterfully manipulating her clit – Beth’s gaze drifted back to the boys. Both were staring hungrily at her crotch, devouring her pussy with their eyes.

Two thoughts occurred to her, more or less simultaneously. First, Beth was right. It was hot as fuck to be watched. Second, this was the social experiment. This is what Beth had wanted to prove. She wanted Chloe to see why she liked it when people watched. And now that she realized it, it was obvious. She had just been too caught up with the insanity of it all to notice until now.

Suddenly, Beth moved her mouth from Chloe’s lips and began kissing down her neck and over her collarbone. Chloe still had on a dress, so Beth couldn’t actually get her to nipples. Still the movement of Beth’s lips on the tops of her breasts put her over the edge.

“Holy fuck,” Chloe said. “I’m about to cum, please don’t stop.”

And Beth didn’t. She continued with her mouth and both hands. All working in complete harmony.

Chloe’s orgasm was unlike any she had had before. Normally cumming was like a wave, with peaks and troughs. Crests of pleasure followed by brief ebbs before the next crest hit. This time it was different. Beth perfectly anticipated the rhythms of her body, picking up her pace where the troughs should be and easing up slightly at the peaks. The result was a near constant stream of pleasure. Chloe had been surprised at how good Chris was the first time he had gone down on her. But somehow Beth, with just her fingers, was even better.

At some point, Chloe realized she was saying the work ‘fuck’ over and over. But, she had no idea how long she had been doing it.

Finally, Beth slowed down and gently removed her fingers, now covered in Chloe’s secretions. Chloe fell back against the bed, her breaths coming in sharp, ragged gasps. Her legs were still splayed open wide to the boys. She could feel her thighs coated in her own moisture. But she didn’t care. Let them look.

Eventually Chloe glanced up to see Beth staring down at her with a smile on her face. “How was that?”

Without even bothering to sit up, Chloe reached over to pat the other girl’s leg. “Really, really good.” She would have said more, but those were all the words she could get out.

Beth raised an eyebrow. “Just imagine if I had used my tongue.”

Despite the ecstasy she had just experienced, another wave of heat flooded through her body as she considered Beth’s words.

Then Beth turned to Tariq. “While we let her recover, I think that makes it my turn,” she told him, motioning him to stand up with a crooked finger. She led him to the space in between the two parallel twin beds.

“But first,” she told him. “I think it’s becoming cruel to keep this thing pent up any longer.” She dropped to her knees in front of his crotch. Slowly, she lowered the waistband of his shorts and boxers.

Chloe was still lying on her back. Crosswise on one of the narrow beds. Her legs spread wide towards her boyfriend off to one side. Her face pointed towards Beth and Tariq on the other, less than two feet away.

With her head leaned back, Chloe watched from an upside-down angle as Beth pulled Tariq’s pants low enough to let his cock spring free.

An involuntary gasp escaped from Chloe’s lips. His dick was huge.

“I know, right?” Beth said with a giggle.

Chloe stared on with something close to awe. She liked to think she knew a thing or two about big dicks. Chris was a solid eight inches. They had measured. And he certainly had the biggest dick she had ever seen in real life. But somehow Tariq’s cock was even longer. By at least an inch, but maybe even two. And thicker from the looks of it.

She couldn’t tear her gaze away as Beth leaned forward to plant a light kiss on the head of his member. With both hands, she pumped his shaft up and down a few times, before running her tongue against the tip of his cock to catch the bit of precum leaking out.

Abruptly, she stood back up and kissed him deeply on the lips. She reached a hand down to lightly fondle his black balls. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your turn soon,” she said with a wink. “But first, you need to take off my clothes.”

Tariq pulled her close as he kissed her on the lips, his bare cock rubbing against her yoga pants, leaving a slight wet smear in its wake. He reached his hands behind her to pull her camisole up and over her head. As Beth raised her arms to help him get it off, her breasts fell free of the shirt. Just as Chloe suspected, she wasn’t wearing a bra. But now, she had the chance to admire the other girl’s boobs. They were probably a large C-cup with big, dark areolas and cute, little nipples that turned up ever so slightly. Tariq immediately fell to his knees to put his mouth to one, lightly sucking a nipple in between his lips.

“Yeah, baby,” Beth moaned as he switched his mouth over to give the other nipple the same attention.

At this point, watching from upside down was growing tedious. Chloe sat up to see Chris, still on his knees, staring hungrily at the other girl’s bare chest.

She felt a momentary pang of jealousy. He had her vagina right in front of him after all. But, then she reminded herself that just moments ago she had been staring hungrily at another man’s cock. Getting turned on by other people’s naked bodies was the point of all of this she supposed.

Chloe sat up and swung her body around so that her legs hung off the side of the bed facing Beth and Tariq. Her dress was still hiked up around her waist. Which left her sitting bare-assed on the comforter. In a brief flash of panic, she worried she was still so wet she might leave a damp spot on the bed. But then, she realized she had just been fingered very thoroughly on this same bed. She looked back to where she had been laying and sure enough, her creamy juices had already left a massive damp spot. This comforter would just have to be dry cleaned if they wanted to get her scent out of it.

Chloe looked back to Chris and patted the bed next to her. He deserved a better view. Quickly, he crossed the space between them, shifting his dick uncomfortably in his pants as he sat down next to her.

“I hope it didn’t bother you that she fingered me,” Chloe leaned over to whisper. “I hadn’t really planned on being a part of this whole thing.”

“Are you kidding,” Chris whispered back with a grin. “That was hot as fuck.”

Tariq had moved on from Beth’s breasts and was beginning to tug down her yoga pants. Chloe was curious to see what kind of underwear she would choose to wear on an occasion like this. But, nope, she wasn’t wearing panties either.

It made sense in its own way. Still, Chloe couldn’t help but wonder if she had worn that outfit all day. Just a sheer cami and tight yoga pants with nothing underneath.

Had she gone to her classes like that? Somehow, even that thought turned Chloe on a little.

On his knees still, Tariq pulled her pants down agonizingly slowly. But, finally Chloe caught a peek at Beth’s vagina. She had her pubic area shaved into a neat landing strip. The other girl’s pussy lips were glistening with moisture.

‘Same, girl, same,’ thought Chloe.

Tariq leaned forward to lightly kiss her outer labia. Then he ran his tongue between the lips of her slit, starting at the bottom and going all the way up to her clit. Beth let out a soft moan and ran her fingers through his thick black hair. Chloe sucked in a breath as she stared at the scene. Without really thinking, she reached over for Chris’s hand and pressed it to her crotch. He hardly hesitated before running his fingers up and down her slick crevasse, finally dipping one finger deep enough to find her clit. Another delightful wave of electricity spread through her body as he delicately rubbed her sensitive nub.

Just feet away, Beth sat down on the bed facing them. She held out her legs to let Tariq remove her pants entirely, leaving her completely naked. Beth looked back over to Chloe and smiled when she saw Chris’s fingers buried between her legs. Beth scooted a little further back on the bed and raised her feet up to rest them on the lip of the mattress, spreading her thighs wide as she did so. The movement parted the lips of her pussy enough that both Chloe and Chris had a clear view to the teardrop opening of her vagina. Beth reached up to run her fingers through the golden locks of her hair. For a moment, she really did look like a goddess.

Chris picked up the pace with his fingers. Chloe glanced over at him. Even though he was fingering her, his eyes were locked onto the view of the other girl’s cunt. With his free hand, he absent mindedly shifted his dick in his pants. Chloe smiled at him and reached over to undo the button of his pants and pull down his zipper. Just like Beth had told her own boyfriend, it was becoming cruel to keep him pent up like this.

She reached between the flap of his boxers and pulled out his cock, finally freeing him of his confinement.

“Oh, thank you,” he moaned as she did so.

She laughed at how cute he was. “No reason I should get all the pleasure.”

Chloe began stroking the length of his shaft as he continued fingering her. She ran her hand over the head of his dick, smearing her hand with his precum and using it as a lubricant.

As they continued touching each other, Tariq walked to the far side of the other bed. Beth laid back in anticipation as he crawled on top of her, his head moving towards her spread legs, his delicious dick angled straight at her face.

Chloe leaned forward as the other couple engaged in 69. Beth took his cock in her mouth, opening her jaw wide to accommodate his enormous black length. As she did so, he leaned his head forward to gently plant a kiss on the outer edge of her pussy. Tariq shifted to rest on his elbows, giving his hands the opportunity to spread her labia wide, exposing her engorged clit to Chloe and Chris on the other bed. Delicately, he flicked his tongue against the button of her pleasure. Beth moaned as she took more of his cock into her mouth. Tariq continued working his tongue over her clit and Beth continued moaning. She might have even been saying words. But if so, they were drowned out by the amount of black meat in her throat.

As the pair on the far bed continued to pleasure one another orally, Chloe stared in wonder. This wasn’t like watching porn at all. This was something different entirely. Something far better. Porn was flat and two dimensional. This engaged every sense. Obviously, there was the visual component. Another couple was going to town on each other in front of her. But unlike porn, she could shift her head to get a different vantage. Lean forward a bit, and she could actually see Tariq’s tongue flicking back and forth over Beth’s clit. Lean back a little, or even to the side, and she could see him thrusting his cock in and out of the other girl’s mouth. The sounds were also elevated. She could hear in full detail as they sucked and slurped at one another’s most intimate areas. She could listen to Beth’s cries of pleasure, muffled only by the dick in her mouth. She could hear Tariq’s own moans, muffled only by vagina.

All of that combined with the sensation of touch. Chloe relished the feeling of her boyfriend’s cock in her hand. Rubbing his shaft up and down with furious strokes. The feeling of his fingers against her own clit. With full knowledge that they weren’t alone. The idea that the other couple could see them as much as they could watch the action before them. Chloe found she even enjoyed the scent of the room. Her own musk combined with the smell of Beth’s erotic fragrances filled the air with the pervasive aroma of sex.

Beth bucked her hips against Tariq’s face. Against his tongue. She moaned even more deeply than before for several moments, finally letting her pelvis fall to the bed. She tapped him gently on the ribs. He paused and lifted his only hips. His dick sliding out of her mouth.

“I need your dick in me,” Beth panted.

“Hell yeah,” Tariq replied. “What position do you want?”

“I don’t know. We’re putting on a show. I don’t think they’ll have a good view if you do me doggy style.” Beth thought for a moment, absentmindedly stroking the dick in front of her face. “Why don’t you sit on the bed facing them. And I’ll climb on top of you, reverse cowgirl style.”

“Yeehaw,” Tariq answered.

Chloe watched on with fascination. This also wasn’t something that happened in porn. No prearranged choreography. No frustrating smash cuts from one position to another. This was real life. They had to actually communicate to figure out what would happen next. Like real lovers.

Tariq pulled himself off her and walked around to sit down on the bed facing Chloe and Chris. His giant black dick stuck up straight in the air like a flagpole. Chloe stared at it with something close to wonder as Beth moved to sit on top of him. Feet planted on the bed to either side of his legs, her legs splayed wide. She positioned her vagina so it was just above his dick. She reached down with one hand to grab his cock and get the angle right. Then, she began lowering herself on to him.

The head of his dick pressed against the opening of her cunt. Beth lowered herself, her pussy lips parting as the tip of his shaft disappeared inside her. She was clearly wet. Her labia was literally glistening. But the fact was made clear by how quickly she was able to work herself the rest of the way down. In no more than a few seconds, she had taken his entire dick all the way inside. Her ass was pressed firmly to his crotch. Chloe could hardly see any of his enormous cock. It was all buried deep in the bowels of Beth’s womanhood.

Chloe continued to stroke Chris’s dick. But more rapidly. She had guessed that watching another couple fuck would turn her on. But she hadn’t thought it would be anything like this. This was the single sexiest thing she had ever seen. Chloe began to thrust her own hips forwards to meet Chris’s fingers. She needed to feel his touch on her clit.

Three feet away, Beth lifted herself up. Tariq’s cock came most of the way out. Then she slammed herself back down. Beth cried out in pleasure as she began working herself against his dick. And not just up and down. She ground her hips forward and back and then shifted side to side. His cock following the movements of her body. This girl was as good at fucking as she was at making out. Maybe she actually was a sex deity. At some point, Chloe realized Beth was gasping loudly, crying out in ecstasy.

And then so did Chloe. She was cumming. All the while imagining what it would feel like to have a dick that big buried so deeply inside herself. Honestly, wondering if it would even fit.

As Beth continued humping her pussy up and down Tariq’s cock, Chloe shifted her eyes to briefly look at Chris. His gaze was locked firmly on the couple before them. Watching his roommate penetrate this other girl.

Chloe continued stroking her boyfriend’s cock until he let out a low moan. She paused. She knew that moan. He was close to coming himself. And somehow just letting him spurt out jizz felt wrong in this situation.

She wanted him to cum. But, she wanted him to cum inside her. She needed to feel the intimacy of him unloading deep inside her innermost parts.

As Beth continued fucking Tariq, raising and lowering herself on his cock, Chloe flashed Chris a grin.

From the start, none of this was what Chloe expected. She thought this would be weird and maybe sexy. In that order.

But she was wrong. And Beth was right. Fucking in front of other people made you a goddess. And Chloe wanted to be Aphrodite. She wanted to compete with Ashra for attention.

Her cute floral sundress still hiked up around her hips, Chloe moved to sit on Chris’s lap. Reverse cowgirl, just like the couple in front of them. Chris’s eyes went wide. But to his credit, he didn’t protest. Chloe reached down to grab his dick and press it against her vagina.

Just like the first time they had sex, she slammed her cunt down onto him as hard as she could. He might not have been as big as Tariq, but he was still a solid 8 inches.

Feeling herself filled with dick felt like a deep relief. She had been so horny almost since she walked in the door. And now it felt like she could finally breathe. Like she could finally see straight.

And apparently that clarity came with an orgasm.

Before she could even raise herself up and jam herself back down on Chris’s cock, she was cumming. Again.

And loudly.

She knew she was saying words, but even she didn’t know what they were. As best she could tell, it was some combination of the words fuck and shit.

Three feet away, Chloe connected eyes with Beth. Even in the throes of pleasure, Chloe could tell Beth was enjoying the scene she had created.

She had a huge smile on her face as she watched Chloe writhe in ecstasy. And then Beth tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and cried out too. She arched her spine back, tits jutting out, as she continued sliding her pussy up and down Tariq’s cock. Uttering her own string of profanities.

The girls’ orgasms – both their noises, and their vaginas clenching tightly against the cocks inside them – was enough to bring the boys over the edge. Almost in union, Chris and Tariq began grunting in their own signs of release.

Briefly, Chloe found it all absurd. She and Beth had found their way to becoming goddesses through all this. But, boys somehow didn’t become gods in the act of exhibitionism. They were, instead, just pawns in the game. Pieces to be used by the women.

And then, Chloe felt hot jets of semen explode inside her. Again, she felt herself cum at the sensation. Or maybe it was the same orgasm as before. It was hard to tell at this point.

For that matter, maybe the boys were gods too. It was hard to think straight.

Chloe continuing fucking Chris as they came together. When his dick finally started to go limp inside her, she rolled off. Beth mirrored her movements nearly exactly.

For a moment everyone panted in silence. Chloe felt cum leaking out of her vagina onto the bedspread. There was nothing to be done about that now. At this point, the sheets definitely needed to be changed.

She realized she was sweating. She was still wearing the cute sundress from before. Hopefully, she was ‘hot’ sweating, and not ‘ugly’ sweating. Suddenly she envied Beth’s nakedness. And then she decided, fuck it. She pulled her dress off over her head and unclasped her bra to let her skin breathe. Now, naked, she felt at ease. Once again, she and Chris had done things in the wrong order.

Cum was still spilling out of her now. She dipped a finger into her vagina and fingered a gloop of the fluid. She stood up and crossed over to Beth, lying down next to the other man. Gingerly, she put her fingers into Beth’s mouth. In retrospect, it was a weird thing to do. But in the moment, it felt right.

Beth sucked hungrily at her fingers. Sucking off both Chloe’s juices and Chris’s semen. Chloe leaned her head in until their lips touched. And, both naked, they made out for a few minutes.

“That was incredible,” Chloe whispered after a moment. “Thank you.”

“You were a goddess,” Beth responded.

“I stand on the shoulders of giants.”

“It sounds like you want to do this again.”

Chloe could only nod her head in agreement.

“Well, boys?” Beth asked, now entangled with Chloe’s naked body. “Did you enjoy this? Should we make this a regular thing?”

Chris and Tariq looked at each other briefly.

They both nodded quickly.


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