CEO Slut: A Day of Good Vibrations by Oldbroad76

CEO Slut: A Day of Good Vibrations by Oldbroad76


Part 1 — A Cougar and a Panther

Kim Barnes is a 42-year-old CEO of a medical device company near Cleveland who had a weekend fling with Nick, a young 22-year-old near Pittsburgh. Unbeknownst to her, Nick shows up to her work place the following week as the newest company hire. Soon, he holds her nude pictures and videos over her as blackmail, forcing her to follow his dress codes and wear a remote vibrator, which is where this story picks up.


Kimberly Barnes nervously fidgeted in her seat as she sat in the boardroom surrounded by Geneco’s senior vice presidents and corporate officers. It was 8 AM, and the company’s executive leadership team was assembled to review the monthly budget numbers. She was used to being the only female in these meetings as the upper corporate ranks were still dominated by older white males. As such, she was often touted by her company’s press to herald their support of female empowerment. Geneco reaped the benefits of her high-profile leadership position as industry observers often lauded the company for having a female CEO, although Kim lamented carrying the burden of that torch. Her CEO job was difficult and stressful enough as it was without carrying the weight of representing an entire gender on top of that.

Kim’s apprehension that morning, though, had precious little to do with her status as the only female in the room and everything to do with the remote vibrator stuffed in her vagina. She silently sighed and drew deep breaths to dampen her arousal as the vibrator ran at a low setting. The rest of the senior leadership team chatted jovially while she secretly suffered in plain sight.

“Kim, are you ok? You’re so quiet,” one of the Board members asked in concern, seeing she was abnormally aloof and distant.

Kim laughed nervously, trying to maintain her composure. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a bad night’s sleep, I’m afraid,” she replied, hoping to quell any suspicions that something was amiss.

She placed both hands together on the conference room table and nervously tapped her fingers. A low buzz emanated from her crotch, and though it sounded deafening to Kim’s ears, for everyone else, it was unnoticeable, blending in with the room’s background noise — the air blowing in the supply diffusers, the hum of the overhead projector, the sound of a dozen laptops running, and the idle chatter.

As the meeting began, Kim tried to relax. She changed positions in her chair. At first, she hoped crossing her legs would help suppress her arousal, but it just pressed the vibrator tighter against her vagina which accelerated her arousal. She quickly switched course and tried to spread her legs as widely as possible within the bounds of propriety. As she sat in the conference room, she leaned forward on the table, feigning deep focus on the current topic being presented, but, in truth, she was struggling to contain herself. She knew her mound was wet, and there was a dark wet spot on her panties.

“So, Kim, what do you think of the project proposal,” the head of R&D asked.

Kim shook her head back to reality. “I’m sorry,” she apologized, quickly trying to recover. “What other work gets delayed if we pursue this option?”

“As I showed on the second slide…” he went on to explain, clearly rehashing details already covered. Kim winced as she realized her inattention was painfully obvious to the entire room. She usually prided herself on her professionalism, but she had other deeper concerns at the moment.

Her mind could focus on nothing but the stirring in her panties. Kim started to wonder if she was overthinking the whole thing. What if I just embrace it, she thought? Maybe it’ll feel good, and if she stayed silent, no one would notice anything more than a satisfied smile on her face.

Just then she felt the vibrator’s intensity increase, and she silently cursed Nick. Last night, he offered her two lifelines, opportunities where she could text him, and he’d turn off the vibrator. She weighed texting him to quit it right now, but one look at the clock confirmed she was only 15 minutes into an 8-hour workday. She didn’t want to waste one of her precious lifelines so early. If she couldn’t survive the first meeting, what hope did she have for the rest of the day?

“Kim, are you ok?” another senior VP asked with concern in his voice. “You look like you’re struggling a bit to breathe.”

Kim was suddenly aware how labored her breathing had become. She looked up and saw a roomful of worried faces all focused on her.

Words of concern and offers of assistance came from all directions.

“Is it an asthma attack?”

“You look like you may faint.”

“Get her a drink of water.”

Ted, her protégé and Vice President of operations, came over and placed a hand on her shoulder. The gesture was obviously meant to comfort her, but his human touch at that moment struck an erotic nerve seemingly extending from her shoulder directly to her nipple, and she gasped softly in response, looking up at him with fearful eyes. Ted was perplexed by her reaction, and he stepped back.

She wanted to get up and leave, but she knew her legs were too weak to stand if she tried. Now it was too late to text Nick to call off the vibrator, not with the entire room gathered around and focused on her well-being. What excuse would she have for texting someone in that moment?

She was edging hard by this point, and she wanted to spread her legs wider but didn’t want to lose her last shred of dignity. The vibrator intensity turned up one more notch, and Kim knew she could no longer prevent her orgasm. She surrendered to the inevitable as someone placed a glass of cold water in front of her.

“Do you need us to call the Emergency Response Team? Do you need an ambulance?” Ted asked.

Kim smiled weakly and tried to summon her composure. She couldn’t fathom how to explain her predicament to an EMT and suffer the ensuing embarrassment if they examined her and figured out the true source of her dilemma.

“That won’t be necessary, I promise,” she replied as she tried to steady her nerves.

Her hand was shaking as she grabbed the glass of water and raised it to her lips. Her orgasm neared as she took deep breaths, surrounded by a dozen older white men all staring at her. She was about to cum right in front of a room full of her direct reports. The orgasm burst like a dam breaking, and she poured the water down her throat to suppress any hints of the orgasm from slipping out her mouth, the cold water running down her throat as her body shuddered. Her colleagues saw her body responding to the water intake while she knew her body was quivering in response to the endorphins shooting through her, causing the involuntary spasms.

“Oh my,” she sighed in amazement as she laid the glass back down. “Thank you,” she said as she wiped her lips and felt her body become steadier. “That was just what I needed. I don’t know what came over me, but I’m all better now, I promise.”

It was 8:30 AM, and Kim wondered how she would get through the rest of the day.

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