Coasters and Casinos Ch. 01 by fearthisss

Coasters and Casinos Ch. 01 by fearthisss

An old co-worker of mine recently moved back into town and rejoined my company. She had moved away to Chicago due to personal circumstances. We had kept in touch while she was gone. I was happy to see her back for a couple of reasons. She had a great personality, always fun and uplifting. She was very energetic and motivated others around her to be better. Her parents moved to the states and brought their values with them. They raised their daughter to be polite and respectful, especially to her male elders. The males ruled the roost in their culture.

And she was cute as hell. Her long, dark curly hair wrapped around a thin, smiling face. Her brown eyes always seemed to sparkle with joy. She had an athletic body covered in caramel-colored skin.

I was easily twice her age. But, from day one, when she joined our company fresh out of college, we hit it off. And we discovered we had at least one passion in common: amusement parks and rollercoasters.

Shortly after she came back, we made plans to head down to Texas and hit the parks. She hadn’t been to a park since she left, and my wife and son had no interest whatsoever. When I told them we were going, I had to fib. I told them a group from work was going. My wife would’ve barred me from going if she knew it was Bushra and I going. I would’ve understood, even though it was totally innocent. But I fibbed just to be safe.

Bushra and I arrived at the park when it opened, along with 20,000 of our closest friends. For anyone who’s never been to Texas in the middle of July, between the searing heat and extreme humidity, it’s something akin to being on the sun. Couple that with walking on black asphalt and a crowded park and you’re in a sauna.

Knowing what the weather was going to be like, we both wore as little clothing as possible. Bushra wore a skin-hugging white tank top and a pair of short, frayed blue jean shorts. Her long, dark legs fell into a pair of Converse sneakers. I wore a gray tshirt with my college logo emblazoned across the chest and a matching pair of basketball shorts.

We stayed until the park closed. We watched the fireworks marking the end of the night and left the park with the masses.

We had snacked on expensive park treats all day, but hadn’t sat down for an actual meal all day. As we headed north on I-35 and were leaving the hamlet of Sanger, Texas, I turned to Bushra.

“Hey, there’s a big casino not too far ahead. They’ve got a bunch of great restaurants inside. How would you like to do that, sit down and have a good meal before we get home?”

“Oh yes! I would like that very much!” she said in her Americanized Indian accent.

“Are casinos against your religion or anything? As long as we’re there I might throw a couple bucks at the one-armed bandits.”

“‘One-armed bandits’? Are there handicapped thieves inside this casino?”

“Ha! I don’t know about handicapped, but… No, there aren’t any thieves in the casino, per se. They call them that because the old slot machines had a lever on the side of them and…well, I’ll explain it when we get in there. But it’s totally safe.”

“Oh! Well, in that case, yes! That sounds fun!” She began to tug at her shirt. “Oh my goodness! It was so hot today! My bra is soaked with sweat!”

I chuckled. ‘Yeah it was hot!”

“Would you mind terribly if I took off my bra?”

That was unexpected. “Uh…well…yeah, sure. I don’t mind.”

In a flash, she had worked that female magic. The straps slid down her arms, she reached under her shirt, and out came the lacy undergarment. She tossed it onto the dashboard and fell back into the seat. “Oh my goodness! That feels so much better!”

“Hey, feel free to take off as much clothing as you want,” I said sarcastically.

She turned her head and studied me. Her lips curled into a mischievous smile. “You would like that very much, would you not?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Yeah. Sure. Why not?” I said playfully.

She smiled. “You are such a naughty one.” She paused. “Okay. Fine.”

My head spun between the road and the sight of her pulling her shorts down her long, toned legs. She looked at me with a grin and tossed the shorts onto the dashboard. She paused. She grabbed the hem of her shirt. In a flash, her long hair was falling out of it as it flew over her head. It joined the growing pile of clothes on my dash.

She massaged her perky breasts and tugged on her pointed nipples. “Mmmmmm, that is better. Are you sure you do not mind?” she asked with twinkling eyes.

‘Uh, yeah, no. Uh, yeah, that’s, uh, fine.”

“Oh my, my panties are soaked as well.” The flimsy white material slid down her legs. She held it up by her finger tips. “She how wet they are?”

I could smell her scent. “Oh yeah. Yup. They’re…they’re definitely, uh, soaked.”

The soiled garment joined the rest of her clothing. “Mmmmmm, that is so much better. Would you like to remove your shirt as well?”

“Well, I, uh…” before I could finish she was tugging at the bottom of the shirt and lifting it. The car swerved as I lifted one arm, then the other, and I was temporarily blinded as it was lifted over my head. “Wow, look at you!” she said when my shirt was balled in her hands. “You are in very good shape, Mark. Especially for a man of your age.”

She could’ve left that last part off. “Gee, thanks.”

“Does that not feel better? Would you like for me to remove more of your clothing?”

“Oh geez, Bushra. I dunno.”

“No, I insist!” Next thing I knew har hands had a firm grip on the waistband of my shorts and underwear. “Oh my goodness!” she gasped when my raging boner jumped out and slapped against the steering wheel. “It is so big!” I grunted when her tiny hand wrapped around the thick shaft. “And so hard!” Her hand began to slowly slide along the rod. She looked into my twisted face with a crooked smile. “Did this happen because of me, Mark?”

“Well…yeah! Jesus, Bushra. I mean…”

“Do you find my naked body pretty?”

“I find your dressed body pretty. I think your naked body is sexy as fuck!”

She giggled. “Is that so? Why have you not said anything sooner?”

I was having trouble concentrating while I tried to drive with my cock in her hand. “Well, you know, I’m married…you were married…”

“Yes, but that should not bar us from enjoying each other’s bodies if it is mutual, correct?” She paused. “Would you like for me to orally please you?”

“You mean, give me a blow job?”

She nodded while she continued to stroke. “Yes.”

“No, I want to hear you say it.”

“Oh! Yes. Um, would you like for me to, um, give you a, uh, blow job?”

I smiled and nodded. “I would like that very much.”

She giggled. “I thought you might.” She put her knees on her seat and leaned her body over the center console. Anyone we passed would’ve gotten a perfect view of her perfect ass. “Your penis is so big! I do not know if it will fit in my mouth.”

“You mean, my cock?”


“No. Say it. I want you to say it.”

“Oh! Yes, of course. Your…your cock is so big I do not know if it will fit in my mouth.”

“It’ll fit. I’ll bet you can even deepthroat it.” That was a lie. Only two women had ever been able to swallow the whole thing.


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