Diary of a Sex Scene by KnottLynnHardey

Almost every female cast members had been naked at some point on the show and most of the men too. Some of them had done their very first nude scene on this show as well and I’d heard all kinds of reactions from the actors from good to bad.

I’d also heard the crew whispering about the actors bodies and I’d seen leaked photos from the set; shots never meant to be revealed that appeared on the internet.

Of all the other actors whose experiences I had carefully observed none of them had been on the show for as many years as I had before their first nude scene. None of them had grown up in front of these people; they all been at least eighteen the first time they walked on set.

This was an entirely unique situation and it was receiving a lot of attention.

I was receiving a lot of attention.

The first thing we were going to shoot is called The Master Shot. Its a wide shot involving as much of the set as we can fit in the camera frame. Next we move the camera closer for two person shots and closer still until finally the tight shots of eyes and such.

In the master shot I was to be dangling from the rope and presented to the Evil King. The Wizard had cast a spell on me to make me compliant.

The room fell even more silent, almost everyone’s job was done until the director said cut and we filmed it again.

The First Assistant Director called out “Final touches!” meaning it was the last moment for all the departments to do any last tweaks to their stuff.

It was time for me to disrobe.

The wardrobe assistance held out her hand for the robe.

I stripped and kicked off the slippers and at last my body was revealed to the people I had been working with for my entire career.

Trying to avoid trembling with fear, or lust, or a dizzying mix of both I lifted my hands into the loop of rope hanging above my head. The props master a sixty-something year old grizzled film veteran was forced to press his body against my back and butt as he reached over my head to tighten the loop around my wrists.

It sent a perverse thrill though my skin. My body didn’t seem to care that this grandfatherly, kind, old man wasn’t attractive to me at all being touched in that heightened state felt titillating.

“Tight enough” He murmured in my ear?

“Tighter please.” The rope was soft and wasn’t biting into my skin. I wanted some resistance to struggle against for the scene.

The rope cinched tighter and I felt a stab of excitement at being helpless.

The hair and make up department swooped in and did tiny touch-ups to the make up on my body that had been smudged by the robe. As fifty people watched the women brushed my bare flesh with powder, rouged my nipples lightly, primped my meagre pubic hair and basically gave every man there a reason to watch them touch my most intimate parts.

The smell of my own lust wafted up to my nose humiliatingly. A stylist was inches from my sex using a brush to fluff my pubic hair artfully which wafted my scent into the air. I was mortified by my obvious pleasure at being exposed. My nipples were aching and pointed and my face flushed with a passionate blush.

I felt as if I wore a sign,

‘Horny Slut! Look at me!’

The props master handed the evil King a soft leather flail as the three actors moved in close and positioned themselves around my helpless, exposed body. It was exciting having them fully costumed while I was utterly naked. My eyes scanned their faces as they tried not to ogle me.

Their eyes on me gave me such a thrill that I could almost ignore the how guilty I felt for enjoying their lustful attention. I wasn’t supposed to like being naked this much but it made my insides warm and liquid.

“Clear the set please.” the first AD called and everyone scurried off leaving just the four of us.

No-one obscured anyone’s view of my nudity now, my pale skin glowing in the light was the brightest point in the vast room.

Helpless to resist my need for stimulation I squirmed rubbing my thighs together trying to squeeze my thrumming clit. I was abjectly aroused having all those eyes raking my nudity.

“Sound?” the first AD called.

“Speed” was the reply, indicating the sound was recording.


“Set” they each replied telling her they were ready.

There were three cameras shooting this take. One on a crane that was going to sweep across the scene as I was tortured and fondled, one on a tripod shooting straight at me and one handheld that was going to film each of us as the action moved.

“Action!” the director called and it began.

I slumped and dangled from my ropes, my body stretching, all the muscles engaged as I fought gravity. I acted dreamy and lost the Wizard having cast a spell on me last episode.

“What have you done to her?” the King growled.

“Made her more amenable to your attention m’lord.” The Wizard smirked. “The Princess knows where she is and what is happening to her but the slightest touch will inflame her desires, Highness. A slap will delight her. The whip give her pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. This is my gift to you to in some measure make up for the continued failure of my minions to capture her.”

“And a fitting gift it is.” the King reached for me and stroked his large hand down my cheek and I shuddered with delight. “Interesting…” The large hand crept lower and caressed my side and down over my buttocks. I writhed with unwanted passion at his exploration.

Then his hand spanked my ass hard, the sharp crack loud in the near silence.

Remembering my orgasms after the shower that morning I squirmed in my bonds and replicated the prolonged sexual torment of my earlier pleasure.

“Very interesting….”

As he continued to speak the King fondled my body but for this version he didn’t touch my breasts or go anywhere near my sex. Still the Princess took magic-induced delight at his touch and reluctantly moaned and whimpered as her body was filled with carnal bliss.

It was the easiest acting I had ever done.

“Thank you for bringing your sister to me.” the King grinned as he groped me looking over at the character who had betrayed the Princess.

“Adopted sister!” the actor playing my step-brother spat. “That brat was a nuisance as a child and has been more than a pest since your arrival your highness. She deserves whatever she gets.”

“That she does. Wench! You have set my plans back years.” He snarled into my face and I flinched, immediately switching from lust to fear as he stopped touching me.

Then his hands once more began to explore my body.

It was thrilling to feel hands on me, I had hardly ever been touched by anyone so intimately. Having it happen in front of a crowd of people was marvellous and for some sordid reason having it happen on film was distressingly provocative.

“Come, hold your sister still for me.”

The weaselly adopted brother moved close and held my hips. I acted grateful for his touch, and snuggled close to him.

“Tell me who is in your network of spies, Princess. How have you been eluding me all these years?”

“Go to hell!” I snarled at him, caught between hate and desire.

“I think I’m going to put you through hell instead.”

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