Diary of a Sex Scene by KnottLynnHardey

The King took a few more takes and I had to stand right next to the camera so he could interact with me. Most of his scene involved him fondling my body so the eye line was very close.

I didn’t strip for these takes, the camera was focused on only his face but I pressed against him so he had something to do while he acted. His big hands roamed over my body through the robe which wasn’t necessary for the shot but I loved being touched and it certainly helped his performance.

On the third take his roaming hand slipped under my robe and warm flesh groped mine making me sigh happily.

Next we shot the Weasel’s one line when he grabbed me and a few reaction shots as I was being whipped and he was holding me close.

I had to drop the robe for these because the director of photography said they needed to see my bare shoulder just to inform the viewer where the Weasel was in the shot.

I slipped one shoulder out and bared my left breast and we shot a few takes of me hanging from the ropes with the Weasel holding me.

Finally it was time for my close up. I once again removed the robe fully and placed my hands in the loop of rope above my head.

The first shots were of my face as I spoke and reacted to all that was happening to me.

With the camera inches from my face I portrayed the wide range of confusing emotions the Princess was experiencing. I began with the drowsy anger as I discovered where I was, the hate at seeing my enemies, the anguished torment of discovering I felt pleasure at the touch of my foes and then the series of humiliating orgasmic expressions of total ecstasy mingled with abject humiliation.

I did well, I’d had all day to feel these emotions so accessing them wasn’t difficult but it wasn’t transcendent.

I wanted more.

I asked the director if the guys could be physical with me. I needed a little push over the top emotionally.

This man was a good friend who had known me for years and I could see he understood that I wanted the scene to be special but that he was worried about what this was doing to me

“You sure this is ok? I mean you guys have crossed the line a few times today. I’m worried about you.”

Forced to look at my behaviour I wondered if I was asking this for me or for the show. Did I enjoy the public degradation my character was going through so much that I was using this situation to gratify myself?

Yes. That was exactly what I was doing.

And in that moment I was so aroused, so far gone in my debauchery that I didn’t care.

“Look, “I said, inspired. “The audience doesn’t particularly see me as a sexual being. We’ve spent years asking them to see her as a role model and a leader. My own public persona is of a girl next door sweetheart on purpose. If we are going to get them to buy-in to how life altering this scene is for her and for the rest of the arc of the show then we need to make sure that my acting goes deep enough for them to believe the Princess has fundamentally changed inside. I know I can get there, I just need a little help.”

The robe draped around me loosely I looked up at him, this uncle-like man as he considered my pitch. I attempted to look as sane as I could as he assessed me but I felt wild and out of control.

Finally he nodded and waved the other actors over.

“Guys we need a little help. If you would be willing we are going to help our Princess with the scene. Get in as close as we can and rough her up. Do your action as much as possible and lets see if we can dig a little deeper, ok?”

Everyone nodded.

I was asking these men to do what they had already been doing all morning but since the camera wasn’t actually recording them it was unusual. Big stars often didn’t even stay on set if they weren’t on camera. The King was of that level but here he was helping me by staying.

We did the scene again the camera tight on just my face but while we acted the King and the Weasel groped and fondled me, slapped and whipped me as much as they could with the camera and crew so close to me.

I had three orgasms during the scene. The King and Weasel didn’t stop touching me and they both inserted fingers inside my burning slit at different moments.

When the King investigated the effects of the spell rather than fondle my breasts which couldn’t be seen he reached down and placed a finger on my tender clit. My face twitched as I suddenly felt the stimulation I had been craving since the Weasel’s mouth left my sex. Big fingers rubbed my aching button until I came. He spaced his dialogue out to make sure my expressions were all seen by the camera.

Looking only at him, ignoring the camera and people around us, I committed to the scene and fought against the powerful orgasm he was giving me.

I lost the battle and my body released spectacularly, my climax an aching, straining thing that felt almost painful.

“Come hold your sister.” the King called as he prepared the flog. The Weasel was already there behind me and his hands fumbled around my body. I felt him grope my breasts briefly and then lower to my hips but then slide lower.

As the King began to flog my chest, his strikes not as sharp as earlier because he didn’t have room to swing, I felt the Weasel pull my ass cheeks apart lewdly. The kiss of leather on my bare breasts was helpful in bringing me deeper into the state of the Princess and I knew the camera was seeing something real, something special.

Then shockingly I felt the Weasel slide something bigger than a finger inside me.

I felt wonderfully, deliciously full and I was positive he had shoved his cock inside me. It was warm and big and moved as he wiggled his hips behind me.

As I was flogged and fucked I immediately erupted in a climax that felt like it tore my body apart on a cellular level. Lights exploded behind my eyes, my body trembled and I mewled in tormented rapture.

Some actor’s instinct allowed me to hold my head within the tight frame of the camera but my body exploded with blissful euphoria as the two men used me and took me erotic places I had never been.

When the director yelled cut The Weasel withdrew whatever he’d inserted into me and I quivered with disappointment and after-shocks of bliss. I desperately attempted to hide the fact that I was cumming as everyone commented on the scene and discussed doing another take or not.

The wardrobe assistant brought me the robe and my own assistant brought me some water which I drank greedily.

The team decided to move on to the inserts. These were the shots that didn’t show faces or dialogue but showed what else was happening. In this case those were going to be shots of my body and what the men’s hands were doing to me.

The were going to shoot the King groping me the first time, the slap on the ass, the shots of the Wizard stroking my nipple in close up, the Weasel groping me and holding my hips, and of course the whipping.

I could have used my body double, she was right there but I had zero interest in that. These close ups were the reason I had worked so hard on my body. But also I wanted more of those hands on me, more of the flog and more of the crew seeing me naked.

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