Diary of a Sex Scene by KnottLynnHardey

The next few moments were delightful for the exhibitionist in me. With A camera pointed at me I stood alone in the light, stark naked as the director, director of photography and the man in charge of lighting called the Gaffer all looked at my body in the monitor ten feet away.

“Lets lose some of the yellows; I want her body to look more pale. Her skin is luminous; I love that she kind of glows.” The DOP said.

The Gaffer spoke into his walkie-talkie and nearby men adjusted lights.

I stood still feeling the change in the light on me, feeling all those eyes exploring my flesh from afar. Some for professional reasons, others personal.

For two or three minutes the entire room’s purpose was to observe my nudity and attempt to make me look as perfect as possible for the camera.

“Can you put your arms up in the loop, please?” the DOP called to me.

I obeyed, a little thrill of pleasure shooting through me at being told what to do.

With my arms up in the rope I felt more exposed, more vulnerable and more aroused. It was perverse. and a new discovery for me finding out how submissive I was. I had never explored that part of my sexuality.

“Lets put a light up over on the left so we halo her hair a bit more… but also it will give her nipples more shadow. It will look great.”

The Director of Photography spoke, the Gaffer gave the order and men put a light where they said.

I remained suspended by rope exposed and examined, delighted by my plight.

“Should we get some ice cubes to put on her nipples so they stay hard?” the director asked.

“I don’t think her nipples have stopped pointing all day.” The camera man chimed in from where he stood behind the camera aimed at me.

“That’s true.” the DOP agreed.

“Fair enough.” the director said.

The slithery, insidious pleasure I got from being objectified so blatantly both inflamed my lust and mortified me. These men were like family. Before today they had never to my knowledge thought about my body in any sexual way; now they openly ogled my nudity and commented on the way to best expose it to millions of viewers.

Acting is so fucking weird.

As the lights were set up hair and make-up came over and I stood still as three women primped and preened my nude body. They re-covered exposed bruises and blemishes. They powdered me, tickling me with brushes. They fixed my hair, matted with sweat from all my physical activity and teased out my damp pubic hair humiliatingly.

Finally the lights were adjusted, the actors all back in place, my make-up touched up and I was ready for them to film just my body as the men abused me.

We spoke our lines just so we could be sure of what actions to do but by this point they had been caressing and stroking my flesh over and over so many times they knew what the order was. Still it helped us escape the embarrassment of what we were doing in public by speaking our lines.

A camera recorded everything from my neck down; B camera got in close and followed the Kings hands as he first stroked my neck, sides and down to my ass for the slap for the tamer version. Then we redid the same action with more intimate exploration.

Suspended by my arms I relished their hands running over my body while I was being filmed. It thrilled me knowing millions of people would see my tits being massaged, my hard nipples immortalized being whipped. I was thrilled that my body flexing and stretching as I writhed in sexual exertion would make men hard. I loved thinking that anyone who wanted to would be able to see what my hairy pussy looked like when this aired.

I felt like such a dirty slut and it was wonderful!

But like all good things it had to end.

Eventually the First AD called out, “Ok, moving on! We are wrapping first team. Thank you for a great day team!”

The crew burst out in applause which was unusual.

Normally actors only got applause on the day they were finished working on the project, which for us was only our guest stars. Also unusually they didn’t immediately begin working on whatever scene they were going to shoot next but rather watched us leave set.

Or perhaps more accurately watched me leave set.

It was unnerving.

In my dressing room I hopped into the shower to wash off the make-up and masturbate over and over. I was vibrating I was so horny. By the time I got out my poor clit was sore from so much attention.

I dressed in my street clothes and combed my hair. Over and over I marvelled that this had all been my job today.

Acting is incredibly weird.

I slept restlessly that night, same as the night before. I was feeling pretty scattered as I arrived to work for the second day of filming the Princess’s rape.

All night my dreams had been of the hands of everyone at work caressing my skin, touching my most intimate places and as I undressed for my scene I was squirmingly horny again. Once more my entire body was made up but this time there were more bruises to cover. The men had left quite a few marks on me yesterday and my tits were still tender from the whipping and squeezing.

We were shooting on the same stage as the day before but a different area of the King’s bedroom. The cameras were all pointing a different direction now focused on a huge bed pushed against a wall.

There were silken ropes tied to each bedpost. Huge pillows lined the massive, ornately carved headboard and thick blankets draped the massive mattress. Candles burned everywhere but only a few of them were real, those ones left unlit for now. Once again the brightest place in the room was the area where I was going to be tortured, my nudity on full display.

It seemed impossible but I was fairly certain there were more people in the room than yesterday. It seemed like every person who had ever lifted a light, turned a screwdriver or pulled a cable was on set trying to look like they belonged there.

It sent a delicious shiver of carnal anticipation rippling through my body at the thought of all those people wanting to see me naked.

Once again there were three cameras set up for the master shot, the crane, the handheld and the one on sticks. The action of the scene began with the King followed by two guards dragging me to the bed. The Princess is still under the wizard’s spell so their touch fills her with lust of course. As the two guards tie her to the bed the Wizard and the King have some dialogue.

We ran through the blocking a few times with me still in my big fluffy robe. The guards were played by a couple stunt actors that had been on the show for a few years each. They were big handsome men in their thirties who were good at both acting and performing dangerous physical stunts. They were highly sought after types of actors, people with sword training, martial arts training and stunt certification but who could also act.

Over the years I’d worked with both of these men in numerous fight scenes. I had killed them both in various ways: by sword, fire, falls and hand to hand combat. We had spent hours together and because of the physical closeness required we had sweated, spit, snotted and bled on one another.

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