Ch. 21 – Some Days One Wonders by Lee_Bee_Tee

Tony’s call came in just as they were going to walk into his hotel. Tyler handed Katie the crossover-wrap so that at least her tits would be covered. Tony says “Hey I see that you wanted me to call you honey. What’s up sexy?”

Katie says “Hi sweetheart. I want to ask a favor from you stud.”

Tony chuckles “Ok what is going on in that devious mind of yours?”

His wife giggles “Well this is another line crossing thing, baby. I’m not sure how to ask so here it is. I would like to spend the weekend with Tyler at his hotel room.”

Tony was silent for a few moments and then replies “Well honey… I’m going to say no. I can explain more once I get home. But as I say this… how about I suggest a counter offer. What if Tyler came to our home and sleep in the guess room?”

Katie hadn’t considered that option. She looks at Tyler and says “Let me talk with him about that honey. If we show up together tonight would that be asking for too much?”

Tony says “If you are careful about how it all happens sexy, that could work. Remember that you have some other people that might not understand what is going on. So, if you are here with him or if you were somewhere else with him… Jim might have an issue. I could have one as well, because… well because it’s kind of scary. However, you can get your way at times by helping to distract people. Do you get my drift honey?”

Katie thought about it some and says “Sweetheart, thanks for giving me your viewpoint, it means a lot to me. I will decide, and let you know what I’m going to do baby.” She hung up the phone and looked at Tyler. Leaning back on his bike she says “How about if you came home with me… for the weekend lover?” She saw the gears in his head turning and wondered what he might do.

He looked at this issue from a couple of sides. But staying at her house made the most sense to him. If she was alone with him for a few days she would drain him dry in a few hours. If he was at her house, he would have some help in keeping her satisfied. He looks at her like he is studying her, like he is unsure; then a smile appears. He gives her a nod and says “Let’s go play at your home Miss Katie. But do you have a place for me to sleep?”

Katie giggled “Yes. We have a guess room very close to my bedroom…lover!”

Valerie talked to her daughter and suggested that she take Jim out on a date. This idea had been running around in her head for a few hours. Getting Alicia to spend time with Jim had a lot of up-side in her opinion. Besides she wanted to see if Kat would have time to talk tonight. Knowing that Friday nights are a family’s busy time for some people she took a chance and sent a text to Kat.

He walked into the hotel and got a few things and left with his overnight bag. Katie was waiting at her car and he put the bag in. Looking around they knew that keeping it business like was best right now. He walked back to his bike and followed her home.

Katie saw a text pop-up from Val. Feeling like she now has a companion; one that was almost as horny as she gets at times. At the next light she looks at it, the message was short and to the point. Telling her car to call Val she asks in a fun voice “What’s up girl?”

Valerie giggles “I haven’t had anyone call me girl in years! Hey what I need to know is if you’re going to be busy tonight? I understand that you most likely will have things going on but William is at a card game and I hope that Alicia is on a date. So, if possible, I would like to spend some of your precious time talking about things. Things that we can’t talk about in public. Things that we need to discuss so that you and I can come to some type of an agreement.”

Katie had not wanted to have someone else at home tonight or this weekend. Then the idea of having her around Tony might be very useful! She says “Sure Val come over when ever you want. I’m driving and I will be home in a few minutes. So come anytime. I will be making dinner as soon as I get there.”

Valerie says “If it’s ok, I can help with dinner. I just don’t want to sit at home alone tonight. That way we can talk and hopefully get some special issues discussed. Sort of doing two things at the same time.”

Katie replies “That is all fine with me. I’ll see you soon. Don’t bother to knock just come in.” In her head a plan began to form, one of how this evening might turn out. It could be fun for everyone!

It wasn’t long before Valerie showed up in the kitchen. Katie was getting things organized and spread out on the counter. However, this was an important moment. Valerie stepped up and took Katie’s hands. Looking at her she starts “Kat I want to tell you how sorry I am that I took advantage of your son, and that I said things about you and him.”

Katie chuckled “Oh wow, you were so right about all those things. I can’t say that I’m sorry that I had Jim as a young lover. I’m very surprised at what I did myself. But you almost did the same thing that I did. How can I fault you for doing what you apparently needed to do.”

Valerie smiled “Wow I guess that our talk at lunch was something that we both needed. I know that I felt better about some of the things were talked over. But are you and I on the same page now?” Then looking at Katie up and down she asks “Did you wear that outside today!”

Giggling she says “Yes I did and you might hear all about it tonight!” Then Katie smiled “Yeah, we are on the same page. I think that I can say this now, I believe we are sort of companions. I would like to hear about some of your details but yes, I believe we are on the same page. I do think that… well I know that we both owe Tony something for putting up with two horny women. In that vein can I ask you to make my husband’s fantasies a reality? I know that I’m being blunt but I need to know?”

She looked at Katie for a few seconds “Well at this point I think that we have to be blunt. There are so many different things that we need to understand about each other, that getting down and dirty is the only way to get everything out in the open. So, to answer you… I think that I know what those fantasies are, that your husband might have about me. Then to summarize, I’m guessing that you want me to spread my legs for him, do I have that right?”

Katie nodded “Oh yes, he looks at you like a teenage boy looks at hot babes on his phone or PC. Tony thinks that you are so erotic and forbidden, he wants you so bad but he would never force himself on you. I’m going to guess that Jim has the same kind of hang up on you that his father has. However, I will never say ‘like father… like son’ to you!”

Valerie chuckles “To be frank many men think the very same way as Tony does about me. I don’t mean to say it in a boastful way, I just have had to deal with it all my maturing years. To be fair your husband has a working cock and mine doesn’t, and he is nice and good looking. It will be a new thing for me to have a man like him. If I can be truthful, I would really like to know what that would be like.”

Katie giggles “You didn’t mince words Val. Just don’t run off with my man!”

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