Ch. 21 – Some Days One Wonders by Lee_Bee_Tee

She chuckles “Well I don’t know if I can compete with Jim’s pimp, Kat. From what I hear from Jim your daughter has a strong hold on Tony. So, if anyone is going to run off with your man it may be your own daughter!”

Katie’s eyes flashed for a second and Valerie wondered if she said too much. However, shortly they were both giggling. She says “Yes, Kelly has a hold on her father. It’s been a surprise that she has latched onto him the way she has. To be fair it has been something that really has helped me since I couldn’t get enough of Jim. She distracts her dad in many ways, some are a surprise to me! Plus, the things that she did in setting up Jim with her friends was very unexpected. But if she hadn’t done that you might not have gotten a shot at my son!”

Soon they were both talking and comparing notes. There was a lot of ‘shut up!’ and ‘that’s not possible!’ statements, as they discussed the minute details. They were both amazed at what had happened to each other.

Pulling in to his garage Tony’s attention was drawn to the motorcycle parked over on the side of the driveway. Thinking to himself; well, that’s was one question that was answered for tonight. Telling himself that he might not know the complete story, then that inter voice chuckled to himself, telling him that he definitely didn’t know the whole story! Closing the overhead door, he walks in and is surprised to see Valerie working with this wife in the kitchen. He stops and looks at the two women that are now smiling back at him.

Giggling they both say hi to him.

He is in a mild state of shock as he says “I didn’t see your car Valerie, it’s a nice surprise to see you here.” Then his eyes were drawn to the window and saw Kelly sitting out on the patio with Tyler! Then two women stepped up and kiss him on his cheeks at the same time! He is surprised as he smiles at them both.

Looking closely at his wife, he stares at her shear top. He can see her tits and hard nipples on display. Katie can see him looking her over and knew that he had seen pictures of her that Tyler had taken before they went to the mall. She just let him look without giving it any notice.

Valerie could tell that Tony was distracted but replies “I parked on the street so that I didn’t take up any space on your driveway.” As she spoke Valerie saw him looking at his wife in wonder and then out the window to his daughter. She whispers to Kat “Hey I think that he is a little shocked at seeing the pimp outside talking to your boyfriend!” They both start giggling again.

The noise from the stairs gets their attention and soon Jim came in the kitchen and hugged his mom and turned to hug Valerie. But he saw his dad standing over to the side and didn’t act on it. But quickly he was pulled in for a hug by Valerie instead. He saw that his dad didn’t react to Valerie’s greeting. Now waiting for Alicia to show up and hoping that no one cares if he leaves tonight. He can’t take a chance on that little event catching his mom by surprise so he says “Mom I’m going out tonight and I might be late in getting home.”

Katie turned and started to say something but Valerie whispered in her ear. As Valerie talked Katie expression changed completely. She nods and says “That’s fine dear. Please be careful tonight.”

Jim sits down at the table and starts looking at his phone. Tony was so confused that he didn’t even look at his son, or he might have seen that Jim was dressed up. Soon he saw the text that he was expecting. He stood up and walked out the door. Tony saw his son’s movement but was wondering what was going on outside, on the patio. It was the beer the someone was holding up to him that finally returned him to earth. Looking at her face he didn’t understand why Valerie was standing next to him. She touches his arm and softly says “Hi Tony, I have something here that might help you out.”

Tony looks at her and then to the beer in her hand. He reaches out and takes it. She takes his arm and directs him to the table and he sit down. Turning around she walks back to work with his wife. He knew that things were going to be different tonight, but currently things are way different than he guessed they would be, before he walked into his house!

Tony sipped his beer, watching these four people. Then he realized that Jim is gone. He asks “Where did Jim go?”

Expecting Katie to reply, it was a little unnerving to hear Valerie voice “He went on a date with Alicia tonight.” He watches her look at Katie and then she steps over to him. She leans close and says “I had my fun with him today, Tony, or do I call you stud?” Stroking his hair, she says “I was hoping that his dad would sample what his son has be getting lately.” Valerie walks back and stands next to his wife.

They both watch him, as expressions run across his face. This setup was so much fun to put into action for the two of them. The look on that poor man’s face was priceless! Katie leans close and says “You are good Val. He doesn’t know if he needs to run away or if he should stay and hide!”

He sees them giggling together and wonders if he is dreaming. Tony watched his wife whisper into Valerie’s ear and then she handed her something. Then Valerie nods her head at her. In that slow sexy way that she walks, Valerie comes over to the table and carefully begins to sit in his lap! He looks at her and then to his wife, he now has no idea what to do!

Valerie moves so that she can put one of her arms around his neck and with the other she strokes his cheek. Leaning in she softly says “You don’t have anything to worry about tonight, Tony. I will help you to understand that fact clearly after dinner. So, here is a little gift from your wife. She wants you to have it back. It’s one that she borrowed and used today.” Then she kisses his cheek and stands up. As she walks back into the kitchen, he looks at the white handkerchief in his hand.

Valerie looks at Katie and says “Kat… right now he looks like a lost puppy! Are you sure that I should have done that?”

Katie replies “Yeah, you did it just like you should have. That look he has is one that I’ve seen a lot lately. It’s one that is so fun to play with, you have to trust me. I can get him so wound up that one would think that my husband would explode. You just started to winded up his emotional spring. Once we are all at the table, I can winded it up a lot more! Trust me, it’s going to be fun for us… and him!”

Valerie is still looking at Tony as he inspects the handkerchief. She says “Well are you sure that we should play with him?”

Katie giggles “Oh Val. A few months ago, I would never have considered doing something like I did today and then handing my husband the evidence of it. But I’ve slowly learned that he gets pleasure out of what I do. It’s like a sexual cup of coffee for him. And I get a jolt out of it as well. He is sitting there trying to battle with his feeling of lust and desire, with his need to control, plus he is fighting jealously in his mind. All those emotions are the building blocks of sexual satisfaction for my husband. And I get the full benefit of having sexual partners that take me to wonderful physical places! Don’t misunderstand my statement… he is one of those partners!”

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