How Traditions Start – part 13 by starrynight

How Traditions Start – part 13 by starrynight

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Dive into the sultry world of “How Traditions Start – Part 13” by starrynight, where passion and desire ignite in unexpected ways. Explore the enticing scenarios and tantalizing twists that challenge boundaries and spark fantasies.

Join the journey of pleasure and revelation—this is an irresistible read for those seeking to indulge their erotic imagination!

The Fletcher siblings continue to enjoy their vacation, taking things further than ever before.

, Thanks you all for continuing to read my work.

I’m sorry i neglected this series lately, as I hope many of you saw, I ran into an unexpected project I just could not ignore.

I found it strangely difficult returning to writing fiction after writing “The Things We Do at Home” and that’s partly why this part took so long.

I hope you enjoy and as always comments are highly appreciated.

For those who commented on previous parts, thank you, I plan to implement many of your suggestions in the following chapters if I hadn’t done so already.

How Traditions Start – part 13

An Original story by Starrynight

There was a naughty grin on Zach’s face as the elevator made its way down to the lobby.

There was another older couple with them, and the only sound to break the silence was that of the gentle music, the type you often find in elevators. Zach turned his head to his twin sister, and she looked back, a cute little smile forming on her pretty face.

The elevator arrived on the ground floor, and with a distinct click, the doors swung open.

They were both wearing nice clothes, Zach a pair of leather moccasins, light brown chino shorts, and a white button-down shirt, and Molly a sleeveless light blue blouse, denim shorts and white sandals, cute and elegant all at once.

They were both hungry, after the day they had, it was no wonder, and they quickly made way to the hotel restaurant where the family was waiting.

Liz watched her two eldest children as they arrived and joined them around the table. She smiled at them warmly, a mother’s smile, and watched the two as they took a seat around the table. She noted their relaxed demeanor, careless content smiles, lightly blushing, and the faint glow to her daughter’s skin.

She had a pretty good idea what her children were doing prior to dinner and was surprised. She thought the twins stopped doing that sort of thing some time ago.

Liz and Tom knew their children continued being sexual with one another even after what had disturbingly become the family’s eighteenth birthday tradition. Her children having sex with each other after their birthday, sister with each brother and brother with each sister, was her idea.

It was an additional chance to experience and practice sex with someone closer to their own age, but it didn’t stop there. She knew her children continued having sex after their first time with each other, and though she wasn’t sure she approved, she certainly did not have the right to tell them to stop, after all, it was Tom and her that introduced them to sex.

She was the one who striped her sons of their virginity and her husband who deflowered their daughters.

Liz knew that her two eldest children, the twins, used to fuck like bunnies when they were younger, but she was under the impression that when they both went off to college it stopped. She just discovered otherwise.

“There you are.” Lisa, the youngest sister, said as Jack and Presley finally arrived, looking flustered.

“I’m starving.” The young girl added accusingly to her brother and sister, and their mother gave them the same studying look. Presley’s glow and Jack’s blushing made what they were doing much more obvious and much less surprising.

She gave her four children another studying look, shaking her head in bewildered amusement, not knowing what to think, then looked back down at the menu.

It was the end of their second day in the beautiful resort, and the family entered the familiar rhythm as they dined.

A waiter came by with a bottle of wine, pouring around, and while she was on her second glass, looking between her young beautiful children, and her handsome husband, Liz was becoming aroused.

After dinner, dessert, and more wine, all seven of them sat around the table, a big happy family, then called it a night.

The kids all retired to their hotel rooms, while Liz and Tom decided to go for a short stroll on the beach.

It was a warm moonlit night, a gentle sea breeze blowing as husband and wife slowly walked along the beach. The sand was still warm beneath Liz’s feet, her shoes in one hand while the other was holding her husband’s hand. Liz looked up at the sky, the moon only a few days past its monthly glory, and the sky speckled with millions of sparkling stars.

She sighed, breathing in the salty ocean air, and playfully bumped her body into her husband.

“This is nice.” Tom said tenderly, looking over at his wife.

A satisfied expression on his face.

“It is.” Liz said, awarding him with a warm smile, and let out another sigh.

“What is it?” Tom asked, sensing his wife had something on her mind.

“Zach and Molly are having sex again.” Liz said casually, the uncertainty she was feeling, clear in her voice.

“Oh, really? How do you know?” Tom asked, surprised by this too.

“When they came down to dinner today, I could tell by looking at them.” Liz said, and Tom nodded.

“What about Zach’s girlfriend?” Tom asked but his wife just shrugged.

“Presley and Jack have been going at it also ever since…” Tom continued.

“You could tell, huh?” Liz asked her husband as they continued to walk.

“You mean tonight? It was pretty obvious. I noticed Jack always has this guilty look after, he can barely look you in the eye, and Presley is exactly the opposite, she has this innocent expression and looks straight at you.” Tom said and his wife laughed.

There was a time not too long ago when he would have found this entire conversation disturbing to the core, but that time had passed.

They continued walking on the beach, not talking, listening to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, until they reached the end of the resort’s beach and turned back.

“Does it still bother you?” Liz asked, staring down at her sand covered feet.

“What does?” Tom asked.

“The kids, having sex…” Liz said quietly and turned to look at Tom.

“Yes, a little, but I trust them.” Tom said in a deep serious tone.

He looked over at his wife who nodded.

“Do you ever think about your nights with Molly or Presley?” Liz asked carefully.

“Do you think about your nights with the boys?” Tom asked back, not answering her.

“Yes.” Liz admitted, blushing.

“I do too.” Tom confessed guiltily.

“And how does it feel thinking back on it?” Liz continued.

“It gets me…hot.” Tom admitted in a hushed voice, his throat going dry.

“It’s okay.” Liz said, squeezing her husband’s arm lovingly, “I know what you mean.” She said and gave him a naughty grin.

Husband and wife returned to the hotel, nodding politely to the clerk as they took the elevator up.

They were alone in it, and Tom grabbed his wife’s ass, making her jump as he squeezed her firm orbs, a wanton gleam in her eyes. They knocked on the boys’ door, catching all five of their children watching a movie, some already asleep, and bid them a good night before continuing to their suite.


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