My darkest dream by Desire2beagurl

My darkest dream by Desire2beagurl

This is a dream I’ve had several times. It encompasses several dark thoughts which may not suit some people. , I slowly start to awaken, although I don’t remember even falling asleep. My eyes creep open to the darkness of the room I find myself in. My head is pounding and spinning trying to recall the last thing I can or even trying to remember falling asleep in the first place. Little by little I open my eyes more and more to try to peer into the darkness around me. I can’t seem to feel anything except for a tingling all over my body which subtly turns to throbbing pain. I try to access the situation I find myself in, unable to move anything, my throat too dry to even try to make a sound let alone there seems to be something stuffed into my mouth preventing it anyways.

Suddenly bright lights flare to life causing my pounding headache to magnify, forcing me to close my eyes tightly again. I hear other muffled cries and gasps and the sound of a door closing followed by heavy footfalls. Closer and closer they get to me until I hear them almost on top of me as they stop. I can hear the breathing of the person standing above me. I try to move again but my efforts prove useless whether because of the lack of strength in my muscles or the restraints keeping me from even shifting in the chair I can feel myself in. Pain like needles under my skin starts to radiate throughout my body. I hear the person standing over me clear their throat and slowly try to open my eyes, slowly and painfully adjusting to the bright lights that now fill the room. Finally adjusting fully to the surroundings, shock, disbelief, anger, and all sorts of emotions start raging through my groggy mind at the horrific scene before me. Again I try desperately to strain at the bonds keeping me in the position I am in and again my efforts are completely in vain. Tears start to form in my eyes, running down my cheeks as defeat starts to weigh heavily on me.

“I’m glad you are all finally awake,” the man in the white lab coat says looking at everyone in the room, “although that’s also a little on our part since we’ve been keeping you all in medically induced comas until the time was right. Which it now is.” Smiling widely he directs his gaze down at me. “We do have to thank you most of all though, since if it hadn’t been for you putting in your application on our site we would have never come across such a wonderful assortment of experiments.” The man in the lab coat continued as I tried to wrap my head around what exactly was going on. “You see, your request for a more exciting life, along with looking over your rather interesting and extensive search history, we decided that you, and your family, were the absolute prime candidates for our trial runs.”

The numbness in my body begins to fade even more giving way to more pins and needles and other strange feelings. The man in the coat pulls up a rolling stool, sitting down beside me grinning as he continues, “The numbness and the pain are only temporary, but the rest is quite permanent, I assure you. For you we decided to let you fulfill your wildest dream.” I looked at him with a confused expression on my face until I suddenly realized what he meant as the weight on my chest gradually increased as the numbness wore off faster and faster. I heard the man laugh as he spun my chair around and with shock and horror I tried to scream but the gag covering my mouth only let out muffled groans as the tears streamed down my face even more. Staring at me in the mirror in front of me was an image I couldn’t recognize at all but at the same time my mind grasped to the idea that it was me staring back.

The man chuckled again as he started again, “As you can clearly see we gave you quite the makeover. Let’s start from the top down shall we.” He gently tugged the blonde hair hanging off my head, “We decided to make you a blonde bimbo for all that sex you’re going to be having.” Running his hand down my face, “We permanently tattooed this whorish make-up on you so you won’t need to worry about painting those thick cock-sucking lips we gave you,” running his fingers down my face they brush over the overly plump lips wrapped around the gag still stuck in my mouth and throat. “We also gave you definitely more feminine features,” he said stroking his fingers down my chin and neck, “and gave you AMPLE assets to attract all sorts of lovers,” he chuckled as he ran his hands over the extremely over-sized bimbo breasts hanging off my chest tipped with thick eraser-sized nipples, my body involuntarily stiffening and a sense of dampness grew in my lower region as he teased one nipple and then the other. Running his hands further down he continued his rant. “Then we gave you a much slimmer waist but a definite sturdy foundation,” he smirked as his hands ran over my new hourglass figure to my voluptuously juicy ass. Gliding his hands to my crotch he gave an evil chuckle, “Don’t worry though, with all the high concentrated levels of hormones we pumped into you we left you with a small, well now a very very small, shred of your manhood.” As he said this I felt his fingers brush over the small, pathetic, but overly sensitive nub that used to be my penis. As his fingers moved over it I could feel the wetness leaking from the tip but something felt off. He scoffed, “Oh, don’t you worry, we had those unsightly things removed as you won’t be needing them anymore. And since we took the liberty of rerouting your plumbing the only things that pathetic little nub will be good for is to piss and shit.” I looked at him with a confused look plastered on my face mixed with waves of lust building up inside me from the touching of my new body. “Never fear,” he said grinning from ear to ear, “that ass of yours has a new purpose. With the ring we installed and the glands we implanted that back door will be nice and wet and ready to take any size cock in a moments notice.” With that he held up his hand in which he held a remote and with the push of the button a huge pressure pushed up from the seat right into my wide open, lubed up asshole as the large dildo sprang up with force. Almost as if by instinct a low moan issued out past the gag in my mouth and a sense of pure euphoria ripped through my brain. I could feel the orgasm building as the dildo repeatedly pumped in and out of my self lubricating hole. My eyes started to roll back into my head as my moans got louder and louder and just as suddenly as it had began the man pushed the button again sending the dildo back beneath the chair leaving my hole dripping and empty and a shameful sense of loss washed over me.

“We will get back to that but first, let’s meet the rest of the family shall we.” He said, spinning my chair back around to the dimly lit room. “Let’s start at the youngest and work our way up shall we,” he said coyly smiling his evil grin. He pushed another button on the remote and another part of the room lit up, my youngest daughter sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, naked except for a collar around her neck, but something was definitely off about her. “With her we decided to go a rather filthy route. We boosted her immune system and filled her belly with a special enzyme that safely, easily, and quickly breaks down all kinds of fecal matter.” I tried to understand the words coming out of his mouth but for some reason I found it harder and harder to focus on anything other then having my hole…my pussy…filled again. “We also extended her jaw, distended her throat, and as an added bonus,” he chuckled, “we lengthened her tongue to get all those hard to reach spots. We also took the liberty of molding a cup to one hand and forming the other into a sort of scoop. All in all though she is the perfect example of a human toilet.” His words suddenly hit me and my sorrow went out to her when, as if on cue, a fat hairy naked man walked into the room over to her. I saw her previously dim looking eyes light up as she opened her newly extended jaw out wide. The man walked over to her, turning around and squatted down slightly. With a short grunt a loud wet fart echoed in the room. I could see my daughters eyes fill with joy as she audibly sniffed the air deeply, her mouth literally and noticeably began to water, her extended tongue licking her lips in anticipation. Another grunt and a large, smelly turd pushed forth protruding from his ass. My daughters eyes went wild with joy as she opened her mouth even wider allowing the log to fall into her mouth followed by several more thick logs of shit and watched as the turds flowed from the man’s ass, into her mouth, and down her throat. Her tongue instinctively shot out scraping and wiping any remnants of the feces the man had in his bowels. Licking her lips of the remaining flecks of poop, the man turned around, aiming his cock at her mouth and let loose a putrid, acrid stream of yellow piss. Greedily she swallowed it down as quickly as it hit her mouth, the corners of her lips curling into a delightful smile. As the stream of piss slowly died to a trickle you could see the obvious change in demeanor from happy as a clam to sad and depressed. Just as suddenly a loud rumble echoed from her belly and a smile plastered itself on her face again as she assumed her own squatting position, placing her cup-formed hand under her pussy and her scoop-shaped hand under her ass. With a slight grunt a strong hiss of her pee sprayed into the cup filling it to the brim and with another a pile of dark brown poop flowed easily from her rectum into her waiting hand. Visibly shaking with glee and excitement she quickly brought the scoop to her mouth filling it with the mushy turds, her cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk. Swallowing it down she quickly brought the cup to her lips draining it just as quickly. Her extended tongue reached out throughly cleaning both hands of any leftover waste, finally licking her lips and returning to her seated and dazed position.


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