“My Halloween party at the Mortuary” by VampirTARA

“My Halloween party at the Mortuary” by VampirTARA

I’m a 41 year old mortician / funeral director that operates our family’s Mortuary and cemetery. I’m married in a polygamist marriage ( not Mormon ). I have three children two teenagers and a two year old, now I have 2 Sister Wives, Toni that’s a year younger than me and she is also my biological sister with 4 children to our husband. Then there’s Kathy that is a good bit younger than us, she’s 23 years old with 1 child to our husband. , Hello I’m Tara, I’m going to tell you a little bit about myself first, so that it may help you understand the story a little better.

I’m a 41 year old mortician / funeral director that operates our family’s Mortuary and cemetery. I’m married in a polygamist marriage ( not Mormon ). I have three children two teenagers and a two year old, now I have 2 Sister Wives, Toni that’s a year younger than me and she is also my biological sister with 4 children to our husband. Then there’s Kathy that is a good bit younger than us, she’s 23 years old with 1 child to our husband.

Well, it was Saturday October 31st 2015 Halloween, me and my sister wives decided that since we had no viewings or funerals scheduled for the week. To hold our usual Halloween party in the mortuary Chapel this time, instead of our house next door. Because the chapel was more roomy and we could also use a couple of the empty adjacent viewing rooms. Well, the day before I had my husband and the Cemetery grounds crew boys. Move all the pews out of the chapel and just leave a few against the walls for people to sit on. Well, our older brother (Me and Toni’s) came over that morning to help us girls, me, my sister wives and our cousin Kelly, decorate and stuff.

Well, I was dressed in my short little white tank top and my tight white yoga pants with Tennis Shoes. so it was a little after 9 a.m. my sister wife Kathy was up on the chapel stage setting up the sound equipment and my sister Toni was making sure all the areas we did not want the guests to go into were locked. While my brother helped me hang purple and black streamers and the purple twinkles lights from the ceiling. We had just got done hanging my lights and in the midst of hanging the streamers. When I put by hand down and said to my brother, “Hand me a another piece of tape.” Well, I turned my head and looked down, because he didn’t hand me any tape. I said, “Jimmy hand me some tape! what are you staring at?” I said that, but I knew what he was staring at my ass.

My brother replied, “Nothin!” as he handed me some tape.

I took the tape and said, “Yeah right! you were staring at my ass, what a perv.” Then my 18 year old daughter and her friend Amy came in the chapel. I said hi girls, what’s up?”

“Mom can I get some money?” she said.

I said to her, ” Honey I didn’t get to the ATM machine yet, maybe your aunt Toni, wait a minute here comes your dad ask him.”

Our daughter yelled, “Daddy and I get some money please!”

I said to Amy, “watch he’s going to give her anything she wants, she has him wrapped around her finger, thank God I taught her well!”

He replied to his little girl, “How much do you want?”

She replied, “Can I get $250.00 by the way daddy look at the costumes me and Amy have, I’m going to be a vampire with a mask and Amy’s going to be Catwoman from the Batman. Not the old Batman, he was kind of gay looking!”

Well, he dug in his pockets and gave her exactly what she wanted, she kissed him on the cheek and the girls left.

It was a little bit after 5 p.m. when we were all done with the decorating, setting up and preparing the food. The party was to start at 7 p.m. but we knew, the guests we’re going to be arriving sometime after 6 p.m. We invited our friends, relatives and the ones that work for us at the Mortuary and in the Cemetery, so we were going to have a small army showing up soon.

Well, I went next store into the house to change into my Halloween costume, just as our teenagers we’re off to do their thing for Halloween and my mother and father-in-law came to pick up the little kids to take them for Halloween.

My little girl said to me, “Are you going to be scared tonight Mommy?”

And I said to her, “It’s not the things that go ‘bump’ in the night that scare me. It’s the things that go ‘AAUGH!’ Okay Grandma and Grandpa are waiting, you have a good time at the firehouse party, I’ll see you tomorrow, love you!” I gave her a hug and kiss and she went out the door and I went upstairs to change.

After putting on my costume, I went back over to the mortuary, carrying one of those fireplace lighters to light the jack-o’-lanterns the kids had carved out in front. As I walked up to the front of the mortuary, my brother standing out in front smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer.

My brother said laughing to me, “Tara the way you’re dressed, I can put you on a corner and make some money. So, sis do you need a pimp, cuz I’m willing to put you on the corner if you do!”

My mouth dropped open and I yelled, “YOU FUCKING PIG!

Well, I bent over and started lighting the jack-o’-lanterns and just as I was lighting the last one in front of the mortuary door. As I was bending over, I looked up and seen my brothers reflection in the glass of the doors. He was like really looking up my skirt, big time. While he smoked is cigarette, I turned around and said, “Are you looking up my skirt?”

“No I’m just standing here smoking my cigarette, watching light the pumpkins,” my brother said.

I yelled, “BULLSHIT! I seen you in the glass of the door looking what’s gotten into you today I’m your sister!”

My brother said, “Well, I couldn’t help it, your skirt is so damn short and they are some sexy black silk panties you have on Tara.”

My brother yelled as I opened the door to go into the mortuary, “Hey sis since I helped set up today, when I go home tomorrow can those panties you’re wearing, as a thank you present!”

I screamed,”Aaugh!!!!!” and I walked in the mortuary

Then just as the door closed behind me my brother yelled “I love you when you’re mad Tara!”

Well, it was a just a smidge after 7 p.m. and I said to my sister wife Kathy and Toni, ” Holy shit that is the second Darth Vader costume I seen walk in, I’m going to go put one of these pumpkins stickers on our husbands shoulder. So we can tell who he is,” then I went and tracked him down, I put the sticker on him and said, “Don’t remove it. there’s enough Darth Vader’s running around here, your wives want to know which one is ours!”

About 8 p.m. my 18 year old daughter walked in with her friend and Amy from college with their boyfriends one was dressed as Darth Vader and the other a stormtrooper and they were both drunk. I said to her, “What are you two doing drinking, you’re both are only 18 years old. So, what happened to the party you guys were going to?”

My daughter replied, “I know Mom, we’re not supposed to be drinking, but it’s Halloween, we’re not getting into any trouble.”

Then her friend Amy said, “The party got shut down by the cops for be too loud.”

“I thought you were going the vampire with the mask costume and Amy was going to be Catwoman,” I said.


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