Seeing Dad at the Strip Club by je71sox

When I walked in, I was greeted; by my mother, who was sitting in the living room drinking wine and reading one of her favorite authors. “Hey, bunny.” She called out.

“Hey, mom. Can I ask you why you and dad split up?” I asked.

“It’s been a long time since your father, and I split. We have never hidden anything from you. We just fell out of love. Sometimes it’s just that simple. I have nothing bad to say about your dad. He’s a good man and a great father. Why the question, suddenly?”

“A friend of mine has a crush on him. You know how girls talk. My friend Linda has no boundaries and brings things up. I realized that I have no idea who dad is beyond being my dad.”

“Girl talk gets complicated when it comes to crushes on parents.” My mom had a habit of avoiding conversations by turning them into a lecture; this is what I thought she was attempting. “But, your friend would be a lucky girl if she had the opportunity to follow through on that crush.” Mom looked up from her book, at me, with a smirk on her face. “You know what I mean?” then she let out a devilish laugh.

I thought to myself, ‘the door is opened.’ I started laughing when I asked, “He’s that good?”

“Monica, your dad, is…that…GOOD!”

We both laughed at my mom’s recollection of her escapades with my dad. About an hour later, I got a text from my dad, so I told mom, “I’m heading off to bed. Enjoy the rest of your night.”

My father wanted to know if I was home safe or working. I texted him back, “I’m home. I’m not working tonight. I gave my shifts up for the week after last night.”

Dad’s response took me back a little. He was flirtatious, “Well to be honest. You shouldn’t be giving up shifts. You looked like you needed the practice. You looked off your game. Lol.”

Dad and I have always talked shit back and forth with each other. I guess we are adding me stripping to the shit-talking agenda. “Well, you were too scared to even give me my tips properly. Unless you’re telling me, you are always that timid. Lol.” I wanted to see his response, and after five minutes of waiting, I sent another text. “No response, smartass? Too scared?”

I saw that he was typing. Then, it came through. “Sweetheart, trust me. I am not scared, and I’m not timid. I have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO BE TIMID. Trust me. I was being respectful because you choked once you saw me gazing at your body.”

I had never seen this side of my father. This must be how Linda and my mom see him. I found his confidence cute. I was picturing him looking at me last night. I wanted more information, but first, I wanted to know what condition he was in. Dad likes to get a buzz on pretty regularly. He never drank around me, but I knew he did when he didn’t have any responsibilities.

I pushed for information, “You must be drunk. You’re kinda full of yourself tonight. Just admit, you froze because you couldn’t believe what your eyes were gazing upon. LOL!” I waited patiently for his response.

“Not drunk yet. I have reason to be full of myself. Unfortunately for you, you’ll never know why. Of course, I liked what I saw. You looked hot up there. Your body was amazing. The guy sitting next to me is the one who told me I had to come to see the girl, mini strip. I wasn’t disappointed, even though you choked. That’s why I gave you all of my cash. Next time I want a lap dance. Who’s scared now?”

He was right. I was scared. He came there specifically to see mini, not knowing that his daughter was mini. Then when he saw me, he turned all his money over. He just admitted that he liked seeing me perform nude. I could not let him win the shit-talking game. “Well, unfortunately for you, I’m off for the rest of the week, and you don’t know my schedule, so no lap dance for you. TRUST ME, I WON’T CHOKE AGAIN! Of course, you like what you saw. I’m hot AS FUCK! Good night, dad. Love you! By the way, I’m never scared, especially of you. 😊 Now go to bed!”

I was hoping this conversation was over, at least for tonight. “Good night, Monica! I love you too! I know you won’t choke again.”

Over the next few days, dad and I hadn’t talked a lot except for a general conversation. Mom and I were glued to the TV most nights, watching the news about the pandemic. Mom told me, “They are talking about shutting everything down. I don’t know what people are going to do if that happens.” Things were getting scary. School set up a mandatory meeting with the students for Monday.

On Thursday, I called the club manager, Glen. I wanted to see if we were still open. I had to cover Linda’s shift on stage. Glen told me that we open on Friday and Saturday but couldn’t commit to anything beyond that. Glen was worried that everything was going into mandatory shut down.

I showed up at the club on Friday for my ten o’clock set. The club was not as packed as it usually was on a Friday. Right before I went out to perform, I got a text from my father. “I didn’t know you were working tonight. Sorry if my being here creeps you out. I don’t want to act suspicious. Knock’em dead!”

I wanted to perform tonight. I needed to get as much cash as possible before everything shut down. I also wanted to make dad uncomfortable so the next time he, wanted to talk shit I would be able to win. I replied, “Thanks for the heads-up. Get ready for a performance. Lol.” I went out and danced my ass off for forty-five minutes. I spent a lot of time dancing in front of my father. I Teased him and the men n his section. All of the men were signaling for me to go to a backroom for a lap dance. Including my father.

When I got backstage, I told Glen, “Send the guy Mikey to room five for a lap dance.” I couldn’t believe I was going to give my dad a lap dance in a private room. In for a penny, in for a pound, I thought.

I put on a sheer robe and got escorted to room five, where my father was waiting for me. I whispered in his ear, “Security is right outside the door. If you want to talk, do it quietly. OK?”

Dad shook his head. I climbed on his lap, facing him so we could talk, as the first song came on. I was completely nude under the robe, but I had kept it on and closed. He asked me, “Are you OK? I can’t believe you are doing this.”

I ground my pussy into my dad’s lap, gyrating my hips, grinding as hard as I could. I whispered into his ear, “Yes, dad. I’m OK. I know I’m safe.” I arched my upper body back, so he could see my hips sway; as I dry humped his groin. For the rest of the first song, we said nothing.

When the second song began, I attempted to get up, and dad grabbed my hips. “Don’t go.” He whispered.

I told him, “I’m not going anywhere. You get three songs. I’m turning around. By the way, you’re not supposed to touch the girls in these rooms.” I smiled and winked at my dad as I turned around, straddling him with my ass bouncing on his lap. I started to feel his dick react to all the attention I was giving him. I wanted to see if Linda was being honest or exaggerating. I leaned back into my dad, whispering, “Does it feel good daddy?”

Dad pushed his pelvis up, dry humping me back. “Yes, Monica. Keep going.”

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