Slut Son Ch. 05 – The Delivery Tip by DomGuardi

Simon: Is she out front?

Kelli: By check-in. I’ll tell her you’re about to go to lunch and take her to the grotto.

Simon: Thanks

Simon was disappointed for not being able to finish, or even start, masturbating. Shouldn’t be jerking off at work anyway. What the hell is wrong with me?

In a secluded section, on the beach side of the property, there was a special private grotto for resort employees to: have lunch, take breaks, or on very rare occasions have a happy hour. Simon arrived and was instantly aroused by the vision of his stunning aunt waiting for him. She had treated him with black six-inch heels that accentuated her sculpted legs, a black mini-skirt that was stretched over her thighs and meaty ass, and a light-purple buttoned blouse that by some miracle did not burst open across her chest.

“Hello handsome!” Brigit greeted her nephew.

Simon hugged his aunt tightly, “Aunt Brigit! It’s only been since last night, but I couldn’t wait to see you as soon as possible.”

“Aww, you missed me that quickly?” Brigit asked sweetly.

“Of course.” Simon replied and lowered his right hand to his aunt’s muscular ass to get a firm grip.

“Think you can ‘cop a feel’ whenever you want now huh?” Brigit raised an eyebrow at Simon, but couldn’t hold back a bright smile.

Simon laughed and shook his head. Then he inquired, “so, what brings you by?”

“Well, your mother told me where you work, so I just wanted to stop by and say goodbye in person.”

Simon stepped back and shot his aunt a surprised look. “Wait, what? You’re leaving? I thought you said you’d stay through the week.” There was a hurt tone in Simon’s voice.

“I planned to, baby.” Brigit stepped forward and placed her left hand on Simon’s face. “But I got some messages from my investment manager about some properties that I’ve been looking at for a while.” Brigit slipped her other hand around Simon’s waist and pulled him in tightly. She enjoyed the feeling of his stuffed meat pressed hard against her pelvis. “I’m just heading out to inspect the properties one more time before I pull the trigger.” Brigit felt her nephew’s cock grow as it was pressed against her hard abdomen. She then snaked her tongue inside of Simon’s mouth and lowered her left hand all the way down to work his imprisoned cock through his pants.

Simon smashed himself against his aunt’s massive jutting breasts and reached behind her to dig his fingers into her perfect rump.

“Mmm, you don’t know how badly I want this Simon.” Brigit moaned into his mouth.

“Dammit this fucking sucks!” Simon said bitterly. “You’re leaving.”

Brigit reluctantly left her nephew’s embrace. “It’s just for a couple of weeks tops, baby.” Simon turned his head away from her. “What? Why do you look so disappointed?”

“It’s just…I really liked being with you. And, from the moment I woke up it’s all I could think about.” Simon said with a rather sad tone in his voice.

“Aww, that’s really sweet. Trust me, we’ll pick this up when I get back. And besides, you’re going to get plenty of action while I’m gone.” She said as she winked. They embraced each other again, and that time their spit-swapping was so aggressive they could taste one another’s tonsils. Finally, they parted and a thin strand of saliva still connected their lips. “You have to continue being my number one slut while I’m gone.” Brigit grabbed Simon by his chin and looked deep into his eyes. “Lot’s of women, especially your sweet mother, need dirty raunchy sex without fear that the guy is a creep. That needs to be you.” Simon simply nodded, but the sad expression never left his face. “So, always make yourself available. And never say ‘no’. Not to any kink. Do you understand, my pet?” Then, Brigit stroked Simon’s hair, “oh baby, I’m glad you were having so much fun. I never expected this when I came to visit, but this is your new lifestyle now, and I promise you’ll really come to enjoy it. Will you do this for me?”

With eager eyes, Simon responded, “yes, I’ll do anything for you.”

Brigit giggled. “Thank you, slut,” and gave Simon one last kiss. “Now, I’m going before I take things further and get you fired for having awesome sex with a hot mature redhead in public.” And with that, Brigit grabbed her purse from a nearby table and left through a side gate.

Simon, with a slow pace and melancholy in his steps, returned to the delivery bays and found his supervisor waiting for him.

“What? No sneaking away? No hooky? Sigh. You disappoint me Memphis.” Kelli teased and shook her head.

“Huh? Oh, no. She just…uh…came by to see where I work.” Simon was nervous. Kelli had already guessed too much, and under no circumstance did he want to divulge that the woman that came was his aunt.

“Uh huh. Who is she?” Kelli asked.

“No one.” Simon lied.

“No one?” Kelli responded with a skeptical tone. “Some random woman, who’s hot as fuck, just came by to see where you work.” Kelli then stood uncomfortably close to Simon. “You’re at least hooking up with her, right? I don’t know why you’d be embarrassed. Come on, man up and tell me.”

Simon was still for a while before he was finally able to answer, “Y…yeah. A few times, actually.”

“GASP! Is she a pornstar? Are you doing porn now?” Kelli became very excited.

“What!?” Simon couldn’t believe what his boss was asking him. “What the hell is a matter with you? No, she’s not a pornstar. And I’m not doing porn.” Simon responded defensively. Then, under his breath but still heard by Kelli, “although, that would be pretty cool.”

“Wait, seriously? You would do porn?” Kelli had become the one who was confused.

“No! No, I was just kidding.” Simon awkwardly laughed. “Awkward humor. I…I was just messing with you.”

“Hmmm.” Kelli was suspicious and sneered. “Well, if you do, send me a link.” And she smacked Simon’s right ass cheek before leaving the bay.

Really? Simon rolled his eyes. Every time.


The rest of Simon’s work day was filled with the few remaining deliveries, several erections, and constant fantasies of sex with his mother and aunt. He even began thinking about the logistics of making porn with them.

If I could set up one of those ‘adult’ streaming accounts, I could probably make a pretty good living. Especially if Aunt Brigit let me film our nasty fucking. Although, Mom would probably be more into it. She’s always taking pictures and videos. I wonder what she meant when she said she wasn’t going to share those pics ‘for now’?

Simon’s mind continued to wonder as he filled out shipping manifests.

I’d have to hide our identities somehow. Sooner or later, we’d be found out, if we don’t get doxed instantly. Simple masquerade masks then? I wonder how comfortable they are? We still need to be able to use our mouths. I’m not missing a chance to drink Mom’s cum.

Simon continued thinking like that for quite some time, and before he knew it, 4pm hit and he was ready to leave. He packed up quickly, hoping to avoid any conversation–especially with Kelli–and left the building making a B-line to his car.

Tourist season was picking up, so the roads around the ocean boulevard were much busier than they were that morning, making the drive home for Simon much longer and slower. That gave him time to daydream and think about what it would be like with just him and his mother at home.

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