The Family Mansion Rewrite – part 8: The Dinner – by charlieflemming

The Family Mansion Rewrite – part 8: The Dinner – by charlieflemming

By Charlie Flemming

Copyright 2020 Charlie Flemming

Nathan and his mother, Liz, drove in silence. Both were caught up in their own thoughts after the therapy session with Yumi Kim.

Nathan was mostly thinking of his mother kissing him. Wow, he thought, I can’t believe it. I mean, my mother is probably the hottest woman I know. Maybe second-hottest after Erika… he remembered how she had essentially molested him in the shower that morning, plus the French kiss she gave him during it. Wow, my first two real kisses in one day…I’m not sure it counts when it’s with your mother and sister though. He then thought of Lexi and how they sometimes kissed each other goodnight, though those were very brief kisses and seemed innocent enough. But kissing Lexi was nothing like kissing Mom just now. So warm and… “Sexy,” Nathan said out loud, only to then realize he had even said anything.

Liz’s thoughts had been going back and forth between thinking about her son’s humongous cock and explaining to herself that she shouldn’t be thinking about her son’s humongous cock when the “sexy” statement from said son interrupted her brain. Her pussy pulsated as Liz knew exactly what she wanted right then. “So,” she said huskily to her son while she drove, pursing her pouty lips and sitting up, causing her large boobs to bounce a bit, before continuing, “you think something is sexy…” Liz let that thought hang in the air. She licked her lips and slowly inched her hand up her leg as she continued to drive.

Nathan gulped as his dick twitched in his pants as he looked at his beautiful mother, he could feel his mouth hanging open but it was such a distant feeling as even with Nate’s incredibly low sexual experience at that point, he could tell that his mother was horny, and not just horny, but so down-to-fuck that Nathan could feel his mother ripping his clothes off with her intense, brown eyes. As she licked her lips and her gaze drifted down to her son’s crotch and Nathan knew he was spouting a rigid erection already in his pants.

Liz, her need for sex taking over her body, took her hand off her leg and started reaching over to grab her son’s log sticking up in his pants. But that was when they both crashed into an oncoming truck and died because Liz was too distracted to remember she was driving, or would have if Nathan hadn’t suddenly shouted “MOM LOOK OUT!!” at the last moment and Liz swerved out of the way and they were both thrown into shocked silence.

God, I’m such a horrible mother, Liz thought, berating herself, I’m being such a horny slut that I am practically drooling over my son’s cock…But what a magnificent cock it is, and such tasty cum…NO! I can’t keep thinking like that. I need to be his mother first and a horny slut second. Liz realized right away that that wasn’t a great way to put it. But she knew what she meant, I need to look at Nathan as my son and not some kind of sexual God! She decided to stop thinking about it altogether after that.

Once Liz had calmed down, she parked in front of one of the city’s many diners. There was time before the appointment she made that morning with the Slope family doctor, and not only was she hungry but she knew she should talk to her son and it was better to get it out of the way now instead of later.

They came in and Liz and Nathan sat in a booth near the back and away from what little customers were in there at the moment, who quickly filtered out after Nathan and Liz sat. It wasn’t quite lunchtime yet so it was no surprise it was nearly empty.

The mother and son sat and neither seemed to want to look at one another. But Liz had made a firm decision that she was going to talk about this. She was only glad that the full extent of her inhibitions didn’t come out in the therapy session, but she may as well get out what they did talk about in session, “About our yoga this morning…” she stated.

“Mom, it was all my fault and I-” Nathan stammered out.

Liz smiled at her handsome son, now looking at him fully, “No, Nate,” she interrupted him, “It was my fault.” She sighed, Nathan looked at her then and their eyes met. Liz admired her son’s attractive blue eyes and her heart swooned. She felt like a high school girl falling in love for the first time and had to remind herself who she was talking to, “It was me, okay.” Liz was getting flustered by her sex drive wanting to come out to play and having to but the Demon back in its box all the time that she just blurted out: “I’m so horny for your co-” She was about to say “Cock” but that’s right when she noticed the waitress standing beside them.

The waitress was Darlene, and Liz saw her every Wednesday for her book group. Liz always noticed she was very attractive, almost as beautiful as Liz was, but with slightly smaller breasts. She was giving Liz a strange look. Probably because Liz’s mouth was still hanging open mid-“cock.”

Darlene was 36 with blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a daughter, Suzy, who was 18 as of last November. Darlene got pregnant during high school from a man who died shortly after she was impregnated. In a way, Darlene had Suzy to honor the memory of that man, but that was a long time ago and Darlene had many lovers since then, mostly men, but was known to shack up with a woman every now and again, and she was very open with Suzy about her love life, though Suzy seemed to be more interested in books than boys (or girls), as Suzy and Darlene were always honest with each other so Darlene knew all about what her daughter was up to in regards to a relationship at the moment.

When Darlene was walking up to the table where Nathan sat with his mother, she recognized Liz immediately as she had a weekly book group over at Liz’s house once a week on Wednesdays. She was excited to say hello as she had never seen her come into her workplace before, but as she heard her say “I’m so horny for you co-” her brain filling in the rest of the “cock” for Darlene as she listened, and she stopped dead unsure of how to react. Of course, she was already standing right next to the table. Darlene looked at who Liz had been talking to and gasped. It was Nathan, Liz’s own son! This was the man who’s cock made Liz horny.

Darlene was sexually open-minded but had never once considered incest as something that could be anyone’s particular kink. It was something that was completely foreign to her mind, so much so that she just chose to block out what she thought she heard a mother say to her own son and instead said what she was going to say anyway, “Liz! It’s so good to see you!”

Liz, who was so flustered by being caught in her own perversions realized she recognized the person who caught her, “Darlene! I didn’t know you worked here.” Liz realized as she said this that Darlene had told her before she was a waitress but Liz had never thought to ask where she worked and had never been in that slightly worn down restaurant before.

“Yup,” Darlene said in a friendly way, “this is the place.” Darlene put a hand up to present the diner to her friend, though it was mostly as a joke since the diner wasn’t in the best shape. The tables were old, and some of the wallpaper had come off and you could see the wood underneath. Darlene turned back after the display of her place of business and turned towards Nathan. “And I see you brought your handsome son.” She said. Though Darlene had already decided that Liz was saying something else than what she was when Darlene approached the table, she was sizing Nate up as if he were her next potential lover. He was obviously strong, and very tall with fiery red hair. Darlene glanced at his crotch, but Nate had his hands over his lap, and Darlene wondered for just a moment if he was hiding something big… “It was Nathan, right?” she asked him.

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