The Helpful Sister by Laffalot

The Helpful Sister by Laffalot

Older sister helps younger sister during difficult time , Spending a quiet Saturday evening alone at home was nothing new for Jodi Mathews. Ever since she broke up with her girlfriend Alex three months ago, there had been many of these evenings alone. At least she had the company of her cinnamon colored cat Captain Jack Sparrow, named after Johnny Depp’s character in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. The full grown tabby was very affectionate, and often followed her around the house in his unhurried cat way.

The plan for the night was simple yet elegant in Jodi’s eyes. She had already eaten a fabulous candlelight dinner delivered by her favorite restaurant down the street. Her tub was filling with water and bubbles from her favorite lavender scented bubble bath. Her stereo was playing her favorite calming music. And finally, standing on the edge of the tub was her favorite water proof vibrator.

At 28 years old, Jodi had learned a long time ago how to sexually please herself. While every so often a quickie orgasm was nice, she really preferred to take her time with her pleasure, and build up to a crescendo. Setting the mood was important, and that meant shutting off her phone, playing her music, eating her favorite food, soaking in a hot bath, and then wasting away the evening in sexual bliss.

It was a perfect night to stay in anyway, since it had been raining lightly all day and had only recently picked up in intensity. The wind had also picked up and the thought of being out and about on a night like this was not at all a thrilling concept.

Jodi made her way into the steamy bathroom and closed the door behind her. The water in the tub was nearly to the point that she liked, so she flipped the switch on the heat lamps over the tub, then began to disrobe in front of the mirror. It may have sounded funny to some people, but Jodi liked to look at her nude body in the mirror. It wasn’t that she felt her body was perfect, because she would be the first to point out her perceived flaws, but she did have sexy womanly curves, and she had reached an age where she was happy with herself and comfortable in her own skin.

The water had reached a level which put the foamy bubbles at the top edge of the tub, so Jodi reached over and shut the faucet. She picked up her inflatable pillow and her pink vibrator, and stepped into the hot water. As she sank down into the ambrosial foam, she let out a relaxing sigh as she settled in and found a comfortable spot. It was hot, but soothing, and Jodi turned the dial on her vibrator until it was humming with a slow whine. She placed the buzzing phallus on her nipple and began to lightly trace her brown areola in a slow circle. Soon her nipple had swelled with blood and the buzzing was sending tingles through her body and into her pussy.

Jodi enjoyed a lot of nipple play, and could nearly have an orgasm from playing with her nipples only. She had vowed to someday see if she could make herself reach orgasm from nipple play alone. Now however, she really wanted to massage her pussy.

Just after she switched the vibrator to her other nipple, there was a loud knocking from the front door. Jodi opened her eyes and sat up, holding the still buzzing vibrator up over the suds. She sat quietly for a few seconds until the knocking began again, louder this time. “Shit!” she grumbled under her breath, then yelled out, “Go away!”. But again the knocking came, and it was insistent knocking, hard and fast and obviously not about to go away.

Sighing again, this time in frustration and anger, Jodi pulled her legs up and pulled herself up into a standing position as the knocking began once again. She twisted the end of the vibrator until it shut off, then went to set it on the side of the tub. As she set it on the edge, it rolled off the side and dropped into the water, disappearing under the foam. “Damn it!” she swore, “This better be good.”.

The knocking began again, except it was now less of knocking and more of beating on her door. She brushed some frothy foam off her breasts and down her flat belly, then stepped out of the tub, grabbing her towel and brushing more water away as the incessant knocking began anew.

“I’m coming!” she shouted in anger, then grabbed her robe from its hook and walked out of the bathroom as she wrapped the garment around her shoulders and covered her naked body. Her cat crouched for a second, staring at her with wide eyes before scurrying away as she stormed across the room. The banging on the door started again as she padded into the kitchen and snapped, “I hear you damn it!”, flipping the light switch on and walking around the island toward the door.

Throwing the bolt on the door, Jodi sucked in her breath and turned the knob, all ready to tear into whoever had the audacity to disturb her so rudely. She swung the door open wildly, the animosity clearly etched on her face, and shouted “What?!”

The instant Jodi saw who was standing on her stoop soaking wet, the annoyance disappeared and was replaced by affection. “Lexi? My God, come in,” she said to her younger sister.

As the younger Matthews sister stepped into the house, dripping wet and looking like a drowned rat, Jodi quickly noticed two things. First the purple bruise below her right eye, which had nearly nearly swelled shut, and second, the amount of clothing, or lack of clothing, that she was wearing. Lexi had on a half top with short sleeves, that upon closer examination was torn from her left shoulder down to the top of her breast, and a pair of shorts that were barely larger then a pair of panties. She was also shoeless, and Jodi noticed that she was shivering harder then she had ever seen anyone shiver before.

“Jesus Lexi what the hell happened to you?” Jodi asked in alarm, and without thinking about the fact that she was naked, took her robe off and wrapped it around the shivering girls shoulders. “Were you in an accident? Where’s George?” She led her to the couch and sat her down, then wrapped her arms around the girl in an attempt to warm her.

Lexi sat and shook her head back and forth slowly, before answering in a barely audible whisper, “I left George,” then her teeth started to chatter as the shivers took over again.

“You what? You left him? Why?” Jodi asked, pulling away slightly to see her sister’s face. Then, just after the words left her mouth, she knew the answer without hearing it. George had done this to her. He had hit her in the face and she had run from him. “Oh my God, he hit you didn’t he? Lexi, did George hit you?”

Lexi nodded, and her bottom lip, which had been trembling from cold, twisted into a grimace as the tears began to flow and she broke down in a crying fit, laying her head on her sisters chest sobbing loudly.

“I’ll kill the bastard!” Jodi growled, gnashing her teeth. “I’m calling the police,” she said, starting to get up.

“No! No don’t!” Lexi shouted grabbing her sister, “Please, don’t call the police.”

“Lexi, he assaulted you. He can’t get away with this. At least file a report.”

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