The Naturist – Old Endings New Beginnings by James_Gina

The Naturist – Old Endings New Beginnings by James_Gina..,

“This is the story of a man forced from his old comfortable life and finds comfort in becoming a nudist with his adult children. The story skirts the edge of taboo, but stops short of crossing boundaries between family. I hope you enjoy the imagination of this four chapter novelette. It will be published one chapter a week.” , Have you ever gotten to that point in life where you just had to ask yourself, how the hell did I get from there to here? Divorce, twenty-two years of my life, and that day as I signed my final divorce papers, I just couldn’t understand how I ended up at that point. I was Jeff Dixon, a forty-two-year-old divorced electrical engineer with little to show for it.

Oh, I know how the divorce happened. Mr. Five-forty-five, as my wife, now ex-wife so affectionately referred to me, came home one day at three-twenty-six and caught her being ass fucked by our twenty-eight-year-old yardman. I was unlucky enough to walk in just the guy pulled his massive cock out of Amy’s ass, giving me the porn view of her gaping hole, and watched him spin her around as spew his seed all over her face. The look on her face was priceless as she caught view of me just as the first spurt flew across her cheek.

After the last couple of years, I can look back at that moment and chuckle. Amy wouldn’t so much as allow me to run a pinky over her taint. Yet there she had been, letting some young guy fuck her in the ass like there was no tomorrow.

I met Amy during our Junior year of college. I was on my way to becoming an electrical engineer and had dreams of one day working for NASA. I had not been a bad student, but the fact of the matter was, I just never stood out. I sent resumes to NASA, and any company the worked with NASA. I didn’t get one interview.

Amy got pregnant a couple of months before we graduated. I would have a family to support, so I lowered my expectations and sent more resume’s to any engineering firm I could find. I ended up working for a company that designs electrical systems for logistic centers. In a nutshell, I help get your package from a warehouse shelf onto the back of a truck somewhere. It wasn’t NASA, but it does pay well.

Yeah, I know, it sounds depressing, but it’s necessary work, and it pays well. Well, it was good pay until I divorced my no-good cheating wife. My lawyer sucked, and even though my wife cheated on me in the bed we shared, the judge awarded her forty percent of my paycheck for ten years or until she remarried. I’m rooting for some unlucky bastard to marry her quick.

The most significant benefit at that time was with Amy gone and my kids away at college; I finally got to be the nudist I had always wanted to be. Except for weekends when my kids were home, I was naked the minute I walked in the door until I left for work the next day.

I had planned to start dating after the divorce was final, but the timing of our divorce couldn’t have been worse; January 14th, 2020. I’ve got one word for you, COVID. Two weeks after my divorce was finalized, the world blew up with the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918. So now, not only was I alone, there weren’t any prospects either. Everything was shut down except the grocery stores. And even if there were women there, they all had a mask covering most of their faces and looked at me like I was the Grim Reaper if I dared come closer than six feet.

For all my ex-wife’s faults, including being a no-good cheating slut. She at least had sex with me once or twice a week until I caught her in June of 2019.

The only thing that kept me sane were my two adult children. Cory, my twenty-one-year-old son, and Christy, my twenty-year-old daughter. They were both college sophomores when the pandemic struck. The college shut down and sent them home in March of 2020, but it was only going to be for a couple of weeks, they said. Hah! A year later, they were still living and attending classes at home.

Now, as I said, they kept me sane, and we really did get along. At the very least, I had someone outside of work I could talk to. However, I still wigged out on them about six months into our imprisonment. They were in my space arguing over something trivial when I just exploded at them. I yelled something about them always being in my space and not being able to walk around naked like I wanted to. They both just stared at me, then at each other for a moment. Then Christy surprised the hell out of me; she quickly stripped naked, she gave Cory a look, he shrugged his shoulders and promptly stripped as well.

I sat in my chair flabbergasted and just stared at my two naked children. Christy looked at me a moment, then let out an impatient sigh before she finally spoke. “Well, strip daddy, you want to be a nudist, don’t let us stop you. I love being naked, and so does Cory.”

Nothing seemed to be registering in my brain except the vision of my beautiful children standing naked before me. Cory is very fit; he stands six feet one inch of lean muscle, a six-pack, and made me a very proud father. Christy is also very fit; she stands five feet eight inches of lean muscle, she also has a six-pack and a beautiful pair of C-cup breasts like her mothers. And, both of them were utterly devoid of body hair.

My tongue still couldn’t seem to find the words. Being generally an impatient person, Christy finally walked over to me, grabbed the bottom of my tee-shirt, and started pulling it up.

“Lift,” she commanded.

I lifted my arms up, and she pulled my shirt off. Then she dropped to her knees and hooked her thumbs in my shorts, and started to pull them down.

“Wait,” I started to protest as I finally found my voice.

“Shut up, and lift daddy,” she commanded again.

I lifted my butt up, and she removed my shorts and underwear in one swift motion. To my embarrassment my cock was hard and slapped against my stomach as it was released from the confines of my shorts.

Christy giggled at my predicament as she stood up. “Nice daddy, but I took care of your naked issue; you’ll have to take care of your hard cock by yourself.”

I finally came to my senses and spoke up. “I’m sorry, guys, I didn’t mean to blow up at you. I’ve just been under a lot of stress, and being cooped up at home for the past six months isn’t helping. I love you guys and would not want you to be uncomfortable in your own home. You don’t need to be naked if you don’t want to be. I just… I… I don’t know what I was saying. Just forgive me, and forget I said anything.”

“Daddy, Cory, and I have been going to the nude beach since we were fifteen. We’ve both been despondent since the beach closed down. We both love being naked, so if you really want to be a naturist, it solves our problem as well. Just…” Christy giggles, “Don’t make the same mistake Cory made last month.”

“You’re never going to let me live that down,” Cory spoke up.

“No, bro, it was epic; what was there, like fifty people on that’s zoom call?” Christy said. Christy looked over at me and explained, “Cory stood up to get something in the middle of our biology class last month; he forgot he wasn’t wearing anything except his shirt.”

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