Costume Party by LJA644

I thought she was out of my league. But I asked her out anyway and was surprised when she accepted. It turns out she had been a bit flighty in her younger days, but now she had settled down. Hey, I was the same when I was at university. After two years we were married, and we were happy. We had decided children weren’t for us just yet. But Sharon loved children and was looking forward to being a mum in a few years’ time, but for now we enjoyed the holidays, the smart cars. We had planned ahead and the in the house we have brought we had already decided which room was going to be the nursery. It was a large room because twins run in her family, and she was hoping it would happen to us.

It turns out the lawyers I worked for liked what I did. It appears I sailed a little close to the wind occasionally but knew when to tack into wind or luff up and run with it. That was how I ended up working part time for the same company she does, the lawyers rented me out on a sort of as needs basis.

It was all fine until Brian turned up, yes, they did have a little fling before they both got married. Cute junior manager and the boss’s son, it was always sort of going to happen. But I didn’t hear that from them. They kept quiet about that. But there are plenty of shit stirrers in any company.

I could almost see why she’d taken up with me, I look a bit like Brian. Some people thought we were cousins. We both had the same build and height, even our hair was similar when I let mine grow long. At a distance we had often been mistaken for one another.

But I’d seen her look at Brian and the way he returned the look, and that gave me little worries. Whilst I kept an eye out, I could see nothing wrong. It was just the little look thing, sometimes accompanied by a smile as if they were sharing a secret. But being a lawyer, I had heard all the stories of cheating wives and husbands, so I knew what to look for. I saw nothing, and hopefully the new moral code contract would stop anything happening that shouldn’t. Some of her flightiness came back in the bedroom since Brian turned up. We were never shabby in bed together, but she took it back to our early days together.

I kept an eye on her messages, there were a few texts from Brian, not many and nothing untoward. But then there were things like. “Your smile brightened my day.” He was right, her smile did brighten everyone’s day, but it was the three little crosses he put after it that bothered me. I couldn’t let Sharon know I had seen that message.

She replied. ‘Stop it,’ with a giggling emoji.

He sent a winking emoji back.

That was enough to send out warning signals to me. I would have to keep an eye on this.

That night over dinner I almost gave myself away. I asked her. “You’re spending a lot more time with Brian than you did John before him. I hope you’re not getting too up close and comfortable with your old boyfriend? He is married, you know.”

She didn’t hesitate. “Of course not, he’s just a friend.”

“Well, just make sure it stays that way, you won’t like the result if that friendship changes to something more.”

I don’t think she noticed I called him her ‘old boyfriend.’ I would have to be careful not to do that again.

With that I got up and walked away leaving her to clear the table, something we normally did together. I glanced back, she was just sat there with her mouth hanging open.

When she came into the lounge after she’d cleared up, she looked a bit crestfallen. Like she was waiting for me to ask something like that, and she had a ready answer. But I had shown her I wasn’t taken in.

And her looking like that convinced me something had or was about to happen.

She said, “You think you’re smarter than me, don’t you?”

“Sometimes I am, and sometimes I’m not. We each have our own skills.” I laughed at her, smiled and said. “Of course, there is one skill we enjoy together.” With that we went upstairs early for the first time in a while.

She had been working late, but that was only to be expected with the new production lines happening and Christmas just around the corner. It was a matter of getting the unit cost for each item of food at the correct level so the company still made a profit. And it might be as simple as only putting six meatballs on a pizza instead of eight.

I wasn’t sure if it was the late working or something else, but our sex life fell off drastically.

And I knew Brian was at work with her, that was normal. I wanted to squash anything before it started so I tackled her.

The opportunity arose when she came in late one night, she smelt a little of drink. When I questioned her, she said she and Brian had been for a quick drink after they finished work to discuss the next product they were going to produce.

I didn’t beat around the bush; I came straight out with it. “You’re spending a lot of time with Brian. Are you sure you’re not having an affair? He has a wife and two kids, you know.”

That immediately put her hackles up. “No, I’m not, how dare you?”

“Are you sure, you’re coming home later and you’re always sliding up to Brian a lot. You know that moral conduct thing applies to him and you?”

She was still angry at me for suggesting it. “Yes of course I do, I wouldn’t cheat on you.” Mayhap, milady protests too much. I still didn’t tell her that I knew about them before.

I looked at her “You’re a young sexy lady, but none of it’s been coming my way recently so where are you getting it if you’re not having an affair.”

That stunned her, she looked at me aghast.

“I’m not, I promise you I’m not. I’m working late and I can prove it. You can track my phone. The security people know where I am. The factory runs 24 hours a day, and you know I have to be there at times. You can check who’s on site, everyone has to sign in and out. You can check who’s there.” It sounded like she was panicking.

I tried to look like I was pondering on something, and I said to her. “OK but something’s not right, something is going on. I need to think about this.”

That night I knew where my lovely young wife was getting her sex from, she struggled to walk in the morning. and I was pretty knackered too.

A couple of days later at breakfast I got out a piece of paper. “So you tell me you’re not having an affair?”

“No I’m not.” She had a worried look on her face at where this was going.

“You’re not planning to have an affair?”

“I love you, don’t be so bloody ridiculous, of course not.” She sounded quite angry now. I was almost relieved.

“Then you won’t mind signing this will you?” I pushed a piece of paper across to her. It was a postnuptial agreement. I was expecting a little bit of an argument, but she knew how my mind worked, she read it. It was very simple.

If either one of us engaged in a sexual activity with any other person apart from the undersigned, the perpetrator would leave the house and take one eight of the savings and half the current bank account and their clothes. Underneath that was a list of sexual activities which included, fornication with, masturbation of another person, whether male or female. Oral sex of any kind. No fucking, no wanking or no blowjobs or fanny licking of any other person.

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