How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 13 by Thors_Fist

How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 13 by Thors_Fist..,

In this chapter, Brick and Jeri go away for the weekend and then Brick comes back and starts his breeding program with Cheryl. This chapter contains oral, anal, group, interracial and lesbian sex. It has a couple of double penetrations, and some cuckold behavior. My thanks to JohnnyGalt for his editorial assistance. There is no COVID in this fantasy world.

For those of you asking about Beth’s story in My Descent into Slavery, I’ve got about 3/4 of the next chapter completed after working through a plot point writer’s block. I need to finish it, send it to JohnnyGalt for editing, then submit it. It has some touchy stuff in it, and could possibly be rejected once, but I’m hopeful. Hopefully, you’ll see it in roughly three weeks. Further chapters should come a little quicker now the plot device is taken care of. Thanks for waiting – Thors_Fist

How I Became a Breeding Bull, Ch 13

Breeding Cheryl

Jeri and I were standing at the rail on the ferry, enjoying the ride through heavily wooded landscapes of the Puget Sound. Mount Rainier was to the south of us, Mt. Baker to the north, Mt. Olympus to the west. The San Juan Islands were all around. We’d occasionally see a whale sounding, lots of sea birds, even the occasional bald eagle or two, snagging a fish from the water. Except for the chugging of the Diesel engines, it was fairly quiet. I had my arm around Jeri, in companionable silence.

“You make a handsome couple,” a man’s voice said behind us.

We both turned and saw a man perhaps a couple years older than we were, talking to us.

“Not a couple,” Jeri said.

“Perhaps an uncouple,” I added.

“Excuse me?”

“We’re an ex-couple,” Jeri said. “Marriage annulled, kaput, finis.”

“You seem awfully friendly for an ex-couple,” the man said.

“We still like to fuck, even if the marriage was never going to work,” Jeri said.

I stuck out my hand. “Brick Harmon, and this is my ex, Jeri Tyson, one R, one I in Jeri.”

“Tom, Tom Hathaway. Where are you going?”

“Victoria, Empress Hotel. Jeri has been helping me out with something and she’s been a good sport about it, so I’m taking her there for a weekend. What about yourself?”

“Same city, same location. Mini vacay. Four days.”

“You normally live in Seattle?” I asked.

“Bainbridge Island.”

“Are you alone?”

“Afraid so. My girlfriend and I just broke up a couple weeks ago.”

“Infidelity?” Jeri asked.

“That might have been easier to forgive. She’s an addict, been stealing from me to support her habit. I did my best. Sent her to three rehabs, but it’s no good. She won’t quit. She’s back using within a week of her release.”

“Sorry to hear that. Listen, since we’re going to the same place, you want to go to dinner with us?” I asked.

“If I wouldn’t interfere in your plans, that would be great.”

“Most of my plans won’t occur until I get to the bedroom,” I said.

Jeri smacked me in the arm.

“Sorry, that was rather blunt of me.”

Tom laughed easily. “I can see why,” he said. “Jeri’s a beautiful woman.”

“Yes, she is. Meet you at six in the Q dining room? I’ve already got reservations.”

“Fine, I’ll see you then.”

He left us and we turned back to the vistas of the sea.

“Why are inviting him to supper with us?” Jeri asked.

“Because he’s by himself, and we’re not going to be doing each other in the dining room. Did you think he was handsome?”

“By all means. A pretty good looking bloke.”

“And, he’s single, looked to be about our age, maybe a couple years older, but close.”

“Are you trying to hook me up with someone?”

“Only if you want to. You did say you were going to start dating again. If you really want to get adventurous, we could invite him to our room. Now that you’ve taken a cock in the ass, you could do a double penetration. Be like me fucking you with a plug in, except both of them are moving. You’ve done a threesome with a girl, why not with another guy?”

Jeri looked behind us to see if he was still nearby. She didn’t see him and turned back.

“I’d have to think about that.”

“Perhaps you can form an opinion over dinner.”

“You are a pervert, aren’t you?”

“Every day.”


The ferry ride takes two hours, forty-five minutes, from Seattle to Victoria, so a relatively short trip. Victoria sits on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, and there is no way to get there without flying, except by boat, although you can take a car ferry to have your own vehicle, or rent a car there. Just before we pulled into Victoria Harbor, I got a text from Cheryl.

Results are back. We’re both medically cleared.

I texted back: You and Jacob think about how you’d like to handle it. I’ll call on Monday to set something up. As I recall, your ovulation starts like Wednesday, Thursday sometime. You’ll be working in the evenings, Jacob during the day. If he wants to watch, it may be tricky.

“Who’s that?” Jeri asked.

“My next breeding, Cheryl.”

“Is Jacob going to fuck Laura?”

“Don’t know yet. The offer is there.”

“Are you going to record it for Phillip?”

“Or show it live, depending on what time it happens.”

We departed the boat from the docks just a block or two from the Empress Hotel. We hadn’t brought a ton of clothes, so only had one carry-on size suitcase I had to lug around. I’d booked the Governor General Suite on the sixth floor. It had an excellent view of the harbor below us. It had a king size bed and queen size sofa bed, with the bedroom separate from the living quarters. They served a continental breakfast in the morning and canapés at night. We arrived in time to take in the afternoon tea. When I checked in, I had them change my dinner reservation for three persons instead of two.

“This is lovely,” Jeri said, as we entered our room. “Thank you for this.”

“A little sex before tea?” I asked.

“Sure, then we can freshen up and put on something stylish.”

I tipped our bellhop and put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door.

“Is that really necessary?”

“It depends on how loud you scream,” I said.

“Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you.”

“I’ve done it before.”

“Yes, you have,” Jeri said, shedding her clothes and flopping on the bed, legs spread wide. “Let’s see if you can do it again, or if you’re blowing smoke up my ass.”

Okay, I didn’t make her scream too loud. It was a classy joint, after all, but she felt damn good when I finished. We showered, dressed and went to high tea.

We discussed what we wanted to do while we were here while sipping tea and eating a scone.

“I’d like to take you to Butchart Gardens,” I said. “It won’t be quite as lovely as in the Spring or Summer, but it will still be beautiful. They have it divided up into an English Rose Garden, an Italian Garden, a Sunken Garden, a Japanese Garden and a Mediterranean Garden, five completely separate ways of presenting flowers and trees. Then in the afternoon, I can take you shopping and buy you something ridiculously expensive. Perhaps dine out at The Bard and Banker tomorrow evening.”

“You do know what I like. Does The Bard and Banker cook up Shakespeare and bank notes?” Jeri asked.

“Just traditional English fare.”

“Well, I’ve never been here, so I’m open to just about anything.”


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