My Boys Ch. 01 by Tinman_1903

I offered a sly smile to my husband, the kind that promises he’s going to get his bones jumped later, as he completes his thought. “Okay, it’s settled. We bring him home with us, where he belongs. I think this will be best for all of us, as long as we can convince him of that!” Mark had a self-assured air about him now; he was pleased with himself.

Mark coughed quietly which brought me back to the present. He started talking to Tim.

“As I told you, brother, you’re family. We need you. We’re not complete without you. You’ll stay with us for as long as you need to stay. Forever, if Brie has anything to say about it.” Mark gestured toward me as he said that. “You stay with us while you complete your apprenticeship and save some money to find your own place. We both want this.”

The only other time I’ve seen tears in Tim’s eyes was at his mother’s service. He looked at us both. I stepped up into his arms, slipping my arms around his broad shoulders. “We both want this, Tim. Really. Please say “Yes,” and come be with your family.”

“Okay.” There it was, my man of few words. That was Tim-speak for: I love you both so much that it hurts, and I don’t know how I manage to breathe without you. You could hear the emotion in his voice even in that one word. My heart soared once again; I was about to have both my boys back in my life, where they belonged.

It took about eight months, but Tim finally separated from the Marines, was accepted into the apprenticeship program in a LA Union, and started classes at a local college. He enjoyed living on the ocean; he surfed every morning and evening when he could. I liked having him close, and I think Mark did too. It was like a missing piece of our puzzle was now back where it belonged.

It’s so hard to explain. The connection among the three of us was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. The nearest thing that even resembled our closeness was the bonding within families. That’s what it felt like, but not exactly.

Our families met some of our needs but not all. Same for our friends. Our connection was, in some ways, more profound than a family connection alone or a friend connection alone. It had elements of both. It was special.

Mark had the outgoing personality; Tim had the reserved one. Tim allowed Mark to lead in most situations. Tim was happy to follow. That part of our relationship met needs that I couldn’t meet for either of them.

I think it gave Mark security. In return, Tim received love and family, and friendship. Tim was alone; his biological family had scattered by then, and all he had was Mark and me. We offered him stability and provided him with a social life. He needed the connection more than he ever wanted to admit he did, especially the one with me. Weirdly, it was like I was his wife as well. I provided the love that I don’t think anyone else could provide to him.

For me, it was love. Plain and true. I loved Mark with all my heart, but Tim completed me. I was a better wife and person when Tim was nearby. Was it sexual? Hell yes. Even though Tim and I weren’t sleeping together, I would fantasize about him when I toyed myself. But that was as far as it went.

It was nearing dusk; I was in the bay window with our telescope watching the surfers when Mark made it home from work.

“Are you watching your boyfriend surf?” That phrase coming from my husband would have sounded strange to someone who didn’t know us. Mark called Tim ‘your boyfriend’ whenever we were alone, and I understood what he meant.

“Yes. You know, he’s an outstanding surfer.” I said with some pride.

“I have no doubt. He was always an excellent athlete.” Mark had grabbed my hips, pressed himself into my backside, brushed my hair to the side, and kissed my neck. I leaned to the left so Mark could look through the scope. “Wow, he is good.” Mark started to grind into my ass as he felt me up. I could feel the moisture gather in my crotch. We were on our way to some good lovin’.

“You want him, don’t you?”

“You know I do, but I’m not sure he’d go for it. He loves and respects you too much.”

“Maybe it’s time we let him in on our secret.” I spun around, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.

“You think so? I’d hate to run him off.”

“Baby, Tim isn’t leaving you.” Mark shoved his entire tongue into my mouth, disconnecting as he went for my exposed neck as I ground my breasts and crotch into him. “As much as he loves and respects me, he loves you so much more. I’d feel sorry for anyone who ever hurts you, baby. I think he would literally tear them apart, limb by limb. I’m pretty sure that would include me.”

Mark paused to expose a nipple and give it a gentle love bite. “If anyone should be worried about his response, it’s me!” He took as much of my breast into his mouth as he could as his fingers slid through my camel toe. “On Monday, I leave for a week to look at the property we’re considering. Can we set up a brunch on Saturday? Let’s tell him then and see where things go.”

With that, I wrapped my legs around Mark’s hips as he walked me into our back bedroom. Mark wasn’t any slouch. I know I talk about how big Tim is, but Mark could certainly hold his own. Mark was tight at five feet eleven inches and a hundred-sixty pounds of lean runner mass. I loved his six-pack abs and toned arms. He was above average in the right spots–a solid seven inches and just thick enough to let a girl know she’d been taken. I landed on my back on our king-sized bed. Mark took his place between my legs, grinding his full mast into my creamy yoga pants. His kisses turned passionate, deep, and complex.

I pushed Mark back to standing as I slid off the bed and onto my knees. I undid his slacks, then fished out his hard cock. I licked the tip, tongue flat, and pressed against the tender underside where the helmet meets the shaft. Moaning, he grabbed my head and fed me more of his amazing cock. I adjusted myself for better access, and I began to bob and suck in earnest. My hands settled on his hips, then pushed his pants down to expose more of him.

He was so worked up now. The gentle blowjob had transformed into a mild face fuck. His grip on my hair tightened as his thrusts became deeper, faster, harder, and more urgent. I moaned around him as I submitted to my husband. He soon wanted to feel my slick pussy. He pulled me up and attacked my mouth with his. His hands were all over my ass as he pushed my yoga pants over my hips, growling when he discovered I was commando.

He spun me around, bent me over, and exposed my sex. He was desperately needy. I felt the bluntness of his cockhead as he stretched me to accommodate him. His girth pushed against my walls. The underside of his shaft brushed against my G-spot, and I experienced my first orgasm on his cock. I was so worked up from watching Tim surf and daydreaming about him. It’s no wonder that Mark’s expert cocksmanship instantly sent me over the edge.

“Oh, you little slut.” Mark growled in my ear as he shoved more of himself deeper into my eager, wet folds. My body spasmed and gripped him tightly, trying to resist his entry and hold him in place simultaneously. I squeaked and shivered as I came again. Mark continued to fuck me through my next orgasm, and I could feel myself building to an even bigger and better one.

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