She Won’t Be Ignored Any Longer by uk_writer_53

By the time I left the salon nearly two and a half hours later, with my assorted collection of bags, I felt a million dollars. I had even put Charles out of my mind and felt a lot better about my plans for the evening ahead.

My drive home was uneventful, even though the late afternoon traffic was getting busy, and, once there I dropped my bags in the hallway and went straight to the kitchen. Hurriedly I prepared a simple meal for myself, not wanting to spend the evening drinking on an empty stomach, and sat down to eat.

After finishing my light dinner, I headed straight to the bathroom to shower, making sure to keep my hair dry, and to carefully shave my armpits, legs and mound. Then, once I had towelled myself dry, I perched at my dressing table to apply my make-up, wanting to look absolutely perfect.

My false eyelashes went on first, carefully glued in place before I applied my mascara to darken and lengthen them even more. With that done I put on a dark grey eyeshadow followed by my eyeliner to create an upswept contour definition. Satisfied with my eyes I added a pink lip gloss to complete my look.

Dressing was simple, I had bought everything I wanted to wear.

Fastening my suspender belt around my waist I rolled a pair of black seamed stockings up my legs, attaching them to eight clasps on the straps. The matching panties went on next followed by the dress I had bought earlier that day.

Wearing a bra wasn’t going to be practical while the crossover at the front of the skirt was barely sufficient to cover the tops of my stockings.

Slipping my new shoes onto my feet I buckled the straps around my ankles and I was ready to go.

I was checking my appearance in the mirror when the taxi I had ordered pulled up outside and tooted for me.

Taking a deep breath, I picked up my bag and, after taking a moment to calm myself, headed out of the front door, locking it behind me before sliding into the back seat of the cab.

“Where to?” the driver twisted around and looked me up and down, his eyes latching on to my cleavage before dropping to where my skirt parted to expose my thighs.

“The Marlborough hotel please.”

“Oh right…. Sure.” He reluctantly dragged his gaze away from me.

I smiled to myself as the taxi pulled away, watching as the driver adjusted his rear-view mirror so he could look at me. Taking a deep breath, I decided to give him a show and uncrossed and recrossed my legs, letting the skirt fall open a little more to reveal my stocking tops.

He drove slowly, his eyes straying frequently from the road ahead as he gave himself time to ogle me and, hopefully, not to have an accident either.

Arriving at the front of the hotel I paid the fare, waiting for him to get out and open my door. Then I made sure that I gave him another flash of my bare thighs above the tops of my nylons as I slid, indelicately, out of the cab.

The Marlborough was a grand old building, with a marble columned porch and an old-fashioned revolving door, that due to years of underinvestment was desperately in need of refurbishment. Its traditional grandeur struggled to hide the faded wallpaper and peeling paintwork that was clearly visible if you looked hard.

Standing in front of the entrance I could feel my heart pounding against my ribcage and I was tempted to turn around and flee as my nerve almost failed me. But I knew I had to do this. I wasn’t going to spend another night at home, alone, waiting for my husband.

Somehow. I resisted the urge to run and, taking a calming breath, I suppressed my rising panic and stepped through the doors into the hotel foyer.

My heels clicked on the tiled floor as I walked, head up ignoring the salacious glances I drew from the few men present, towards the bar area. Pausing at the entrance I listened to the band on a small stage towards the back as I scanned the room.

That was when I saw him, my objective for the night.

Picking him out from the rest of the men there was easy. A shade over 6′ tall with and athletic frame and slightly unkempt brown hair he was in a group of four men, all in suits, and deep in discussion.

He was oblivious to me waiting in the doorway, instead concentrating on what his friends were talking about.

I watched him for a moment then casually made my way towards the far end of the bar. One of only a few women present I drew numerous looks from the majority of the men there as I swayed sexily between the tables and although a couple of the men with him noticed me, he didn’t turn around.

Still keeping an eye on him I was able to slide up onto a bar stool, tugging the cross-over in my skirt together to avoid showing to much leg to all those watching.

Making myself comfortable I ordered a gin and tonic from the barman, trying to ignore the lecherous eyes on me, as I sat there and it wasn’t very long before someone approached me.

He was older, probably in his fifties with steel grey hair but looking very fit for his age.

“Can I buy a beautiful woman a drink?”

I looked up and fluttered my eyelashes at him “That’s very kind of you but I already have one.”

Undeterred he continued “Is that a temporary refusal or a final one.”

“Perhaps later.” I suggested giving him a sympathetic smile.

“If it’s a question of money….” He let the sentence tail off as the look on my face told him I wasn’t a working girl looking for business.

“Oh… err…. I… I apologise.” He stammered and hurried away.

Turning my attention back to my chosen target I observed him as he stepped away from his friends and made his way to the bar, obviously buying another round for them.

Quickly making up my mind I slid off my stool, not caring that I was flashing my stockings to anyone watching, and went directly across to stand right alongside him.

“Oh….” he turned and looked at me open mouthed.

“Care to buy a girl a drink?” I bit my bottom lip and asked him as demurely as I could, interrupting whatever he was about to say.

“I… err… yeah… umm what… what would you… errm… like….” He stammered obviously completely taken by surprise.

“I’ll have a gin and tonic please. With ice and lemon.”

He went to speak again but I put a finger to his lips to stop him and smiled sweetly “No names. Tonight, we’re just be two anonymous people.”

“Oh… oh right… umm… yes, sure… I guess.” My chosen quarry for the night managed to reply before turning back and placing his order with the barman.

“I do hope your friends won’t mind you deserting them.” I batted my long dark lashes invitingly as I looked at him.

He glanced back at them “I… err… I… should…”

“Of course, if you don’t want to….” I left my sentence unfinished and looked around the bar.

No… sure I…err…just let me just take these over and… errm tell them…” with that he picked up the three drinks, leaving his on the counter, and went back to his small group.

I sat up on a bar stool and crossed my legs, careful arranging the crossover at the front of my skirt so that only the darker bands at the top of my stockings were on show.

“You came.”

A voice behind me made me look around to see Charles the young man from lunchtime standing there.

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