She Won’t Be Ignored Any Longer by uk_writer_53

“Oh… it’s you…. hello.”

“I like the dress. Assuming that’s the one you bought to day.” He continued eyeing me lasciviously.

“Err … thanks… and yes, it is” I replied keeping half an eye across the room on my intended prey as he spoke to his colleagues.

“So, any chance I can get you a drink?” cautiously noting the two glasses on the bar Charles enquired.

I looked at him and smiled, inclining my head slightly towards the group of men nearby “I’m ok thank you, someone just bought me one.”

“Ah, my loss again.” Charles said graciously, “Well, if you change your mind Jessica I’ll be here for a while.”

Watching him walk away I took a sip of my wine.

“Who was that?”

I turned back to the man I had selected when I first walked in to the bar “Just someone I met today. I had lunch with him and he wanted to take me to dinner tonight.”

“Just to dinner?” he queried, raising an eyebrow.

I giggled and batted my lashes at him again “Oh, I very much doubt his intentions stopped with a meal.”

“I see and what about your intentions towards me, now you’ve got me to buy you a drink?”

I took another sip of my gin, surveying him purposefully over the rim of my glass “I guess that’s up to you. I wasn’t intending on going home tonight.”

“So, if I book us a room?”

Tantalisingly I uncrossed and recrossed my legs letting the bottom of my dress fall a little further apart to reveal a glimpse of bare thigh above my stockings.

“Then we’d have to see what happens, wouldn’t we?” biting my bottom lip I put my hand on his arm and suggested seductively.

Taking out his phone he dialled a number and started talking, evidently arranging a room at the hotel, while keeping his eyes on the sexy brunette he found sitting opposite him as she smiled invitingly.

“Done. We just need to pick up the key at reception.” He grinned at me, picking up his own drink and taking a mouthful.

“Won’t your friends mind you deserting them?” my eyes opened innocently as I glanced across to the three men he was with.

“Err… no I’m sure they’ll understand. We had pretty much concluded our business and after all it’s not every day a guy gets propositioned by an attractive young lady.”

“So, you think I’m attractive?”

He grinned “Are you kidding, you’re absolutely gorgeous.”

I didn’t answer, just took a mouthful of gin and tonic leaving my glass empty, and smiled.

“So?” He licked his lips obviously nervously anticipating what might be about to happen, “Another drink?”


I placed the glass on the bar counter and sat inspecting him while he ordered us another round. He definitely was exactly my type, tall, athletically built and unbelievably cute.

I was still gazing at him when Charles’ voice behind me made us both turn around.

“Would you mind if I asked the lady to dance?”

“Oh err… no… no it’s fine.” he looked between Charles and myself slightly perplexed.

“I’ll be back in a minute, don’t go away.” slipping off my stool showing an indelicate amount of bare thigh, I told him as I took Charles’ hand.

Glancing back wistfully I saw his eyes follow me all the way as I was led to the small dance floor. Joining with several couples already there Charles pulled me into his arms, holding me a little closer than was appropriate.

As we danced, I gazed across to my man at the bar, standing with his glass in hand watching us. My body was crushed tight against my partners and I could feel his semi-hard cock pressing into my belly.

“You look gorgeous tonight, Jessica. Are you sure I can’t tempt you away?” the whisper in my ear sent shivers down my spine.

It seemed an eternity since a man had paid me any sort of attention let alone told me I was gorgeous and now it had happened twice in a matter of minutes. I could feel my pulse start to quicken at the thought and I allowed Charles to pull me even tighter into him.

“I… I… err…”

Looking down into my eyes he held my gaze and continued “I want you, Jessica. I want to….”

“Charles…. I… I can’t… I…” trembling I interrupted him, not wanting him to finish the sentence as I felt my resistance weakening.

“Why not? I’ll make this a night you’ll remember forever.” He lifted my left hand up between us revealing my wedding ring, “And this… obviously doesn’t mean that much to you.”

“I just can’t. I’m sorry.” Summoning the last of my willpower I turned down his proposal.

He reluctantly stepped back and I breathed a sigh of relief “I guess you’ve made your choice then Jessica. Have fun.”

With that final statement he walked away leaving me to make my way back to the bar,

“I thought you might have changed your mind?”

“Are you jealous?” I giggled, gazing up into his eyes.

His smile sent a tremor of lust through me “Absolutely, tonight you’re all mine.”

I smiled ruefully at Charles standing across the room as I slipped up onto my stool as elegantly as I could although once again, I managed flash my stocking tops to anyone who was looking. As tempting as the idea of a night with Charles was, I had other plans and the major part of them was standing right in front of me.

“I love a girl in stockings.” Glancing down at my exposed thighs he told me.

“Most men do or so I’m led to believe.” I adjusted my skirts to cover the exposed flesh above my nylons.

“You’re led to believe correctly.” He chuckled at my belated attempt to show some decorum.

For the next few minutes, we chatted and I could feel the sexual tension building between us as I slowly drank my second glass of wine and flirted with him.

“How does your wife feel about you being out tonight?” I held up his hand to look at the gold band on his ring finger.

“Probably much the same as your husband does about you being out all alone in a bar full of lecherous men.”

“Ah… touche.” I giggled letting his hand drop and fluttering my lashes at him.

“So, here we are two anonymous married people with the whole night in front of us.” His eyes locked onto mine.

“Mmhhmm…. Here we are.” I whispered coyly.

“Shall we adjourn to the room then?” he finished his drink and put his empty glass on the bar, “Or do you want another?”

“No, I’m ready for whatever you have planned.” I swallowed the last of my own drink and slid off the bar stool, trying, and failing yet again, to prevent my skirt opening up at the front and revealing my stocking tops and bare thighs as I did.

Taking his arm, I let him lead me from the bar and out to the hotel lobby, giving his friends a smile as we left to collect the room key.

Standing beside him at the front desk, it was immediately obvious from the way the young female receptionist stared contemptuously at me she thought I was a prostitute who had picked up a client. The thought that she saw me as a whore sent a warm sensation through my loins and I felt my pussy moisten.

“It’s err… room 509… sir.” Barely taking her eyes off me she passed him the key after checking his credit card details.

“Has it got a big bed?” I smiled naughtily at her.

“I’m sure madam will find the bed more than satisfactory.” Her voice literally dripped with condescension as she replied to me.

I giggled and snuggled into the man next to me “Good, we’ll need plenty of room.”

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