The Same Old Story – End 02 by NylonDreams

She put him back in and began a slow fuck. Her breasts were teasing my chest. She was kissing me, my face and neck. She had my nipples hard as she kissed them. If I moved to try and play with her, “No touching.”

I let her have her game. It was the most exposed and arousing she had ever been. I hoped I would get the chance to repay her.

Kat knew what she was doing as it seemed just minutes before I was screaming again, “Kat, I’m cumming!” I could have sworn her pussy milked my cock after I came, draining even more out of me.

Kat held me tightly. She was crying. I was shocked, “Kat what’s wrong? That was the greatest striptease I have ever seen. You were so hot, I’m surprised the flat didn’t burn down. You were awesome. I don’t know what you did to your pussy but she’s dynamite. I didn’t want to cum so quickly but you never gave me the option. Wow! I love you.”

When I saw her face, I saw she was happy. I must have looked confused. “Andy, I started to resent you because I had failed at that striptease. I have worked on the dance and the sex exercises which Sharon suggested. I’m just so happy I gave you a good time.”

I stroked her hair and face, “Kat, honesty is what Sharon has told us. That wasn’t good.” She looked at me slightly downcast. “It was fucking awesome. If you did that in a club, everyone by the stage would have had to wank.”

Kat smiled, “So if I did it again, you’d be happy.”

“Hell yes!”

“I’d have to make some changes. Maybe tie you up so you didn’t break the rules!”

I laughed, “As it’s a very exclusive strip joint, I’m sure to do what I’m told but you need to do what you feel is necessary.”

We cuddled before she got of my lap.

We had another coffee. I was surprised Kat hadn’t put her dress back on. Not that I was complaining. I loved that lingerie on her.

We chatted about a few things but avoided the big question. I didn’t want to ask it but I knew I had to.

“Kat, this surprise was great. Where does this leave us? As I told you last night, I want you to be my wife. If you want to take it slowly, I’m fine with that. If you want to come back, I’d be very happy. I’ll do what you want to make the latter happen when you are ready.”

Kat looked lost in thought, “Andy, after last night I was as randy as I have ever been. I’d have fucked you in the car but you put us first, not your sexual needs. I saw that as a big step. This morning I was so conflicted. I was still randy. I’ve thought about whether or not I could do this for ages. As I failed before I knew if I could it would be a big step forward for me. I practised and practised. I have been doing the pussy exercises the book and Sharon recommended. I was so worried I would fail again but I had to know if the magic was still there, if I could arouse you, be that hot wife, I wanted to be.

“As I sat waiting for you, I almost drove away. What if I failed? When you spoke with me, I saw how my appearance was a hit with you. As you showered, I ran through it again and again. It was when you asked what you should wear as you didn’t want to spoil whatever I had planned, I knew I could do it. Don’t ask me how!

“Your face showed your enjoyment, you were loving it. I just went with the music, did what I had practised. I was so turned on. The no touching just came to me. If you had touched me, we’d just have fucked but this dance was my Rubicon. If I could do this, I could achieve what I wanted to. Be a hot wife for you. I’m so happy I did.

“While I want to come home, I think we need to take it a bit slower. It won’t be long and we can have other evenings like this in the meantime. I think after a few sessions with Sharon on sex I’ll be more comfortable with it, if that makes sense.”

I nodded, “Kat, it does. We haven’t really spoken about our sexual needs, we’ve been building our communication. I have to say that dance did communicate very well! If speaking about our sexual needs with Sharon allows us to be more open, it will be worth the delay.

“I don’t know any of your fantasies. I haven’t spoken about my fantasies. Some I would love to happen. I have some which while arousing I’d never want to happen in real life. You may be the same. Sharon says we can discuss without prejudice and come to our own agreement as to what we wish. How we start that conversation is important so waiting for advice is correct.”

Kat hugged me, “Thank you Andy for being so understanding. I was worried you might want me to move back today.”

I nodded, “Not a bad idea but not a good one. Maybe you should bring some clothes with you in case you end up staying overnight. You’d have options then.

“Now you’ve said you’re randy. Can I assist you in any way?”

Kat looked at me, “Well, how would you feel about checking whether or not I can orgasm wearing a bra. It felt so good when I was playing with my breasts. The satin and lace did feel so sensual.”

I laughed, “That sounds like a good idea as I have lost my bra magic!”

I looked towards the bedroom but decided the settee would suffice. In bed, I would have had her scent linger a few days but that was a step too far.

I held her face as I kissed her gently, “I’ve missed touching you, kissing you and your awesome breasts. I’m going to try and make this as memorable for you as your striptease was for me.”

I set about kissing her head, face, neck as my hands gently swept across her stomach to her breasts. The feeling of the bra on my fingers was heavenly. As Kat enjoyed the sensation, she was quite vocal, “Hell, that does feel so good. It’s quite different but the contrast with your fingers on the bare breast is amazing.”

I had an idea it was arousing her, her nipples were about half an inch long and the areolas were deepening in colour. She was soon raising her breasts to my hands. I moved down to kiss and caress them. My free hand I used to tease her hair and face. The other was slowly caressing the other breast down to her armpit and beyond her arm.

It took about twenty minutes before she was rising from the settee to meet my mouth and hands. She was breathing quickly. “mmm, mmm, so good, so gentle, mmm, mmm,” she groaned. She continued seemingly in a very good place. She began taking deep breaths as her hips rose from the settee. “Oh, fuck, oh, mmm, mmm, aaarrrrgggghhhh!” as she came. She held me to her breasts. I’d die happy but she let go just as I was running short of breath.

I started on the other breast, it might have felt left out. It was only five or so minutes before Kat started to cum again. She pulled me from her breasts and kissed me so passionately, I about fell off the settee.

She held me tightly against her. Her nipples cutting groves in my chest. My cock was suggesting she may like to play with him. He was fully recovered.

Kat spoke very softly, “Andy, that was amazing. You were so gentle, I just drifted to nirvana. I see someone else liked it. Let’s move. I know you always wanted to fuck me doggy over the end of the settee. I’m up for that if you wish.

That’s what we did. I was trying to keep an even pace but Kat wouldn’t have it. “Fuck me hard, make me yours. I don’t need another orgasm, I just need you.” Her hips were like a cyclist tackling a hill, they never stopped. The sound of me smashing into her soaking wet pussy must have been heard in the adjacent flats. If not, her screams to tell me to fuck her harder were.


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