A Wad for Wifey CH. 01 by D10Sizemore

“Oh…I see…” she quietly said to herself, her eyes glued to Sid’s groin.

“Wait up, Sid, I want to visit with the doctor,” Trish announced, making sure Sid and everyone else in the place could hear her.

Sid’s shoulders sagged, and his slender 125 pound frame slowed until Trish grabbed his arm and pushed him along, following the impish assistant through a pair of swinging doors.

In their wake, a baby began to cry, triggering another, and then another until a chorus of babies and toddlers were howling like banshees. “Oh…I don’t need this right now. I really don’t need this right now,” Marie grunted, recognizing the familiar rush of milk to her breasts as the warm, sweet liquid let down and her nipples began to leak. “Damn hormones! This shouldn’t be happening until baby is here.” As it turns out, this was exactly the reason Marie had booked her appointment with Dr. Harjob. Seemingly overnight, she’s turned in a Jersey cow with no relief in sight.


Beyond the chaos and noise of the clinic’s waiting room, Dr. Satya Harjob rushed from one examination room to the next. A native of India, Satya had been educated in the United States, raised in a home with her siblings, parents, and grandparents, and lived to serve her patients. She was classically beautiful; raven haired, dark eyed, with razor-edged features and full pastel lips. At present, much of that beauty was hidden behind a surgical mask, but even so, it was obvious she was in a league of her own.

The day of Sid’s visit, the doctor wore a skirt, short enough to give her full range of motion, and a white silk blouse. The contrast of her creamy, chestnut colored skin against the stark white was eye-catching to say the least. A thin, white lab coat hung loosely from her shoulders, somewhat obscuring her youthful figure, but given the lighting conditions of the clinic, it was impossible to conceal her shapely curves.

Inside Exam Room #3 Sid and his mother waited patiently. Sid had slipped into an adjacent bathroom and exchanged his clothing for a disposable paper gown. He sat on an odd looking table with a protective sheet over it. At one end a small pillow had been placed as a head rest and at the other a set of metal stirrups rose from the table’s corners.

“I feel like an idiot,” he quipped, staring at his mother. “What’s she gonna do?”

“I’m not sure but I suspect she’ll examine you and maybe do some blood work,” Trish replied.

“What if she wants to see my…my penis?”

“I suspect she will, but maybe not. Sid, she’s a doctor, so just chill.”

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes before Sid asked his mother, “Why the sudden need to ‘fix my problem’?” He used air quotes to accentuate his point.

“Come on, Sid. Surely you must know it’s getting out of hand. I’m literally washing your sheets every day.”

“But it’s not my fault. How am I…”

“Listen Hon, I know it’s not your fault. I’m not blaming you…but something has to be done.”

Suddenly there was a light rap on the exam room door. “Are you decent?” came a demur call.

“Yes, please come in,” Trish replied, winking at Sid.

The door slowly opened and Dr. Harjob stepped into the 10’x12’ room. “Trish, so nice to see you…and this must be your son.”

“And you too,” the mother replied. “And yes, this is Sid.”

Turning her attention to the boy, the doctor extended her hand and said, “Sid, nice to meet you. I hope you’re not too nervous. I’m sure you’re feeling a bit intimidated.”

“Yeah, a bit,” he replied, taking her hand in a firm handshake. “I didn’t realize I’d be the only guy here.”

“Well, don’t give it a second thought. When your mom called this morning and gave me a few particulars, I decided it best to see you and then decide if we need to send you off to a urologist.”

“Thanks…I guess,” the boy stammered. “It’s not that big of a deal anyway.”

“Now Sid, remember what we talked about in the car. We need to be upfront and honest with the doctor so you can get the best help possible.” The young man reluctantly nodded his head in agreement. “Besides, anything said in this room will be private and confidential. Isn’t that right, Dr. Harjob?”

“Absolutely! I’m not here to embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable. If at any point during the examination today you’re feeling unpleasant, let me know and we’ll stop. Okay?”

“Okay, thanks.”

“Sid, before I take a look I’d like my assistant to check your weight, height, and a few other things to give us a baseline.”

A moment laster, the same woman that had seated them knocked on the door and entered. With a flick of her finger, she waved the young man to join her and they left the room, Sid being careful to keep the makeshift gown closed around his behind.

Now, given some privacy in the exam room, the doctor pulled up a stool and logged into a computer on a nearby counter. “Let see,” she hummed to herself, as she entered her name and password. “Okay, that’s got it. I’ll just get a few particulars while Sid’s out of the room.” Her fingers danced across the keyboard, entering intermittent text while occasionally reaching for the mouse to check boxes in the medical template.

“So…Trish, I gathered from your phone call that Sid has some type of secretion or discharge you’re concerned about. It sounds like he might have an infection…perhaps a bladder infection.”

“Well, I’m not sure about an infection but there is certainly a discharge…lots and lots of discharge,” Sid’s mom replied.

“How so, and how did this come to your attention?” Harjob asked, her fingers continuing to hammer out details.

For a second, Trish paused, thinking over the past few weeks. “I guess I’d say doing laundry.”

The doctor followed along, quietly talking to herself as she typed, “First noticed while doing laundry…” The words suddenly seemed to be in a foreign language, as she looked at what she’d just entered. “Laundry?”

“Yeah…his sheets. It used to be every couple of weeks that I’d need to wash his sheets, but lately…”

“Lately, what?” Satya inquired, spinning away from the keyboard to face Trish.

“It’s like every other day…or more.”

“He’s urinating in the bed?” the doctor said, somewhat puzzled.

“Not exactly…no. He’s ejaculating in the bed and soiling the sheets.” Trish felt just a bit embarrassed, having used the term ejaculating while speaking to such a young, pretty doctor. However, she also was mildly amused or titillated by their discussion.

“Oh…oh…I see. Trish, I don’t want to sound unconcerned or preachy…but young men…or boys…do masturbate or ejaculate, as you put it, quite often. It’s natural. It’s necessary for their testicles to mature properly. I’m glad that’s all…”

Cutting her doctor off, Mrs. Harman tried to add clarification. “Yes, I understand all of that, but I don’t think you understand. It’s the volume…and I can’t even begin to…okay, let me explain. Some mornings Sid will wake up and his bed covers…his sheets…will be glued to his frame from his neck to his…ah…ah…groin. I’ve never had to help him out of this predicament, but it’s obvious when he throws the bedding in the laundry that he’s…he’s…”

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