Alumni: Dee Makes the Call by Imp Again

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“Someone talking to you.”

She was right, of course. It was so obvious he’d forgotten. Even now while they were talking he was fully aroused. “Oh yeah, you’re totally right on that one. But hey, smiles are still good.”

“Ok, next question. What about clothes? I know you like the cute little shorts all the girls wear at practice. Anything else? Do you like sexy lingerie or anything like that?”

“I love outfits. And I love keeping them on throughout. A half dressed girl is a big turn on. Skirt hiked up, dress open, shirt up around shoulders or tank around waist. There’s something about ‘almost naked’ that beats ‘totally naked’ just about every time. But my true weakness is socks. Kneehighs. I don’t really know why, but girls in socks and nothing else just kills me.”

“Ok, wow, good answer. And you know what? I think I’m done asking questions for now. Do you want to ask me anything in return?”
He thought about it for a second. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I like you, Mr. Evans. Mark. Whatever. I feel safe and horny around you at the same time, and I really like sex a lot. Not that I’m a raging slut or anything, but I’ve had some experience with it. But all the boys I’ve been with have been, you know, just boys interested in getting off. When me and Bobbi came over I had no idea what would really happen, I just wanted to hang out and tease you a bit, maybe fool around. But you turned out to be so good at it, and I can tell you really care about it while you’re doing it, and you’re really attentive to who you’re with. So I want to keep seeing you, both to enjoy it and learn from it.”

“You’re a dream come true, Dee. I’m happy to be here for you.” The understatement of the year, he thought. But he still had more questions. “Let me ask you this, then,” he started.

“Wait, how about this,” she interrupted. “How about I come over there and you can ask me more questions in person? Sound good? Good. I’ll be right over.” And with that she hung up.

“Jesus, what a fucking minx!” he said out loud, closing his cell. He got up and looked around his house. He knew where Dee lived, and even if she took her time she would be there in less than fifteen minutes. He did some straightening, put the dishes into the sink, and checked himself in the mirror. Tee shirt and jeans again, real class, he thought to himself. At least he couldn’t be accused of putting on airs. By the time he was considering whether or not he should change the doorbell rang.

And there she was, standing under his porch light; Dee, in all her diminutive, perky glory. Short braided pigtails in her straight sandy hair, just brushing the nape of her neck, a spaghetti strap tank over her easy going 34Bs with no bra, typically tight jeans showing off her tight, youthful legs, and all the way down, a pair of Mary Janes over cream colored socks. As he scanned back up she looked him straight in the eye, the way lovers do when they know nothing is concealed, and nothing needs to be said. Then she smiled.

“Hi, Mark. I would like to come inside and talk to you for a bit.” She opened the screen door before he had a chance to himself, and walked right past him into the living room, her heels clicking briskly on the hardwood floors. He half expected her to spin around and demand a drink, as a femme fatale ten years her senior would have done in the same situation. Instead she burst into a big smile, and flopped down at the far end of the sofa, with one leg drawn up.

“Have a seat,” she said, motioning to the opposite end of the couch. “I have an idea.”

“Oh you do, do you?” he said, unprepared for her dominant demeanor. “Before we get to that may I at least say how darling you’re looking this evening?”

She smiled big again. “You may. And thank you. And you’re just a cute in those jeans as you were the last time I was over here.” He winced a little at his own predictability.

“Yes, well, I’ve uh, been employing my imagination elsewhere lately,” he managed to say, as he sat as bidden across from her.

“I know you have,” she bubbled, “and very well, too.” She leaned forward excitedly, supporting herself with her hands clasped between her legs. “Here’s my plan. I know you have more questions for me, and I might for you too, actually. But I couldn’t wait to see you again after hearing everything you’ve had to say. And you played along so nicely that I’m going to reward you with a little treat while we continue the conversation.”

Having said her peace, she leaned farther still towards him, ending up on all fours in front of him, bringing her face right up to his. She stopped an inch or so away, looked him in the eyes and smiled broadly, obviously quite pleased with herself. Then she girlishly licked the edge of her teeth before shutting her eyes, closing the gap between them, and placing a perfect, passionate kiss on his lips. She held it to the moment when it would advance to something else, and rocked back onto her legs, scooching back to her end of the sofa with her legs now outstretched in front of her.

“So, what was it you were going to ask me when I hung up on you?” she asked as she undid the straps of her shoes, kicking them off onto the floor. She then proceeded to undo her pants, open the fly and lift her hips.

“I was…” his voice trailed off as he watched her. “What are you doing?”

“The show’s starting, mister, but don’t let me interrupt.” She inched her jeans over her hips and shimmied them down her legs. With her pants at her ankles she drew her knees up to her chest, and paused, arms clasped around her smooth pale shins. “What were you going to ask me?” she said, making it clear she’d go no further until he asked.

“Well,” he said slowly, “You said you had some experience with sex, and that you liked it. I was just going to ask you to elaborate a bit.”

She smiled her little smile and pulled her pants off her legs, tossing them to the floor, revealing a pair of light, sheer bikini panties and a pair of opaque knee high socks of a similar color. She pulled her socks back up, making a show of adjusting and smoothing them, running her hands up and down her calves, then lay back onto the arm of the couch, parting her knees a bit as she did so.

She looked straight at him, but his eyes didn’t meet hers. They were following the motion of her hands as they caressed her thighs, moving inwards towards her panties, through which he could see her cleanly shaven lips beneath a small patch of trimmed curlies. He became instantly hard in his shorts, realizing just what this mystery show was going to be.
“I’ve always like sex since a far back as I can remember,” she began. “Or at lest I’ve always been interested in being naked, and being attracted to other naked bodies. Once I discovered I could please myself I did it almost constantly.” The fingers of her left hand were creeping to the very top of her inner thigh, pushing against the side of her panties, while the tips of her right hand fingers were inching under her waistband. He stared, mesmerized, as her middle finger made tiny circles over her clit, almost unintentionally.


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