Alumni: Dee Makes the Call by Imp Again

“Oh yeah, just like that. Watch my cute little butt as your cock disappears in my wet pussy. Mmm, hm. Oh fuck! Fuck me, Mark. Fuck me harder with that big hard cock.” Fuck my little pussy good. Oh my god.”

She could feel him welling up in her, stiffing for the final shot. “Yes please, just like that. Keep staring at my ass and fuck it. Press that dick right up to her. Come on, come on, baby.”

And he did. It blew out of him with fantastic force, his eyes shut, his ears ringing. He heard himself shouting out loud as the cum kept cumming, each jet more exciting and pleasurable than the last. His fingers dug deep into her hips, her bucking body wracking with her own orgasms. It just kept going on and on, his dick the hot wet focal point of this beautiful young woman giving him the best fuck he’d ever had. It was overwhelming, and he just shut his eyes and lay back, letting it wash over him like he was drowning in the tide. He welcomed the suffocation of her sex.

She kept rocking herself onto him with each spurt she felt inside her, warm and delicious. It was like ripples of cum passing through her whole body. She had no idea it could be so good, some what in awe of her new found power and her new found friend. He seemed to have given in and gone off somewhere behind his closed eyes, so she let herself relax, and leaned back to lay down on top of him, trying to keep him inside. As he softened and ultimately slipped out, she let herself slip down beside him, and curled her happy body up to his, wedging between him and the back of the sofa. She kissed his face, but he didn’t react, he had passed out. She smiled at a job well done, knowing he would come back around in a minute or two. She kissed him again, and this time he stirred.


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