Barbarian Conquest continued by dale

He goes to the bed, moves his weapons to the opposite side and lays down with his robe over his naked body.

He blows out the two candles casting the room into a dark gloom.

Telling her sweet dreams he lets himself slip into a peaceful sleep. He knows he will wake in a few hours and be ready to continue his pleasure with the girl.

She hangs there, watching him but she is so tired that sleep overcomes her and she drifts into a swallow fitful sleep. Waking several times to try and shift herself to stop the pain of the taunt webbing.

He sleeps till just before dawn. Waking suddenly. Remembering where he is. Looking to be sure she is still captive.

She hangs in the swing. Sleeping soundly. The dim light does not reveal how beautiful she is but he knows.

He thinks about her and the days to come.

She likely was sought after by many nobles. Perhaps even promised to one. Was he young or old? Likely older, the power of political marriage in play.

He relents a tiny bit. He would have wooed her and loved her if the fates had been kind. He is now her master and will be so for as long as she lives or until he casts her away. Still she will be a lovely trinket on his arm, at his side on the throne.

Realizing he is hungry he gets up, puts on his robe and goes out the door. He guards jerk awake at his voice.

He orders them to fetch food and tea. Enough for two. They smile and snicker. Knowing he has been fucking the beautiful girl all night.

One hurries off to fetch the food. He knows it is early but some bread and sausage will fill the empty stomachs of both he and the girl. He chuckles, if she will eat that is.

He goes down the stairs. Finds his head chieftain. He is asleep with two of the captive servant girls. He fully approves. His men should all be getting the pussy they deserve.

Eldred wakes up enough to report that all is about ready for their march on the next city.

Scouts tell them it is lightly defended and will probably surrender when they approach it.

This is good. There has been enough killing in this country. The bordering Kingdoms are another matter though. They will pause then invade east before the war season ends this year.

Returning to his room the food is ready. He carries the tray inside himself. Sparing the girl the humiliation of the guards seeing her in the swing. They will see her soon enough but not before she has been bred and tamed. When the time is right he will have her ladies brought to her. They likely knowing good hard barbarian dick themselves right now. They will wash her and dress her as is appropriate for a future Queen.

Sitting down the fresh bread, tea and sausages he eats while watching her sleep.

‘Wake up woman’! ‘Time for food and more pleasure’.

She wakes slowly, the pain in her body harsh and she whimpers when she remembers where she is and what has happened.

‘Do you want food or drink first’?

He pours the cup full of water and brings it for her to drink. He winds her up and moves the pot under her again then sits at the table looking out the window at the first Grey streaks of dawn while she relieves herself. He gets up and relieves himself in the bare corner of the room to give her more time.

He returns, removes the chamber pot, pulls the table and chair close to her and tears off a piece of the bread. He offers it to her mouth and she takes a small bite. He eats the rest of the piece and offers her a sausage. He holds it for her to eat. Giving her sips of water but she refuses the tea. The tea is good and hot. Just the thing to help start a new day.

They stare at each other, share the food and say little.

He does move his robe so she can see his thickening dick. Just to make sure she knows that the fun is not over. Not over at all.

He goes out again. Returning quickly with a large bucket of water, cloths and some of the ladies perfumed soap.

He pours water in the large basin on the table and lets her watch as he washes himself. He washes most of his body thoroughly. Enjoying how she looks away when he suds his dick and balls up using the red/blond hair on his stomach to make lather.

Finished with himself he sits on the floor with the soapy water, winds her up an washes her pussy and ass thoroughly with a clean cloth. She hisses at him when he holds her pussy lips apart to wash her inside.

He washes her face and breasts as best he can through the web. She glares at him in pure hate still but the room smells better to be rid of the grease on them both.

Sitting the basin and cloths aside he drops his robe completely and steps in front of her.

His dick now taunt with blood, pointing upward slightly.

‘Will it be your lips and mouth this time my love or that hot tight little ass of yours’?

She curses him, starts to spit on him but thinks. She knows he means to have her and if she does not want him pounding his dick up inside her colon again she best begin to cooperate a little. Though she hates him and the thought of his vile dick in your mouth is terrible she knows full well how the other place feels and she never wants that again if she can avoid it.

She says, ‘Yes, you may have my mouth scum but you will pay for it one day’. ‘I promise you before God you will pay’.

He laughs at her. Making her furious. ‘Perhaps I will but not today my sweet, not today’.

He winds her back up and gets down on the floor again. Sliding beneath her he licks her sweet slit. She tries to stay stiff but he moves her. Teasing her pussy. Her body reacts naturally though she is far from sexually aroused.

Nuzzling her, looking at her, even blowing softly on her now wet entrance he fills his eyes and lust with her young beautiful body. The soft clean smell of her. Soon she will be full of his cum again but not yet. This load is for the last of her virgin holes.

Moving so he can see her face, talk to her, he rubs her wet pussy with his knob.

‘Do you want it clean or ready to cum quickly’? ‘If I bring it to your lips now it will need to be sucked and loved for a long time before it is ready for you to finish’. ‘I can put it in your nice tight pussy till it is close to spewing and then make it easy on you to empty it with your lips and tongue’.

‘I don’t care what you do with my cum, swallow it or spit it out’. ‘I only care about taking your last virgin orifice as mine and emptying my balls in you and on you to mark you as my woman’.

She just glares at him so he pushes his dick against her pussy lips. She lets him in.

He enters her slowly. This time letting her stretch to accept him without pain. Her inner thighs are bruised and sore and he knows this could hurt so he is gentle at first.

Once inside he strokes in and out of her slowly. Enjoying how good she looks, how tight and wet she is. Her body making juices to help it accept the nice dick inside it.

Holding her hips, no turning this time, long deep thrusts. Pushing to get all he has in her. Almost being tender but not yet, not now.

Watching her breasts move and bounce with his strokes. Feeling everything about her. Watching her face and enjoying her immensely. So young, so fresh and so good.


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