Game of Thrones Chapter 1: Daenerys Targaryan: The Dragon’s Bride by Voldemortslave

Game of Thrones Chapter 1: Daenerys Targaryan: The Dragon’s Bride by Voldemortslave

(I claim no right to the characters and setting of this story) This take place in a mix univers of the book and tv show. , After years of absence from this site and from writing sex story, It’s time to make a come back. For those who wonder, I’ll try to continue my Ring of Salazar story from where I left it ( I lost chapters of it in a comp crash and it made me discouraged of it.) but for now I’ll post this first part of a Game of Thrones fanfic I started. Like the real book, I’ll probably use different characters for each parts.

Like my Potter fanfic, this will be extremely hardcore stuff! Also, I’m still not prefect in English so be indulgent! Good Reading!

Part1: Daenerys: The Dragon’s Bride

Daenerys was looking at the view, perched at the top of the high hill Drogon had land on. They had left the fighting pit of Meereen two days ago and the young woman was famish. The dragon had eaten a entire lamb he had gripped in the field this morning. The charred remains where still smoking and diffusing the flagrance of burned flesh. She had try to eat some of the chunk of meat, roasted black, still left on the carcass but, they were hard as stone and only made her thirst even more extreme.

-You could’ve hunt one for me too you know?, the dragon queen said.
She turned again to watch in the direction of Meereen and felt a hint of despair. She looked back at the dragon who was now tucking himself in a ball to get some sleep.

-Drogon! We are going now!, screamed Dany while turning to look directly at the beast who made no move, eyes close.

The mother of the dragon took a small rock on the ground and throw it at the creature. Not too hard for she didn’t want to injure him more than he was. The scars left by the lances and arrows in the pit where already healed but, she knew her baby was still in some level of pain. Yet, she couldn’t stay here any longer. Her stomach was growling and Meereen needed her.

When the dragon felt the rock hit him, he jerked his long neck up in one swift moment and shot a jet of fire directly at her. The fire was hot, but it did not burn her. It was actually feeling good and she felt arouse between her leg. Unfortunately, her clothes were not fire proof and she found herself naked.

Her nipple hardened by the cold air of the mountain, Daenerys Targaryan tried her best not to scream at Drogon again. The dragon was back in foetus position, eyes close. The girl walked to him and climb swiftly on his back but, with a simple jerk from the beast, she was down in the cold mud on all four. He face came an inch from hitting a big pile of dragon shit he had dump sooner. The stench was unbearable. If someone could have seen the woman’s eyes at this moment, they would never doubt the young girl was blood of dragons for they show fierce anger. Unfortunately for her, Drogon didn’t give a shit.

If she had been able to talk more with her new advisor, Tyrion Lannister, before her unwanted departure, Maybe Dany would have learn a thing or two about dragon. The imp was the world first knowledge about dragon, having read all the book on the subject.

If she had talked to him, she would have known that Drogon was entering his teenage years and was bound to dispute her authority. In his teenage years, he was also having his first sexual heat.

Before Daenerys could get back up, Drogon was on her. One of his winged claw he used as hand came crashing on her head, forcing her face straight into his pile of shit. She screamed in surprise and was reward with a mouth full of dragon shit. He nostril were packed full of feces and the foul stench invade all her world. It was the worst moment of her life… Lot worst than her first night with her first husband Drogo,… And it was only the beginning…

Drogon still pinning her with his front claw, not realizing he was suffocating his mother in his own excrement, place himself in position.

Once again, If Dany had ask Tyrion about Dragon’s mating, he would have explain that dragon are genderless. When dragons mates, the more dominant one take the male role and the weaker one the female. All dragons haves dicks but no vagina. Their reproductive system is in their ass.
The dominant dragon fuck the other’s ass, plant his seed and the other lay eggs soon after.

The only thing on Dany’s mind right now was the fear of drowning in dragon’s dung. She had not realize that Drogon’s giant dick was peaking out of his sleeve and pointing directly at her anus.

She was about to feint from the lack of air, the rotten smell and the inhuman taste in her mouth. She was trashing all around, her little body wiggling around under the beast, doing all she could to free her head from the pounding grip.

Drogon, who was about to fuck his mother and show him he was the boss now, was frustrated since he could not line his cock with the so desired asshole. Removing his paw from his bitch’s head, he replaced it at the small of her back.

As soon as he removed his paw from her scalp, The dragon queen lifted it from the foul pile of shit. Still on all four, with her face full of shit, she first pushed out the big log of scat in her mouth with her tongue, which did not removed the taste from it. She took a deep breath in as life came back in her.
She was about to snort out the dung blocking her nostril when Drogon pushed with his paw on her back so that she stick out her butt and speared her from behind without loosing a heart beat.

The scream the young girl let out resonated all over the plains and Mountains around. The shit in her nose and mouth was ejected as all the air in her was push out. She was now suffocating again but by her back end.

In one swift strike, the dragon buried haft his one foot long dick in the quivering bitch. His dick wasn’t as long as a horse’s cock but it was larger. With haft of his tool in her, Dany’s asshole was already spread more than if he ex husband had fuck her with his two fist at the same time.

Drogon kept pushing with a steady force. The dragon queen had never look at her sons dick before, nor she could right now. If she could have, she might have faint already out of fear…

Once again, if she had asked Tyrion, he would have explain that since dragon’s mating is so brutal because of the dominancy game, the penis of dragon is specially design not to come out for a time once in. Once fucked deep, the submitted dragon could not run without ripping his ass apart.
Dragon’s cock used two tricks to achieve such feat. First, all along the length of the dick where ribbon spike curving inward. They would only unpleasantly scratch the inside on entry… But dragon didn’t fuck… The impale their mate and lock in like dog’s do. If the bitch tried to run, by reflex the spike would start to get out of the dick.

The second tricks the used to stay impale in their mate was the same as dogs.The base of their cock was shape like a ball which inflate in the partner when all the penis is inside.
Drogon’s knot was already two time the size of Dany’s fist. But, she didn’t know all that at the moment.


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