How I Became a Lesbian Slave by Laffalot

I closed my eyes, feeling much more sober now, and shivered in anticipation. Of what, I didn’t know, but I believed at the time that I was ready for anything. I felt her hand back at my pussy; my wet dripping pussy and it wasn’t dripping wet from urine anymore, it was wet from pure excitement. She rubbed her hand back and forth, squishing noisily through my labia lips, and drawing a hushed moan from deep in my throat.

“Pick up your soiled underwear slave.” she ordered from behind me. I reached down with my left hand, but before I could grab them, she stopped me. “No. Pick them up with your mouth.”

From my vantage point I could see that they were really soaked with my piss, and I balked at her order. “But they are soaked in pee.” I said.

I felt the back of my hair being grabbed roughly and my head was yanked back, at the same time the fingers playing in my pussy suddenly pulled away and loud stinging slaps began to rain down on my ass cheeks. “That wasn’t a request slave!” she shouted. “ Now be a good slave and pick them up!”

I don’t know why, but I did what she wanted. I had to get down on my knees to do it, and when I got down I could smell my piss in them. I tried to pick them up with my teeth at the very top by the waist elastic, but the way they had dropped to the floor left the wet crotch part sticking up. I thought that maybe I could flip them over with my chin or nose, but when Emma saw what I was trying to do, she shouted “Hurry up!” and pushed my face down into them.

As gross as it was to have my face pushed into my pissy panties, the effect that Emma’s dominating attitude was having on me was hard to ignore. I was living out one of my most secret fantasies. The fact that it was a woman who was dominating me instead of a man seemed to add to the excitement for some reason. I think it was the taboo nature of it that really got to me.

I opened my mouth and clamped my lips down on the wet material, then waited for Emma to release me so I could pick them up. When I did, she made me stay on my hands and knees with my soiled underwear hanging from my mouth. The smell was really strong and even though I tried not to taste anything, the bitterness soon permeated my mouth.

I saw Emma’s hand reach down underneath my mouth and tug the panties, so I opened up so she could take them, but instead, she started pushing them all the way into my mouth. I had thought the taste couldn’t get any worse, but I was so wrong. The taste of piss exploded in my mouth and I gagged as I involuntarily swallowed.

I know what most of you are thinking right now, you’re thinking ‘why did you allow Emma to do that to you?’, and to be honest, I was thinking that myself while I was kneeling there gagging on my own pissy underwear. I’m normally a strong, independant woman. Hell, I can manage the household every time my husband is away on business, and I’m not one to sit back and let someone walk all over me either. So why did I let Emma take over and order me to do those depraved things? Well, I’m a little ashamed to admit it, but I guess I was just caught up in the moment. It was exciting and erotic and what can I say, I guess I’m a bit of a slut on the inside.

So anyway, I managed to suppress my gag reflex and not puke all over the place, and Emma managed to stuff my entire panty in my mouth. I was whining like a sad puppy, but my pussy was dripping wet with excitement.

While I was kneeling there munching on my unmentionables, my peripheral vision caught sight of something dropping next to me where Emma was standing. I glanced over to see her skirt and torn thong on the floor at her feet. She kicked them aside, then dropped her top. A shiver went up my spine as I realized that she was standing next to me totally naked.

“Do those pissy panties taste good slave?” Emma asked “You were a naughty girl you know. You ruined my thong, then pissed in your pants. Only a naughty girl would do that. Do you know what happens to naughty girls? They get punished, that’s what.” She was walking around me while she berated me. “Since your husband is away, I guess I’ll have to be the one who doles out the punishment to you.”

She had this amazing sense of authority as she walked around me. I felt like I was back in grade school getting bitched out by the principal. I hated it, but I loved it also.

“So here’s what’s going to happen.” She continued. “First, you will need to pay me back for ruining my thong. The price will be paid for by your tongue. You will use your tongue to please me. I will decide when you have paid me enough. Second, you will need to be punished for pissing yourself like a child. For that, I will have to spank your bare bottom. I’ll decide how many spankings you deserve after you finish paying me back. When your punishment is complete, I’ll decide if you get to cum or not. Am I making myself perfectly clear slave?”

My mind was reeling. What she was talking about was stuff that lesbians did. I’m not a lesbian. I’ve never even really thought about that stuff before. I was thinking about it then though. I was wondering if I could allow myself to do those things. Would that mean I was a lesbian? Would it mean I was cheating on my husband? Would I enjoy it?

Emma kneeled down in front of me and said “Spit out those panties.” I was more than happy to obey that order. When they were out of my mouth, the aftertaste hit and my stomach hitched. It was pretty bad, but I was so glad to have them out of my mouth. She spun around and planted her ass on the floor in front of me, then spread her legs wide open. I was looking down into hairless pussy, and I couldn’t help but think that it looked…beautiful. I also couldn’t deny the fact that my mouth began to water. It almost seemed like I wanted to do it.

“You’ve never eaten a pussy before, have you?” she asked, and I shook my head no. “Go on, get down there and smell it.”

Well I could smell it from where I was, but I didn’t tell her that. Instead, I did what she asked and slowly, haltingly lowered my face down until I was maybe an inch from her vagina, and took a deep breath, filling my lungs with her sexy scent. It was an intoxicating smell and it turned me on even more than I would have thought possible. I felt her hand on my head, gently caressing me and her fingers entangling themselves in my hair. Her caress was like that of a lover, and for the moment that’s what I felt like she and I were, but the moment didn’t last long.

I was enjoying the heady smell of her sex and the calming feeling of her playing with my hair when all of a sudden, she closed her fist around a clump of hair and roughly pulled my face into her crotch. My mouth clamped shut instinctively, even though my hair was getting yanked somewhat painfully. “Mmmmmm” I think I yelped. I know that she had already told me that I was going to have to lick her down there but it was still a shock getting my face pushed into it.

The feel of her pussy on my face was kind of what I expected. It was soft and hot, wet and silky, creamy and fragrant. It was, in a word, lovely. A straight woman, a married straight woman, is not supposed to like vagina, but in that moment, I did like it, and I wanted to taste it.

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