How I Became a Lesbian Slave by Laffalot

I tentatively stuck out my tongue and was rewarded with the most wonderful taste. Okay, it’s not dark chocolate good, but dark chocolate doesn’t get my pussy dripping. Her taste was different from my taste, (yes, I confess, I have tasted my pussy juices before) but not that different. I would say that, because of the heat of the day, the fact that she had spent the day moving, and probably the fact that I don’t think she wiped herself after pissing, probably contributed to her taste being stronger than my taste. It didn’t matter though, I thought it was perfect and began to lick her all over.

The grip on my hair loosened and once more became caressing as I went to work licking pussy for the first time in my life. I wondered what Dave would say if he walked in right now. Probably something like – “Hey honey, the convention got cancelled and I caught an earlier fl…what the… Kate? What are you doing? Get your tongue out of that woman’s vagina!!! Oh my God Kate, are you a…a…lesbian???” I almost laughed out loud at the thought of what his face would look like. His mouth would be hanging open, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets, it would be hilarious. Of course the funny would only last for a few seconds, then the sky would split open and all hell would rain down. The carnage would be extreme.

I was licking pussy and enjoying it, but there was still a little problem with my conscience. I felt really bad about myself for being so weak, and for cheating, and for doing immoral things. In fact, I felt so guilty about what I was doing, that I stopped licking for a few seconds and started to sit up. “I can’t do this.” I said as I began to pull away.

Emma thought that I could do it, and she wasn’t about to let me stop. Her hand instantly gripped into my hair again and she growled at me, kind of like a wild dog. “Don’t you fucking stop now.” She snapped, then pulled me back down into her saying “I’ll tell you when you are done.”

I wasn’t really scared of Emma, that’s not why I let her dominate me, but she took control and I had to decide whether to allow it or not. I chose to allow it and play my part. I started licking her again, deciding at that moment that I was going to go all the way. I would play the part of the good little slave and enjoy it as much as I could.

The more I licked her, the easier it became and the more I became turned on. Emma started to moan and her breathing picked up until she was huffing like a locomotive. I really don’t know how long I was down there licking away at her sweet pussy, but I know that my mouth was getting sore and my tongue was tired by the time she began to cum.

There was no question about it when she started to cum either. Her thighs clamped tightly together, pinching my head in a vise like grip. Even though my ears were plugged by her muscular thighs, I could hear her wailing. But the most obvious part was that her pussy gushed, something I’d heard about before but never really believed was true. I guess that I always suspected it was a myth perpetuated by the adult video industry. This was no myth however, as a squirt of creamy fluid entered my mouth. With no way to pull my head away, I had no option but to swallow. There wasn’t a huge amount though and I didn’t really mind.

After what I figured must have been a powerful orgasm, Emma’s legs went limp and she pushed me back. Her face had that freshly fucked look on it, you know what I mean, the deep blush that flows down her neck, the dreamy look in her eyes, and the puffy lips. I felt a measure of pride in the knowledge that I had caused that look.

As for my face, I stood up and looked in the mirror and had to stifle a giggle. My chin, cheeks and nose looked like a freshly dipped honey glazed donut. I reached down to the sink and turned on the water, intending to wash myself, but Emma stopped me.

“Hey, don’t wash that off.” She snapped, then added “I want you to let my juices dry on your face. I want you to smell my pussy all night long.”

I left the water running as I looked back at her, still lying on my bathroom floor, her now messy looking pussy still spread wide open. She couldn’t seriously think that I would go to bed without washing my face, but I decided to go ahead and play along for a little while longer, after all, I was still horny. I nodded my head, then reached around and shut off the water.

“That’s a good little slave.” She said with a smile. “Now, let’s go somewhere more comfortable so you can get the second part of your punishment.”

I shivered in anticipation at what was to come. I’ve never really been spanked before. Maybe as a child, by an adult, but I don’t even remember that. The only thing I remember about that was sometimes my dad would say “I’ll tan your hide” when I wasn’t listening or I was being unruly, but I don’t remember him ever actually following through with his threats.

I helped Emma up from the floor and she seemed to be more steady now. She led the way back into the living room and told me to lay face down across the arm of the couch, so that my ass was in the air and easy for her to reach. I was prickly with excitement, or maybe it was a result of the wine, but I did as I was told.

“For the crime of pissing in your panties, I hereby sentence you to twenty five swats on the buttocks.” Emma announced cheekily. “Do you have anything to say for yourself before your punishment begins?”

My mind went blank as I was thinking about how silly she was being. She was talking like a frigging judge or something, and it struck me as funny, so I thought that a funny comeback was appropriate. Unfortunately I couldn’t think of a funny comeback, so I just said “Ahh, no” The words had barely passed my lips when Emma hauled off and smacked my ass. “OWW” I squealed, more from the surprise than from actual pain.

“Count them off, out loud.” Emma ordered, and I blurted out “One.” with a whine.

She laid her hand on my ass and said “No, it’s ‘one mistress’ and I want you to thank me after each spank. After all, it’s for your own good.” While her hand was on my ass, she was slowly caressing me.

“Now, we start over at one.” She said and another stinging slap hit me.

“AHH One mistress, thank you.” I blurted, then another quick slap and another “Ahh two mistress, thank you.” and another and another and so on. Each time she spanked me I yelled a little bit louder and quickly shouted out the number and then thanked her. By the time she reached ten, I was squirming and my ass felt hot. When she reached twenty, I had tears running down my face and my voice was cracking. Finally, the final blow landed and I mumbled what I was supposed to.

Before I could get off the overstuffed arm of the sofa, I felt Emma slide her hand down the crack of my ass and into my pussy. To say I was wet down there would be an understatement, and I felt her fingers slide effortlessly into me.

“Such a wet little slut you are slave. This naughty pussy of yours is just dripping. Do you like getting your ass spanked? Only horny sluts like to have their asses spanked. You must be a horny slut.” Emma seemed to know exactly what to say to push my buttons and turn me on. I couldn’t believe that a woman was getting me this horny. I’m not a lesbian, but I didn’t remember the last time I was this horny.

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