How I Became a Lesbian Slave by Laffalot

Emma even got down on her knees as she worked her way down my legs and finished with my feet. I watched her from above while my conflicted brain tried to make sense of the whole evening. I’d never been sexually attracted to a woman before, but I was more than sexually attracted to Emma right then. I hated to admit it, but I was falling in love with her, and that wasn’t supposed to happen.

When Emma finished washing me, she told me to get out, dry off and go clean up the wall while she washed herself. I went through the motions while I thought about my situation. I had more questions than answers and no hope of figuring it out any time soon. I finished washing the wall as best I could, knowing that it would have to completely dry before I could tell if it was hopelessly stained.

Emma decided to stay with me the rest of the night and she helped me change the sheets on my bed. We fell asleep spooning each other. It was the first time I had ever slept in the nude in my life.

It’s been a month since Emma moved next door, and she has become a regular fixture in our home, visiting us several times every week. Her personality won over Dave right away and it didn’t hurt that she flirted like crazy with him either. I could sense his unease at first, as if he was worried about what I was going to say, but now he seems to be pretty at ease with the situation.

Of course he doesn’t know the real situation. Emma has given me several orders that I have to follow, or risk getting punished, and she gets a thrill out of the risk of Dave catching us. For instance, the other night she ordered me to invite her over for dinner. She also ordered me to wear this mini black dress. The dress was one that she made me buy and was not like anything I had ever worn before, in fact, I would have called it ‘slutty’.

The first time I tried the dress on, I couldn’t believe how it made me look. It was very form fitting and definitely showed off my assets with a plunging neckline. It ended just below the curve of my ass. When I wore it, the thing pushed my boobs together, giving me the look of way more cleavage than I was used to showing, and I didn’t want to think about how much of my ass was visible when I bent over. It wasn’t at all elegant, like what I was more used to wearing when Dave and I went out on the town, it was a whores dress.

The evening that Emma came for dinner, I cooked a chicken cordon bleu with a side salad, a french bread and a red wine. Dave nearly fell out of his chair when I walked into the dining room in my dress. He hadn’t seen it before and was shocked that I would wear something so revealing.

“Kate, uhh, where did you get that dress?” He asked his jaw hanging open.

I knew the questions were coming and I wasn’t prepared to answer them. This was so different from anything that I had ever wore before and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn’t approve. My own mouth dropped open and I began to sweat, wondering how to explain my sudden change in style.

Emma saved me “Oh I picked it out for her. It shows off her incredible body so well doesn’t it. I think it puts her in the MILF class.”

I think that Dave was well aware of what the term MILF meant, but he played dumb and asked anyway.

“It means ‘mother I’d like to fuck’, but since Kate is not a mother yet, for her it means ‘missus I’d like to fuck’. Emma told him, her eyes twinkling above that sly grin that always made my pussy wet.

Dave changed his whole attitude about the dress right away, and just like a horny teenage boy, he was smiling and agreeing with Emma. Since it was her who bought the dress for me, he was alright with it.

So we sat down at the table and began to eat. Dave was at the head of the table with Emma to his right and me to his left, which put her and I face to face. As we began to eat, Emma started to talk, and flirt, with Dave, asking him to tell her all about his job and acting like it was so intriguing.

While the conversation was going on, I felt Emma’s bare foot sliding up my pantyhose clad leg and between my thighs. I had to adjust myself slightly by opening my legs wider and pushing myself forward so she could reach her intended target, my bare pussy. I knew better than to make it difficult for her to reach, and beside, I won’t lie, I was a little bit turned on being dressed like I was.

There was a nervousness that my husband would catch us and that heightened the thrill. Emma ran her toes into my wet slit and I gasped causing my husband to give me a look, but just for a moment as Emma kept engaging him in conversation, and I could see his eagerness to please her.

The food that I had slaved over was absolutely delicious if I do say so myself, but I was having a difficult time focusing enough to even pick my fork up to my mouth and chew it. What was happening just below the table and a mere foot or two away from my unaware husband was wrong on so many counts, but it felt incredible and I didn’t want it to stop.

The funny thing was that if Emma and I weren’t carrying on a secret lesbian affair, and Emma was still treating my husband like she was right in front of me, I would be pissed at both of them. Her for being such an unabashed flirt, and him for falling all over himself to show her attention. Dave was so into his conversation with her that if I wasn’t at the time getting my pussy stroked by her big toe, I would be feeling like less than a third wheel right about now.

Of course the truth was that I knew Emma was being so playful with Dave because she was keeping his attention away from me, and I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep my breathing steady and not make any more loud gasps. I was glad that she was flirting so openly with him because I could enjoy the action going on between my legs without too much worry.

“Isn’t that right Kate?” I heard it but it seemed like it was coming from the other room, or maybe it was on the TV or something, but I didn’t remember turning on the TV. I opened my eyes (were they really closed?) and saw, to my dawning horror, that I was the center of attention all of a sudden.

“Uhmmm, I ah, I’m sorry, I was just…” I stammered and stuttered and of course I looked like a fucking dimwit, but what was I gonna do, I had a toe slip sliding away on my clitoris, pushing me closer and closer to climax, and I had no clue what the conversation was about. I looked at Emma, who was the one who involved me in the conversation, and could tell that she was amused at my predicament.

“Are you feeling alright honey?” Dave asked me, taking my hand in his hand. “You look all flushed, are you feeling feverish?”

Flushed? Of course I was fucking flushed, and it wasn’t because I had a fever. It was because I had a foot rubbing my pussy, and Emma was having so much fun that she wasn’t stopping.

“Oh yeah hon, Dave is right.” Emma agreed, knowing full fucking well why I was flushed, and enjoying seeing me squirm.

“I am a little hot all of a sudden.” I managed to reply, which wasn’t a lie at all. “Could you go turn on the air conditioner please Dave?” I asked, finding it very difficult to keep my voice from wavering. Emma’s toes were quickly pushing me toward the point of no return. I was going to cum while sitting right here at the dinner table, with my husband wondering what was going on.

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