Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

“Wow.” Phil breathed, breaking the silence between the two afterwards.

“Did you enjoy that?” Olivia asked, turning back into her aloof self.

“Like nobody’s – like you wouldn’t – yes. Yes, I fuckin’ enjoyed it.” Phil panted, catching his breath and enjoying his work. “That was amazing.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” Olivia replied, her cold tone tainted with a hint of pride, as she examined her face with her fingers. “Wow. So I guess she only kissed you.”

Phil lowered an eyebrow at her. Soon, Nicole would be his girl, committed only to him, and Olivia would knock it off with the jokes, so he elected against telling her off. He’d rather… show her off? That couldn’t have been right gramatically.

Phil glanced at his watch and made a nervous expression. “Hey, class starts in like two minutes.” he told Olivia.

Olivia groaned in annoyance. “It is going to take more time than that to clean myself up.” she commented, mostly to herself.

“Yeah, but…” Phil didn’t know how to bring this up without looking like an asshole. “I kinda need to lock up this room when it’s not in use. You know, school rules and all that.”

“Yeah, enforcing the school rules. Calling them custodians instead of janitors. I remember.” Olivia remarked. “Can you give me the keys then?”


“Just give me the keys to the place. I’ll lock up the room for you when I’m done cleaning myself off.”

“…And how will I get the keys back if you have them?” Phil asked as if she were an idiot. “I need to use these keys, you know. They’re not just for decoration.”

Olivia shrugged, wiping some semen off of her face. “I guess we’ll have to meet up at the end of the day then, won’t we?” A slow smile appeared on her face. Phil mirrored her smile as he wordlessly handed her his keys.


“Maybe if you weren’t an idiot, you’d see reason.” Nicole complained as she flopped down on top of Phil’s bed. Her long black hair completely covered her backside, and her beautiful face, as well as her piercing blue eyes, became hidden within Phil’s pillows.

“And maybe you should just put on a coat and enjoy winter for what it is.” Phil laughed, joining her, sitting conservatively on the bed. “Aside from that, good day?” He moved her hair to the side and started rubbing her back.

“Yeah.” she mumbled into his pillow. “Your mattress kinda sucks.”

Phil chuckled. “Then let’s meet up on yours.”

Nicole’s face rose from Phil’s pillow to give him a smirk. “Ha ha, Mr. President. You damn near gave my parents a heart attack the first time you came over. I like them too much to want to see them dead.”

“I thought you said you didn’t like them.” Phil replied with confusion in his voice. “If you don’t wanna talk about i-”

“Oh, I don’t like them.” Nicole interrupted. “It just takes me a lot to want to see someone dead. Although your brother would be a good candidate if you wanna play hitman. My birthday is coming up soon.”

Phil laughed, but didn’t respond. He understood his brother and Nicole had a history, but he had a good relationship with his big brother, and wanted to remain Switzerland between them. Instead, he lay down beside her, his face level to hers. Eventually, a smile grew on his face.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothin’.” Phil replied softly. “Just… you’re beautiful.”

“Oh, am I? Thanks, never noticed.” Nicole replied with another smirk on her face. She hopped off the bed, leaving an unsatisfied Phil, cursing his instincts for not just going for it. He heard her scream and bolted upright on the bed, turning his head to see her looking in his bedroom mirror.

Nicole turned around to face him, her face a picture of absolute horror. “Fuck, Phil. I am beautiful.” she lamented. “What am I going to do?”

Emboldened and frustrated, Phil hopped off the bed, sauntering over to her and grabbing her by the hips. “I could think of a few things you could do. You and I.”

Nicole lowered an eyebrow and smiled at him. “Oh really? And what kind of pure activities do you have for a nun like me?”

Phil smiled in turn. “Maybe we could work on getting you outta that convent of yours.”

Nicole gave a scoff-laugh, rolling her eyes. Her eyes settling on looking at her shoes. “You’re cute.” she finally mumbled.

“What’s that? Nicole Baker, the school’s most unpredictable firecracker, finds me cute?” Phil responded, noting her smile getting bigger despite her still looking away. “I wonder how she’d respond to knowing I think she’s cute too. Or how I want her and only her. Or how much sense we’d make together.”

Nicole’s smile remained plastered on her face for a few seconds. She then blinked and the smile instantly vanished, and in one motion she pushed him away and sat back down on his bed.

Phil just stood there, his back against the wall from Nicole pushing him, looking at his hands in confusion. “I think I know why they call you ‘untameable,’ babe.” he joked.

“Sorry.” Nicole mumbled, all sense of humor lost in her voice. “I just… have a lot on my plate. It’s hard to make sense of feelings when my head is all… ‘Aaaaaah,’ you know?”

“Um, sure.” Phil shrugged. “What kind of shit do you have on your mind, do you wanna talk about it?”

“Well, there’s the Adam and Megan thing, that has to be addressed…” Nicole trailed off, as if it were obvious Phil knew what she was talking about.

But he didn’t. Adam and Megan were this year’s grade nine representatives for the Student Council, and were largely irrelevant figures in his life, outside of being his new recruits, or underlings. “The Adam and Megan thing?” Phil asked.

“You didn’t hear?” Nicole asked casually. Phil shrugged and Nicole shook her head with a ‘here we go’ brand of smile. “Well then strap in. So basically, The Meganator gets this huge crush on Adam. Adam acts like this huge fuckin’ idiot and I guess gets her to blow him in an empty classroom or something? And the-”

“Blow him?!” Phil interrupted incredulously. “Like, she gave him a blowjob?”

“No, she flew him to Austria. Yes, she gave him a blowjob, you dolt. Don’t interrupt me.” Nicole asserted. “So, like, she does it, so I guess both of them are culpable, but if you ask me, a guy that uses a girl’s feelings for him to get some action is a grade-A asshole.”

“Yeah. I mean yeah, obviously. Totally agree.” Phil blurted out with no hesitation. In his head, he was still stuck on how Adam managed to convince Megan, the picture of innocence, to blow him.

“Yeah, you totally agree. Except when the guy is related to you.” Nicole added icily, sending a shiver up Phil’s spine. “So anyway, I guess Adam tried to hit on some other chick the next week. Megghead sees it and gets pissed, and it all became drama central. Half the school probably knows what went down at this point.”

Phil raked his hands over his face in annoyance. “God fuckin’ damn it.” he mumbled. “And lemme guess, it’s up to me to do something about this shit if they’re both on the council, huh?”

“It’s a pretty open-and-shut case if you ask me.” Nicole replied flatly. “Boot him. Give him the boot. He needs to learn his lesson, and plus, council is no place for a boy that’s not going to respect women anyway.”

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