Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

Pierce swatted away Phil’s hand in disgust. “‘Care about the students,’ my fuckin’ ass.” he grumbled, walking away. Pierce sometimes liked to corner Phil and talked to him about how the students of his school were actually delinquents and misbehaved and all that, but Phil knew that he was making the school better, not worse – jading him was completely pointless and didn’t help anything. Annoyed by the distraction, Phil made his way to his car and started to make his way towards Olivia’s house.

Phil had been there a few times before, usually to have sex or some kind of foreplay with her, and she gave him the open invitation to come anytime, so here he was, even if this wasn’t necessarily for the reason Olivia had in mind.

He knew her parents wouldn’t be home yet but the door would be unlocked, so after giving a couple courtesy knocks, he invited himself in, and immediately heard the sounds.

He already knew what those sounds meant – he went to parties before, for God’s sake – but for some strange reason, he was dreading them. A repeated slamming, grunting, occasional high-pitched moaning. Olivia was having sex with someone. This should have been the point when Phil turned around and left, but consequences be damned, Phil pressed on, listening for the sounds and eventually finding her getting pounded in the living room, on the couch.

Phil didn’t know who the hell he was expecting – if it were Adam, he knew he’d have a heart attack on the spot – but from the back he discovered it was Thomas, the captain of the school’s Boxing Club. Even from behind it was easy to tell it was Thomas – Hazelwood was in a pretty white neighborhood, so there were only about seven male black students, and none of them were as muscular as Thomas. Phil knew he shouldn’t have, but he felt more than a twinge of jealousy. He clearwed his throat, the sound getting drowned out by the two fiercely fucking, and decided to roar, out of nowhere, “What the fuck is this?!”

“Woah!” Thomas immediately reacted by jumping up and turning around to face Phil, his hands covering his junk. His face instantly turned to one of confusion. “…Phil?”

“What the hell are you doing here?” Olivia asked, not even bothering to cover herself up.

Phil pulled his phone out of his pocket and dangled it in front of his face, as Thomas searched for his underpants and quickly put it on. “I sent you a text, I was in a bad place. Fucking this is why you didn’t answer me? Because you were getting some dick?”

“Wait, wait. You two aren’t, like, a couple or anything, right?” Thomas interjected.

“No.” both of the two said in unison.

“Whoo, thank God.” Thomas breathed. “Glad this ain’t a… you know what? I’ll shut up. Don’t think this is about me.” He backed off.

“I didn’t message you back because I have a life.” Olivia pushed back. “I can’t be expected to always be on the phone for you.”

“I’d always be on the phone for you! I was in a real crisis. This was important to me. If you called me I don’t care what I’d be doing, I would have dropped everything for you.”

“Mad respect for that, but you can’t hold her to some crazy high standard just because you’re willing to step up to it too.” Thomas interjected again.

Phil turned to face Thomas. “Can I help you?” he asked incredulously.

“I dunno. We’re all adults here. Thought I’d be part of this conversation.” Thomas shrugged.

Phil ignored him and advanced towards Olivia. “You could have at least let me know you were banging someone else.”

“Why, felt like you were special to me?” Olivia fired back, getting up. “We established from the beginning that we weren’t anything but fuck buddies. Have you ever – no, you stay here!” She barked at Thomas, who had gathered his clothes and was trying to leave.

“Man, this shit is weird.” Thomas complained. “The fuck am I supposed to do? Sit and enjoy this?”

“Have you ever told me that you were sleeping with someone else?” Olivia continued.

“The only people I slept with were you and Nicole.” Phil yelled back. “And you definitely knew about her.”

“Fuck yeah, Nicole.” Thomas added with a grin. “Been there. She’s fuckin’ awesome.”

Both parties glared at Thomas, who shrugged and elected to look out the window.

“I’m not your personal plaything, Phil. I-”

“You established this practically begging to make yourself my personal plaything. You asked me to use your body anytime. You can’t get mad at me for… for…”

Olivia gestured towards him, furthering her point. “Yeah, that was for sex. Now you’re getting mad because I’m not your personal advisor too. You need to handle shit for yourself. Our arrangement was good when it was just sex but maybe you can’t handle that. Maybe you need a break from me.”

“Olivia, for fuck’s sakes, I-”

“Talk to me later. Now’s not a good time. Just go.” Olivia asserted, leaving Phil staring at her.

Phil breathed heavily for a few seconds before jutting a finger up at her. “This isn’t over. We’re going to talk about this.”

“We’re going to talk about this.” Olivia repeated, nodding.

“Now’s not a good time.”

“Now’s not a good time.”

“Maybe I’m not thinking clearly right now.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re not.” Olivia nodded.

“Okay.” Phil replied, still with heat in his tone, but not really directed at anyone. “Okay, okay, okay.” he started pacing, before starting to walk out of the room.

“And sorry you had to see my dick, bro. That must’ve been weird.” Thomas dryly called out before Phil left.

Phil made a shrugging gesture towards him. “Not helping.” That was all he said before he left the house and collapsed on the porch.

Phil remained there, holding his head in his hands for a few minutes before realizing he needed to get out of there. He promptly got in the car, drove home, and locked himself in his room, continuing to pace.

The more he paced, the more he thought, until he finally yelled out, “Fuck!” and punched a wall. Luckily he didn’t damage the drywall, though he left a small crack. He stared at it for a few seconds and then realized he was not okay. Olivia wanted him to figure things out for himself but it wasn’t weakness to admit he needed help. If the council was one person, it wouldn’t be as strong as it was. He needed to work with someone. He sat down on his bed, looked through his phone, and saw a familiar name. He stared at the name for a few seconds before spontaneously hitting, ‘call.’

The phone rang… once… twice… then finally, he heard a quiet, “Hey.” Nicole’s voice.

“Hey. Can we talk?”

“Yeah, sure.” Nicole replied in almost a whisper. “Lemme just… Hold on.” He heard a door opening and closing, then another. “Sorry. Had to go to another room. Someone was sleeping in my room.”

Phil felt a twinge of pain, though he wasn’t surprised at all that Adam was over, nor that he was the type to fall asleep immediately after cumming. “Yeah. Lemme guess, Adam, right?”

He heard her tongue click from the other end. “So.” Nicole’s full, dry yet serious tone greeted him. “You know.”

“Yeah. I know a lot.” Phil replied. “How long?”

“Can’t say exactly when.” Nicole replied. “I haven’t got the day marked on my calendar.”

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