Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

“Genuinely. I called her out for having feelings for him and she didn’t even deny it. And I even saw h-” Phil hesitated.

“You saw…?” Olivia prompted him.

“Never mind. Anyway, I made her blow me for turning on me, and then I taught Adam a lesson for what he did to her. I put a good scare in him. I ordered Nicole to have a fight with him and ask him to resign as VP.”

“Shit.” Olivia remarked. “And I assume she did?”

“She did what she was told, but he never resigned. He was too young and determined and, hey, stupid. I actually had a nice chat with him after, and I kinda realized halfway through that conversation… I didn’t want Nicole.”

Olivia clearly wasn’t expecting that. She sat up in her chair. “What?”

“I didn’t want her. I think I didn’t want her from the moment she offered herself up to be used during the vote. It was just a nice distraction, but… I dunno, her offering herself to me like that cheapened it. It wasn’t right. I think at that point it became a power dynamic I was just trying to convince myself I was enjoying or something.”

“Looks like Adam helped you with something after all.” Olivia smiled smugly at him.

“Oh, Adam didn’t help for shit. It was just, like, talking to him, I realized that I loved Nicole, and she just kept flip-flopping. She wants to be with me, she doesn’t, she wants to be with me, she doesn’t. I don’t care if she realized it or not, that shit’s manipulative. Those fuckin’ two deserve each other.”

“Sucks that you put all that work into getting her for nothing.” Olivia remarked.

“Yes and kinda no.” Phil replied. “It sucks and all, but it taught me about what I didn’t want. In the end I was the one to tell her I never wanted to see her again. That was kinda justice. And dumbass Adam thinks I did it for him. I did it for me, son. Me.”

“And so ends the dramatic Phil & Nicole saga.” Olivia remarked with a fake British accent. The two looked at each other and burst out laughing. “And so ends high school, too. How’d your last exam go?”

“Great. Easy-fuckin’-peasy.” Phil replied. “Yours?”

“It was whatever. Odds are I’ll pass.” she replied with a shrug. “Where are you going after this, anyway?”

“Boston College.” he answered. “It’s not crazy far from here, so I can still probably visit a few times a year, but it’s not like I picked the local one like Peterson. Plus they never took back my scholarship. I guess since the case was dropped they couldn’t or something.”

Olivia nodded. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks.” Phil nodded. “What about you?”

“I don’t think I’m going to college.” Olivia replied before taking another hit. “Or community college. I think I’m just going to see where life takes me.” She paused for effect. “Though I would love to get out of my parents’ place.”

Phil nodded. “Great, great.” he mumbled, mostly to himself. “Well, I mean, uh… fuck. I mean, if you need a place, I can always look for an off-campus place, if you wanted to, like… be roommates or something.”

Olivia looked over at him and broke out into a grin. “Yeah?”

“Well, I mean, you’ve slept over a few times, so we can clearly live with each other and stand each other and shit.” Phil reasoned. “I dunno. It’s just a thought.”

“I think that would be really fucking cool.” Olivia replied, passing the joint back to Phil.

He took a hit. “Cool.” he eventually said. The two smoked the joint until there was nothing left, and once Phil threw it away, he just stared at her.

“What’s up?” Olivia asked him.

Phil didn’t reply. He wasn’t sure if it was the weed, or the exhilaration of being free from school, or even just being free from Nicole’s toxic grip on him. All he knew was that he was advancing towards Olivia, he was grabbing her hand to coerce her to get up from her chair, and he was putting his hands on her waist as he kissed her.

This kiss wasn’t an animalistic kiss. It wasn’t rough and rowdy and shared by two kids that liked to fuck each other. It felt like it was something more, something that he hadn’t felt in a long time. When the kiss was over, Phil and Olivia slowly opened their eyes and looked at each other… then kissed again. And again. For a few solid minutes, the kissing continued.

There was no authority Phil needed this time, no pretense, no roleplay. As she kiss subsided, the two smiled at each other, and without a single word, began to take off each other’s clothes. It wasn’t quick as if they couldn’t wait to fuck, and it wasn’t subtle as if they were in a school and couldn’t get caught. They were just enjoying each other’s company, in a way they had never even seemed to consider before.

Perhaps it was because Phil’s mind was consumed with thoughts of Nicole, or perhaps it was the realization that the two were adults now and could do what they wanted and chose, at the same time, to live with each other. Whatever it was, it made everything surrounding the situation just feel right. After the clothes came off, Phil embraced Olivia again and lightly kissed her jaw, then her neck, then her collarbone. Olivia moaned and pressed her body closer to his, not grinding on his pelvis, but just feeling his skin touch hers, enjoying the feeling of him on her, living in the moment.

Phil guided her to his bed and gently pushed her so she would fall on top of it. He could see a look in Olivia’s eyes he recognized – vulnerability. She allowed herself to be used by guys before, but this felt different. Now she was letting him in. He wasn’t using her, they were enjoying each other. And Phil made sure to let her know with each kiss going up her body that he enjoyed and appreciated every inch of her.

Olivia bit her lip and softly groaned as she felt every kiss Phil laid upon her body. She felt almost shy, as if she wanted to shield her body, but also trusted Phil to… look at it. Was that weird? She didn’t know, and neither did he. But he knew how she was feeling. Somehow, the two were linked in this moment. It was only this moment that the two became linked, as if a weird spell was broken between them, as if a switch was flipped, but neither one of them was complaining.

Phil wasn’t gazing angrily or dominantly at her as he lined his cock up with her opening, he was smiling supportively. He felt kind of vulnerable too, giving this almost goofy smile as he lined himself up with her. She returned the silly smile, and the both of them realized they didn’t think they even had missionary-style sex before. He pushed into her and pressed his body into hers, enjoying feeling her skin against his as he grabbed her shoulders and moved himself as close to her as he could. He peppered her neck with small kisses, slowly moving his hips so he could slowly move his cock in and out of her. Over time she started to understand his rhythm and moved her own hips to match him, the pianist and the drummer making a composition together in perfect harmony.

Neither one of them had to say anything to the other, and the two enjoyed the comfortable silence, free of bullshit authoritative ‘you’re my plaything’ remarks and ‘yes sir’ submissive responses. The two worked together in their harmony, quickening along with each other, enjoying the effect they had on each other. The two began to moan together, not to establish anything but rather to vocalize their enjoyment. Before long, the two found themselves locking lips again, exploring each other’s mouths as they too explored each other’s bodies.

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