Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

Olivia looked at Phil weirdly. “Does it look like… when did I want more power?” she asked him. “I’m fine to sit here by myself. Like, forever. I can live on my own just fine. Power is for people who like attention, people who need their validation from others.”

“I think I know someone like that.” Phil nodded, smiling.

“Who’s that?”

“Nicole Baker. Do you know her?”

“School slut, right?” Olivia blew out another puff of smoke. “How ever do you know her?” she added mischievously, extinguishing the now-spent blunt.

Phil chuckled nervously. “She’s my gir- well, no, she’s not my girlfriend, but I think something is happening between us. I hope something is happening between us.”

“Are you a couple?”

“No, not yet, but I feel like-”

“Have mutual feelings been exchanged?”

“Well, no.” Phil admitted sourly. “I’m just… I’m just hopeful, okay?”

“Okay.” Olivia shrugged. “Just saying, if she gives it to you, it’s not going to mean much to her.”

“Watch it.” Phil replied, more quietly than he would have liked. “The goal isn’t even to have sex with her. The goal is to be with her, and make her mine.”

“Make her yours.” Olivia repeated to herself. “So, no more of those 2am Facebook messenger girls that line up for you?”

Phil could only lean back and chuckle nervously in response. “I, uh…”

“Dry spell?” Olivia asked humorously, smiling at him.

Phil smiled back. “Yeah.” He felt a similar rush he did before at the lunch table, a rush where her openness seemed to be contagious to him. “I feel like sometimes my reputation gets in the way. Like, ‘oh, here comes Phil, he’s the student council president, he knows everything when it comes to sex.’ It can get a little intimidating when you’re…”

“Inexperienced?” Olivia asked.

“Yeah. Double that when you’re dating… wanting to date someone who’s known by most as a slut. Because them, bam, it’s super cool that, like, she knows what she’s doing. But I don’t. You know? And to top it off, she says one thing and means another. She’s weirdly super open but super secretive, and it’s impossible to guess how she’s feeling a lot of the time.”

Olivia nodded. “I understand.” Silence filled the air, and partially out of obligation, she continued. “I don’t think you need to worry about impressing, I bet most of the time girls are as nervous as you.” Her eyes flickered down from his. “Well, maybe not Nicole, maybe she just finds sex boring at this point, but I’d find sex boring too if I didn’t find ways to just enjoy it.”

“How do you mean?” Phil asked.

“I don’t get off from sex.” Olivia openly admitted, her eyes coming back up to meet Phil’s.

“What, like ever?”

“Once or twice.” she shrugged. “Usually I just masturbate when I need to, and sex is just like an activity, having fun. My favorite part of sex is getting a guy to climax, so it’s like working towards a satisfying ending. And call me a Stepford wife or whatever, but I like pleasing guys.”

“Sucks that you don’t get pleased yourself though, huh?” Phil asked.

Olivia smirked. “If I didn’t know your intentions better, I’d call you a gentleman for thinking of that first.” she remarked. “It doesn’t really suck. Besides, if I rarely get off anyway, I might as well make the most of it in other ways. Maybe the guys I’ve done things with aren’t that experienced either.”

“I’d wanna believe I could do better than them…” Phil mumbled, mostly to himself, looking down.

“What was that?” Olivia asked. Phil looked back up, but never said another word, mouth open. She asked the question in her usual monotone voice, but Phil wasn’t sure if what he had just said was a faux pas or if she just didn’t hear him. Too afraid to find out, he didn’t answer.

Olivia took the silence as an answer and slowly, another smile appeared on her face. “Prove it.”

Phil couldn’t have heard that right. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” Olivia replied, standing up, grabbing his hand and making him stand up with her. “If that’s what you want to believe, let’s put it to the test.”

Phil couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but knew deep down not only that he wanted this, but for how long he wanted it. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but open his mouth. “What about my girlfriend?” he asked meekly.

Olivia began to close the distance between their mouths. “I thought you said you didn’t have a girlfriend.” a mixture of smugness and pure seduction was written across her face.

Phil tried not to think about what she just said and how much sense she was making – it would have sucked if his mouth went dry at a time like this. Besides, as he had mentioned, he had his reputation to think about – he couldn’t show weakness, not now. Accepting the fate of the two, and giddy at the moment he wanted to happen for a few months in front of him, he grabbed Olivia by the waist and pushed her against the wall.

Olivia opened her mouth in slight shock at his actions, and Phil capitalized on this, pressing his lips against hers, both mouths slightly open. It was time to show her what he knew how to do. With one hand against the cold brick wall and the other gripping her waist ever so slightly tightly, he passionately pushed the full weight of his body against her. Internally, Phil smiled to himself when he felt Olivia respond by pushing the weight of her body back against his, the two becoming closer and closer together as she wrapped both arms around his neck, bringing him in as their tongues began to dance.

But making out wasn’t what Phil had in mind. He knew Olivia wasn’t daring him to make her cum by kissing her. After a few minutes of passionate kissing with the two tongues never staying for long in its native mouth, Phil released his grasp on her body as well as her mouth, allowing her to breathe and melt into his embrace as he whispered in her ear, “So, you want to see what I can do?”

Olivia either was completely under her spell or really knew what to do in this situation. Looking up at him with doe-like eyes glossed over with lust, she replied, barely in more than a whisper, “Yes.”

Phil smiled to himself confidently as, never breaking eye contact with her, his hand reached down to Olivia’s pants and undid the button holding them up. Internally, Phil was absolutely terrified – he was the Student Council President, he was the role model of the entire school, and here he was on school property, outdoors where anyone could see, smoking pot and undoing the fly of another student.

He couldn’t allow his mind to get clouded with such thoughts – he needed to be all charm and confidence. Phil hooked his thumbs into Olivia’s underwear and in one motion, yanked them both to her knees as he got down on his own, ignoring the snow’s cold sting on his kneecaps as he smiled devilishly, almost evilly at Olivia, glancing now at her naked exposed flower.

Phil’s smile didn’t wane – Stepford wife is right, he thought to himself. She was clean shaven so perfectly that it was clear she had done it that very day. Whether it was just good timing or she was so into being smooth that she shaved daily was up to Phil’s imagination.

She had every reason to be proud of it – Olivia’s Altar of Venus was certainly something to be worshipped. Even just looking at her slit made Phil want to touch and caress it, to find her most sensitive spots and make her moan, to insert himself inside her and claim her. But that would have to wait until another time, for now he had to prove to her, for the second time, that he was talented with the tongue.

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