The day I died by Joining_Julie

Then he did the same with the other hand so both my hands were tied out to the side. From above I probably looked a bit like I was on a cross or something.

I wanted to ask him where I was and who he was. Actually I had a lot of questions, but as he started tying knots around my ankles and spreading my legs, fixing them to the table, all I could really say loudly was: “Please don’t hurt me… Please… Please…”.

Now tears started forming in my eyes and the guy just crawled up on top of me. His hand guided his cock into position and then he let it slide into my pussy. “Please stop” I begged but he continued as if he didn’t hear me. Suddenly I saw someone else move around out of the corner of my eye. Oh no I thought to myself as I somehow knew that this second figure wasn’t a savior. And true enough, once the second guy came over to me, he didn’t loosen the ropes that tied me to the workbench.

He didn’t push the rapist off. He placed a gag-ring in my mouth so I couldn’t close it and then he started throat fucking me.

Tears already rolled down my cheeks and as the two guys pounded away at me and eventually coming I was wondering how I was going to get away. I wanted to cry out for them to stop again but in that instant the latest arriving guy came deep down my throat and pulled out his cock. I coughed a bit and took a deep breath.

Meanwhile the first guy came as well and filled my pussy once more. I assumed he was the one who had fucked me while I was sleeping. The two guys then high-fived and looked down at me while discussing what to do with me. I didn’t really catch all the words but the meaning shined through. They would kill me… Painfully…

“Please don’t hurt me” I cried out through the gag ring making my words sound strange.

“I will give you money… Anything” I continued but was cut off as one of the guys gently caressed my cheek with a finger. “Well here is the thing babe…” He said in a surprisingly caring tone before his words became colder and sent chills down my spine.

“Of course we brought you here to fuck you like the little cunt you are… But what really turns us on is a woman screaming in pain… So… I guess… Well… Tonight you’ll die… Actually you will die a painful death and then we’ll totally fuck your corpse… OK?” The guys gave each other an approving nod as I started crying loudly. One of the guys turned and walked over to the wall of tools while the other let his hand grasp around my breast and enjoy it for a moment.

He seemed thoughtful and when he let a finger play with my nipple he seemed to have some sort of revelation.

“Hey bring me the pruner will ya?” He asked loudly as he leaned down and liked my nipple and giving it a hard bite. He then turned his head to look at the thing his friend brought back and I couldn’t see it but I was freaked out when he with a boyish grin said: “Nice!” I started shaking and I was scared as hell.

I saw how the guy standing next to me received the pruner, while his friend seemed to be preparing his own tool whatever it was. I just stared at the nearest guy in terror as he moved the pruner closer to my chest and slowly opened its jaws. I let out another begging ‘please’ before an excruciating pain shot through me. With a blink of an eye he had closed the pruner and cut my nipple off. I screamed loudly and tilted my head back.

God it had hurt and the tears started rolling again.

Just at that moment the pruner’s cold jaws opened and got in position around my other nipple and as I screamed out a ‘no’, the situation repeated itself. A quick snap severed my nipple from my breast, leaving blood flowing from both my breasts all over my chest. “Can you get that thing started?” He asked his friend casually while I was screaming my lungs out in pain. His friend waved him off and told him to play more.

The guy threw the pruner away and walked over to the wall for another toy. I cried loudly and I could hear on both guys that they enjoyed it. I wanted to stop so they couldn’t have what they wanted. But I couldn’t. The pain was too intense and suddenly all my panic, anger and especially pain had to come out.

When the guy returned my eyes widened. In his hand he had a meat hook and his eyes were still on my breasts.

I couldn’t even imagine what he was going to do before he swung the hook and forced it through my left breast so that the hook went all the way through. Like before I screamed out in pain and banged my back head against the workbench. Why were they doing this to me? I didn’t have time to think of an answer though. I heard an electrical engine start up and with a happy cheer the guy closest to me pulled out his meat hook and stepped up to my head.

He lifted my head up just enough to see the power drill the other guy was holding in his hand. Normally I wasn’t one to pay attention to detail. But tonight was an exception. It was no ordinary drill, the tip of it was wide and had saw-like edges. This was either used to drill some seriously wide holes or perhaps made for this type of thing alone. I started begging for mercy as the guy walked down between my legs.

I begged as much as the gag ring would allow me before the first guy forced my head back against the workbench.

The drill was inserted into my pussy but it was still not on. I trembled in fear, knowing what was going to happen. The Guy standing by my head gave a nod to his friend and then looked down at me. That instant I felt a pain greater than anything I had ever felt in my life.

As the saw like drill started shredding my pussy apart from inside I screamed so loudly that no sound came out. The guy moved the drill back and forth to make sure that I was totally ruined inside. The guy by me head cheered and told him to go deeper. The guy with the drill complied and slowly forced the running drill deeper and deeper into my pussy. Once he got very close to my womb he stopped moving it. Or rather, it couldn’t go further in.

He stopped the machine and finally I had a moment to take a breath from the screaming. The screaming was mixed with crying and tears and somehow I knew I was going to die.

The guy between my legs looked at my pussy where loads of blood came out. He noticed how my lower lips had survived the shredding because he had inserted in in a turned off state and that gave him an idea. He placed the tip of the drill just at the lower lips and turned on the machine again.

I screamed even though I felt I couldn’t scream any more as the machine tore my pussy into a bleeding hole. I was starting to pass in and out of consciousness from the severe blood loss and the two guys finally decided to call it a night. The untied me and sat me up. Then the first guy pulled out a knife and placed the tip of it just under my right breast. He gave me a thankful kiss on the forehead and pressed the knife into my heart. Everything went black…

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