Lily’s Playlist Pt. 02 by Janay333

Lily’s Playlist Pt. 02 by Janay333

I spent the rest of my weekend getting settled into Rocky’s house. It didn’t take much; we lived in the house together during my graduate years. She saved up and bought the house a year after she graduated from Baylor. She works for a realtor company as a loan officer and got a great deal on a foreclosed house. When I graduated a year later, I moved in with her, paid rent and helped with the renovations.

The house was pretty much the same, besides the addition of a flat screen, new furniture and gaming system, all courtesy of Brandon, Ethan’s little brother and now Rocky’s boyfriend. They’ve been together for a year but he moved in after they dated 8 months. I was surprised but thrilled when I found out they were dating. Now, I was hiding out in my room, trying to avoid him. He was okay with me moving in; we always had fun together when Ethan and I were hooking up. I was excited at the prospect of us all hanging out again. That was before I realized how upset Brandon had been with me. I wasn’t looking forward to anymore awkward conversations.

I was able to avoid Brandon by preparing for my interview, looking into apartments and connecting with old friends. I was in my room Sunday getting ready to go to Dave and Busters. I worked there as a bartender while I was in graduate school. It was definitely the hang out spot for my friends. We played games, watched sports, and scored discounted drinks. My friend Sammy still worked there. I was going to watch the Mavericks play the Spurs and catch up with her.

I was brushing my hair and putting it into a side low ponytail when I heard a knock on my door.

“Come in!” I called. I looked up, startled to see Brandon standing at the door. He was a few inches shorter than Ethan and had a boyish charm versus Ethan’s mature masculinity. His charm was on full display as he grinned at me.

“Hey. How’s it going?”

“Good, just getting ready to head out.” I answered, grabbing my purse.


“Did you need something?” I asked, trying to be cool and casual.

“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you.”

I groaned inwardly. “Well, I have some time before I have to go-”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I feel like you’re avoiding me.” He said, still standing outside the door.

I focused on finding my keys in my bag. “I’ve been busy…”

“Yeah, avoiding me.” He smiled. His smile reminded me of Ethan’s and I relaxed.

“You got me. It’s just so awkward, on so many levels. As Rocky’s boyfriend, Ethan’s brother, EJ’s uncle.” I smiled on the last one.

“I’m sure that me being Rocky’s boyfriend is why it’s awkward between us now.”

“She told you?”

“That I might have called you bitchy?”

“Oh no, she said bitch.” I clarified, smartly.

“Does it make a difference?”

“Big difference! Huge!”

He laughed and finally came in the room and flopped down on the bed with me.

“Well whatever I said, it was about a girl that hurt my brother. Not the girl who is Rocky’s best friend and especially not about our new roomy.”

I smiled. “Roomy? Don’t say roomy. That sounds like we’re sharing a dorm room. Say housemate.”

“Roomy. I’m gonna speak it to existence, even if it’s just for a night.” He teased.

“Perv!” I laughed, playfully shoving him before hopping off the bed.

“Hey Lily?”

“Yeah?” I responded, turning to face him.

“I’m sorry. I mean, I said I didn’t want to be in the middle of you two, but I was. For me and Rocky’s relationship, we’re staying out of you and Ethan’s. Just know that I’m rooting for you.” He winked.

“Thanks Brandon.” I said, before giving him a hug.


February 2012

“Hey! You made it! Happy Singles Awareness Day!” I said, cheerfully as Ethan came up to the bar. He gave me a nod before sitting at a bar stool. I finished making two vodka sours and delivered them to my customers before turning my attention back to Ethan.

“I did. I thought it would be more crowded.” He commented, looking around.

I shrugged, mixing him a drink. “Most women don’t wanna come to an arcade for Valentine’s day. This weekend will be full of teens and singles, so I’m enjoying the peace while I can.” I explained to him, handing him a drink.

He looked at it. “What is this?”

“It’s called the Good Riddance.”

He cocked an eyebrow at me before taking a sip. He sputtered before swallowing. “That’s awful.”

I laughed. “It’s beer and lemonade. You said you don’t drink and you’re driving…”

“Couldn’t just get me a beer?” He asked, with a smirk.

“No, I needed something mixed so I can name it and it can be symbolic; let go of the drama and bullshit and everything else and just have fun.” I smiled.

He nodded. “I can do that.”

“Cool. Your brother is already here.” I walked away to take another order. After fulfilling it, I walked back to Ethan.

“Where is your boyfriend taking you for Valentine’s?” He asked me.

“No boyfriend.” I blushed, looking down.

“I thought that guy, the one at your house-” He started.

“Trevor is just a friend.” I cut him off, quickly, not wanting to go down that road. For as long as I wanted Trevor to be my boyfriend in college, it never happened. He was one of my closest friends now because I finally let go of my feelings for him.

“Ok…so where would you want your boyfriend to take you?”

“Here would be cool.” I answered.


“Yeah. I’m a huge kid. That’s the reason EJ and I get along so well.” I said.

“One of the reasons.” He said, giving me a sexy smile. I noticed how dark his brown eyes are; like melted chocolate. The way he was studying me made me flush.

“I gotta get back to work.” I replied, busying myself.

“Alright. Make sure you find me during your break. We can play a game.”

I smiled and nodded.




Walking into Dave and Buster’s that night filled me with nostalgia. I can’t help but remember the first time Ethan and I hung out together without EJ. I automatically walked to the lower section to the huge bar and found Sammy immediately. We ran to each other like lost lovers. As I hugged her, I noticed how much she’s changed. Her hair was cut in a bob with chunky red streaks that looked good with her naturally tanned skin due to her Mexican heritage. She was wearing black slacks and a black uniform shirt.

“Ohmigosh Lily you look so good!”

“So do you” I gushed.

“I look the same. You look amazing. I almost didn’t recognize you!”

We laughed and made our way to the bar. I greeted everyone I knew from working here before. After I hugged my old assistant general manager, I settled down with Sammy. She told me about the job, her apartment and caught me up on her family. I told her about my upcoming job interview and apartment hunting. We planned on getting the old gang back together; at least everyone in driving distance.

“You think Trevor will come?” She asked, slyly.

I sighed. Trevor and Sammy started hooking up before I left for California. I don’t know how serious it got. Trevor and I didn’t speak much while I was in California, and never about relationships. I had no idea what happened or why they broke it off. Truthfully, I didn’t care to know.

“I don’t know, but I definitely will be inviting him.” I answered honestly.

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