Mr. Peter Chapman Pt. 03 by BigMadStork

Both women blush a bit. They have both been hinting at precisely that same thing.

I put Jim on the spot, “Which one do I marry? Which one do you tell, ‘You’re not good enough?’ Come on, Jim. What do I do?”

Jim is now stuck; who does he make mad.

Thinking he’s smart, he answers, “Marry the one you love.”

I laugh out loud at him, “You should be a politician! Sorry. That doesn’t work. Their both amazing women. Beth has points that make her stand out, and Cara has just as many in other areas, and they both have a ton where they’re equal.”

Jim gets smart, “I’ll ask my wife.”

After we stop laughing, Jim asks seriously, “I’m about to write some big checks. I wanted to come here and see if you really want….”

I cut him off mid-sentence, “I’m doing this with or without you. It’s too important to the people who want to be nurses, their families, and the facilities that hire those wonderful people. I still have legal hurdles. They’re going to come at me much harder. Even after we have a class, they will find stats that show my students are worse than theirs. They will do anything to bury me deep.”

Jim smiles at me, “I thought you felt that way. I’m all in as well. I give away a lot of money, and this is one that I’ll be the proudest of. I’m not saying the other organizations aren’t worthy, only that this one has touched my heart. My people fought to get on this project. The site and the screens look amazing now. They added many features, making it a rich environment conducive to learning.

“We will use this system to teach many other professions at my university. The teacher’s unions will flip out, but rather than instructors, we’ve found that we need a more skilled help desk; no, that’s not the right word. We need teachers with experience that can assist confused students and lead online group conversations. There will be fewer faculty, but almost the same number will be needed to assist the program, and they can work from home to provide more one-on-one focused help. The future of teaching is online. The future for teachers will be more focused and one-on-one.”

He’s smiling big as he says, “We will change higher education. Everyone will be using our system or one like it. They will be quick to copy. I’ll keep it cheap to keep competition out.”

After a short pause, he can’t help smiling, “You haven’t asked why I’m here?”

I giggle, “What, I’m not enough?”

Beth and Cara slug me playfully.

Jim grins, “We break ground tomorrow.”

Beth, Cara, and I scream, “WHAT!?”

He hides his massive grin as he says, “I’ll sign a check at 9:00 tomorrow morning, and they will break ground at both locations tomorrow morning. The mayor is giving me the key to the city because I’m investing so much money in this town.”

Jim brings out a laptop, connects it to our overhead, and shows an artist’s rendering of the school, the dorms, and the staff housing. That was all cool stuff. The dorms are spacious, the accommodation was terrific, and the two penthouse spaces were unbelievable. They’re both luxurious, spacious, and have many floor-to-ceiling windows. The balcony is big enough for a BBQ and a large round table with eight chairs.

Breathtaking is the only word that gives it justice.

Cara yells out, “Wait! Go back. Is that …. What is that?”

Jim can’t stop laughing, “Great eye Cara. We’re calling it a Jack-and-Jill bedroom.”

He can tell that we clearly have no idea what he’s talking about.

Jim spells it out, “Peter’s bedroom is at the end of the hallway. On both sides is a large master suite washroom. Both have large showers, while one has a hot tub and the other has three four-claw bathtubs. Each washroom leads to another bedroom. Both bedrooms have a door to the washroom and the hallway. You then have another washroom followed by another bedroom leading away from each bedroom.

“Think guest bedroom, washroom, wife’s bedroom, corner washroom, Peter’s bedroom, corner washroom, second wife’s bedroom, washroom, and another guest bedroom.”

Beth asks with a hesitation, “Which one is mine, and which is for the wife?”

Jim chuckles, “You and Cara decide who gets which bedroom. If Peter is stupid, he labels one as his wife. I suspect he tells you their both labeled wife. A guest bedroom could become a child’s bedroom, and a wife can share Peter’s bed while parents use your bed.”

Beth looks at me, “Cara and I will talk about this. I’m not saying no. I think this could work. We need to discuss this first, between us.”

Jim offers, “I have three alternate floorplans; this is the one my wife selected. Like Peter, I didn’t want to make that decision. Since we agree, for now, I need to run. The mayor wants me to stop by for photos. I’m strongarming him to improve your airport. This place will become popular; we need a bigger runway for bigger aircraft like my small Boeing and some small commercial aircraft. More than crop-dusters will be flying in here from now on.”

We all shake hands and then sit as Jim takes off.

I start, “I’m sorry. This really isn’t fair to either one of you. I do love you both, and both of you are amazing people. You know this, it’s why you’re best friends. Are either of you willing to be a second fiddle and sit aside for your friend?”

Beth is first, “I love Cara; she’s an amazing person. I’m not in love with her like I’m in love with you. I like sex with men only. I did an experiment in school, and it didn’t do much for me, other than I got orgasms. I can do that myself.”

Cara nods her head yes, “I agree with Beth on almost everything. The difference is if you told us you would leave both of us if we didn’t decide, I would give in to keep you in my life. I can’t live without you. It would destroy me but having even a little of you is better than none of you.”

Beth is in tears, “I hear what you’re saying, and I agree, it’s better to have some of you than none of you.”

I guiltily ask, “Is it better to share, or must I pick one? Both of you have captured my heart. I miss Ariel, but she would kick my ass if I sat at home all night mourning her. She loved me as much as I loved her. She would want me to live a full and happy life. My problem is that you’re both amazing young, intelligent, and sexy women.”

My phone goes off. Shit, ER, head trauma, immediately!

As I’m running out of the conference room, “ER. Head Trauma. Bye.” They both understood immediately.”

Chapter 14 – 2 for 2

It’s eight weeks later. There has been legal correspondence, court orders, and a summons to appear in court. Jim took care of everything. Mom lost her lawsuit as they expected, and she decided to retire. The same will happen to dad soon. She’s already looking at building a home out here. She wants to be near me, future grandchildren, and the school. She will be doing something, probably as a volunteer, so she can travel more.

I am currently in my office reviewing a patient chart that is getting a stint inserted tomorrow. We don’t have a cardiologist, so I do it. I’m checking my game plan, so I know exactly what I will do.

There is a knock on my door, and then it opens. Only Beth and Cara do that. Beth comes in with a huge smile. I can see another nurse behind her, but I’m not sure who it is. Do we have a nurse with long, brown, curly hair? What is she up to?

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