Ponce by lisarowe

Ponce by lisarowe

****Author’s Note: This is one of my first stories here. And I hope this actually gets published and read by you beautiful readers! So far I have not yet written the smut! But I do have the first chapter which is the build up! I apologize in advance for anyone who feels uncomfortable at the use of the “n” word here. But I am a black american writer and the only people who use it are black characters! I appreciate any feed back you can give me on this first chapter! Or if you just want to let me know that you can’t wait for me! I will try to meet your expectations and create something really hot! But I won’t post it until I feel like it is good enough and perfect/ready for you to consume! I also have a few friends who I might run it by first too to let me know and give me the OK or if the sex needs to be tweaked/hotter. As I am a virgin writer who writes erotica (contradictory right?). Also, to all my Military people please understand that I am a Veteran like you. But I know how we can gatekeep. My experience is not going to be 100% like yours. We might have served in different branches, units, or times, etc. So, please be nice when commenting on the realism of Military personnell. And be kind if you see things that need to be corrected as I only joined the Military for college money when I was extremely young and got out after my first contract. It has also been YEARS since I’ve been in. So, of course things have changed. But at the end of the day…this story is a work of fiction and I can realistically do whatever the hell I want 🙂 Hope you guys enjoy this ride with me!! ****

“The only thing you’ll be able to do is eat my pussy,” I snap at Ponce.

My finger is in his face and everyone else, especially the guys, are laughing.

“If you even so much as try to stick a finger in me, I’m screaming SHARP on your ass so fast that you’ll hear the jail cell locking before you can even breath,” I say.

I can’t believe I’m doing this.

“What you say, girl?” My friend Jenkins ask as she holds up her cell phone camera.

She’s on live.

“I said I’m taking this motherfucker back to my room, but if he tries to stick his dick in me it’s over for him,” I say as I walk over and stick my face in her camera.

“You heard it!” Jenkins tells her viewers, “We heard it! We all heard it! It’s all about consent baby!”

“You want me to go with you Lancaster?” One of the guys, Jones asks me, “I can watch…”

I smack him on the head.

The guys all laugh.

“Man, shit! I’m not going in no female’s room just to give her some head! You got to get my dick wet or something,” Michaelson says as he over hears us from the kitchen.

“Yeah, man! Don’t let her talk to you like that,” Jimenez speaks up and punches Ponce on the arm.

But Ponce stays quiet. His face looks expressionless as he stares at me.

“No! This nigga is desperate!” Campbell speaks up from her spot at the kitchen table where she’s playing cards with the others.

“Yesss, this nigga wants her sooooo bad,” Jenkins agrees as she tells the camera, “You should see how he’s been acting the past few weeks! Hair done, nails, shopping sprees!”

“Yes, girl!” Wells chants from the couch as she raises up her beer bottle as if to toast me, “Get that bread! Get that head! Use him!”

“Man, shit! Fuck no! I ain’t giving no bitch no money that ain’t gave me none! Please, Ponce, tell me you’re not this caught up!” Michaelson cries and literally runs out of the kitchen to shake Ponce’s shoulders as if he’s trying to snap him out of a trance.

“He’s a bitch,” Jenkins says matter of factly as if she’s answering for him.

And when Ponce doesn’t say anything Michaelson lets him go and walks away in disgust.

“Man…” He cries with a shake of his head.

But all the rest of the guys just laugh.

“It be like that sometimes,” Jones says as he takes off his glasses and cleans them with his shirt.

“Sometimes you just get caught up,” He says as if he really understands or is remembering an experience. He puts his glasses back on.

“Like the Usher song,” He continues in a dead pan voice.

“Fuck that!” Michaelson disagrees, “You’ll never see me that bent over some bitch that’s not giving it up!”

“Come on, Lancaster,” Jiminez says as if he’s Ponce’s negotiator, “At least jerk him off or something…play with his balls a little bit while he’s in there”

I shake my head adamantly.

“Nope. I’m not touching this piece of shit,” I say point blank.

All the girls laugh.

“Oooo this is a hate fuck!” Campbell yells from the kitchen, “I’ve been there before!”

“Ohhhh so that’s you’re problem! You’re ass should have been nicer!” Michaelson says to Ponce as if it all makes sense now.

He shakes his head again but this time it’s in a “what else can I do for you” sort of way.

“That’s on you man, you fucked up. How you gone get some treating a woman like shit?” He states simply.

“Exactly,” I say to Michaelson before Ponce can even speak.

He’s been real quiet now. All that mouth but he can’t talk when I’m exposing him in front of everybody.

“Yep. My dad always said about my mom: if I don’t make her happy, she’s not going to make me happy. And this man would stare me right in the eye as if he couldn’t do anything when she told him to do some dumb shit like hold her purse or something.

And I’d be like, ‘Dad, why can’t you just tell her to hold her purse herself?’ Man up. Don’t make her let you hold some pink handbag.

And he’d just shake his head at me.

I didn’t understand that shit until I started fucking,” Jones says with a shake of his own head, “I can be a little bitch. And I realize where I got it from…because my dad is a little bitch”

“He’s whipped!” Campbell corrects with a roll of her eyes as she reshuffles some cards and the people at the table laugh, “That’s what he is”

“I like a man that can admit to being a bitch for his woman,” Wells says from the couch and gives Jones the once over. He looks down his glasses at her and raises his eyebrows.

Wells smacks her lips.

“But you’re too geeky for me,” She says and shoots him down before he can even get a foot in the door.

“No, baby. I’m like Stefan and Urkel,” He clarifies, “I can go to Superman from Clark Kent really fast”

He pulls off his glasses again and pretends to open his shirt.

Wells just dismisses him again with a wave of her hand.

But we all burst out laughing.

“Well, good luck Ponce!” Jenkins says as she comes over and throws her arm over his shoulder. She points her camera in his face, “You all wish Ponce good luck! May his tongue game be stupid crazy and maybe Lancaster will give him some pussy!”

All the rest of us laugh.

But Ponce looks like that person who’s before forced to take a picture he doesn’t want.


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