A Day with Bob the Builder

An adult stories – A Day with Bob the Builder by Miboman,Miboman A day with Bob the builder

She sighed contently when she stepped into the steaming shower. Moving to a new house is hard work! She had spent all day with a rented van moving the last boxes, plants and other more fragile items she had not trusted the movers to handle carefully enough.

Oh, how wonderful the warm water felt on her aching body. And with her focus on moving the last few weeks, she had not enough energy at night to do anything else but fall fast asleep. She was reminded of that while soaping her body, her nipples very quickly springing to attention and a rush of blood seemingly rushing to her lower regions. She sighed again, this time a more moaning sigh. Her body aching for release of the sexual tension she suddenly realized had been building in her body because of neglecting her almost nightly routine of pleasuring herself with one or more toys from her collection in her nightstand.

“Tonight!” she promised herself. Tonight, she would take the time, regardless of how tired she was. It would likely not take too much time given how excited she felt now, from the thought of it and from sliding her soapy hand over her body. She spent some extra time squeezing her lovely breasts (yes, she though they were lovely – so sue her) and also in teasing her clit and cleft – she starting to feel her inner wetness building. But frustratingly enough she knew she did not have time now, she was expecting Bob the builder to come (no, not come in that way you dirty girl she thought to herself) in the next fifteen minutes. Yes, Bob. The name was a bit stereotypical, but it was actually his name. A young man, blond and tall and very American. He had moved to her country a few years ago and was now in his early thirties and a reputable builder. Many of her friends had used his services when things needed fixing in their houses, or when they needed something built, and had highly recommended him. She needed a fence around her yard fixed, the previous owner of the house not been able to stay on top of the upkeep of the house the last 10 years. She had met with Bob a couple week back, and agreed on what to do and when he could do it. So now he was coming, and even though he knew what to do and could take care of it himself, she wanted to be out here to great him when he came and update him on her latest idea on how to fix a specific part of the fence. She also did not mind meeting him again, he was easy on the eyes and very pleasant. And good fun to talk with – he did not meet the stereotype of a worker or an American jock (which is what he looked like) since he seemed to be quite well read and he had made her laugh multiple times during their first brief meeting. So now it was time to stop what she was doing and get started with her day.

She quickly finished her shower and toweled herself off. Oh no, the towel rubbing her nipples reminded her body of her previously excitement, but again she shrugged it off with a promise to herself to later address this properly. Since it was a warm early summer day, she wrapped her hair in a towel but skipped her robe when leaving the bathroom, enjoying the nice fresh “after shower” feeling of her naked body in the warm air. She lived by herself, and her house was a bit secluded, so she could be naked all day if she so chose. She stepped out from the bathroom, into the hallway and into the living room on her way to her bedroom. When she stepped into the living room and lifted her gaze to look out her lovely large windows she froze! Outside her window, Bob was busy working on her fence. And he was naked! Or well, not naked, but he had lost his shirt and had tight workers shorts on. He had very muscled from his work and had already worked up a nice gleam of sweat from being out there in the sun. She stood frozen and just looked at him. He was a nice specimen of a man all right. The excitement that had been building in her body resurged immediately with her nipples getting sharp as little pebbles and her lower regions feeling very warm. She knew she should bolt into her bedroom and quickly get dressed, but for some reason she just kept standing there. It had been way too long since she had been with a man, and her mind raced with fantasies about what a good-looking man like Bob would be able to do to and with her. And what she would do to him. But why would a young man like that want to do anything with her? She was at least fifteen years older than him, and surely he saw her as an old woman. Sure, she looked quite good (if she could say so herself), with breasts that was just a perfect handful size with perky nipples. She worked out and had a strong body, even if it was not as slim as those models you always saw in the fashion ads. And the men she had met had not had any complaints, they seemed happy to enjoy her body and her skills in bed (and in other places…).

“Stop this nonsense” she said quietly to the empty room. She had to get going, she might scare the poor guy to death if she stood there staring intently at him while completely nude. Just as she started to come out of her imaginative mind and actually start moving again, he turned his head and looked straight at her!

After freezing a place again, and while standing there frozen noticing his eyes opening up wide and a broad smile entering his chiseled face, she finally regained control over her limbs and ran to her bedroom. Closing the door, she just stood there breathing hard for a moment with her heart beating heavily in her chest. “What would he think of her?” she thought to herself and chuckled while starting to dress. She noticed that her underwear drawer was starting to look very empty, thanks to her not having time to do laundry. What was left now was only the things she did not wear often, her sexiest lingerie. A sheer balconette-type bra that lifted her breasts nicely and barely covered her nipples. A pair of high-cut panties (she hated thongs so none of that crap could be found in her drawer) that was also sheer, with strings on the sides that could be untied to remove the clothing item without the hassle of sliding all the way down her shapely legs.

“Well, that suites the mood of today I guess” she thought to herself while sliding them on. Over top, she put on a nice summer dress to match the warm day. “OK, time to go out and face the embarrassment head on” she decided with a little smile on her face. She left the bedroom and looked out the living room window again. Out there, Bob was again working. Still shirtless. “Damn he looks good” she thought to herself, shook her head a little to clear those thoughts out of her mind. Still smiling her little smile. She passed through her kitchen and filled up a glass with cold water to bring with her to give to Bob. She opened up the screen door going out from her living room to the garden and when the door creaked shut, Bob looked up. His gaze stopped briefly by her chest (was her nipples showing?) before continuing up to her face. He said “Nice to see you. Again.” with emphasis on the again and a little smile creeping back on his face. She giggled a little (while thinking to herself “Stop it, you are acting like a little schoolgirl with a crush”) and said “Nice to see you too. Care for some cold water?”.

“Sure, thanks” he said. “It is a quite hot day today. In more ways than one” he said with a discrete wink and smile. “I woke up a little early today, so I thought I could get started early with your fence. I hope you don’t mind?”.

“No, that’s fine” she said. “I am sorry if I startled you”.

“You really do not have to apologize for that, I did not mind in the least”. Again with that smile that showed the dimple in his cheek. Was he flirting with her?

“How’s it going? Any issues with the fence?” she asked, trying to steer the conversation in a new direction. “I had some ideas regarding this corner”

He just looked at her for a few moments, before answering: “No issues, it is just work and then it should be fine. Let’s look at that corner. ”

They walked together over to the corner, and she explained her idea. While hunched over, pointing to explain her idea, she caught him seemingly looking down the front of her dress a couple of times. They quickly worked out a solution that they both agreed would be great, and with a slightly longer look between them than absolutely necessary she walked away and back in the house.

She got started unpacking more boxes while Bob did his thing out in the garden. Slowly the mess of boxes started to disappear and her home started to look more like a nice inhabitable space again. After a couple of hours, Bob knocked on the door. She stood up too quickly, and hit her head on a newly installed shelf. “Aouch” she cried out, more annoyed than really in pain. He opened the door and stuck his head in and asked “Are you OK”?

“Sure” she said while rubbing the back of her head. “Come in”.

He came in the house and said “I just finished the fence, you want to come have a look?”.

“Wow, done already?! OK, let’s go”.

They walked out in the yard and looked at the completed fence, and her friends had been right – his work was good.

“Thanks for this, great work!” she said.

“It turned out pretty nice. I guess I was inspired this morning!” – he said, again looking at her, seemingly with a gleam in his eye. “I have a question. It is a bit awkward. You can of course say no”. He rushed through the last words.

“OK…” she said a bit apprehensive

“It is like this. A bit embarrassing for me being a builder myself. But my bathroom has a water leak, and I cannot take a shower at home. And the gym where I usually work out is closed today, so I cannot shower there either. Would it be possible to take a quick shower here, before I go home? This was my last job of the day.” Again, he seemed to rush a bit through the words.

“Sure… I guess…I mean, of course you can, no problem.” she said, a bit flustered at the thought of having him naked in her house.

“Thanks”. He smiled at her (damn, those dimples were cute), picked up a bag that she had not noticed he had brought with him and walked past her towards the bathroom.

She looked after him, impressed with his broad shoulders but shook her head a little when he opened the door to the bathroom and got on with unpacking again. Soon she was engrossed in trying to fit things into the right place in her new home, almost forgetting what was going in in her bathroom. Almost forgetting a young, good looking man was naked in her bathroom. After just a few minutes, she realized she had forgotten to eat properly all day, so she stopped the unpacking and got in the kitchen with the intention of making something simple. But first she realized she needed to do some dishes, she had no more clean unpacked things. She picked up a plate and a glass and turned to open the faucet. But she had forgotten that her faucet had some sort of firehose inspired super power – when she opened it up the way she had done in her old kitchen, water splashed everywhere. Including all over her! “Damn!” she exclaimed. She closed the faucet, whipped of her dripping wet dress and rushed into the bathroom to pick up a towel to dry off.

When entering the bathroom, she suddenly realized what she now had truly forgotten. Bob was in there. And he was naked. Standing there, toweling himself off. And she had rushed in, in her sexy lingerie. Which was even more sheer than usual since it was now wet. Again, she froze. And looked. Damn he looked good.

“Hello again” he said with a wide smile. Slowly lowering his towel to hide his groin. “Need something?”.

“Oh shit, I am so sorry, I forgot you were in here, and I spilled water all over myself and just wanted to quickly grab a tower and…”. She trailed off. And stood there looking. At him.

“You look very nice. Again.” he said with a lower, very manly voice. She thought she saw a hungry look in the eyes.

“I’ll just grab this towel and leave. Sorry for barging in here.”.

“You don’t need to be sorry. I enjoyed it.” he said. Was his nipples getting stiffer? And was that a bulge under the towel?

“You enjoyed it? What does that mean?” she said. Trying to sound a little bit angry. But only sounding very eager to hear his thoughts.

“Well…who would not enjoy looking at a beautiful woman?” he said with a smile.

“You think I am beautiful? But I am old!” she said, hoping he would say the right things.

“You’re not that old, and yes, I do think you are beautiful. Both without clothes and with…clothes…if those beautiful things you have now on should be called something so boring as clothes” he said while taking a small, small step forward.

“But you are young and look like a model” she objected. While at the same time also taking a small step towards him. Dropping the towel she held in his hand, now on display before him in almost her full glory.

He looked at her, asking for her permission without speaking. She held his gaze for some time before giving him a slight nod and moving forward again. Bob dropped his towel and closed the distance between them. They met in a tight embrace, their lips locking in a passionate kiss. His hands starting to roam over her backside and dropping down to start fondling her ass. She did the same, with the difference that Bob was naked and she could feel his strong back and well chiseled ass under her fingers. And she felt the bulge between them grow harder and bigger.

He let go of the embrace, and before she had time to start questioning what was going on, he spun her around. And embraced her from behind. His lips grazed her neck while his hands started roaming over her breasts. After just a few moments she felt his fingers start working the knot between the half-cups, untied it a quickly replace the cups with his hands, filling them with her breasts. He slid her nipples between his fingers, squeezing them teasing them. And she responded – she loved having her nipples played with. She felt her pussy getting more and more wet. And just as she thought she would have to beg him to do it, he started sliding his hands further down her body. Down her stomach and then back up again. Down and back up. But gradually going lower and lower, starting to graze over her mound. Finally, both his hands settled at her sides, and started untying the knots there, preparing her for joining him in being completely nude. She couldn’t wait.

She felt his dick pressing into her lower back. It felt big and hard and was warm against her back. They had not spoken a word since they started kissing, the only sounds being heard was there panting and moaning. He had managed to untie the strings on both sides now, and with one swift motion he removed the last piece of cloth separating their bodies. And now he placed one of his strong hands over her right breast, and his other hand started playing with her pussy. Sliding his fingers over her mound, teasing her lips. He could feel how wet she was becoming and he simultaneously uttered a low moan and pushed himself closer to her from behind.

She started to feel her knees wanting to give out from being so excited, but his strong hands held her up. While also making her more and more excited by the second. She felt it like a low current was flowing from the nipple that he was manipulating down to her pussy. And she felt wetter than she could remember being in a long, long time. When he started playing with her clit, her excitement reached yet another level.

“Please” she said. “please, I need you inside me”.

“How do you want me?” he asked while continuing his gentle assault on her clit.

She was surprised to suddenly feel her orgasm approaching. How could that be? She never came this fast! How could he make her so excited so fast?

“Please, continue what you are doing. I am so close” she said between labored breaths.

His fingers continued what they were doing. But he also switched things up, so she never knew exactly what was going to come. Which is what made it so much more exciting for her. She felt the build-up continue, growing into a crescendo when she let out a growling sound and enjoyed the best orgasm she had experienced in a long time.

She lingered in the moment, but only for a few moments. She quickly regained enough composure to turn around and said “Now I need you inside me”. She looked around on the floor, saw her fluffy bathroom mat and guided him down on his back on the mat. She sat down on her knees beside him and admired the sight. He let her take her time, not rushing her. He was so beautiful, well-muscled with a beautiful dick. That looked to be very hard. She bent down, and slowly licked along his length which made him let out a long moan. She likes this, enjoying how she could give this big man so much pleasure from such a little contact. She toyed with his dick with her mouth a little more, licking along its length, around the head and pulling it into her mouth. But she could not contain herself, so she said “Sorry, I cannot wait anymore. I’ll make it up to you later”.

“No need to feel sorry” he said, “I want you to get on top of me now!”.

She took him at his word, straddled him and held his dick pointing towards the bathroom ceiling. Slowly she lowered herself, felt the point of his dick opening up her pussy and entering her – filling her up. She stopped when just the tip had entered into her, savoring both the immediate feeling and the anticipation of what was to come. She looked him in the eyes and saw the lust in them – he really wanted this as well. She appreciated how he let her set the pace, it made it all the more exciting to be in control that way. While maintaining eye contact, she continued sliding all the way down on his dick. She was wet enough to make it only pleasurable, and she enjoyed how he stretched her and filled her up. Now he started being more active again, his hands came up to start teasing both her breasts while she started sliding up and down on his dick. Soon they were both panting again, the excitement building in both of them this time.

He placed his hands on her hips and stopped her when she was all the way down, with the pubic bones meeting. She moaned a little bit extra from the pressure on her clit. He looked her in the eye and said “I will come very soon. Can I come inside you?”.

“Go ahead, it’s safe. Come for me!” she said.

The hands on her hips help her body start moving up and down again, and then his hands moved backed to where they felt so good – on her breats. She kept moving, steadily increasing the pace. Soon they were both panting frantically again, and when his hands again gripped her hips and he started slamming harder into her from below, she knew he was very close. She was as well, and slid one of her own hands down to her clit to try and time her orgasm with his. He pushed one large push into her, and then held on to her. She felt how his come filled her up, and the felling combined with a few more rubs of her clit made her come as well.

She slowly bent at the waist, putting her upper body on his while keeping his dick inside her. For a while they just lay there, basking in the warm feeling of post-orgasm. Slowly she raised her head so she could look him in the eyes again and said “Wow! That was pretty great”

“It was wasn’t it? ” he replied with a satisfied smile.

She bent down to give him a kiss, enjoying the feel of his warm body against hers. “Sorry for making you all sweaty again” she said smiling. “Care to share a shower with me?”

End of part 1


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