A Friend In Need



Thirty eight, single, good looking, with blue eyes and long blonde hair… she was also a virgin. That is the best way to describe our best friend Suzy. My wife and I had known her for the last twenty years and she had become a good but somewhat frustrating friend.

Suzy was reasonably outgoing and had enjoyed a career in professional theater, she liked the outdoors including hiking, camping and mountain biking. Men found her attractive with a nice smile and those piercing blue eyes, she was a few pounds overweight but it looked natural on a woman of her age and did nothing to detract from her sexiness. So why still a virgin you may ask… well to be honest Suzy was just too picky in looking for the perfect man!

Ever since we had known her she had this idea of meeting her ideal guy, marrying and settling down to have kids. Unfortunately this mythical Adonis of a man didn’t seem to exist or if he did he had never crossed paths with Suzy. It didn’t help that she was bought up in a very religious family and had been on only a handful of dates in her life, all with men of similar repressed backgrounds.

My wife Penny had spent many hours over the years listening to Suzy grumble about never finding ‘Mr Right’ and it had lately come to a point where we were quite frustrated with it all. Still with being God Mother to our two children she was always invited to family gatherings and birthdays. It was on one of these festive occasions that a new conversation with Suzy took place. More about that later!


My wife Penny and I had been together for the last twenty one years, married for nineteen. We weren’t high school sweethearts but did go to the same school. It was only after college that we one day bumped into each other at an airport. I had been flying out for a job interview in a nearby city and Penny had booked the same flight to see her Grandmother. We meet at the ticket counter and decided to get seats together. The flight was only supposed to last an hour but due to delays in takeoff we ended up spending four hours chatting and catching up. It seemed we had a lot in common and by the end of our flight I had already asked her out on a date. The rest, as they say, is history… engaged in ten months and married a year later.

Right from the start our sex life had been pretty awesome and it hadn’t lost any spontaneity or physical gratification over the ensuing years. Penny kept herself in great shape and looked years younger than her actual age, her West Indian heritage had resulted in a crop of wild black hair, and with her ebony colored skin and slim physique she always had me gawking like a love struck schoolboy. I loved the shape of her firm rounded breasts with their dark copper colored nipples, her flat toned stomach accompanied cute curved hips that lead down to long slender legs… the ideal woman. Yes her body was magnificent but what I’d really fallen in love with was her sparking eyes and bright smile, plus her infectious laugh and charm. Penny was indeed the perfect package and I counted myself lucky every day that she was sharing her life with me.


Our eighteen year old daughter Milly was about to embark on new adventures at university and we had planned a farewell party for her. Suzy was of course invited and as usual she would be staying over in the guest room. The night went well and everybody seemed to have a great time with plenty of food, drinks and dancing. After fare-welling our guests at midnight Penny and I had retired to our bedroom. I decided to have a shower and just gotten under the spray of warm water when I felt a slap on my backside. I turned to find a very naked wife standing grinning at me. I smiled back and pulled her into the cubicle.

Shower time together had become a special treat over the years as we loved to soap up each other’s bodies exploring the intimacies of our nakedness. Despite the late hour we were soon kissing and fondling as the water cascaded over our bare flesh.

“Someone’s pleased to see me.” Penny joked, her hand wrapped around my stiffening penis giving it a few gentle tugs.

“It’s always pleased to see you.” I kissed her on the neck and nibbled her earlobe… two favourite erotic zones.

“I think we should get to bed so you can fuck me with this big thick cock of yours.” Her voice was sexy and husky with desire.

I’d always loved it when she talked dirty and she knew it. We dried off quickly and dragged one another into the bedroom collapsing on the cool crisp sheets our mouths locked together.

I detached my lips from hers and proceeded to kiss down her body… heading for that warm sweet spot below her black trimmed pubes.

Penny grabbed my head and lifted it up. “No going down there tonight baby. I’m so fucking horny I want you inside me, now!”

She parted her long sexy limbs as I rose and knelt between them. Her eyes were riveted on mime revealing a look of impatient lust. I grabbed her hips gave one strong push forward and thrust my cock into her waiting pussy.

“Ohh fuck yeah!” The loud exclaimed filled the room and my next thrust was met with one of her own.

We fucked hard and fast, both of us using all our energy to slam our bodies together, my balls slapping loudly against her backside. It wasn’t often that our lovemaking took on such a frenetic pace but when it did the result was usually quick and satisfying for both of us. Tonight was no exception!

“Yes, yes, yes!” Penny shouted as her excitement reached the point of no return. “Ohhh, baby yesss!” Her body convulsed under me as I felt her fingernails claw into my flesh.

I grunted as I felt my own climax approaching and continued to pound away… then my release came as I emptied my load into her.

“Shit, oh yeah!” I cried out as an electric wave coursed through my body before I finally collapsed gasping for air. Beside me Penny still shuddered and spasmed through the remains of her orgasm.

Once we had recovered our senses we lay in each other’s arms basking in the afterglow of our energetic passion. It was half an hour before either of us spoke.

“What bought that on?” I finally questioned propping myself up on my elbow.

“I don’t know. Maybe just knowing were losing our daughter to college and that we’re getting older. I just wanted to feel young and sexy again. We’ve still got it right?” She looked up at me seeking reassurance.

“Are you kidding? Yeah, we’ve still got baby.” I said enthusiastically.

“Yeah, we have!” Penny agreed and giggled. “But I’m also going to be sore down there for the next couple of days after that!” She raised her eyebrows in mock despair.

“I’ll be more gentle next time.” I replied lightly kissing her on the lips before we cuddled up to go to sleep.


The next morning was Sunday and I got up early and headed out for a long bike ride, when I returned Penny ushered me into the bedroom and shut the door.

“It appears we were a bit loud last night.”

“What do you mean.”

“I left the door to the balcony slightly open to get some air flow and it seems that our rather torrid session between the sheets was loud enough to be heard.” Penny grimaced.

“I’m sure the girls have heard us before, no big deal they know we enjoy ourselves.” I replied and shrugged.

“It wasn’t the girls who heard, it was Suzy.”

“Oh, okay. But again no big deal really is it?”

“I was so embarrassed when she mentioned it this morning.”

“She mentioned it. Really? Not something I’d expect her to talk about.”

“She wanted to know if I’d orgasmed having sex.”

“Okay.” I was bemused at where this conversation was going.

“She’s never had one.” Penny explained.

“Never had a what, an orgasm?” I queried.

“Yep, never evidently.”

“So what, she’s one of those women who just don’t get to that point? I suppose that might explain some of her attitudes to sex.”

“It’s not that she doesn’t get there. It’s that she’s never tried!” Penny exclaimed inexplicitly.

“What? You mean she’s never even tried by masturbating? I replied incredulously.


“Get out of here. Surely she’s played with herself.”

“Well yeah she did admit that she’s touched herself a couple of times but said she stopped because she didn’t feel much.”

“She hasn’t used a vibrator or anything. I mean you come in minutes with one.”

“We’re talking about Suzy here remember. I don’t think she’s even seen a vibrator, let alone thought of using one.”

“Com’on really. Even our girls have vibrators!”

“I know. They reckon there the best birthday presents we ever bought them.” Penny grinned. “I did suggest to Suzy that she get one and I think she’s open to it but doesn’t know how.”

“You just order on-line like we do.”

“I told her that, but it seems her courier mail is collected by the concierge at her apartment block and she doesn’t want him to know what’s she’s been ordering.”

“Don’t they come like in plain packaging?”

“I told her that too but she doesn’t want to take the risk.”

“Give her one of yours then.”

“I did think of that but then I’m not sure if I’d want to use someone else’s toy.”

“Sex shop.”

“Really! Can you see Suzy walking into a sex shop and browsing for a vibrator?”

“I guess not. It would be quite an education for her though.” I smiled at the thought of her seeing all the stuff sex shops sell.

“It’s still an education for me when we go sex store shopping, and I’ve got a drawer of stuff already.” Penny grinned back at me. “It would traumatize her for life if she went to one.”

“So what’s you plan then?” I asked knowing that Penny wouldn’t have started this conversation without a reason.

“You’re going into the city tomorrow for a meeting right? So there’s a sex shop on East St near that antique shop we go to. You could pop in a get one for her.”

“You want me to buy a vibrator for another women?”

“It’s not just anybody, it’s Suzy. She’s our best friend.” Penny looked at me pleadingly.

“Alright. I’ll do it. Maybe it’ll finally help her loosen up about the whole sex, relationship thing.” I shrugged in submission. “So what do I get?”

“Nothing too out there. I mean no attachments or moving parts. Just a plain vibrator and don’t get one shaped like a penis, that would totally freak her out! Not too big either, maybe about five inches, we don’t want to scare her with something life size.”

“Okay. Small, standard, non penis shaped, no added extras.” I repeated holding up a finger for each requirement.

“Oh, and make it a pink one, they’re more feminine.” Penny reached over and raised another of my digits.

“So while I’m there do I purchase something for you too?” I inquired with a cheeky smile.

“It seems I don’t have any problem orgasming and I have the voice to prove it.” She replied with a smirk.

“Were you really that loud?”

“Evidently your massive cock has that effect on me.” Penny squeezed the front of my cycling shorts causing the bulge to grow slightly.

“I think we should test that theory.” I quipped pulling her closer.

“I’m already embarrassed enough about last night thank you. So go have a cold shower instead.” My butt received a light slap as Penny broke my grip and headed for the door.

The rest of the day went pretty normally although Suzy was a little quieter than usual.

The next day I headed into work while Penny, Suzy and the girls went shopping. On my way home I called into the sex shop and got the exact toy as described.

That night as we got into bed I quizzed Penny on whether she had given the vibrator to Suzy.

“I did.”


“She took it and thanked me.”


“And what? I assume she’ll try it out and see what happens.

“Was she surprised that you had a new one for her?”

“I think she knew that you must have got it in town today. Of course knowing that will be all the more embarrassing, so don’t be silly tomorrow and make it worse for her.” Penny looked at me for some form of reassurance.

“What do you mean?” I shrugged in mock innocence.

“Sweetheart, promise me you will not embarrass Suzy about it.” She used her school teacher voice, usually reserved for the girls when they were disobedient.

“I promise.” I replied. “Although it would have been fun to….”

“Jack Martin! Don’t even think about it. This whole thing is big for her and as friends we need to be supportive and not treat it as a joke. You have no idea how stress releasing a good orgasm can be for a woman, and Suzy is more stressed than most.”

“Hey, I promise not to be a dickhead. Okay.”

“Good. As a reward you can have this.” Penny moved down the bed and took my limp penis in her hand before placing it into her mouth. I lay back and received a very satisfying blow job… one of Penny’s specialties.

The following day Suzy was quite quiet again. She was planning on going home the next day and we had planned a picnic lunch at a nearby lake before she left. It was obvious that something wasn’t right… there was definitely no post orgasmic glow coming from her persona. After lunch the girls and I went for a row boat ride while Penny and Suzy went for a walk.


Once we got home I was once again corralled into the bedroom by Penny for an update.

“So, she tried the vibrator and started to feel something but got overwhelmed by what was happening and had to stop. She’s actually quite upset and frustrated about it.”

“Shit. What now? Do we just leave things alone and let her work it out?”

“No. That’s not what she needs.”

“Why do I get the feeling you have a plan already.” I smiled and waited for a reply.

“I do, but it’s not what you may expect… or maybe want.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”

“Suzy’s just so repressed and confused about the whole sexual part of herself that I don’t think she can overcome it alone.

“Go on.” I was intrigued.

“I want to ask her to join us in bed.”

“You what!” I was stunned.

“Let me explain. I think that she needs to see that sex is okay, that orgasms are okay. I’m not saying that we have sex with her… just orgasms. We masturbate with her, showing her that it’s okay, that it’s normal.”

“Whoa, hang on. That’s your plan? We get into bed together and wank off!”

“Pretty much.” Penny answered and shrugged.

“That’s quite a step forward not just for her but for us too babe.” I looked concerned.

“I thought about it and I really think we should do this. She’s our best friend and I hate to see her so caught up in these mind games she plays with herself.”

“Okay, but why the three of us? Why not just you and her, surely that would be less confronting. Two girls masturbating together.”

“I don’t think so. It would give a feeling of me cheating on you and a lesbian kind of vibe.”

“Seriously. You’d just be showing her how to orgasm. I don’t get the vibe thing either. Besides you’ve always said you could make out with another woman.”

“Not Suzy! Come on, my fantasies are about Charlise Theron, not my best friend.”

“Okay, I get that.”

“With us both there it means less innuendos and more about just helping her. Besides she’s probably never seen a real penis before so we’ll take care of that one as well.”

Penny seemed to be making a good point, an outrageous one but still I kind of got it.

“Alright. I’ll go with your instincts on this. The only problem I see in your plan is convincing Suzy.”

“Leave that to me.” Penny smiled.

“Okay, wife knows best.” I mused.

“Yes she does. Twenty years together and you’re finally getting it!” She agreed grinning.

I needed to clear my head so I went for a run, leaving my bewildering wife to initiate her plan.


“All sorted.”

“What do you mean? All sorted!” I was standing naked in the shower after my run.

Penny reached in and turned off the water. “I’ve talked to Suzy and it’s all sorted.”

“Are you serious? Suzy has agreed to jump into bed with us to learn the finer points of masturbation.” I replied skeptically.

“She has.” Penny stated smugly. “So, do you want me to wank you off while you think about seeing her naked tonight?” She turned the shower back on while starting to remove her clothes.

“Yes please.” I answered with a grin on my face as my cock began to rise.

Penny stripped and joined me. What started as a soapy hand job ended in me entering her from behind and filling her warm wet pussy with my warm wet cum! We were careful not to be too loud!

Later that night I was sitting up in bed naked with just a sheet covering my lower body. My heart rate was well above normal as I looked across the room to the closed bathroom door. Behind that door were two women, one was my wife and the mother of my children and the other a close friend and the Godmother of those children. The door handle suddenly turned and I drew in a quick breath.

Penny emerged first and was wearing a red silk teddy, one that I had bought her for our anniversary. She looked beautiful and the light see though material left nothing to the imagination. Her dark nipples and pubes clearly visible. A sly smile broke out on her face as she turned and reached back into the bathroom to take the hand of the other woman. Susy was lead into the room. My heartbeat raised again as I saw our friend in a whole new way! She was wearing a blue chemise that hugged her body like a glove, her breasts rose and fell as she took quick short breaths. A nervous look covered her face.

The two of them looked so sexy standing there hand in hand. The contrast between their ebony and white skin tones was absolutely captivating.

“Wow! You both look gorgeous.” I exclaimed and smiled.

“Thank you sweetheart.” Penny responded brightly as she lead Suzy closer to the bed.

“I don’t think I can do this.” Suzy uttered hesitantly and stopped her approach.

Penny turned and looked at her frightened friend. “Yes you can. You are a magnificent woman who is sexy and beautiful. We love you dearly and we want to show you how to release that woman into all that she should be. We are going to do this together. Okay?”

“Together.” I reiterated and held out my hand towards them.

“Okay.” Suzy whispered, a weak smile on her face.

Both girls got up onto the bed and sat opposite me. It was pointless trying to hide my growing erection as it tented the sheet.

“So first things first.” Penny pulled the sheet down revealing my cock in all its glory.

“Oh my!” Suzy declared in wide eyed wonder.

“Your first, I take it?” Penny asked inquiringly.

“Yeah,” was the short breathy reply.

“He’s a little above average in size and width but pretty normal looking. They all become erect when they see us like this… it’s like they have eyes attached.” Penny quipped. “Men are visual and easily aroused. Right honey?”

“Yep. All it takes is beautiful bodies like the two of you.” I admitted with a grin.

Suzy blushed at my compliment.

“Okay so that’s him… now us.” Penny unsnapped the teddy between her legs and her pussy became exposed. I could clearly see a glisten of moisture indicating her own arousal.

“Oh, so you want me to take this off.” Suzy asked surprised.

“No just lift it up so that we can see.”

Suzy slowly raised the chemise until her upper legs were visible. Her pussy was unshaven but the lips of her labia were clearly visible. I was delightfully surprised to see her clitoris poking through the light brown hairs. My cock gave a flirtatious twitch at the alluring sight before me. Suzy noticed the little jerk and looked up at me. I smiled and she smiled back.

“So. Toy time.” Penny announced and reached over towards the bedside table. She picked up the vibrator that I had purchased the day before and handed it to Suzy. Then retrieved one for herself from the table drawer. She also picked up a bottle of lube and sprayed both her and Suzy’s toys.

“Better if there’s a little lube to make things more comfortable,” she explained and then squirted some on my cock. “He needs it to,” she added.

I took my cock in hand and started to stroke it slowly. Once again Suzy’s wide eyes centered on me.

“Hey, let’s all concentrate on ourselves for a while.” Penny suggested trying to change the focus. “Just start with a low speed and run it up and down your lips, like this.” She parted her legs, turned on her vibe and placed it onto her pussy moving it slowly up and down.

Suzy lowered her own vibrator between her legs and followed the instructions.

“Does it feel okay?” Penny asked.

“Umm yeah, but I don’t know what’s going to happen.” Our friend sounded confused and scared.

“Hey, nothing bad is going to happen, just let the feelings build. I promise it’s okay.” Penny reassured and squeezed Suzy’s hand. “We’re doing this together.”

I watched as both girls closed their eyes and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Two naked vaginas’ being stimulated by two little toys. Fuck it was the hottest thing I think I’d ever seen. I slowed my own hand movements so I didn’t cum too early!

I realized Penny was controlling her own desire so she could lead things for her friend. She kept making comments and suggestions as a guide. Her voice was soothing and it appeared to be working as Suzy seemed to be enjoying herself more as each minute went by.

Looking over at Penny I mouthed the word ‘Okay.’ She responded with a positive nod. I placed my free hand on her knee and she put her own free hand on top of mine before turning her attention to Suzy again.

After about ten minutes things started to get more heated. Suzy’s breathing was coming in small gasps and she was centering the vibrator action on her clit.

“Just let go and let it happen.”

“Oh, Oh, Ohhh!” Suzy gasped and started to jerk her upper body. Her hand gripped onto my knee.

Penny and I were now both watching Suzy as we continued our own hand movements. We glanced at each other again and smiled before returning our gaze to our friend who was now rocking back and forth with the vibrator pressed firmly onto her swollen clit.

“Oh, yeah… that feels so….” Suzy didn’t finish her sentence before she launched into her impending climax. Her mouth opened wide but only a guttural sound emerged as she rode through her orgasm. A small stream of milky liquid flowed out of her pulsing pussy and dribbled down over her butt hole and onto the sheets.

Seeing her blissful release was enough to cause my own peak to rise. I shot a stream of cum out onto the bed, a second spurt sailed out onto Suzy’s leg before a third was captured by Penny’s hand as she leaned forward to stop any more falling onto Suzy. By the time I’d finished Penny’s hand was covered in my cum, she raised it to her mouth licking the salty fluid off her palm before sucking her fingers clean. It looked so fucking erotic as she smiled at me while doing it.

Suzy was now leaning back on a pillow with a look of satisfaction on her face. Her breathing was coming in gasps and she looked disheveled… a very sexy disheveled!

We sat back and watched our friend bask in the aftermath of her first orgasm. She looked unbelievably hot and my cock was still stiff as a post as I watched her recover. Finally she opened her eyes and looked up at us.

“I can’t believe I’ve never done that before!” She exclaimed and smiled radiantly.

“Welcome to the ‘O’ club babe.” Penny responded and returned the smile.

“Didn’t you… you know?” Suzy asked looking at my still erect cock.

“Oh he did.” Penny replied still smiling. She reached down to dip her finger into the cum I’d shot onto Suzy’s leg then held up the wet finger.

“Is that?” Suzy’s eyes again went wide in surprise.

“Yep.” Penny acknowledged before putting the finger into her mouth.

“Can I taste?”

“Of course you can.”

Suzy dipped her own finger in my cum and raised it to her lips before tentatively licking.

“Wow! I can’t believe I just did that either,” she blurted out. “I mean not just that but everything. It’s a bit over whelming…. I don’t know what to say… I mean…” She looked like she was going to cry.

“Hey it’s okay.” Penny affirmed reassuringly. “Come here.” She reached out her arms.

Suzy shuffled up the bed and the two women hugged. I sat there and watched, thankfully my cock started deflating… a stiffy seemed a bit inappropriate now!

A little later as I lay in bed with a sexy woman cuddled into either side of me, I glanced over at Penny. She gave me her ‘I told you so’ look… it was a look I had seen many times in the past when a plan she had devised had come off as expected. We grinned at each other before drifting off to sleep.


In the morning I woke first. The girls were still either side of me their bodies tucked into my side. I took a moment to gaze across Suzy’s body, she was virtually naked except for the chemise that had fallen down off her shoulders to cover her midriff. One breast was exposed to my view and I studied it in more detail than last night had allowed. The skin was a pale white and slight tan lines were visible on the cleavage area, a result of the conservative one piece swim suit she used in the summer. Her areola was a rose pink with a slightly darker nipple that jutted out enticingly. Below the breast her body curved seductively at the waist then over the hip and down her thigh. The word voluptuous came to my mind as a description of what I saw. How she hadn’t attracted the right man was a mystery to me. I stroked her hair lightly and continued to admire the beautiful sleeping woman… my cock began to rise.

A slight movement on my other side bought me out of my daze. I glanced over and Penny was awake and looking at me, a wry smile on her face.

“Like what you see?” she whispered.

“Ah… I…I guess.” I stuttered in embarrassment at being caught ogling.

“It’s okay baby. She’s an attractive looking woman. I think it’s awesome that you look at her like that. It’s a shame she doesn’t realize that she has that effect on men.” She nodded to my erection.

“Yeah” I agreed tentatively, not wanting to sound too enthusiastic.

“Do you want to fuck her?” Penny asked furtively with a mischievous look in her eyes.

“Do I what!” I exclaimed disbelieving what I’d just heard.

“Com’on it’s not an unreasonable question. You’ve just been gawking at her naked body and it’s caused this to stand up tall and straight.” Penny clasped my stiff cock and squeezed it.

“I was just looking, not anything else.”

“Baby, it’s okay if you wanted to. I mean Iook at her, she’s gorgeous.”

“Where is this coming from? We’ve achieved your objective… plan completed. I don’t recall fucking on that agenda.” I looked at Penny for an explanation.

“It wasn’t but maybe it’s what Suzy needs to complete this thing.”

“What Suzy needs! What about me here, I don’t need to fuck another woman. I’ve got you.” I stated firmly, my voice getting louder.

“Shhh. Okay I get it.” Penny whispered back as she glanced over to see if Suzy was still asleep. “I was just thinking out loud… same as your cock was.”

“She’s naked and you said it yourself last night… men are visual.” I retorted, justifying my erection.

“I know, I know. But what if finally having sex would get rid of all her silly preconceived ideas about men and intimacy… it could just free her up.”

“Why me?”

“Because she loves you and you love her. Who else could do it?”

“Yes I love her, but as a friend. I’m not looking to fuck her.”

“Your cock says different.” She grinned at me and squeezed my dick again.

“For fucks sake Penny!” I uttered exasperated at her comment.

I freed myself from her grasp and edged down the bed heading off to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me I stared into the mirror above the basin.

My mind was racing. What was Penny doing… why did she even suggest it… did she actually want me to fuck her best friend… more to the point did I want to fuck her best friend. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. “What the shit is going on?” I said to myself in frustration.

The door to the bathroom opened and Penny entered. She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

“I’m sorry baby. I just get so worked up over Suzy and what she needs. I guess I should just think a little more before I open my mouth. Forgive me?”

I turned to face her. “Of course I forgive you. I know you only want what’s best for her, but what you suggested is a hell of a leap from masturbating together and even that was a big step.”

“I know. I just saw you looking at her and the way you stroked her hair… it was lovely… special. Then you got hard and I just thought that you would be the perfect loving man to be her first… to help her move on in the best possible way. And despite what you’ve said I know you’ve thought about fucking before… tell me I’m wrong.” Penny raised her eyebrows with that “I know you’ look.

“You really believe that?”

“Jack… come on, I’ve known it for years…. you’ve always had a thing for her… you can’t deny it. Besides this just seems right.” Penny looked up at me and sighed.

“What about later… having regrets… being jealous?”

“I wouldn’t have regrets or be jealous. I trust our relationship, you love me and I love you, that’s never going to change.”

“I can’t believe that I’m going to say yes to this.” I shook my head in disbelief at my own comment.

“Oh baby, thank you.” Penny kissed me.

“I also can’t believe that you just thanked me for agreeing to fuck another woman.” I looked down at her and gave a wry smile.

When we re-entered the bedroom Suzy was sitting up with the sheet pulled up over her body.

“So what did you decide?” She asked looking straight at us.

“What?” Penny asked uncertainly.

“I was awake earlier. So I kind of heard everything.” She shrugged impishly. “Sorry.”

“Oh. Okay… well that makes things somewhat easier.”

“Look I know I’m more than a little fucked up when it comes to relationships, sex and men in general. I’m sorry I’m like that and I know you’re trying to help me. Honestly, last night was amazing but you don’t have to do anything else. The last thing I want is to see is you two arguing over what to do with me.”

“Firstly, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say the word fucked.” Penny smiled. “Secondly, we aren’t arguing. We both agree on what to do with you.”

Suzy looked back apprehensively. “What have you agreed on?”

“With your permission we would like Jack to be your first lover.”

“You what?” She stared at us in surprise.

“May I have the pleasure of being the first man to make love to you.” I responded smiling.

“Um…okay.” Her whispered reply was barely audible.


Suzy sat demurely on the bed edge her feet dangling over the side. Penny hopped on and slid over until she was close behind, her hands gently rubbing Suzy’s shoulders in a reassuring way.

I approached the bed and stood directly in front of them. My eyes appraised Suzy’s body and she blushed slightly at my scrutiny. Penny then reached forward and took my right hand in hers, placing it onto Suzy’s breast. It felt good against my palm and I lightly massaged it through the fabric causing the nipple to stiffen under my touch. I raised my other hand and cupped her chin, tilting her head upward I leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

I could sense a hesitation, a holding back of her desire to return my endearment. Penny seemed to read this to. “It’s okay, just relax and enjoy it,” she whispered.

I moved my head back and smiled “We don’t have to….”

“No, I want to.” Suzy interrupted me with an urgency that surprised both Penny and myself. “Please, I’m okay, just nervous.”

I suddenly had the thought that my kiss had possibly been the first she had received from a man… and a naked man at that. “We’ll just go slowly.” I smiled and I leaned in again, this time I was tender and light. I could feel Suzy’s body calm and she returned my kiss. We continued like this for a while, our lips and tongues engaged in a delicate dance, my hand continuing to rub her breast though the material of the chemise. Before long I felt a change in the reaction I was getting. Suzy placed a hand on my head and passionately ran her fingers through my hair. Her other arm encircled my waist pulling me closer so our bodies pressed together.

“Lets get rid of this.” Penny gently pulled on the hem of the flimsy material that still separated my flesh from Suzy. Our bodies parted briefly as the chemise was removed. I drew us quickly back into the embrace, our mouths colliding in an ever increasing passion.

By the time I pulled back again we were both breathing hard, my penis was as stiff as a board. I don’t think I’d ever been so hard and just the thought of what was happening was causing pre-cum to drip from my cockhead. I knew I’d need some relief soon if I was to carry on with a slow and steady pace. Luckily Penny realized my situation and she slipped off the bed and knelt down beside me. Taking me into her mouth she began to suck.

I gently lowered Suzy back onto the bed, then took hold of her thighs pulling her forward while lifting her legs up so they draped over my shoulders. She was now fully exposed to my view and I dipped my head forward my mouth just inches from her crotch.

I licked the skin between her thigh and the labia, Suzy responded with a slight moan of pleasure. Her aroma delightfully invaded my nostrils as I approached her pussy. I swept my mouth up over her labia and tasted her sweetness on my tongue… it was intoxicating.

“You taste so good.” I mumbled as I licked her again.

As Suzy became more aroused so did I. Penny was bringing me to verge of climax her mouth and tongue causing my balls to pulse in anticipation. Finally I couldn’t last any longer and my cock exploded into her mouth as I shuddered in blissful release. Penny swallowed it all and finished by licking up any spillage. Relieved that my immediate urges had been met I could now concentrate fully on Suzy.

My tongue was lapping from asshole to clit as I inserted a finger into her now slick pussy. She was becoming more aroused by the second as I slowly increased my pace. Her hips started to move beneath me, then suddenly thighs clamped on my head, her whole body tensed up a she released a loud guttural cry. I could hardly hear with my ears completely covered by her legs, but I could feel her pussy contract and convulse under my mouth and I felt surge of sweet new juices.

I continued to suck her clit as best I could, while her body bucked and convulsed its way through a great orgasm, her thighs still clasped with my head squashed between them. Eventually she collapsed, her limbs finally releasing me… with an open mouth gasping for breath and muttering incoherently her body twitched and spasmed on the bed.

I looked down and noticed my penis was still rigid with excitement, it was also just inches in front of Suzy’s gaping pussy.

“Do it!” Penny encouraged from beside me.

Not one to disappoint my wife I pulled Suzy to the edge of the bed and slide my cock slowly between the folds of her swollen labia. As I pushed forward a felt an incredible tightness surround me, the feeling was wonderful and I moaned in pleasure. Penny caught my eye and smiled at me, there was a look of desire on her face that matched mine, she placed a hand on Suzy’s breast and pulled on her stiff little nipple.

“Oh yeah!” Suzy groaned and placed her own hand on the other breast, teasing the nipple with her fingers.

I stood there relishing the feeling that surround my cock as I pushed further into her depths. Suzy’s eyes were closed, her mouth ajar. I bottomed out, my balls hitting the little puckered asshole beneath. I started to slowly thrust, in and out. A wordless gasp emanated from her lips as her body began to respond to my rhythmic movement. Knowing I wouldn’t cum quick this time my pace was unhurried as I let her emotions grow steadily.

In the position I was in I didn’t have to worry about supporting my body weight, so I let my hands wander over her stomach and then down to massage the engorged clit that was protruding proudly through matted blonde pubes. Her response was immediate as her hips began to move up to meet my strokes.

Penny was now in charge of both breasts as Suzy’s hands had splayed out gripping the bedsheet as feelings of euphoria rose again through her body.

“Make her cum baby.” Penny’s breathy voice proclaimed before she bent down sucking a ripe nipple into her mouth.

I increased my pace ever so slowly and Suzy responded in kind. Her chest started to heave as she drew in short sharp gulps of air… Penny continued to nip and suck on nipples… I kept incessantly rubbing my fingers over the clitoris. It became too much for our friend to bare as she shuddered through her second orgasm, this time a stream of liquid squirted out soaking both the bed and my groin.

“Ohhhh!” She filled the room with rapturous delight.

With her pussy lips contracting around my cock I couldn’t hold out any longer, I pulled out and ejaculated between her legs, my cum mixing with her own flowing juices.

Penny started to whoop beside us, her brazen joy causing me to join in. We both fell into jubilant laughter as we gazed down on the lovely sweat covered body of our best friend.

Suzy opened her eyes in surprise at our antics, before joining in on our exuberant display.

The bed was wet, I was wet, Suzy was wet, but that didn’t stop the three of us from embracing in an enthusiastic satisfied hug.

“I can’t believe what I’ve been missing.” Suzy eventually uttered in a voice animated with emotion.

Penny gave me her ‘I told you so’ look…. I just grinned back.


That’s all for now.

Don’t forget to vote… any suggestions for a part two welcome.


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