A love story

An adult stories – A love story by Nilsr,Nilsr You are standing there in front of me. Your smile is like Mona Lisa’s, inscrutable. A moment ago, you were sitting next to me on the couch when I asked if I could kiss you. You thought I was strange for asking but gave me your mouth. Now you are standing there in front of me, looking at me. You had gotten up from the couch. Walked back and forth a bit. Now you are standing there, looking at me. The smile plays on your lips, the almond-shaped eyes smile even more enigmatically. You are standing straight up and down, wearing a knitted dress. It is tight on your body, emphasizing your female forms, but hiding them at the same time.

Our teacups remain on the table, only half drained. I look at you, you are absolutely gorgeous in my eyes. Your black hair, now shoulder length, frames your face. We had kissed, you had said “this changes our relationship, our friendship”, then put your head in my lap for a while before getting up. Walked around thoughtfully, then stopped in front of me. We got to know each other on a course, started talking, had lunch. Talked about all sorts of things, often personal. You made yourself known to me, the fact that I’m twice your age didn’t bother you. Your smile, your eyes change, your gaze on me.

You hold your arms at your sides, stand straight up and down. Looking at me. Grabbing the dress on both sides you pull it up over your head. You continue to look at me with your enigmatic smile. Your white underwear contrasts with your slightly light brown skin. The dress falls to the floor when you drop it. You had talked about not wanting children. Only much later did I realize that your boyfriend had a child, that this is what you meant. Your smile, your eyes are determined. You are standing there now, showing your body, you look so wonderful, vulnerable.

Slowly you take your arms, hands, behind your body. Unbutton your bra. Let it fall to the floor, on top of the dress. I look at you, at your breasts. They are perfectly shaped, like grape clusters, the underside weighing down and curving up towards your nipples, sticking out, forming two firm buds. They look irresistible, the kind you either want to paint on a canvass or hold in your hands, or both. You look at me, now with a radiant smile. I sit spellbound, unable to tear my eyes away from you. You remain standing, allowing yourself to be watched.

You take your hands in the top of your panties. Slowly pull them down. Let them fall to the floor. Bend down and let the panties fall on the pile of dress and bras. Your round, toned butt is magical. The whole of you is magical. No hair, completely clean, as far as I can see. When you stand up, you look at me still with your smiling eyes. You are tender, with a fine female form. Your hips, stomach, buttocks, thighs, breasts form a perfect whole. Your slit is slightly open, like a welcoming line between your legs. You stand there naturally, everything you do looks so natural, not contrived, just natural, just the way you seem to want to do it. I look at you, can’t say anything, don’t want to spoil it, just enjoy looking at you.

You stand there, showing off, smiling. Now you have only two little white socks on your feet. You bend down to take them off. Your body is limber. I can see that you have danced a lot, that you are flexible. You bend down with ease, oblivious to what you are showing. So natural, always with a smile playing on your lips, on your face, in your eyes. You put your socks on the pile with your dress, bra and panties. You stand up, look at me. Slowly walk over to where I am sitting on the sofa.


We had finished the course, everyone had met in Humlegården behind the Royal Library. You had asked if we could go and eat together afterwards. After a while we left the others, walked through Stockholm, a nice and warm early summer evening. We went to a Korean restaurant. I wanted to show my food. I ordered food and a beer each. We sat for a long time and talked. It was great to talk again. During the past semester, we had talked a lot to each other. I got in touch, thought you seemed interesting, as the only older person on the course. I was the second oldest, but still slightly younger than your daughters. You have a great smile, looking at me with interest. Seeing Me! Feels good to be able to talk to you.

You are old, I am young, but we found each other. I am social and talk a lot, you are a good listener. When you asked me to come to your house after dinner, I thought it would be nice. I wanted to see how you lived. I knew you were married, but your wife is away.

You make tea, I walk around and look at your art. You have a modern taste but mixed with old. When we sit next to each other on the couch. You put your arm around me You lean forward and whisper a little hoarse “can I kiss you?”. Strange to ask, I think a bit, turn my face towards you and our lips meet. Feels strange. Was I expecting this? Maybe, but was not prepared for how it made me feel. Wanting, yet not wanting. My mind is full of conflicting emotions. One minute I want to rush up and away, the next I want to kiss more, feel you close.

What should I do? I put my head in your lap. You smell good, drawing in the scent of you there in your lap. Feeling you. Help, what do I want? What am I doing? Get up, need to move. Unsure, but happy, I think. I walk back and forth a bit, my head full of thoughts, but empty at the same time. How do I feel? What do I want? I stop, look at you. Standing and looking at you there on the couch. You look good. Muscular, work out a lot. Your eyes are probably the thing that catches me. You see me.

I stand for a long time, it feels like, we look at each other. Don’t understand what’s going on inside me. I have a knitted dress, my boyfriend’s mother gave it to me. She thought it suited me. It sits nicely on me. I grab the side of it with my hands. Slowly pull the dress up over my head. Put it down slowly on the floor. Looking at you. You look at me. I want to show off, show what I look like. Unbuttons my bra. Takes it and puts it down on the dress. Feel your eyes on me, on my breasts. It feels good. I like that you’re looking at me.

Standing there now, looking at you. Grabbing my underpants, my panties. Why didn’t I take some nice ones? Grabbing the sides and slowly pulling them down. Exposing myself completely. Good thing I made myself completely hairless yesterday, I didn’t think about today. Getting out of my panties, bending over to do it. Feel your eyes on my back, on my butt. Hope you like what you see? Put the panties on the pile of clothes. My little white socks light up the room, it seems. I bend down and take them off too. They join the rest of the clothes on the floor.

Now I stand completely naked in front of you. Letting you look at me. I see that you appreciate what you see. Both with your eyes and further down. Standing there for a while, letting myself be looked at. I want you to see me, not just my body, see all of me, inside and out.

Slowly I walk over to you on the couch, you’re wearing a nice shirt, fits well against your blue eyes and sits well on your body. I want to feel your chest, want to caress you. I lean forward and start unbuttoning your shirt. Starting from the top, button after button. You bring your hands up, cupping my breasts as I lean forward. It feels good to have your hands holding my breasts, caressing them lightly.

Now the last button in sight. The rest is tucked into your pants. I want to unbutton the whole shirt, but not just pull it up. I look at your belt, loosen it and then your pants. Unbuttoning completely so I can access the shirt. Now your pants are unbuttoned, you lift your butt a little, I pull down your pants. I squat down in front of you and pull them off completely.

I lift you up, grab your arms and pull you up to standing. Look down at your underwear. Looks to be tight. Grabbing the sides of your underwear, trying to pull them down. Resists. Looks at you, looks into your eyes. You smile at me. Nodding. I put my hands in your boxers, draw them down, you pop out and stand straight out above your boxers. I pull them down completely; you step out of them. Taking off your socks too. Now only the almost unbuttoned shirt remains. I see your penis pointing out the opening of the shirt.

I take my hands and undo the rest of the buttons, my hands stroking your hard cock at the same time. I have to feel it. So hard, so big. How nice it is! I want to play with it, feel it. You take off your shirt and stand completely naked in front of me. I take my hands, want to feel your chest, your arms. I caress your body, down your back. Your butt is firm, nice to touch, squeeze it a little. You try to put your arms around me.

“No, you kissed me, now I’m in charge,” I hear myself say. This is my moment, my first and last moment with you. After this night, our relationship is changed, spent. You take a step back. I can now look at you, completely. From top to bottom. You are old, yes, but so beautiful. Strong. Strong, muscular thighs and legs, no excess fat. A little round around the belly, but you look strong. And you are big, haven’t seen, experienced, someone like that before. Looks huge. How will I manage it? Thoughts swirl in my head, emotions in conflict. I want you. Can I do it? What’s next? Once, then no more. Or at least just one evening, night. Then parting ways. Enticing, but forbidden fruit. I want you!


You unbutton my shirt. I realize I shouldn’t say anything, shouldn’t do anything. You are in control now. The shirt is stuck inside my pants. Are you just going to pull it up, or what? Slowly you examine my belt, unbutton it and then my pants. You pull down my pants, I lift my butt for you to get them down. You inspect me, thinking about your next move. It is very tight in my underwear, really hurts, needs to be released. You stand me up, look at my bump. I nod, you can take them off. You put both hands inside my underwear. Take hold of me and bend me up and out, above the underwear. It feels so good to get out and to feel your hands around my aching, stiff member.

You pull down my underwear and then I pull off my socks. I balance on one leg at a time, holding your shoulder lightly. It feels so warm and smooth under my hand. I want to caress you, to touch you, but not right now, I read your thoughts, how you want it. Now only the shirt remains, almost unbuttoned. You look at me, see how my penis is standing straight out, dividing the shirt. As you undo the last few buttons, you touch me again. Intentionally? When the last button is undone, I take it off, then feel you slowly caressing me, touching me. You explore my body with your soft gentle hands, they are so nice. I want to embrace you, feel your body against mine.

Then you say “No, you kissed me. Now I’m in charge”. It’s you who leads, you do what you want. It feels good, you do everything at your pace, the way you want. My heart beats faster and faster, feeling how in love I am with you. Have been for quite a while. My eyes opened when I saw you standing there in the doorway at a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce. You were late, as usual, didn’t get a seat, but were so cute standing there. My world spun around, seeing only you. Now I look at you, naked where we stand close together. Your smile is still there, I see it in your eyes and on your face. Now you know what you want. Now I just follow..

You take me by the hand, lead me into the bedroom. You want me to lie down on my back. Then you stand there looking at me, wondering what to do? No, I think you register everything, want to memorize everything, want to see, then feel. You kneel beside the bed, caress my chest, then my legs and thighs. Feel my muscles, but gently. After a while you bend over me. Kiss my nipples. So nice, I didn’t think I had such nerves there. The nerves are connected both up and down, in my head and make my pelvic muscles react.

You see how I react. Licking, biting lightly, wonderful. Take a hand, do you want to feel how I twitch from your treatment? Your hand is so smooth, so soft around me. You don’t quite reach around with your hand but caress me up and down. Two fingers reach the top, mmm, so amazing. You move your head down, kiss the top and slowly suck the glans into your mouth. Lick a little inside your mouth. Everything else disappears, now it’s just your hands and mouth. Struggling against coming, don’t want to come now, can’t come now. I moan horse, horny horse “please, wait, too good”. You raise your head, look at me with your beautiful, enigmatic smile. Your hands caress me down, between my legs, over my thighs and up again. Your hands embrace the scrotum, it feels heavy in your hands.


I can’t stop looking at this man, we’ve known each other for months. Never before have we been completely alone. I’ve noticed the way you look at me, do you think you’re enchanted, in love? How do I feel? I was drawn to you from the first day of the course. We talked and had lunches, got close to each other. You didn’t seem too interested, but then suddenly one day it felt like something happened. You looked at me much more intensely, always lighting up when I entered the room. Had a hard time taking your eyes off me. How did I react? I was surprised, didn’t understand what had happened, then I got scared. Not physically, more of what could happen, how I reacted. Your gaze made me feel warm inside. I wanted to look at you too, wanted to be with you. But how would that work? You are married and I have my, admittedly unfaithful, but nonetheless boyfriend and we would move in together. A bit uncertain, since he had a child with another girl.

When you asked if we could go out for dinner at graduation, I thought it would be fun, I wanted to see you once before the course and summer dispersed us. Once we were at the gathering in Humlegården, I felt like I wanted to back out. What would happen? I dragged it out, before you finally convinced me that we should go. I think everyone else saw what we wanted.

Now I take you by the hand, lead you into the bedroom. The kiss, my indecision and the undressing have made me ready. I hope there are no drips on the floor as I lead you to the bed. Lay you down on your back. Stands and looks at you. You are so nice there, look so hard, pointing straight up. I start caressing you, kneel down next to the bed. I suck your nipple into my mouth. You twitch. I see out of the corner of my eye how your boner twitches when I work the nipple. I want to feel it, lovely when it twitches. Moves my mouth down to your top, your glans. Lick a little gently. Taste some soap and some salt. Open my mouth and let the glans enter my mouth. It’s big, fills my mouth. My tongue tries to lick it at the same time. Hear how you whine. You think it’s nice. Then you whisper, “please wait, too good”. Oh, best to wait a bit. I want you in many other ways. I don’t know how it is with older men. Can they come more times? Better stop.

Caressing your legs. So firm, so much muscle. Up your thighs, can’t tear myself away from your manhood. Don’t want to touch it directly, take a hold of the scrotum. Love caressing balls, they have so many different states, tight and rock hard, looser and where the balls are clearly felt and can be played with. Your scrotum is big and heavy with clear balls. I play with them between my fingers. It turns me on even more. Now I have to crawl on top of you, can’t wait any longer.

Sit over your legs, bend over and give you a kiss now. I don’t ask, I take it. You taste good. As I bend over, I feel you pointing straight into my stomach. Take a hand, angle down so you can sniff my slit. I move a little closer, pulling the glans back and forth in the slit. Feel the glans parting my lips, how it caresses the inside of me. Up and down. It glides easily, so nice when I move the glans around and over my love button. Can’t stop, so nice. Can come just from this. Want to feel what it’s like to have you inside me.

I move up, have a firm grip with both hands on you. Aiming your boner at my waiting, sucking hole. You are big, rough. I take it slowly, sinking down a bit at a time. Resting when you are fully in. I feel filled, in my mind but also by having you, controlling you. My whole mind is filled. I feel how your cock feels against my mucous membranes, how I tighten around you. Now I move gently up and down. Feel how your penis works my insides, how it stretches me, how it enters and then withdraws. The veins on the outside of your cock massage my insides. It feels so good. Can’t stop. Must ride you, must feel how you go in and out of me. Want your hands on me. I have started to whimper, manage to get out “hug, hug my breasts, squeeze”.

Your hands are so nice when you grab my boobs, squeezing them just the right amount. Pulling the nipples, a little. You fill my insides, massage my insides, feel the tension building up. I can’t hold back any longer, I have to come. Now, now, oh God, my whole body is taken over in an orgasm. I squeeze around your cock, massage with the muscles now and suddenly come in and out. Then I feel how you start to twitch, feels like contractions. You fill me with your seed, so wonderful. It slackens a little, I sit still. I want to feel it, want to experience you completely, for a long time. I don’t want children, but now I feel how you have filled me with your life, filled my fertile womb. Maybe still?


You crawl on top of me, sit astride my legs. Looking at me, I look at you, sitting with your legs spread over me, your beautiful breasts pointing straight out. You lean forward, your lips against mine. Now it is you who kisses me. No need to ask, just take the kiss. Your lips are so soft, so supple against mine. Your tongue plays lightly with mine. You taste wonderful.

I’m hard, standing up straight. As you bend over me, I feel myself tapping your firm belly. You feel it too. Breaks the kiss. Take hold of me. Bring my glans against your slit, pulling it up and down. Heavenly good to feel it part your lips and caress your clitoris. Back and forth. You are so wet; it glides so nicely. After a while you move a little further forward. Look at me. Get up a bit, points me towards your hole. Slowly sinking down, until I’m completely inside. You are tight, so wonderfully tight. Your walls tighten around my hard-on, feeling like they’re massaging me just from being inside you.

Slowly you start to move up and down. I slide in and out of you. My skin is sometimes pulled all the way up and then all the way down, exposing my glans, deep inside you. You look at me all the time. I look at you. You are so amazingly beautiful when you sit there above me. I can see how our bodies meet, how I come out of you and then disappear back in, as you sink down on me. Your breasts move with our rhythm. Firm, yet soft. The pace increases, you whimper more and more. You moan out “squeeze, squeeze my breasts, squeeze!”.

My hands grab your breasts. I feel your hard nipples in my palms as I squeeze them. I pull the nipples lightly. You whimper more. Beginning to tense your body. Your head is thrown back, your eyes unfocused now, seeing everything and nothing. You moan more and more. You squeeze me even more, all your muscles working. You come in one spasm after another, almost screaming out your orgasm. After a while it subsides. I’m still inside you. I feel a rush in my scrotum, my perineum. I can’t hold back; I have to come. Feel how I, old man, come, as I have not done for a long time. Three good cascades, then it jerks several times. Must have filled you up pretty good.

You’re still sitting on me, even though I’ve gone limp. Wonderful to be able to rest in this amazing woman. Forgot to ask if she had any protection, now it’s too late. I hope I haven’t done anything that will have consequences. But then maybe we can live together.


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