A Mom's Symbol Ch. 02 by Egglime,Egglime

Alyssa angrily threatened, “Let me out or I’m fucking calling the police.”

He took a step forward and leaned his arm on the wall, effectively trapping her with his manly stature. Almost against her body. She shuddered. The smell was overpowering. Was this how sex normally smelled like? It was so earthy….so masculine. She couldn’t help but secretly take a subtle whiff.

Alex licked his lips as he started playing with her hair.

He commented, “You’ve gotten prettier.”

She scowled, “We don’t fucking know each other.”

Alex flicked the picture between his fingers towards Alyssa’s face.

She blanched, “Is that my picture? How do you have-”

Alyssa realized the only person it could’ve come from was the twitching woman lying on the bed.

“Is that how fucking far you’ve fallen, Mom? You’d honestly give this sex maniac a picture of your daughter when she was barely legal?” She asked sadly, but dignified, towards the unresponsive, cumming woman in the bed.

The bully chuckled and announced, “I really like women like you. It’s so, so satisfying breaking ‘leader’ types.”

Alyssa spat derisively, “I know men like you. I’ve met men like you my entire fucking career. And trust me, you’re not that special.” He was, in fact, quite special. He practically oozed sexuality with every pore of his perfectly toned body. And Alyssa could FEEL it. The way he moved felt so light and graceful, but also strong and practical. Like a panther that was in the middle of hunting. A predator who has his eyes on tasty prey. She’s seen misogynists. She’s seen handsome, disrespectful guys. She’s seen them a lot, pathetically humping away like common, barbaric animals.

But never this. Never an almost irresistible, animalistic hunk of a MAN. Every part of his body emanated heat. She felt it in the air. And she knew instinctively, she couldn’t resist him if he so decided to push her down and fuck her deep.

Except she wasn’t going to admit that.

“I don’t deserve this. I’m a respected surgeon with tons of different connections. You just fucking wait, you’re basically trespassing on this house and I can have you on cell today if I so choose to call someone.”

Alex teased, “If? What’s with the hypothetical states and quandaries? Why don’t you call them now?”

He calmly gave her his phone. Alyssa was bewildered. Why did he give her his phone. Does he think she wouldn’t do it?

She threatened, “I’m giving you a chance. Leave my brother alone. Take my mom if she so wants, but I’m not going to be quiet while you disrespect James and my innocent dad.”

He chuckled like he was looking at a mischievous cub. Alex calmly said, “Good girl. I reject the chance though. So call them, now.”

Alyssa felt something shift. An innately oppressive air filled the room. His commands felt almost physical. For some reason, his absolute confidence in him knowing he was irresistible to females along with his undeniably overflowing sexuality, proving that he was right, slowly compelled her brain to WANT to listen.

And “good girl”? She’s never been so belittled. Everywhere she went, she was hailed as someone who leads. Someone who takes charge. A natural-born leader. That was her–Alyssa.

Looking at this guy brought her doubts however.

Was this how a REAL leader felt? She felt extremely lightheaded at his commands. His threats felt so oppressive. His praises, on the other hand, made her feel positively giddy. It almost felt like hypnosis. Every word, every sentence felt so solid with a purpose, a goal, a will. And the inferior just needs to execute said will.

Alyssa caught her spiraling thoughts. What did she think of just now? Inferior, her? A proud, successful woman who achieved her dream of helping people as a respected surgeon, inferior to someone who hasn’t even lived a day in real society? She felt trampled.

And she didn’t want to admit it, but it made her fucking wet.

He saw his sister dialing a phone number. James watched, overjoyed at her making a stand. She held the phone to her ear and spoke to it, “Johnson, are you available right now–”

Just as she started talking, Alex took her other hand and placed it on his cock.

His sister froze and her usually rational mind blanked. She didn’t expect the sudden sensation in her hand. She subconsciously squeezed. Fuck. Goosebumps ran over from her fingers to her arms and all throughout her body. Fuck. It felt so big. Hard. Soft. Smooth. Did she mention big? Shit. Alyssa felt her constantly composed mind crack open, letting in suggestions and thoughts that she was normally impervious to. She felt it slowly consuming the rationality and the pride she gained for being a self-made woman in a society that constantly undermines women. She cursed inwardly, her eyes now fixed on the pleasure pole she was holding and squeezing right now. She’s not a virgin. She’s tried sex more than once, but it’s always been disappointing. No man has ever made her cum, no matter what they did. She’s long accepted that it probably wasn’t ever gonna happen for her; she just wasn’t built for it.

But maybe this huge cock was built for her.

She couldn’t stop the corners of her lips from turning up slightly as she looked up at the big-dicked, gorgeous, fuckable man in front of her, cockily smiling at her reaction when her hands came in contact with the head of his cock. She felt lightheaded. Fuck.

James couldn’t hear “Johnson,” over the phone, but his sister suddenly said, “Y-yeah. Um, I was just about to ask you about…..something. I forgot. Listen, can I call you back?” She didn’t seem to wait for a response because she dropped the call a second later.

James saw her pretty lips open, letting out a deep breath, as she kneeled in front of Alex’s cock and started stroking, “Fuuuuck. It’s soooo big.”

James had to free his dick out of his pants. It hurt too much. He sighed in relief and comfort when he did soq. He held his chest; his heart ached as well, but he long knew there wasn’t anything he could do to ease that.

James looked at the TV again. He saw Alyssa, his proud older sister, subliminally licking her lips as she studied ever nook and cranny of the beautiful cock inches away from her face.

Alex smirked, “Care to get your first kiss?”

His subtle mockery looked like it barely processed in his sister’s mind, her attention completely on the fat, intoxicating cock.

The bully grabbed her neck and lifted her up. Alyssa felt him skillfully restrict her windpipes, pushing her up the wall as he bit her earlobes and dominantly whispered in her ears, “We both know how this is going to end up so I want you to fucking listen and cling to my every fucking word, woman. Are we clear?

She nodded frantically.

Alex let go and pushed her down as she violently heaved in air, breathless.

He repeated slowly, as if she was a dumb blonde who couldn’t understand simple questions, “Care to get your first fucking kiss?”

She gritted her teeth at the humiliation, but otherwise hesitantly nodded again right before slowly leaning in and kissing the tip. She felt the smooth head come into contact with her plump, puckered lips.

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