A Morning Daze by paulinoleum,paulinoleum

It was fairly early when Nellie awoke. Her head was swimming, and her thoughts were something of a blur, but she was awake… mostly. She wasn’t really sure what time it was. It was still somewhat dark out, so it was either very early in the morning… or still late at night. With a soft yawn, she swung her legs out of bed and straightened to her bare feet, one arm stretching as her other hand lazily passed across her bangs, straightening her disheveled hair. She sleepily wandered out into the living room, thinking of maybe having some water to freshen herself up a little… even though she wasn’t paying attention to her current heading, which was the front door of her simple apartment… or her current wardrobe, which was a plain sky-blue nightgown, noticeably not the type of outfit one went out and about in.

As Nellie reached the door and opened it, she could almost feel it being unusually heavy for a door to her living room. But she didn’t take notice. Nor did she take notice when the heavy door closed quickly, catching her loose nightgown before it went out of the doorframe. She didn’t take notice, when the nightgown ripped in half. Nellie just kept going forward, oblivious to the fact that her outfit was torn in the back and barely stayed on, exposing her buttocks and a fair glimpse of her sideboob. Instead, she relished the morning breeze.

Was it the morning breeze? Nellie wasn’t sure though what time it was, much like she was blessedly unaware of the sudden draft as she continued walking forward as if in a daze, feeling a content gusts drift through her hair… and along her bare shoulders. It was nice out, at least, maybe a little walk wouldn’t be so bad. It was a good thing though she usually slept with panties on… unless she had been particularly exhausted, in which case, well, the damage to her outfit would be especially awkward… particularly if a certain door had locked behind her.

In fact Nellie had arrived home late last evening, working an overtime shift. It was possible she took her panties off… though she couldn’t exactly remember. Well, it wasn’t like anyone would question her about that. It would really be the least of her worries if she left them in the apartment, comparable to being locked out, anyway. At least the lack of sunlight was on the half-naked girl’s side, as she continued around the side of her quiet apartment building, closer to the stairs that would take her further away from her apartment… and dangerously close to the adjacent roads.

With every passing minute, it was becoming more and more possible Nellie could meet someone. A neighbors leaving for work, walking their dogs? Or just someone driving a car nearby… Even late at night a car would pass through the nearest crossroad every couple of minutes. As a dazed girl went down the stairs, she didn’t think to notice the approaching intersection – instead, she savoured a slight wind drifting through her neck-long hair again.

It was almost like a dream… maybe it was. The disoriented girl remained blissfully unaware of her attire and only vaguely conscious of her surroundings as her bare feet touched against the sidewalk, sending an unconscious shiver up her spine. The ground was cool beneath her toes but kind of relaxing, in a strange way, enough to make her breathing slow down as she walked along, ever closer to the crosswalk and further from home. Her fair exposed skin, gleaming under the dim streetlights, made her look almost like an apparition. Maybe, if she was lucky, anyone who happened to see her would ignore her presence and mistake her for one.

Half-naked Nellie marched on in her daze. As she stepped onto the street, the cold ground reminded her of a beach sand in autumn, with the car approaching from the distance resembling the sound of the sea… Oblivious to the situation, she barely resisted the temptation to stop in the middle of the road and take another deep, relaxing breath. But a voice of reason in the back of her mind told her to keep moving, and by the time the car reached the crosswalk, Nellie was already on the other side. The driver could only manage to catch a glimpse of her taut, barely concealed body.

It was a small blessing she hadn’t noticed the passing vehicle or its occupant. That almost certainly would have jarred her out of her dreamy respite, and resulted in panic. On the other hand, her situation was the sort that one would hope to have intervened on before the matters got any worse. In her case, it meant getting further and further from home. That wouldn’t be so bad in broad daylight, in normal attire, or with some form of communication to use… but none of those applied. Nellie continued forward on her idle travel, slowly rounding the nearest street corner, taking her well into the more urban part of town, her own apartment building eventually disappearing into the distance.

One could wonder what would be noticed first – Nellie or the other half of her night gown, still trapped in her apartment’s door. In both cases it seemed not like the matter of if, but the matter of when. With a bit of luck, maybe someone would be able to see both, and fully realize the Nellie’s ordeal. But in the meantime, she kept passing by doors and signboards… Gym, bakery, pharmacist… Just in a couple of hours those places would have been swarming with people. But at the moment, no one was there, as if the universe itself did not want Nellie to awaken from her slumber.

With no catalyst to stir her, Nellie continued on her aimless journey. She was a pretty deep sleeper, generally, at least until dawn… which was still some time away, so the likelihood of that being her intervention remained a distant hope. Where was she going? Nellie herself wasn’t sure. She just walked on, passing storefront after storefront, the cool night air further adding to her dreamlike state of mind. It felt so nice out… an evening stroll had never been so relaxing… though, of course, this could have been because of how much of her skin was exposed to the night air. A considerable amount, as it happened, since there was nothing to stop her half-present attire from fluttering with every little gust of wind, ever nso often letting the telltale sign of her uncovered nipples peek into view.

But even without the wind’s help, one could easily spot the erect nipples poking through her nightgown, whenever only Nellie passed directly under the lamppost. On the other hand, while from the sight of her bare buttocks popping up from under her attire did not leave a doubt that this girl did not favour granny panties… No one would fully notice that she had no panties whatsoever. Even Nellie herself remained unaware, each of her steps taking her further away from her panty drawer – and closer to the eventual shock and realization.

The sheer distance from home wasn’t the only risk brough about by Nellie’s little adventure, however. The simple fact that here, almost in the city center, her odds of being noticed were drastically higher, even in the middle of the night. Her luck was holding out so far, it seemed, apart from the occasional driver, who hopefully saw nothing more than a nightgown-clad sleepwalker, unaware of how truly lightly clothed she was. Of course, lacking a single undergarment was bound to draw her attention sooner than later. The breeze against certain uncovered areas would eventually prove undeniable. One could only hope that she would notice before someone else did… or before her situation worsened any. She was barely clothed, yes, but Nellie was still clothed… and it wouldn’t take much for the tattered nightgown to fall prey to further disaster, which would risk leaving Nellie with well and truly nothing.

Because what could it take? Just one unlucky accident… be it an unusually strong gust of wind, a stray dog friendly tugging on her clothes, hole in the road causing her to stumble? All in all, taking into account what had happened thus far, Nellie’s luck just had to even out. And as she continued down the street, she found herself at another intersection. The road straight ahead lead to the nearby subway station, but on her left was an entrance to the local park.

Thankfully, at least for the moment, the breeze was too peaceful to pose any real threat to her ‘wardrobe’… or lack thereof. Nellie just went where her whims carried her, her feet continually moving forward a step at a time while the night air danced across her hips, along with the remnants of her gown’s hem, her legs eventually carrying her in the direction of the quiet subway. It would be a disastrous outcome were she to happen onto a train, but the station was surely closed, wasn’t it? And even if by some chance it wasn’t… it would take a divine miracle for her to somehow make it through unseen, without paying, and onto a train without something snapping the dazed girl out of her sleepwalking respite.

However, there was one more thing that Nellie did not consider. It was a World Car Free Day! As announced just a week earlier, in a bid to celebrate this event and promote public transit, the city council officially suspended ticket control on the subway for the whole 24 hours. The station doors therefore were wide open. With a night train scheduled to arrive every 30 minutes, all Nellie had to do was ride down the escalator and wait – or, if she was ‘lucky’, just hop on and go downtown.

Of course, if she did manage to somehow wind up on one of those trains… ‘luck’ was maybe not the best way to describe the turn of events. Still, it was a natural course for her to take, as Nellie often rode the subway to class. Without hesitation, she found herself riding down to the platform, her hand unconsciously resting against the escalator as she descended slowly but surely into the depths of the station, finally giving her some shelter from the outdoors… though also much further from a clear way home. Her toes curled slightly against the uncomfortable material of the stairs, an instinctive reaction to the foreign sensation, but otherwise Nellie blissfully continued forward once the escalator ended… lack of any real obstacle allowing.

With the ticket gates disabled, Nellie was able to freely step onto the train platform. It was totally empty, as the train downtown had just left the station. However, the one heading in the other direction was due to arrive in 2 minutes. Nellie’s half-asleep mind was not about to make any complicated calculation. She just went where her feet guided her – and as her toes dreaded returning onto escalator steps, instead she kept wandering on a cold tiling.

Nellie had never been at the station so late… much less on an actual train. Maybe that was why she kept on walking, as if spurned on by unconscious excitement at a midnight train ride… though had she known the details of her situation, she might have second guessed herself. Her instincts however were a powerful motivator, and it seemed almost predetermined that she kept right on going in the direction of the awaiting train, which would carry her to who knew where. Of course, there was a chance that it might take her back in the direction of home… but there was the riskier possibility that it would do something complete opposite.

Whether Nellie was subconsciously acting on her hidden fantasies, or whether her acts were truly random – that was almost irrelevant. What mattered more, was that the train pulled into the station, right on its schedule. A few people have stepped out of the carriages, but as if by the universe design, these carriages stopped just by the same escalator that Nellie has used a couple of minutes earlier. At the moment, the half-naked girl has managed to get far enough from those passengers not to draw their attention; a pale, practically naked apparition again managed to blend into her dim-lit surroundings. Not bothered, she stepped onto the train, in the same confident fashion, as she did every week before her class. She was relieved that her favourite seat was empty – no one else was in the train car, after all. But one could only pray that would not change on any of the next stops.

Nellie slowly settled into her seat, and was greeted by an awkward sensation, that of cool plastic greeting her bare skin. It was enough to make someone jump. For her, though, it made her blink her eyes a few times, seeming to try and wrap her head around what was going on… where she was… and why she felt so… drafty. Nellie was slowly coming to her senses, staring around at the dimly lit train, her lips letting a sleepy murmur free as she tried to figure out what was going on. She was in bed… and now… she was on a train? Nellie felt her bare feet tracing the floor, and she stared down at her near-bare legs, most of which were completely visible right up to the hips from her vantage point.

“W-wait, why… am I…” In a nightgown? That was probably what she was about to ask… until she felt her hands around her exposed thighs, her grip eventually trailing around to behind her… and the naked cusp of her rear. “A-ah…!” She scooted back in budding panic, an unthinkable realization swiftly setting in. She wasn’t just in a nightgown… she was… just in a nightgown. The fact was made even clearer when her skirt shifted backward slightly, and Nellie recognized the telltale sight between her bare thighs. She swiftly pulled it forward, and felt a shiver set in. She had to get off the train, and fast. Nellie wasted no time in getting to her feet, holding the gown down and hurrying for the nearest doorway, hoping she was in time before it took off.

The doors through which Nellie walked onto the train were still open. But just as Nellie was approaching the exit the loud beep sounded through the car, signalling the doors closing. Nellie lunged forward and managed to fit through the closing doorway, finding herself back on the platform. “A-ah… thank heaven…” Nellie felt a brief twinge of relief, but… it was just that, a momentary respite until she realized the door had ensnared her lone garment. “W-wait, stop…!” In her desperation, Nellie did just that, calling out to thin air, for all the good it did. There was a heartrending sound of fabric tearing… and before Nellie knew it, she was holding onto a tiny strip of fabric as the train tore off into the distance, leaving her standing on the platform, staring after it in disoriented realization.

Could she scream for help? Attract the attention, get the train the stop? She was barely awake, in the middle of the train station… and stark naked. It took a moment for this to fully settle in, her eyes widening at the sight of her own exposed body, before she latched her arms over herself and desperately ran for the escalator, firmly gripping her breasts behind her quivering grip, possessed by one driving thought: get out of the station and then get home. With half an hour until the sunrise, Nellie could only pray she’d make it… without being seen.

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