A Second Meeting with Claire by Zorro69,Zorro69

Once again this story is written for Claire, a Fallen Angel, who captures hearts and more. This is a fantasy she shares with a certain married man!

As the train pulled into the station I approached the door rather tentatively. It opened and I stepped on to the platform before quickly making my way to the exit. Walking through the London streets I relaxed at the city’s anonymity made me feel more comfortable and relaxed. It was two weeks since I had last been in the capital and had had a chance encounter with the young woman called Claire.

At thirty-five years old I felt quite old when I had first seen her. Despite her appearance I had spoken to her and established that she was twenty-four. Of course a gap of more than ten years but less than I had initially thought existed. We had got talking and it had resulted in my telling her that I had only ever been with my wife. To my surprise she had offered me the chance of some ‘no-strings attached’ sex with her. To cut a long story short I had taken her up on her offer and we had enjoyed oral sex before she had become only the second woman that I had ever had intercourse with. When we had parted she had told me that she could be found in the pub where we had met in a fortnights time.

During the intervening fourteen days I had found my attention wandering to Claire over and over again. In the end there really had been nothing I could do except make up an excuse for my wife as to why I needed to spend a day up in London. She had been sceptical as normally I hate going up to London yet now here I was willing, almost happy, to go up twice in a couple of weeks. I had convinced her by trying my best to appear as reluctant as normal. When this morning had come I had found myself heading to the train station with hitherto unknown relish.

To cover my tracks I had popped into the London office as there were a couple of things that really could have been posted that I hand delivered. Then I merely spent the day binding my time until I could meet her once more. Now I was walking along the road to the pub. As I passed the cemetery I saw the spot where she had given me a blowjob, before allowing me to tongue her beautiful young pussy, then I had finally fully cheated on my wife as the girl I had only just met had ridden my solid cock. She had asked me to think about her the next time my wife and I had been together. This had not been difficult as when she went down on me I could not stop thinking of Claire. When we had made love she had commented that I was showing a vigour that she thought had long gone and that whatever had brought it was more than welcome in her book. I was sure that if she ever got wind of why then her opinion would surely have changed.

Entering the pub I found my heart pumping as I scanned the bar area frantically searching for her. A sinking feeling crept into my stomach as I realised that she was not there. I sat at the bar, ordered a beer, and then mentally admonished myself for my stupidity and arrogance. I had been lucky to have her once what on earth had made me think she would want me once more. Sitting gloomily at the bar I slowly drank. If nothing else I could take the opportunity of savouring a decent pint of beer in peace and quite. My mind began tormenting me by rerunning the events last time I had been here.

My daydream was broken as I felt a hand on the small of my back. Looking up I immediately saw the dark shoulder length hair and warm smile in the mirror behind the bar. She kissed the side of my cheek.

“Hello.” She said as if it was the most natural thing in the world to see me there. “How’s married life treating you?” She asked giggling. “Most have enjoyed your last visit here! What’s a girl got to do to get a drink from you?”

“Sorry, white wine?” I asked remembering what she had drunk last time we had met.

“Thank you.” She replied smiling. With that she got up and walked to a table across the bar. I order the drink for her then made my way to join her.

I handed her the glass before sitting down opposite her. “So how are you?” I asked making polite conversation.

“I am good, what about you?”

“Fine.” I replied before a pause fell over us.

“I take it from you being here that you liked your last visit.” Before I could reply she continued. “So tell me, did you do as I asked? Did you go home and fuck your wife and did you think of me while you did it?”

I blushed causing her to grin. “Yes, I did. I felt really guilty to begin she seemed to be getting carried away. I was thinking of you all the time but afterwards she asked me what had affected me. I almost panicked but she kissed me saying that it was one of the most passionate sessions she had had with me since we were first together.”

“So I put a spark back in her sex life as well as yours did I?”

“She even decided to give me oral the next night as a treat. I imagined you all the time even as I came in her mouth. That caused a problem as she can’t stand that so I guess it undid some of the good work.”

We carried on drinking and we made small talk. Then Claire stunned me. “So what do you want from me now?”

I was thrown as although I had been unable to get her out of my mind I suppose that I had not really expected her to be here. “Well, I have been thinking about you a lot. In fact for the last few days I couldn’t shift you from my mind.”

“Look, the pub is not the best place for this sort of chat is it? Care to come with me, if you want we can just talk but I am happy to do more.” With that she took her handbag in her left hand and rose from her seat. Her right hand took my hand as I too rose to my feet. Together we walked out of the pub and into the evening air. I felt her hand leave mine then immediately her arm snaked round my waist as she drew her body close next to me.

“So tell me did you feel guilty when you saw her?” I was aware that she was looking up at me.

“Of course I did. But I enjoyed it and if I’m honest I don’t regret it at all.”

“Well I am glad to hear that.” Then she leaned up and kissed my cheek. We continued walking until we reached the Thames. Then we leant against the wall and looked down at the water. The last of the daylight reflected weakly from the surface of the river, a boat passed causing the water to ripple gently in its wake. “Was it a one off? I realise that there is no long term future for us but I enjoyed what we did, as I think you did to, I must admit the idea of being ‘the other woman’ to a married man is extremely sexy.” She licked her lips provocatively. “To be honest after I got home I stripped off my clothes almost as I got through the door. I lay on the bed and masturbated myself. I was rubbing my pussy while thinking of you. You and your wife, as you greeted her. Then you taking her knowing what we had done, you thinking of me, yet your wife being blissfully ignorant of our tryst.”

I felt her hand under my coat, rubbing my bum, before her hand moved down between the rear of my legs. As her hand rose she cupped my balls and stiffening cock. She carried on. “As I came I remembered your face as you filled my mouth, then as you filled me for the first time and as you came while I rode you. This made me cum with such intensity as my fingers glided over my clitoris.” By now I was solid and she know as she rubbed me slowly through my trousers. The feeling was exquisite. “So you like the thought of that?”


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