Adventure Pt. 01

An adult stories – Adventure Pt. 01 by LJA644,LJA644 As with most LW stories, there is nothing new here, so please just enjoy the story. This story could fit into many categories, there are elements of BDSM, anal, fetish and even at a stretch romance. But as it’s about a woman who wants to play outside the marriage, like some of my other stories it is in LW. In fact you will see elements of my other stories here. The bits in between are different though. This is a RAAC story, if you don’t like them don’t read on, but if you do, I hope you enjoy it. Ok there is a BTB alternative at the end.  I would like to thank AnAverageGuy61 for all his work.

The grass is not always greener. 

“Sweetheart, I’m going out with the girls on Saturday night. Is that OK?” 

“Of course, it is, I’ll go for a few jars with the lads down the pub. Where are you thinking of going?” 

“Oh, just dancing or something, that new club on the far side of town probably, Kirsty says it’s brilliant.” 

“We haven’t been dancing for a while, can I come?” 

“Sorry sweetie, this is a girl’s night, we’ve been so busy at work we’re going to let our hair down a bit.” I try not to belittle her work, she’s a beauty technician, she does other people’s nails, their makeup, advises them how to achieve the effect they want, that sort of stuff, you know. I suppose it makes them feel better about themselves. Being a beauty technician, you’ve got to be pretty damn good looking yourself. I have to say my Jayde is bloody good looking, she’s 5 foot 8; with a mass of blonde wavy hair which I know she gets done in the salon’s hairdressers. She has just the right amount of curves for my hands, her boobs are just the proper size to overflow my hands and despite her age, they are still as perky as they were when we first met. She has a gentle all over tan from the use of the salon’s sunbeds and she has the cutest little nose, ok she had a tad of help from the surgeon’s knife with that. She always looks bloody good. 

I don’t think I’m too bad looking myself. Yes, I’ve put on a couple of pounds since the day we got married, but that was 20 years ago. I’m an area manager for a company that services large earth moving vehicles and the like, you know the sort of stuff that makes roads and digs open cast mines. Half my time is spent sitting behind a desk and the other half crawling over large broken vehicles. I run 5 miles twice a week, a bit of healthy eating and not too much beer, so I’m not unfit. My dark hair has started to turn grey at the temples, hey that’s distinguished, right. 

So that’s what we did. I saw her getting ready to go out on Saturday. She looked great, bright red shiny figure-hugging dress, hair brushed till it shone, some high heels and superb but subtle makeup as always. I’d noticed over the years that when she goes out with the girls, either with or without me, they always tried to outdo each other with how they’re turned themselves out, so it was not unusual. 

I went up behind her. “Hey sweetie, you look gorgeous, have we got time for a little you know what? It’s been a while and you do look so good.” She moved away gently.  

“No, I haven’t got time, anyway I don’t want a quickie.” Good, that’s the answer I wanted. 

“Okay then how about we have a day in tomorrow, and I mean a day in bed.” 

“Honey, I’ve got things to do tomorrow.” 

I wasn’t expecting that, but never mind, carry on. I turned her round and gently grasped her by the shoulders, looking into her eyes, I said. “Do you know the last time we had sex?” 

“Yes, it was last week.” 

“No, it was two weeks ago, and when was the last time we actually made love?” She didn’t answer that question, she just gently extracted herself from my arms. 

“You’re right, a day in tomorrow, provided I haven’t got too much of a hangover. See you later, don’t wait up.” 

So, out she went and jumped in her Mazda MX5 RF Coupe, the one with the folding hardtop, she doesn’t like to mess her hair up with a real convertible. I wandered off to the pub. I had a good time with my mates chatting about football, rugby, machinery, women and the bad weather, hey we’re Brits. I didn’t drink too much; I didn’t want a hangover in the morning. There was a bit of lock-in, so I didn’t get home until about half 12. Jayde wasn’t there, but I wasn’t surprised. 

My phone bonged, who would be sending me messages at this time of night? I got myself a light beer from the fridge and opened up the phone, there was a video. I didn’t recognise the number of who sent it. “Somebody sharing some fun.” I thought to myself with a smile, I played the video. I instantly recognised Jayde, she was dancing, that’s what she went out to do. But she’s dancing with a young, tall, blonde haired Adonis looking type of man, they were dancing quite slow, but when I turned the sound up, the music wasn’t slow. Perhaps just not synced properly. I was a tad jealous, but she’s coming home to me. The next clip was her dancing with a much more mature man; a bit like me but possibly a bit older, maybe a bit fitter as he was thinner than me and a lot more salt and pepper hair than I currently had. Again, she’s coming home to me. 

However, the next clip hurt, another chap walked up to her as she was sitting with her mates at the table, probably a bit younger than me and he asked her to dance, she declined, he obviously wasn’t pretty enough after the other two men I’d seen her with.  Then a voice said, “he’s nice, why’d you turn him down?” 

“Eww, why would I dance with him, he’s like my husband, I want something exciting, new and different. I can get boring at home.”  

Now that hurts! I could see her face; I could see her lips move, there was no sync problem there. 

The blonde Adonis approached the table and took her by the hand. This was a slow dance, there was some fumbling on the dance floor towards the end. And it looked like he got his mobile phone out. Hey, she was gorgeous. I’d take a picture of her. 

At the bottom of that clip there was a text message, but I didn’t read it, I was thirsty. 

I got myself another beer, not a light one this time. It was about 1:30 when I heard a car stop outside, I peered through the curtains and saw a taxi with a bunch of giggling girls. 

Jayde came in the front door; she saw the lights on in the kitchen and came to join me. She gave me a big, long hug and a kiss. She was not sober; she’d have a hangover in the morning. OK perhaps a bit of afternoon delight is on the cards then. 

“Hi sweetie you’re still up, did my hubby wubby wait up for me?” She knows I hate being called that. I’ll get over it. She went to the fridge and helped herself to a glass of white wine and sat opposite me with that silly grin on her face when she’s had a few too many to drink. I didn’t think one more would make that much difference to her hangover. And I suppose we’ll have to go and collect her car tomorrow. 

“Did you have a good time?” I asked. 

“Yes, it was great. How was your drink with the boys?” 

“Fine we just talked about shit and drank beer, did you get much dancing done; that’s what you were planning on doing.” 

“Not much really, we spent most of our time chatting, normally about customers.” 

“So not a lot of throwing yourself around the dance floor with young men?” 

“No sweetie, why would I do that? I’ve got you at home.” The clip with her saying ‘why would I want to dance with him’ sprang to mind.  

“So, no dancing with young six-foot blonde Adonis looking types then?” A worried look flashed across her pretty face.  

“Oh, there might have been one.” 

“Just the one dance, was it?” 

“Yes, I have to share my dances around you know.” She said, smiling. 

“And no salt and pepper haired dapper corporate lawyer types either then?” Another worried look. 

“What’s all this about, don’t you trust me?” 

“Of course, my sweetheart, it’s the men I don’t trust.” 

She didn’t answer my question, just the deflection, there was something going on here and as she wasn’t sober this would be a good time to take advantage of it. “I’m off to bed, you coming?” She said and headed up the stairs. 

I pressed send on my mobile phone. She had hers in her hand, it made a noise, but she didn’t look at it. I called after her, “you might want to see what that is?” 

“It can wait until tomorrow, it’s probably one of the girls telling me they got home alright. I’m sure it’s not important.” 

“Oh, I think you’ll find it’s very important.” She turned around and sat on the stairs and opened her phone. I went to the fridge, got myself another beer and brought back the bottle of wine. She was probably going to need it, because all I heard was, “oh.” I’d sent her the clip of her and the Adonis with their phones out. 

“Tell me that isn’t you swapping phone numbers with the blonde?” 

“I’m not,” she said. 

“Prove it, give me your phone.” She knew if she refused there would be a lot of fuss, we didn’t hide our phones from each other. She just looked down into her hands, she came down the stairs and handed her phone over, there it was, the last entry ‘Gary’. She was sober all of a sudden. She sat in the chair again. 

I continued; I tried not to show my anger. “I suppose the blonde is Gary?” She nodded her head. “So, what’s this all about, why are you lying to me? 

“You’re lying to me, why not just tell me the truth, what are you trying to hide? You just asked me if I trust you, well you’ve just lied to me, so tell me why I should trust you now?” 

She went off on a tangent again. “We were talking about our customers and all the fun they have; I want some of that. I want to have some adventures. I want some excitement. And to be chatted up by somebody is exciting. It was exciting to be chatted up by him. Nothing was going to happen.” 

“Christ you look fucking gorgeous who wouldn’t want to chat you up, but you’re married to me; you’re wearing my wedding ring, so you don’t swap phone numbers with strange men. And if nothing was going to happen, why have you got his phone number?” 

She just looked down into her lap and said nothing. 

I leaned forward and looked at her with a hard stare. I was still trying to stay calm, and mainly succeeding. “Why won’t you tell me why you have his phone number?” 

She stayed silent. 

I thought I’d try a new tack. “Okay, you want excitement, just tell me what you want, and we’ll do it, hiking up the Hindu Kush. I’ll get the camping gear out and we can go camping, I can learn to ride a motorbike again, it’s been a few years but I’m sure I can pick it up, anything you want to try, just tell me and we’ll do it.” 

She was still looking down into her hands. 

“Or is it something more personal you want?” 

She nodded her head slowly. 

“OK, I can be more adventurous like that, we can have date nights, get kinky, we’ve got loads of toys upstairs, in fact, we can even get kinky outdoors. We can even play with the toys outside and I know some nice secluded beaches in Cornwall. Hey, even our back garden is not overlooked. I think we can afford a holiday somewhere exotic if you wish. What do you want, what do you suggest we do?” 

She kept on looking down at her hands in her lap. 

“Oh, I get it,” it was all becoming clear now. “You want to get personally adventurous but not with me. 

“That’s why you’ve got Gary’s phone number, were you planning to go out with him?” 

“No.” But she still looked down into her lap. Her demeanour didn’t match the words coming out of her mouth. 

I was trying not to get angrier, but it was building, I managed to keep control of it, just, but now there was an edge to my voice. 

“Then why have you got his number if you’re not planning to see him again?” It was all becoming clearer now. “Were you planning to phone him?” 

She raised her head but didn’t look me in the eye. “No.” 

“I don’t believe you, why can’t you look me in the eye and say that?” 

“It’s just a fantasy. I was going to use him in a fantasy.” Still not looking at me. 

“You don’t need a phone number for a fantasy, I still don’t believe you, when were you planning to fuck him?” 

She looked me straight in the eye now and was quite forthright in her reply. “I wasn’t.” 

“I don’t believe you; I think you were planning to see him behind my back. May I suggest when you do you make sure his wife isn’t there.” 

Now that brought her up sharp. “He’s not married.” 

“How do you know that, did he tell you; did you ask? I bet you didn’t notice the wedding ring I could see in the video?” I lied, I couldn’t see fuck all like that, but what I could see was the woman behind him glaring at him. I could be wrong of course, that could have been just another bimbo he’d dumped. But I bet he noticed Jayde’s ring. I just had the feeling he was the sort to hit on married women so he could dump them with no complications on his part. 

“I hear these people talking to their friends about what they’ve done, where they’ve been, who they’ve been with, and it isn’t always with their boyfriend or husband. All these people are having so much more fun than me. I’ve got a boring job and a boring life. I want some adventure.” 

“So, it’s my fault now. I’m boring, am I? I wanted to go dancing with you tonight but you wouldn’t let me.”  I sent her the video of ‘I can get boring at home’. 

“No, I didn’t mean it like that.” She paused then and continued, but she was looking at me now. “Well, yes, a little bit, we don’t do anything anymore and these people are off having all sorts of fun. And I want some.” She looked at me and gave me a small smile, “you’re solid, stable, reliable, honest and I love you, but it’s not fun anymore, I just want a little bit more fun before we settle down.” 

“Okay I’ll admit we’ve been busy at work, both of us have. But how come this is all my fault all of a sudden. It’s your fault as well you know, you never suggest anything, I wanted to come with you dancing tonight, but you wouldn’t let me. So, it’s not just my fault. As I said, I’ll do anything, well almost anything, you tell me what you want and if we can do it, we will.” 

She gave me a small smile, but I carried on. 

“Don’t you think my life is boring? I get up in the morning, drink coffee, go to work and sit in front of a computer all day. I come home to you; we have dinner, watch telly, go to bed; weekends I paint the house, cut the grass, wash the cars. But I know I’m going to spend time with you so that makes it alright. So, I could do with some adventures that we can do together. What do you want to do?” 

Actually, that wasn’t true, I did enjoy my job, I wasn’t always sat in front of a computer. When I look back over a well-manicured lawn, I have a feeling, a sense of achievement. Taking that lump of mud, she calls a car into a prime example of shiny Japanese engineering was satisfying as well. And there is a great deal of satisfaction walking away from a half million pounds worth of machinery that’s now running almost as well as it did when it left the factory.  

But I could almost see where she was coming from, we had got into a bit of a rut recently. She had told me some of the stories the salon’s customers had told their beauticians; a lot of them sounded a bit tenuous to me. 

Then a thought struck me. “Have you been shagging around already and just want permission after the event? Because if you have, I will start the divorce right now.” I managed to maintain my calm as I said that. 

She stopped and looked me in the eyes with her pretty mouth wide open, she hadn’t thought of that. “No, no I haven’t, I promise. I really promise I haven’t.” She thought for a bit. “Ask anyone at work, or family they will tell you. I haven’t, I promise you.” She was panicking, she paused a short while and gave me her phone again, “check it, all of it,” she said.  She went and got her handbag and emptied it out in front of me, she told me to look at everything, she hadn’t cheated. That was so over the top and spontaneous. I knew her, and I believed her, for now at least. 

I wouldn’t ask family, but her work mates might be a different kettle of fish, especially as someone from her work had probably bubbled her to me.  

You can’t tell your heart or head who to fall in love with, she might be a bit ditzy, but she’s beautiful to me, she’s caring, loving, cheerful and sexy as hell, if not always the brightest. The sex is fantastic, apart from the last couple of months we’ve never been short of it. OK we’re not doing it every other day like we used to when we were in our 20’s, but certainly regular enough. She’ll try almost anything once, and twice if it doesn’t hurt too much, and there was a whole range of sex toys upstairs. 

I looked at the clock, it was bloody late. “We’ll talk about it in the morning, I’m going to bed when I’ve finished this beer. And you’d better think about what you mean by an ‘adventure’.” She went upstairs to bed whilst I sat there finishing my beer and thinking. That was when I read the text that accompanied the videos. That confirmed that it must have been one of her friends sat round that table that sent those videos. 

Last night’s drinking may have affected her more than I thought or perhaps it was the conversation we had before she went to bed, but she looked awful. I had woken up on the sofa. She came downstairs by nine o’clock. She didn’t look her usual bright chipper self, not that I could speak, I’d looked in the mirror and I looked like fucking shit. 

We sat around the kitchen table with tea and toast, and I said to her, “This is your ball game you start.” I had run several scenarios through in my head, with solutions. I just had to respond to the one she came up with. 

She held her mug of tea in both hands and looked down at it and after a few seconds she lifted her head up and looked at me. She didn’t beat around the bush. “I want some adventure; can we have a short separation? Just a couple of months.” 

“So, you want an open relationship?” 

She pondered a bit and spoke. “Yes, I suppose I do.” 

This was one of the scenarios that ran through my brain. Almost the worst one. 

I was short, sharp and straight to the point. “Not going to happen!” 

“Just for six months.” 

“A couple of months, now it’s six. No! Still not going to happen. Generally, when somebody asks for an open relationship, they’ve already started fucking around, so who is it?” Now I was getting angry.  

It all came out in a rush. “No, no I really haven’t. Please believe me I haven’t; ask anybody you like go through anything of mine, I haven’t, I love you. I wouldn’t do that to you, I’ve never done anything behind your back, please believe me, I haven’t.” She hadn’t thought that was how it would look, there is no pre planned speech in there. She was panicking again, her body language gave her away, she was scared, and so very vehement, and how open she was last night with her phone and handbag I believed her.  

I calmed down a tad. “So, how does this work, you think you can go screwing other men and leave me at home. How would you do that, would you move out, would you want to bring them back here? How would that work? Because as sure as runny dog shit smells I’m not going to let you bring strange men into our house and fuck them here.”  

“I don’t know, I haven’t thought it out.” 

“And have you thought after you’ve been shagging other men and had other cocks in your cunt, I might not want you back.” 

“But you will because you love me.” She was right on the point that I love her, but whether I’d have her back was a different matter, she still couldn’t get it. 

This was going the way I expected, but it didn’t stop me getting angry; I was trying not to shout. I’d thought about it last night. I do love her more than anything. So do I let her do this, or do I just say ‘No’ and be worried for the rest of my life. I’m an engineer, I came up with a solution but like with most engineering solutions, it’s not the best, it’s the best you can do with what you have available. But it didn’t stop me from being angry. 

I continued staring at her. “Well, I have thought about this. It may need some finessing but here goes. I will not be a cuck or wittol, so if you want to go screwing around, we’re going to have to get a divorce.” 

Her eyes went big and wide as she looked at me, “I don’t want that.” 

“Then don’t go fucking other men. The choice is yours, it’s that simple. And I will do my level best to make your life an adventure.” 

There was a pause and I could see things going round in her pretty head. 

“Sweetheart it’ll only be for a couple of months, six at the most.” She paused for a bit. “And after I come back, I will never do anything like this again, I promise. And you can go and have adventures too.” She looked at me with her serious face, so I knew what she said next, she really meant It. “When I come back you can do anything to me tie me up, spank me, and you can fuck me in the arse, anything except swapping.” Apart from the bum stuff, I do most of that now so it was no big deal. 

I’d calmed down a bit, so I thought I’d use the time to bring some more realities into play. “What if I find somebody else that will let me do that to them without running off to fuck somebody else when they get bored. Don’t you think I might want to stay with them? And what’s to guarantee that you’ve done it once so that you won’t go back on your word and do it again?” 

I took a breath and carried on in full flow. “And what’s to say that you won’t find someone else and not come back to me, just run off with your new young lover.” 

Still she didn’t get it, so I leaned on the kitchen table and stared at her right in the face and said in a low growling voice. “I don’t want you fucking other men at all. But if it is going to happen it won’t be whilst you’re married to me, this is non-negotiable. And whilst you’re off screwing other men, I will be off having my own adventures, having sex with other women. So, if you still want to have an adventure screwing other men, we’ll get divorced.” 

I was on a roll. “And another thing, if one of us runs off with someone else the house gets sold and we split everything.” I could tell by the look on her face she hadn’t seen that outcome. She loves this house.  

A small smile crept across her face as if to say, ‘who would want boring old you?’ 

“Did you read the text on the bottom of the last clip?” 

She got her phone out and read it out to me. “I wouldn’t do this to you if you were mine.” 

I had to point out to her that the message must have come from one of the girls sat around her table with her. From one of her friends. They were all beauty technicians; they were all gorgeous. That wiped the smile off her face. 

I carried on. “Right, here’s the deal, we can be divorced in five months, let’s call it six in case things go wrong. Six months after the date of the divorce you can come to me and ask me to marry you again and I will say ‘yes’. We should both have got our ‘adventurousness’ out of our system by then.” 

“You’d take me back?” 

“There is something I haven’t said to you for a while, and I should have done. I love you; I always have, and I always will, it’s not something I can turn off like a light bulb. So yes, I probably would.” 

She came round and gave me a big hug. “You’d do this for me?” 

“Yes, but there are problems.” 

She was intrigued, she couldn’t see any, all she could see was her off having fun for six months and then coming back to me as if nothing had happened. I could see a lot. It was just the practical things for now. “You’re going to have to move out, I will not have you bringing another man in this house, and I will not bring another woman in this house, that would taint it if we got back together.” 

“I thought I’d be staying here?” She really hadn’t thought it all through. It was also simple in her ditzy mind. 

“Can you afford the mortgage?” I knew the answer to that, beauty technicians don’t get paid a great deal. However, area transport managers looking after heavy machinery do quite well, that’s why she drives a nice little red Mazda. 

“You can stay in the house with me until the divorce is final, but you’ll have to sleep in a different bedroom, we will have to live different lives. We will divide all of our savings. But you will have to pay for your car, food and drink in the house. Although we’re living under the same roof, we must live separate lives. I won’t charge you rent. But for the six months we are divorced you will have to find somewhere else to live. Perhaps Gary’s got a spare room, but you might have to ask his wife. Or you could go to your parents?” That made her face frown, she didn’t like either of those suggestions, but it didn’t last long, she was very quickly looking on the sunny side of life again. 

She couldn’t see any problems, I could. I was on a roll now, “and if we get back together, we will continue to have separate accounts, not the one like we do now just in case you want to run off again. So, if we go on holiday; you’ll pay your half and I’ll pay mine, happy with that?” She nodded her head. I didn’t mention the car insurance, tax, fuel or the servicing. All the things that I paid for out of our joint account, which was fine, up until she wanted a separate life. Even if it was only for six months. 

“One final thing for now but I’m sure there will be others. If you sleep with another man, no, let’s start again. If any part of another man, or woman enters your body before the divorce is final the whole deal is off.” She looked confused. 

“That means if you give a man a blowjob, he takes your cunt or arse, sticks his fingers in you or even French kissing. If he puts his tongue in your mouth, the whole thing is off and the same goes for women in case you get inclined that way. Oh, and the same rules apply to me. I’m not allowed to put any part of my body into somebody else’s until the divorce is final.

When the divorce is final you can do what you like. But up until then we stick by the rules ‘forsaking all others’ like we both promised at our wedding.” 

“So kissing is OK but French kissing isn’t?” 

Sometimes she can be a bit thick, OK not just sometimes. “French kissing is just a prelude. Tongue mouth cock cunt. It’s quite simple really.” She got it, well what my interpretation was. 

But after that set back I could see she was still getting excited, it looked so rosy from her point of view. 

“Oh, and another thing, monthly STD checks after the divorce.” 


“I don’t know who you’re going to be sleeping with once we’re divorced and what protection they are taking or who they’ve been with. If you come back to me, I want you to be completely clean. oh, and the same goes for me. And another thing whilst I’m thinking about it. Make sure you’re on the pill; I will not have another man’s baby in this house. In fact, if you get pregnant, even if you get rid of it, I will not remarry you.” 

She didn’t notice that the ‘Yes, I will marry you was now dotted with the words ‘if’ and ‘probably’. 

I think the harsh realities of life were just starting to strike home on her, there will be plenty more in the next couple of weeks. I could see her thinking a bit. 

“I have a question, when can we start dating?” 

Bollocks. She had obviously swept everything I’d said under the carpet, she was so keen to get started. 

“I think as soon as the separation paperwork is issued it would be a good time. That should take about 10 days. I can’t stop you going out with someone now. But I tell you right now, I will take a really dim view of you if you start going out with other men before the separation, and that might affect how I treat you when all this is over.” She smiled and things were looking very rosy for her. Couldn’t she wait just 10 days? 

“When does all this start?” She asked me. 

“I’ll see the solicitor as soon as I can tomorrow and get it all started. You’d better take the day off as well. You’ll have things to do.” 

“Like what?” 

“Open a bank account so I can pay half of our savings into it, arrange for your credit cards to be paid from your new account, you may want to take out more credit cards because I’m going to cancel our joint ones, there’s nothing on those at the moment. I’m going to buy a fridge to keep my food in, you can use the one in the kitchen till you move out, you may want to do some food shopping as well because when what’s in the freezer and the fridge is gone, you’ll have to get your own. We can share pots and pans and stuff like that, but I’m not doing your washing up. I think that’s about it for now but I’m sure some other stuff will come up.” 

Again there’s a few things there she hadn’t thought about. 

I looked at her. “I do have one suggestion before I see the solicitor. I do love you so very much, this is going to hurt both of us an awful lot.” I could see from her face she didn’t believe that. “As neither of us is going to get any sex for the next six months, can I suggest we go to bed and make love.” We did, I got my day in bed, but not how I wanted. 

The following morning was very busy, I was quite tired, she’d worn me out. I was lucky to get an appointment with a solicitor for 1:00 o’clock. It was all fairly straight forward for a no contest divorce. I managed to pick up a second-hand fridge which when she’d moved out would become my beer fridge. I went to the bank and cancelled the joint credit cards and paid all of mine off. Whilst I was there, I opened a separate account for myself and transferred about 3/4 of our savings into it. OK so I’m a shit.  

I made time to visit a private investigator and had a chat with her. I didn’t beat around the bush and told her exactly what was happening and that I might call on her to check that Jayde was sticking to the rules. We set up a method of communication where I would inform her if I had any concerns and any information I had that she might find worth investigating. I gave her £2000 from what was left in our joint savings account as a retainer. 

When I got home Jayde was there still brimming with enthusiasm for her new life. I didn’t think she realised how hard the next six months were going to be for her whilst we waited for the final divorce. She gave me her bank account details. I went online and put half of the remaining quarter into her account and showed it to her. She commented that she thought we had more savings than that. I told her we’d had some heavy expenses recently, council tax, electricity bill, heating bill and my car servicing, it all adds up, I told her. OK so I’m still a shit but she needed to learn the facts of life and all the money in the savings had come from my work. 

She went upstairs and I heard her moving stuff around, so I went upstairs to her. “What are you doing?” I asked. 

“I’m moving your stuff into the spare room.” 

Right, first reality check. “Oh no, I’m paying the mortgage, I stay in the main bedroom, you go into the spare room. And you may have to buy some more wardrobes for all your clothes, because when we live separate lives, you won’t be allowed in my bedroom, nor me in yours.” 

That shook her up, but she just smiled and started moving her stuff. As she hadn’t got enough room for all her clothes, she asked me if she could leave some of her clothes in my bedroom, I told her she could. After she’d moved all she could I made sure my door lock worked. Yes, I really am a shit. 

As we were using up all the food in the fridge and the freezer, I made dinner. Over dinner I told her that I had engaged a private investigator to check that she was sticking to the rules, and she wouldn’t know when or where he was checking up on her. I also told her that she could do the same to me as that would be only fair. I even gave her the name and address of different private investigators, well, there was only one in our town, so if she wanted one it would have to be the next town over. I’d never seen her face look so stunned. I think she had the idea that she might be able to break the rules and get away with it, who would be checking?  Now it became plainly obvious that she couldn’t cheat the system. I also had an idea that whoever sent me that text worked in her beauty salon and they would be on my side. I would have to find out who that was, I had an idea who it may be. That would probably be very easy as Jayde wouldn’t be able to keep this quiet, and it would soon be all around the salon. 

After we finished dinner and I was washing the pots, it was her turn to dry. I wasn’t going to use the dishwasher, I wanted her to do her share; she sidled up to me and said. “Can I ask you a favour please?” 

“You can ask.” 

“Can I go on a date with Gary, just the one without you taking it the wrong way? He’s been phoning me constantly, but I need to tell him what the rules are. Anyway, he’s very clingy and I haven’t even been out with him yet. I think he needs putting in his place.” 

“The man obviously has no morals because he knows he’s chasing a married woman. Are you sure that’s the sort of man you want to be hanging around with?” 

“Oddly enough I’d thought of that, well Marcie mentioned it last Friday whilst we were out, and I think you’re both right about him so it will just be dinner nothing else. So, can I?” 

My brain worked double overtime at double speed, and I came up with a cunning plan. “Yes, but only if I know where you’re going. We’re still married and not separated. That’s what you’d normally do if you were going out with someone else. Being a wife and married to me you would tell me where, when you’re going and with whom, so until we get the separation paperwork that’s what you should do.” 

“Okay that seems fair, I’ll let you know where and when.” She smiled at me, she tilted her head to one side in that oh so cute fashion that I like and said. “Well as a thank you, I think we should have an early night.” 

I put on my angry voice “Oh, so now you’re trying to bribe me with a guilty fuck because you’re going out on a date with Gary. I don’t think so. Today is basically day one, we split everything from here on in.” I got up and stormed out. Again, not quite true, the separation paperwork hadn’t been issued, but it felt like a mercy fuck. Ok, the anger wasn’t fake. 

That shook her. 

She told me where and when she was going with Gary. I had a chat with one of the blokes from work, I told him most of the truth, that my wife was going out with a bloke, and I wanted to make sure there was no hanky panky going on, and I would pay for his dinner if he followed them. I bet that was going to cost me, it wasn’t a cheap place they were going to. It was a bit naughty of me, because Harry wasn’t the most subtle of blokes, he was over six foot and built like a brick shit house. 

She came in after her date with Gary. She was not happy. “Well, that was a fucking bust.”  

“What went wrong?” 

“He was an arrogant asshole, oh by the way he isn’t married, he was, she divorced him. He only wears the wedding ring to stop women chasing him. The arrogant fucking bastard. And he made me pay for my dinner, what gives?” 

“How much was it?” 

“£75, and he drank most of the wine.” 

“37 quid, that’s not bad for that place.” 

“£75 fucking each.” I hadn’t heard her swear this much since she crashed her car a couple of years ago. 

“Things have changed, why should he pay for your food, it’s not like he was going to get anything for his money was he?” 

“Well, he’s certainly fucking not now, Oh and l spotted your PI as well, not very discreet. 

“Yes, tall chap, well-built, looked a bit familiar.” She paused. “I’ve just had a thought; how did he find me? Did you tell them where I was going, that’s not fair if you did?” 

“No, I didn’t, but I’ve told them where you work, where you live and your car registration. They must’ve followed you either from here or from work.” That had her worried, what she didn’t know is that I had given the real PI’s her phone number and tracking details. 

I carried on. “So, going back to paying for the food, why should he pay for your food?” 

“That’s what gentlemen do.” Oh dear, she hadn’t realised how much the world had changed since we were courting. 

“Well, he’s obviously not a gentleman then. But look at it this way. If you had gone to bed with him and I’m not saying you did, and he’d paid for dinner wouldn’t that have made you a £75 whore. Sex for money just with food in the middle.” She didn’t see it; I was wasting my time on that track. 

“But you always pay.” 

“Ah, but that’s different, you see we both pay into the same account, sorry paid into the same account, so when I paid for dinner, it came out of our joint account, so we shared the bill. It doesn’t matter that I put the vast majority of the money into that account, you still paid your bit. So even though I paid the bill, you did your bit. You’re going to have to pay your way on a date now.” That confused her. She was shaking her pretty little head and I watched those lovely blonde tresses bounce as she went upstairs to bed into her room. 

When she came down in the morning, I had the tea and toast on the kitchen table and my phone to my ear. As she came into the kitchen, I went into the sitting room but didn’t close the door. It sounded like I was talking to somebody on the phone. 

“What the bloody hell am I paying you for, your bloke was so obvious she spotted him, it’s no good bloody telling me nothing happened, of course it didn’t, your man stood out like a sore thumb.”

I paused, “OK you’re not going to charge me for that one, but don’t use him again she knows what he looks like.” 

I walked back into the kitchen looking like I was fuming. She had a slight smile on her face, “problems?” 

“Nothing that I can’t put right.” 

We hovered around each other the weekend, I did the usual house stuff. And she went shopping. We were sitting watching telly enjoying one of our last bottles of wine and I think she was having some second thoughts, good. “We’re going to be alright when this is finished, aren’t we?” She asked, there was doubt in her voice. 

“Probably, I hope so. But what if you find you don’t want to come back? Or I find I like the single life and don’t want you back?” I don’t think these possibilities had crossed her mind until she was out shopping for wardrobes on her own today. 

“Are you happy with this?” She asked timidly. 

I turned to face her. My voice was not timid in my reply. “No, I’m fucking not. I don’t want this. You do and because I love you, I will do it for you. But I will not be humiliated by you sleeping around whilst married to me.” Then I got really upset. “You want excitement, but instead of coming to me so we can do something together, you want to find your excitement with somebody else. You want to go off shagging other men. So probably we won’t be all right.” I got up, took the bottle of wine, went upstairs to my bedroom and slammed the door. The anger was not faked this time either. I was hoping that outburst might change her mind. 

We spent some time over that weekend going through the house splitting stuff up we had to share in the sitting room and the kitchen. I moved all my pictures across to my side of the room, she to hers, I put all my books and my personal belongings on my side of the room, she put all of hers on her side. All a bit petty really, but I was trying to make a point. There was some discussion about things like batteries, staplers, stationery and stuff like that. Stuff that she wasn’t interested in, so I had all those. 

I took a couple of the flower vases, and she asked what I wanted those for? I told her I like flowers, and to make a point next time I was out I bought a bunch and put them on my side of the room. It sort of made her side look bare and empty. We worked out some sort of rota for the household jobs, emptying the bins, cutting the grass, cleaning, that sort of thing. I would make sure she emptied the bins and did her turn at cutting the grass, she wouldn’t like that. She was more interested in a rota for watching the television. We decided to record most things and allocated time for each of us to use the system to watch our programmes. We agreed we would watch the programmes we both like together. But anything on the video that was over a month old would get wiped. 

I was hoping after my little outburst last night she would have changed her mind. She had a worried look on her face most of the day. But by the evening it appears she hadn’t. Shit. 

We co- existed for the next week, most of the food in the house got used up. I gave her a cupboard to use for her tins and dry stuff. Thursday was good, I saw her use the last of her milk for her coffee, she went to my fridge and picked up the milk. “Hey, what are you doing?” I asked, loudly. 

“I need some milk for my coffee, you know I can’t take it black.” 

“Then you should have got some on the way home last night.” 

“I’ll get some tonight; can I have some of yours? Please.” I was tempted to say ‘No’. Fuck it, I did. 

“No, you can’t, you’re going to have to plan your life better, I won’t be doing it for you anymore. You wanted this single life, live with it.” I went to work taking my milk with me. Yes, I’m a real shit. 

When I got home the next day her parents, Gerald and Marjorie were there with her. Gerald, he’s a nice chap, starts to quiz me on why I want a divorce? I tell him that Jayde wants ‘an adventure’ and I’m not happy for her to do that whilst I’m still married to her. I point out to Gerald that she wants to have ‘adventures’ and ‘fun’ on her own. Not with me. Gerald asked what’s wrong with having a bit of fun in life.  

I looked at Jayde and said. “You haven’t told them the whole story, have you?” 

She looks down into her hands and says. “No, I’ve told them that I want some adventure, but you won’t stay married to me, but you’ll marry me after I’ve finished.”  

“I think you need to tell them the whole story, I think you need to expand on your version of what ‘adventure’ and ‘fun’ means.” I did air quotes. 

Marjorie clicks on. “Oh, you mean that sort of fun.” Jayde went bright red. 

I said. “Yes, that sort of ‘fun’.” again with air quotes, I fucking hate air quotes but sometimes they’re useful. 

Gerald has a quizzical look on his face, I don’t think he got it yet, “and you say you’re marry her again after she’s had her ‘fun’. I can’t see the need to get divorced?”  

“That’s the plan so far.” 

Marjorie pipes up. “Is it that simple, it seems a bit too simple to me?” 

“Well, actually, no it isn’t that simple, sometimes things go wrong.” 

I could see Jayde was still confused. “Like what?” She asked. 

Marjorie looked at her and answered for me. “What if you find somebody else and you don’t want to come back to him?” 

“But I will come back. I love him, and I promised.” 

“You promised at the altar as well, remember. And what if he finds somebody else? Somebody else that doesn’t want to go off running around having ‘fun’.” 

The look on Gerald’s face was amazing, he finally got it. He was shocked that his little baby girl could do something like this. I think I know where Jayde got her brains from. 

Jayde had that ‘who would want him’ look, forgetting the text message on the bottom video. 

Marjorie noticed the ‘look’ and said her piece. “You be careful girl, he’s not a bad looking man.” 

Not bad looking! I wasn’t ugly, so I suppose that’s about right. 

Marjorie carried on. “He’s reliable, honest, hardworking, intelligent, he can even be funny at times. Be careful, daughter of mine because when he becomes available there’s going to be a queue.” 

I like my mother-in-law. 

I’m sure Jayde said, “yeah right,” under her breath. I think her mother heard her. 

“Are you sure you love him, or just the lifestyle?” 

“Of course, I love him, I just want a bit of fun before we settle down.” 

“I thought you had your fun before you met him, before you got married?” 

“Yes, but I was younger then, it was a different sort of fun, I’m older now. I can appreciate it better.” 

“OK I’ve warned you. You’re going to lose him and it will be all your fault.” 

“He loves me; he’ll be here when I get back.” She sounded so confident, time to dent that. 

“Will I? Can you guarantee that I’ll still be here waiting for you? If you’re not here to find out what I’m doing. You know, some of the things I like doing that you don’t, what if I find a woman who likes doing those things too. I’ve said you can ask me to marry you again, but would I want to take the risk though? You might want to run off and have another adventure.”  

I was tempted to say you don’t like to shag up the bum, but what if I find someone that does, would I come back to you, however it’s not the sort of thing you say in front of her parents, that she doesn’t like bum sex. 

“But you said you’d marry me again.” She said, but there was a hesitation in her voice. 

“Perhaps I’ve changed my mind, or I lied, like you did at our wedding.” 

That shocked her, so I carried on. “We both said forsaking all others, and now you want to have ‘ fun’ whilst married to me. Ergo you lied.” Not actually true, but ho hum. 

“You can stop this right now, just say so.” I gave her a last chance in front of her parents, she just looked down into her lap. 

Gerald and Marjorie did not look happy, but we were at an impasse, they had tried their best, well Marjorie had, Gerald was still sitting there trying to catch up. We were getting nowhere. As they left Marjorie touched me in the arm and said. “Stay strong, we’ll try and make her see sense.” They loved her, but they couldn’t see how ditzy she was. I really hoped they would succeed, but I doubted it. 

I thought the first week after the separation paperwork arrived, she’d be out every night, I was wrong, she only went out twice that first week. I didn’t ask her any questions. I did get a report back on her Saturday night antics and it appears she behaved herself. 

Whilst we were sharing one of the last meals from the freezer, cottage pie I think it was. I asked her why she was not out every night. She got that grumpy look on her face and said to me, “I’m not a slut you know, I’m not going to jump at every man that comes on to me, I have standards.” 

But I think she couldn’t have sex with anyone, and that there might be a PI around that took the edge of it for her, and her experience with Gary. 

She seemed to go a little more overboard the second week she was out four nights. I only got a report of two of the nights, but she still behaved herself. She went out with the girls, and she danced with lots of men and generally let her hair down. 

It was the fourth week that was interesting, I was doing my laundry but hers seemed to be piling up, we still talked to each other, there were no secrets between us. She told me she had a big night planned for Friday out with the girls from the salon. I told her I was going out for a few beers with the boys, I’d probably go straight from work. 

We were sat in the pub and my phone rang as soon as I pushed the accept button I had to hold the phone away from my ear. “Your fucking doors locked I want my clothes out of your room. Get home and get it for me now.”  

As she drew breath I said, “Which one do you want?” That sort of threw her off; it wasn’t the answer she was expecting. I was just curious.  

“My knee length red satin one.” Ah that one, it might be knee length, but it was split to mid-thigh. 

“No,” and I hung up. I did send her a text. ‘I told you we couldn’t go into each other’s bedrooms once the separation had started. You should have got your clothes out whilst I was there’. I didn’t hear from her again. I did ping the PI a message saying if they had somebody available tonight it may be a good night to check on her. I got a message back saying they were already on it. 

I got a preliminary message with photo’s the following morning. Breakfast time would be interesting. I was sitting at the kitchen table with a full English breakfast, toast and tea, just what I needed to soak up all of last night’s beer. I knew the greasy frying smell would turn her stomach. She did not look well, she also slammed around the place until it hurt her head, I did have some sympathy and got her a glass of water and some pain killers. She was still mad at me for locking my bedroom door. 

I looked at her and said, “I warned you about the bedroom thing, still, you looked good though.” That made her raise an eyebrow. 

“Oh, you know, word gets around; I thought that slinky black dress looked good on you.” She had quite the worried look on her face. 

I carried on. “Do you remember about not allowing somebody else to put their body parts into yours, including French kissing?” 

Adrenaline is a wonderful thing; it can cure a lot of things including hangovers. 

She sat bolt upright, completely awake. 

I didn’t let up now that I had her full attention, I got my phone out, opened up the video, playing it, I turned it towards her and said, “if I think you’re swapping tongues there, the deal is off, and I will change the separation to divorce on the grounds of infidelity, and put the house up for sale. You should not be putting your tongue inside another man’s mouth who is not your husband.” 

The gentle overall tan looked good on her, but now she could have been a porcelain doll at that moment in time 

“No, no, no there was no tongues, we didn’t do that, he tried but I stopped him.” 

“I think you’re lying, but I can’t prove it. But if I suspect you’re doing anything like that again, I tell you now, when and if you ask me to marry you, my answer will be’ no fucking way bitch’.” 

“But I didn’t, there were no tongues.” She was crying. 

“OK, prove it.” I said, it was obvious she couldn’t, and I wouldn’t expect her to. I just wanted to worry her. From the look on her face, I think it worked. 

“It doesn’t matter, if I think you swapped spit, that will be enough for me. The deal will be off, and I should go start chasing some of those MILFS that have been coming on to me.” There wasn’t any, but she wouldn’t know that. 

After that Saturday night on the following Monday, I popped into the salon to give Jayde a message. I could have done it by phone or text, but I wanted to stir things up a bit and see what was being said. Also, to see if I could find out who might have sent me the videos. There was a change of attitude as I walked into the salon, it may be because a man doesn’t normally go into these places, but it may be because Jayde had told them about what was happening between us. 

After I passed the message to Jayde, Marcie the salon’s owner invited me into the back, I had a sneaky feeling she may have been the one that sent me the messages. 

She asked me what was going on, what was my side of the story? I told her basically that Jayde wanted some fun and I wouldn’t stay married to her while she slept around, so we planned to get a divorce for six months but after the six months was up, she could ask me to marry her again. I quickly skimmed over the plan stating no sex before the divorce was final as that still counts as cheating. She asked if I had the same rules. I smiled and said to her, “absolutely,”  

My thoughts were given a boost that she was the one that sent me the videos as she leaned into me and said to me. “The day the divorce is final you call me. I could do with a good man.” I pointed out that we can date now, just can’t have sex. She told me she realises that, but that might not be a good idea as Jayde works for her. 

But I did convince her to go out for lunch some time as I wanted to make a point to Jayde, she smiled and agreed to just the one lunch date the following Wednesday. 

As I was leaving one of the other beauty technicians, Kirsty grabbed my arm, to say how sorry she was that Jayde and I were splitting up, perhaps it was Kirsty that sent those messages?  

I could just overhear a customer talking to Jayde at the counter who was taking her money. As I left, I said goodbye to Jayde. The customer asked. “Who’s that?”  

“That’s my husband, but we’re separated.” 

“Oh, you poor girl, what’s he done wrong?” 

“Nothing, he’s done nothing wrong.” 

“So, like that is it?” With a hint of sarcasm in her voice. 

As I left the salon the customer caught up with me. “What have you done to that nice girl?” She asked me. “I’ve been coming here for years, she’s a lovely girl.” 

Men always get the blame. Okay sometimes it is their fault, but not this time and I wasn’t going to let it go. 

We were stood in front of the window of the salon, and I don’t like to air my dirty linen in public, so I said to the lady. “Excuse me Madam, I have no desire to discuss my personal business with a complete and utter stranger.” Then I had a good look at this woman, she was a couple of years older than me I guess, but she had just come out of a beauty salon she would look good, but the way she dressed and carried herself, she had class. Perhaps in a couple of months’ time she might be fun. But I had a problem now. “I don’t know what my wife has told you, but after my previous experiences with her she may not have told you the whole truth. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m required at work.” 

I turned to walk away. “Hang on, hang on, my name’s Christine and I’d be interested in your story; it doesn’t seem as simple as Jayde makes out.” She held her hand out for me to shake; I did. We were still stood in front of the salon window and out of the corner of my eye I could see we were being watched. Christine said. “Would it be too forward of me to offer you dinner to get the whole story?” 

“No, that would be fine.” We swapped phone numbers and arranged a time and date. 

I met Christine for a drink and dinner in a local hotel the following Thursday, she was very attractive and she did have a certain class about her. I told her the story of Jayde wanting some fun because she had heard all the stories from her clients. Christine was aghast, she told me that they make most of those stories up. “I told Jayde I went on a cruise with a young person, but it was my daughter, not a man. I sort of missed that bit out.” She giggled and added. “I did manage one, err encounter, it was fun trying to dodge Sonia. Since I’ve got divorced, fun has been a bit hard to come by, that’s why I spend so much time at the salon.” 

I asked her why she got divorced, she told me they just grew apart. But in hindsight they realised they both stopped working at it. She told me Sonia was at university reading some sort of engineering. Christine worked as an accountant three days a week, but since the divorce she didn’t need to work, it was just so she could feel useful. We had a pleasant meal and when we finished, I offered to pay my half, but she wouldn’t hear of it, she invited me, so she paid. 

“So, there’s no chance of a more intimate get together?” She asked. 

“I have your phone number; you have mine. Let’s see what happens when I’m divorced. Could I ask you a favour in the meanwhile?” 

“Depends on what it is.” 

“Would you tell Jayde a little bit more about your stories, but be a little bit more honest with her?” 

“But that would mean you would go back to her, and I’d lose my chance of having a bit of fun with you,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. 

I liked her. “Okay fair enough, I will make you my first date when the divorce is final. We can put that in our diaries right now. And let’s just see what happens when there are no restrictions.” I smiled. 

“Okay sounds like a deal.” 

We finished the evening off chatting and then headed towards the hotel lobby. She approached me for a kiss, but I just offered her my cheek, I returned the kiss to her cheek. I didn’t let on, but I had spotted Jayde in the corner of the hotel lobby, her disguise wasn’t very good with all that hair. Oddly enough just behind her was one of the PI’s I’d engaged. I had a little chuckle to myself, the follower being followed. 

I was about to hold the door open for Christine when I had a thought and stopped. I’d enjoyed my time with her, there was no pressure; she knew the scheme and I felt she would stick to the rules, so I made a suggestion. “Christine, I’ve really enjoyed my time with you, can we make this a regular thing, say, every couple of weeks or so, just a meal nothing else?” 

She stopped and pondered and looked at me tilted ahead slightly, smiled and said. “Yes, I think I’d like that, in fact I think I’d like that a lot’ how about a week Saturday.” 

“OK, that’s a date then, but one proviso, I pay.” 

I was about to start asking for details when she said to me. “Send me your address and I’ll pick you up at 7:30, and you can tell me where to go, and we’ll take turns paying.” It looked like this could be a regular thing. Good. 

I managed to get home before Jayde, and I was sitting on the sofa drinking tea when she came in. 

“Did you have a good night?” she asked. 

I had nothing to hide, “yes, I was out with Christine, one of your clients, a nice lady told me about her cruise. Seemed like she had a good time with her daughter. Perhaps we should try that if we get back together.” She looked a bit confused at the ‘daughter’ comment but said nothing. 

I think she missed the word ‘if’. 

“How was your night, a hot date?” I asked her. 

“Oh, quite boring really just watching people.” I could see she was thinking. But you never really know what’s going round in that blonde head of hers. 

From then on, every two or three weeks, normally on a Thursday, Christine picked me up in her Mercedes SLK or I would take my Audi and we would drive to a country pub or hotel restaurant, and a couple of times we even went dancing; she was much better than me. She told me about her work, her daughter and her ex-husband, she didn’t dislike him, she just didn’t love him anymore. They were civil to each other when they met, but I had a feeling she was lonely. I told her about my work and the people I worked with, if I bored her, she never let it show. I talked about my hobbies and she talked about hers. We both steered well clear of talking about Jayde. All in all, we had some very pleasant times. 

Jayde went quiet for the next couple of weeks, I think she wanted to keep an eye on me, she couldn’t afford a private investigator. She went out a couple of times. So did I, and now I had more time on my hands I started taking lessons in things I wanted to do. 

The PI admitted there were places she couldn’t go so she suggested I purchase a couple of pens that were audio recording devices, the type she suggested were not cheap but were tuned to pick up human voices and discard all the other stuff like music and there was software that could help with that. I did and I slipped one into Jayde’s handbag, she would never notice another pen with all the stuff she carried. Preplanning, I am sure would come in useful. 

Every week or so I swapped the recording pens in Jayde’s handbag, and so far, I’d found nothing. Which was good, it gave me a warm feeling. 

She came in from a Saturday night out with the girls from the salon, I was up early in the morning to go for a run, to help get rid of the beer from last night. Her handbag was there, so I removed the pen and replaced it with the spare. I downloaded the audio files and listened to tracks; they were very interesting. I heard her say ‘no’ she couldn’t give him a French kiss, but he could feel her tits. Shit, I didn’t think of that, there was lots of fumbling and groping and I heard a slap and Jayde say. “You can’t go in there,” I don’t know who the chap was, but she was enjoying herself. She seemed to have the situation in hand. But now I had something to go on. 

It would be an interesting chat when I got back from my run. 

She came down to breakfast, we had sort of fallen into the first one up would make the toast. It was only a slice of bread; it didn’t make that much difference in the great scheme of things; she made her own coffee. I asked her how the night went, she said she had fun. She asked how my date with Christine went? It was good, Christine talked about her daughter and her work. I told her about some new things that I was planning. I’d had a pleasant evening and told Jayde about it. 

She was sat there quietly chewing her toast looking off into the distance when I said. “So, you didn’t swap spit then?” She sort of came out of her daze and looked at me, smiled and gently shook her head. She took a sip of her coffee, excellent timing. I carried on. “But you let him feel your tits.” The coffee splattered all over the table. I went and got some kitchen towels and cleaned it up and then sat back down and carried on drinking my tea. There was a look of shock on her face. I’m not sure if it was from the fact that I’d found out somebody had felt her tits or that I was so calm about it. 

I looked at her and said quietly. “It’s my fault, but another man feeling your tits would not pass the husband test, the same as wanking him off. I didn’t mention that when we started, so as much as I would like to complain I can’t. I got that wrong.

But that doesn’t mean I’m happy you let another man touch your sexual parts.” She was still there with her mouth wide open; I had no idea what she was thinking, so I carried on. “Of course, if you wanked him off you would have had to close your hand around his cock and that could count as entering your body, bit of a longshot, but I don’t think it matters. We made the rules before the separation, so I can’t complain this time. But I am really upset that you let another man touch those fantastic breasts of yours on that fantastic body that I have loved and admired for so long.” Now I was cruel. “But if you let somebody else feel your tits again, I might have to rethink your proposal to me.” Her light tan had gone very red and her mouth was still wide open. I stood up and went to my room to get changed to go for another run, just to let her stew. 

It got interesting a week or so later, I was in bed just dozing off, it was gone 11, when I heard the drawers opening and closing in the living room, so I popped down. And there was Jayde, naked, bugger she did look good. “What’s the matter, what are you looking for?” 

“I was looking for batteries.” 

“What for at this time of night?” 

She got embarrassed, something I’ve not seen in her for a while. Looking down at the floor she said. “My vibrator, as we can’t have sex it’s all I’ve got.” 

“You gave me all the batteries, you didn’t want them, couldn’t see a use for them.” Then I got a nasty thought. 

“I’ll do you a deal, neither of us have had sex for a couple of months now, I’ll give you batteries for your vibrator if you give me a blowjob.” 

“That doesn’t seem fair, I give you sex, but you just give me batteries.” 

“Well, the supermarket down the road is open 24 hours, you can go there, they’ll have batteries, but I suggest you get dressed first. Or you can give me a blowjob, which you know you like doing anyway, you like being in control. And I’ll give you batteries so you can use your vibrator to get yourself off. We both win that way.” 

A smile swept across her face. “Wait there,” she said, then she turned and went upstairs, she came back pulling on her long bright red PVC over the elbow gloves. Oh, she knows how I like the feel of the smooth PVC on my cock and balls. She knows I won’t last long; she was going to try to get this over and done with. She got on her knees in front of me, I sleep naked as well. 

With one hand she cupped my balls gently fondling them with her other hand she gently stroked my cock up and down. Looking at me in the face and smiling, then she opened her mouth and gently sunk it onto my cock, she nibbled, she sucked, she bopped her head backwards and forwards. It was gorgeous, I leaned back in on the sofa and closed my eyes; I was just about to unload when she stopped. I struggled to open my eyes. Next thing I know her knees were beside my hips and she impaled herself on me all the way to the hilt. I managed to open my eyes to see her sitting there looking down at me smiling, she had one gloved hand on my chest and the other was buried between her thighs, I suspect she’s playing with her clitoris. I couldn’t hold on any longer.

And I came. I felt her shudder, I could see her head thrown back and broad grin on her face. She collapsed forward on me breathing heavily. 

After a minute or so we managed to disentangle ourselves. As good as it felt, that had buggered up the divorce agreement. We would have to talk about that later. 

We both made our way to our own bedrooms, a little bit embarrassed, but satisfied. 

We were both up early in the morning. I made her coffee and toast with jam, which was something I didn’t normally do. But after what we’d done last night, it was small beer. I told her we needed to talk this evening. She looked a bit worried. I was a bit worried; I didn’t know how we were going to play this. 

At work I came up with a cunning plan. I picked up a Chinese takeaway on the way home, set the dining table in the sitting room, I got one of her bottles of wine out of her fridge, and a bottle of beer from my fridge and waited, and pondered, how I was going to put this 

She got in later than her usual time, she had the late shift this evening, I think she volunteered for that shift. Some ladies need to visit the salon after they’d done a full day’s work. 

We picked at the food she drank quite heavily at her wine as we edged around the elephant in the room, but it couldn’t go on. “I really enjoyed last night, but if it gets out to the solicitors, we will have to start the six months separation all over again.” 

“But nobody else knows, there was only me and you.” 

“I know and we’ve got to keep it a secret, can you do that, not tell anybody at work?” 

“Yes of course I can. I didn’t tell anyone today” 

“Well, if you’re sure, I’ve got another suggestion.” She nodded her head; the food was forgotten. “This is just a suggestion, and you can say ‘no’ if you like. I really have missed making love to you, and the sex. Apart from last night and using our hands and toys, neither of us have had sex for nearly two months.” I could tell she was interested; was I going to relax the rules? Not a cat in Hell’s chance. 

“I suggest that up until the divorce is final we put from 12:00 o’clock midday to 12:00 o’clock midnight on the first and third Sunday of every month to have a sex day. The whole 9 yards, just plain sex, love making, role play, anything goes for those 12 hours. But we can tell no one. what do you say?” 

I could see the cogs going round in her head. “I like that idea, but as we’ve got to keep it quiet, I suppose doing it outside is off the cards.” 

I like the way she was thinking, but she was correct. “Yes, that’s it, so I’m afraid no screaming orgasms for you.” In the past, sometimes she was known to be quite vocal. 

“OK that’s a deal, I’ll mark it in my diary. Gosh I’m hungry now.” And with that she attacked her dinner. 

And that was what we did, sometimes it was just sex sometimes she got kinky like the day she came down wearing her red PVC gloves, Basque and thigh length boots. She could have had all this all the adventure she wanted, she only had to ask. But perhaps I should have offered sooner. 

The last Sunday before the divorce I thought I’d try something different, we’d tried it before, but she wasn’t keen, so we never got round to trying it again. “Jayde, how do you fancy something kinky?” 

“Oh, what are you thinking, something new or something old?” 

“Bit of both really, I want to tie you up.” 

“We haven’t done that for a while so ‘Yes’ let’s, your bedroom or mine?” 

“Neither, come here and bend over the back of the sofa.” 

I steered her around the back of the sofa and bent her over it. I had our toy bag to hand; I took the ropes and quickly lashed her legs apart. I went around the other side and lashed her wrists to the front legs; she was completely open to me. She had seen the toy bag and knew what was in it. 

She peered at me over her shoulder and said. “Oh doggy style with a difference.” She didn’t know the half of it. I got down on my knees and started licking her fanny, I pushed my finger inside, getting it nice and wet, she was starting to moan, then I cheated and got her vibrator and started playing over her clitoris, as soon as she got close I stopped, she was pulling on her ropes but there is no way she was getting free. Then I did it all again, stopping just as she was about to climax. She swore at me. She was very wet; I got my finger covered with her love juices and then I pushed it gently inside her arsehole, that made her tense up. “No not there!” 

“Why not, you wanted an adventure, so here it is, something new.” And I pushed my finger further in. “And you know you’re in no position to stop me, are you?” I said with a giggle in my voice. “I can just slip it in and bang away.” And with that I moved my finger in and out faster of her arse, after sliding the vibrator into her pussy. I saw her body strain then relax as if she was resigned to it. But I’m not like that, so I leaned over the sofa down to her ear and whispered into it. “You have a safety word; just say it and I’ll stop. Nod your head if you understand.” She nodded her head. Game on. 

I shot into the kitchen, went to my cupboard and came back with the extra virgin olive oil, I smeared it liberally over my two fingers and gently easing them inside her anus moving them slowly backwards and forwards, slightly deeper every time. I started moving the vibrator in and out of her pussy. I cranked the speed up a bit. She was breathing very heavily and starting to grunt. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the attention I was paying to her arse or her cunt. If she got much louder, I’d have to find something to gag her with. I managed to get three fingers just started up her arse. I wasn’t going to get many more in there without causing her pain. With my other hand I pulled the vibrator out of her pussy and started paying attention to her clitoris with it. She was grunting loudly now. I looked at her pretty face, her mouth was wide open. She was getting loud, that had to stop.  

I took the ball gag from the bag, grabbed her hair, pulled it back and jammed the ball gag in, strapping it around her neck. She likes to be gagged; it keeps the pleasure in she had told me once. I carried on playing around her clitoris. Then, just as she was about to come I moved the vibrator away. She’d been straining quite hard against the ropes, suddenly they went slack.

I pulled my fingers out and inserted my cock in her arse, not much, just a bit. I poured some more olive oil on it and slowly worked it backwards and forwards going slightly deeper every time it was a bit of a struggle. I managed to get the vibrator somewhere around her lady parts at the same time. 

I must have occasionally made contact with her clitoris because she shuddered now and then, but she didn’t come, she just pulled on the ropes and grunted. After a few minutes and a lot of olive oil I managed to get fully embedded. I had to go slow otherwise I would have come. She was very, very tight up there. Not wanting to move, I kept still. I’d been concentrating on getting the vibrator inside her cunt, I did and turned it on to full. The vibrations through the perineum sent me over the top, I spurted, she screamed into the ball gag, I wasn’t sure if it was pain or an orgasm, she collapsed completely, hanging on the ropes. I eased myself out; it didn’t take long; I’d gone very soft, very quickly. I pulled the vibrator out but still managed to stroke it across her clitoris, which made her jump again. I know I reached the spot because all I heard around the ball gag was, “no, stop, enough, safe word, safe word.” That wasn’t our safe word, but I knew what she meant. 

I untied the ropes and took the ball gag out, she stayed where she was. After a couple of minutes, I helped her stand up and we went and sat on the sofa. She managed to open her eyes, she looked at me and said. “Fuck that was good, I didn’t think it would be that good, we’re going to have to do that again when we get back together.”  

Although I’d had the idea a couple of weeks ago, I had to wait until the last of our arranged weekends. If there was another weekend to go it would have probably been me bent over the sofa with a dildo shoved up my arse, and that wasn’t going to happen. 

We weren’t up too much after that, I cleaned up the mess behind the sofa, there was olive oil all over the floor. We dozed on the sofa for a while and then I decided that we would send out for Chinese. To keep up the illusion we both ordered and paid separately. I think the delivery man was somewhat confused. 

Monday evening after our anal adventure with about two weeks to go before the divorce was due to be final, I asked her how her search for a flat or somewhere to live was going. She told me it wasn’t going well. Actually, I don’t think she was looking. I suggested she move in with her parents as she only had two weeks to find somewhere, that went down like a lead balloon. She could hardly go out most nights adventuring from her parents’ house. She asked me if she could stay here like a house mate. Still not bringing anybody home and she would pay rent. She offered either cash or in kind, I insisted it be cash. I thought about it for a day or two then I agreed, I must be getting soft in my old age. 

I was hoping after everything that we had done she would call it off, but I was disappointed, I could see she was getting excited about the thought of her adventures. Yes, I was disappointed, but not surprised. 


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