Amy Was Once My Best Friend by DG Hear,DG Hear

My school life was pretty good. I dated regularly, including all the cheerleaders with the exception of Amy. I did a lot of petting but never went all the way. My shop teacher told me I was a natural when it came to welding. He told me about a college where I could get a certificate in two years. I sent my application in and got accepted. I would start right after graduation. I figured I’d go for two years and if I liked it possibly stay longer or open my own business.

Prom season was here and graduation would be three weeks later. Everyone was asking everyone to go. Our cheerleaders were the first grabbed up. I didn’t ask anyone to go. I guess I still had a puppy love crush on Amy but she was going with Ray.

Two days before the prom, I got a call from Brenda. “Jerry, did you hear the news about Ray being rushed to the hospital?”

“No, what happened?” I asked.

“He had a hard time breathing and the doctors said he had a ruptured tonsils. He had to go to emergency surgery to have them removed. He’ll be all right but will have to stay in the hospital for a few days. Jerry, he’ll miss the prom. He was to be crowned King and Amy was to be the Queen.”

“What has that got to do with me?” I asked.

“In the voting for King, you were first runner up. You have to go do it for the reputation of the school. Please, I was asked to call you to come.”

“Who am I suppose to take? I’m not going stag.”

“All of us cheerleaders talked to Amy and she said she would go with you if you asked her. She spent a few hundred dollars on her dress and shoes. She said she won’t go without a date. Please come, Jerry. What kind of prom would we have without a King and Queen?”

“I’ll talk to Amy and see what she has to say. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

I went to Amy’s house and Mrs. Dillon answered the door.

“Jerry, thank you so much for coming over. Amy’s a mess. Ray’s in the hospital and the prom is Saturday.”

“I need to talk to her. I know she has a lot invested in her prom clothing and she’s supposed to be crowned Queen.”

Amy came in the room and asked me to sit down. She repeated everything that Brenda told me earlier.

“Amy, do you want to go to the prom with me? I know how much it means to you. I know I’m not Ray but I will treat you as nice as I can. Whether you know it or not, I still think of you as my best friend–even though we barely talk anymore.”

“Yes Jerry, I will go with you. I told Ray yesterday that if you asked me I would go. He told me he understood because it was just the one date.”

We made plans for Saturday and I left. I had to go to the tux store and rent one. I only had two days. The next day at school, everyone came up to me and thanked me. I told them I was just doing the same thing they were–going to the prom. Deep down, I was nervous as hell. I hadn’t been alone with Amy for god knows how long.

Saturday came and I went to pick up Amy. I walked up to her door and knocked. Mrs. Dillon opened the door and smiled. I looked by the stairs and saw Amy. She was so beautiful I could hardly speak. I knew I had tears in my eyes.

“Amy, I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you.”

She walked up to me and kissed me lightly. That was the first time we kissed since we were eight years old. Her mother helped me put on the corsage I bought for her and told us to have a nice time.

I opened Amy’s car door and then got in on my side. I didn’t know how to act. I’d never been out with a woman who looked so gorgeous.

“Jerry, just be yourself. Everyone likes you for who you are, me included.”

We met a few of the classmates at the Olive Garden. All the girls looked beautiful but none as beautiful as Amy. After dinner, we headed for the dance. We first had our pictures taken and then found our table. After about an hour, they made the announcement of the King and Queen.

They called Amy’s name and she went to the stage where they gave her a crown and sash. They then called me to the stage and I received a crown and sash, too. Everyone was cheering as we went to the dance floor. I held her close and I whispered to her that I felt like I was at my wedding.

She looked me in the eye and said, “I wish it was.” I kissed her on the dance floor. I knew it was wrong but I didn’t care. Everyone knew she was Ray’s girl and he was lying in the hospital.

I pulled away and we went back to our table. I didn’t know what to say or think. A number of guys asked her to dance and I danced with their dates. I couldn’t talk much and had trouble answering questions about us. I apologized to Amy for kissing her and probably causing trouble.

“Jerry, it took two of us. It isn’t just your fault. Let’s just forget about it for now and enjoy the night.”

Around midnight I took her home. I walked her to her door where I looked into her eyes. I couldn’t stop from kissing her again. She responded and I knew they were kisses of passion.

“I think I love you Amy,” I said.

She just looked at me, kissed me again, opened the door, and went in. She never said another word. I stood there a minute then got in my car and went home. I didn’t know what to think. The next day I just tried to keep busy. Graduation was only three weeks away.

I went to school on Monday and the prom was the talk of the school. Everyone said they had a wonderful time but no one mentioned the kiss between Amy and me. She acted as normal as usual except she talked to me which she refrained from doing before. She never mentioned our kiss or what I had said.

It was Wednesday when Ray returned to school. He had heard about our kiss somehow and approached Amy. She told him it happened because of the excitement of the prom and being named Queen.

They argued for a few minutes and he walked away telling her they were through. When he approached me, I was ready to rumble.

“You can have her. She’s used goods anyway,’ he said.

I didn’t say anything to him. I thought about punching him for talking bad about Amy, but there wasn’t anything to gain in that.

For the next three weeks, I said hello to Amy but not much more. We had our finals and then graduation. I stopped by her house and let her know I was leaving for welding school in a couple of days and wished her luck on her choice of colleges. She told me she got accepted at a cheerleader college in Texas. She would be leaving within the month.

I didn’t know what else to say to her. After all, I had told her I loved her and she never replied. She had mentioned to Ray that our kiss really didn’t mean anything. I knew I was going to miss her but I had to go on with my life.

I started classes the following Monday. The way it worked was we would study welding techniques for all kind of welding. After about a month of class, we went out to do actual welding on things like cars, buildings, and tractors.

They called us welding apprentices. We attended school and did whatever jobs assigned to us. We started out doing mostly repairs. There were a lot of farms in the area and their equipment often needed repairs. Most of the time a job took a day or two. Mondays and Tuesday were mainly class days. We were payed a good wage for our work.

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