Becoming the neighborhood slut by nred92

Becoming the neighborhood slut by nred92 ,Introduction: Introduction: Moved into a new building and became its official slut , Hi guys! My name is Nina and I'm 28 years old. I live in Canada and have a Lebanese background. To give you a quick recap of my situation, my husband once allowed me to sleep with his friends, which ballooned into an uncontrollable addiction for me. After talking things out, we discovered how much he enjoyed having me sleep around with his friends and we eventually came to an understanding in which he would allow it to continue. However, because we failed to establish proper boundaries and ground rules, issues between us started to bubble to the surface, resulting in him expressing his desire for a separation.

This led to me falling into a tough financial situation with nowhere to go and no savings or career to fall back on. I was left without choices, and acted on a recommendation from a friend who advised me to find a “sugar daddy”. And so, I ended up getting into the sugar lifestyle, where I made an arrangement to become a sugar baby. In terms of my living arrangement, I recently had to move into an apartment in the city that I would be sharing with one of my friends. The neighbourhood and the apartment building are in a lower income area of the city and naturally, crime rates are higher here.

Fortunately, I don't have much in terms of possessions and moving in has been a fairly easy process. There are just a few small errands I've had to run, but it's become a lot easier with my friend letting me borrow her car.

When I say that I'm in a rough neighbourhood, I don't mean that there is raging crime in the streets. But the place does have a reputation for crime and many of the people you encounter are a bit shady for lack of a better term. They dress and behave in a way where they might be perceived as dangerous in the traditional sense and not to be trifled with.

Walking around grocery stores and fast food restaurants is generally fine with little to no issues. But things really start to get strange around the apartment building. Walking into a building for a non-resident is very easy; they just follow a resident in from behind and no one can stop them. Around the lobby, stairwell, elevators, and hallways, you would always find young guys from their mid 20s to mid 30s hanging around in groups (despite the situation in the world). I know appearances can be deceiving, but these guys do look like they belong in a gang, and do seem slightly dangerous. There are two groups I always see. A group of 4-5 white guys, and another group of 4 black guys. The black guys all live on our floor and down the hall.

I asked my friend about them and she said to get used to their behaviour. They'll always try to hit on any girl and pick them up, that they seem dangerous and she's seen cops arrest one of them before. I experienced first-hand what she meant as I would get hit on each time I passed by them.

The first time was a bit weird. I was walking to her apartment and I saw them in the lobby. I walked past them with my suitcase making my way to my new apartment. They “cat called” me but I ignored them.

The second time it happened was when I was on my way out to get more luggage from the car. I was by myself and not wearing anything revealing. I was in yoga pants, a t-shirt and had a light jacket on – very conservative by my standards. Two of the guys tried to talk to me. They asked me what my name is. I ignored them and kept moving. Then the two followed me into the elevator. I was frightened as they stood right next to me and asked me my name again. I responded and told them. They asked me if I was new in the building and I nodded with my eyes lowered. They told me that they live near me and invited me to their apartment. I didn't say anything. The elevator door opened and I darted out into the parking garage. They got out of the elevator with me but didn't follow and called out, “We'll see you later, Nina!”

I got inside my friend's car, locked the door and sat in silence for a few moments. I felt a rush of adrenaline. I was clearly in a dangerous situation. Mind you, this was not the first time something like this has happened. Every girl gets hit on throughout her life. It is a guarantee, just like death and taxes. But in the past, I've always been scared and wanted it to be over. This time was different. This time…I enjoyed the attention. If this past year and a half has taught me anything it's that I love the attention I get from men. Whether it's men I sleep with or the guys in this building, despite their character or what type of people they may be.

In fact, unlike my sexual encounters with my husband's friends or my sugar daddies, the difference here was simple. There was the element of surprise, the unknown, the danger, and a potential lack of safety. The danger of being wanted by men with questionable moral and legal values, not knowing what sort of stuff they were involved in. It turned me on. Yes, it turned me on like crazy.

I unconsciously found myself with my fingers on my clit, rotating slowly. My pants were damp. And at that moment I realized that I wanted to play with fire.

I had one more suitcase in my car that had my clothes. I went to the trunk and opened it, sifting through the suitcase to find something else to wear that would show me off in a better light. I pulled out a little green mini dress. It was a short sleeve dress, nice and loose and flowy. I changed in the car and kept my black thong on that I was wearing from before. I grabbed the luggage and wheeled it back towards the elevator. The two guys who had followed me into the elevator were still there. They looked at me and made a comment about my outfit change. I smiled as a knot formed in my stomach. “You need help with that bag?” one of them asked.

“Yes, please,” I said with an innocent smile. They picked up the suitcase and we waited for the elevator. This time when they chatted me up, I responded nervously to all their questions. We took the elevator up as they stood right next to me, shoulder to shoulder. We walked out of the elevator with me leading the way. I could feel them checking me out from behind, their gaze piercing every cell in my body. We approached their other friends with my luggage and I saw all of them check me out simultaneously. One of the guys introduced me to his friends. I said hello to all of them and lowered my mask below my lips so that they could see what I look like.

They invited me inside their apartment but I politely declined. Then one of them asked me for my number. I thought about it, and in a rash decision, I took his phone from his hand and put my number in it. The other guys made a fuss about this and asked for my number too. The guy I gave the number to asked if he could include me to a group chat. I said yes and that I was open to making new friends. One of the guys said that I should come along and hang out with them and bring my friend too. I accepted and said that I would be open to planning something but wasn't sure about my friend. We chatted a couple more moments, with them doing most of the talking and me listening.

I excused myself and one of the guys brought my luggage to my door. I took it from there and told him I would see him later. I walked inside the apartment and locked the door, sinking into the couch. What the fuck was I doing? I don't even know any of their names. They could all be into some shady shit for all I knew. But these rational thoughts didn't stop the wetness from my pussy soaking through my thong. I went into my room and fingered myself, thinking about being used like a toy by a group of dangerous guys who I barely knew.

Moments later, I was added to a group chat with them. Messages poured in as I read them. The guys invited me to their apartment to hang out in the evening. I told them I would think about it and that I'm very busy with the move.

Throughout the day I continued to get messages from the guys and I would periodically respond. The messages weren’t deviant or sexual in any way, but they did ask me again to come by one of their apartments to hang out later that evening. There were 4 of them in total. 2 brothers who lived in the same apartment, and 2 more guys who shared another apartment. We were all around the same age. The younger of the brothers was a year older than me and the other 3 were in their early to mid 30s.

I was honestly tired of unpacking and decided that I needed a break. Plus, my curiosity was getting the better of me. At the same time, I didn’t want to present myself as an easy fuck. I decided given what I’ve heard about their possible trouble with the law from my friend, it was best for me to take things slow and let them materialize.

Before accepting their offer of coming over, I decided to talk to my friend about it. She was laying down on the couch on her phone. I sat across from her and told her that I ran into the guys a few times, how they weren’t all bad, maybe a bit loud and obnoxious, but decent overall. I told her how they even helped me with my luggage.

She decided to defend her position but her tone and language towards them was a bit softer. “Look, I don’t really know them all too well. Maybe they’re just loud like you said and don’t present any real threat. I’m just telling you what I’ve heard from other people. And like I said, one of them did get in some trouble with the law in the past, but he’s back to living here now. So not sure how bad it could have been.”

I absorbed her words before telling her that I’ve been messaging them throughout the day and they asked me to come over, and bring my friend along. She declined and said I shouldn’t go either because she doesn’t know them at all. I told her I wanted to get to know them. They are our neighbours after all and if I get a bad vibe I would just leave.

She asked me why I was so adamant about hanging out with people I just met. I didn’t want to tell her the truth. That I’ve been at the centre of a gangbang before with my husband’s friends and that it was one of the most unbelievable experiences of my life, and potentially experiencing that again was music to my ears.

I couldn’t reach out to my husband’s friends for that same pleasure either given our issues. I did try reaching out to Rodney a couple of times (one of my husband's friends who I developed a close bond with) but he ghosted me and didn't respond. So, I stopped trying to contact him.

I told my friend that I was adamant because I wanted to make new friends and these guys seemed nice. She realized that I had already made up my mind and simply told me to be safe and to text her if any issues came up.

I went back to my bedroom to see my stuff all over the place. Okay Nina. Need to find something to wear. My first instinct was to go all out and wear a sexy skirt with a crop top. But I knew I couldn’t afford to present myself as easy. I decided to keep it casual and threw on an old black dress. The dress had no sleeves, was short (but not in a slutty way), loose and comfortable. I didn’t have to be super careful in it and I could walk around and sit in it without any issues. This seemed like the best choice. I wore a black thong and no bra (I barely ever wear bras to begin with).

I hopped into the shower, did some light make up and went over. I knocked on the door and one of the brothers opened up. Only 3 of the 4 guys were there. I said hello to all of them and ended up taking a seat on a small ottoman. The fourth one arrived a few moments after me.

The guys began talking to me and eventually our conversation started to flow. They were all friendly, definitely not as sophisticated as some of the older men I’ve been with, or even any of my husband’s friends, but still nice. I was enjoying my time and there was no inappropriate touching of any kind either.

We ordered pizza and I asked how much I owe for my share, but they didn’t let me pay which I thought was very nice of them. Then the night started to get more fun as one of them gave me a joint. I hadn’t gotten baked in ages and only did it a few times in the past, but things were different now. Fortunately, it’s legal in Canada!

We went out to the balcony to smoke up and of the boys lent me his hoodie to guard me against the cold. I started to loosen up and become a lot more conversational. We went back inside to warm up and this time I sat on the couch in between the two brothers, with the other two guys taking seats nearby. They asked me if I had a boyfriend. I said no and didn’t bring up my soon to end marriage.

Then the conversation drifted to a more sexual tone. One of the guys asked how a girl like me wasn’t getting any. Perhaps it was the pot talking but I was a lot looser and not as tight lipped, so I disclosed that I was seeing a couple of guys but wasn’t in an official relationship. Obviously, I didn’t mention that these men were my sugar daddies.

The guys laughed and one of them gave me a high five for “getting some”. Then I was asked what my body count was. I counted on my fingers. My husband, Rodney, Ken, Jamal, Nick, Alex, Josh, Robert, and Luis. 9 guys. Hopefully I wasn’t missing anyone. I held up 9 fingers and they laughed hysterically. I added, “All within the past 2 years!” I got another high five for that as my confidence was getting boosted by their approval.

“Were they all white guys and Lebanese guys?” one of them asked. I said no and that I’ve been with black guys before too. “We’re a lot better in bed, aren’t we?” he asked playfully. I laughed and said that everyone is different and I’ve had fun with all my partners, however, I admitted that the best sex I ever had was indeed with a black guy. And that I kept going back for more.

I didn’t know why I was telling them all this but I really wanted to. I was enjoying the rush I was getting from their approval and it was boosting my confidence. Then they asked if I had been with more than one guy at a time. I didn’t say anything and just smiled as I sank back into the couch. At this time, the younger brother put his hand on my bare leg and asked, “2?” I just kept smiling and shook my head no. “3?” I didn’t say anything and just looked around with exaggerated awkwardness, smiling. “4, 5?”

I held up 6 fingers and covered my eyes in embarrassment while laughing. The boys erupted with laughter and amazement and asked me for details. I kept my de***********ion to a minimum.

I felt the brother’s hand on my thigh move up as he kept a firm grasp on it, caressing my leg and playing with the hem of my dress. He moved my dress up higher to expose more of my leg. The weed, the conversation, and his touch were all turning me on.

Then, I snapped back to reality as I got a text from my friend asking me if I was okay. I realized I needed to pull back a bit and so I told them I had to go. I thanked them all for inviting me and gave each one a hug before I left. At the door, they told me that I should come by again to chill and that this was fun. I agreed and said I would.

I got home and my friend asked me how it went. I told her it was a lot of fun, that they are nice and that she should come next time. She said she would think about it.

The guys kept texting me throughout the night, asking me details about my sexual encounters. I told them about the night I got ploughed in Rodney’s car. About the time I had my first gangbang with 4 guys and how drunk I was. About how 4 guys took me to Cancun on a boys trip and fucked my brains out for an entire week. About how I was taken to the men’s bathroom of a Cancun nightclub, as onlookers in the bathroom watched me follow a man into a stall, knowing I was about to get railed. About how I took 6 guys at once, one after the other, and at the same time in all my holes.

I didn’t hold back. I told them everything. And I even sent them a couple of pictures – no nudes but pictures of me in my favourite outfits moments away from getting ploughed.

I knew why I was being so candid. It’s because deep down, I wanted to play with fire. I wanted to be taken by them and have my fun, and accept all the risks and danger that comes with it. I knew I was experienced enough and could probably take the pounding. And I was excited at the prospect of being used by them and having my guts rearranged.

The 2 brothers asked me to hang out again the next night and I agreed. It would just be the 3 of us. While I dressed a bit modestly the first time I went to their place with a black mini dress that didn’t reveal too much, I decided to take things to the next level this time. I wanted to turn them on and make them want me.

I got ready and put on a tight denim mini skirt with a white thong, and a white tube top that wrapped across my breasts, leaving my shoulders and stomach bare. I put on my shoes and on my way out asked my friend once again if she wanted to come. She declined, but did comment on my choice of outfit. “Babe, you really wearing that?” I asked her what was wrong with it and she replied, “Just seems a bit much, you know. Maybe put something over it.” I told her I liked it this way and that I was only going down the hall. I said bye to her and was on my way.

Both guys complimented me on how I looked when I got there as I gave them each a tight squeeze before sitting across from them on the ottoman, pulling my skirt down and crossing my legs as I did so. They seemed to be playing video games but turned it off when I got there. We chatted for a few moments and decided to order Mexican food. We ate and talked while a movie played in the background with no sound. They brought out drinks and I knocked back a few, feeling the warmth resonate through my body and my buzz coming alive.

I wanted to take this to the next level but wasn't sure how. It seemed for a moment that things had plateaued so I decided to initiate things myself. I excused myself to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I studied my reflection for a moment, brainstorming what I could do to entice them to take me right there and then. I just couldn’t wait any longer! I pulled my skirt higher so it fell just below my ass cheeks, and pulled my tube top down to show more of my breasts. I went back outside and sat across from them again.

This time, I didn’t bother crossing my legs and let my skirt ride up. I knew they had a good view of my white thong between my legs. They both noticed. I pretended to not be aware that I was flashing them and continued making conversation, noticing that both were struggling to make eye contact, as their eyes darted from my shoulders, to my chest, to the space between my legs, and then back to my chest.

I could feel the atmosphere change in the room as one of the brothers asked, “I have a question. You just moved in and you’re already real friendly with guys you just met” I smiled and told him I just wanted to make new friends. “Really,” he asked.

I smiled and replied, “Are you complaining?”

“Not at all,” he said. “Just wanna know what’s going through that head of yours.”

“Same thing that’s going through yours,” I said, my smile practically glued to my face. The brothers looked at each other and laughed.

The other brother said, “Nina, I loved the pictures you sent the other day.” I thanked him. “You look good right now too, let me take a couple more of you.”

This was it. It was going to happen. I happily accepted and adjusted myself on the ottoman. I kept my legs uncrossed as he whipped out his phone to take a picture, knowing full well that my white thong would clearly be visible under my skirt. He took a couple more. Then he asked me to stand up. I obeyed and posed while he took more pictures. He asked me to turn around. I did and bent a bit, my skirt riding up ever so slightly to reveal the cusp of my butt cheeks. He asked me to bend more and I did, as this time my skirt rode up to show off half of my ass cheeks for the picture.

Then he asked me to face him and pull my top down a bit. I did as he asked, pulling it down slightly to show the outer cusp of my tit. He walked up to me and pulled my top down completely, exposing my bare breasts. I looked up at him, my teeth biting my lower lip and let him do what he wanted with me as he took a couple more pictures.

I decided to give him more money shots and sat down on the couch beside his brother. I looked directly at the camera and spread my legs wide to fully expose my damp white thong while grabbing my exposed breasts. *click* *click* *click*

I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter by the second and decided I couldn’t help myself. I leaned closer to the brother on the couch and kissed him for a few seconds. He lifted me up and put me on top of him as we continued to make out, my bare tits against his chest and my pussy grinding gently on his bulge.

He continued to feel me up as we kissed until I felt the other brother tap my shoulder. He grabbed me by the back of my head and slowly guided my body towards him, gently forcing my head down to his pants. I lowered his sweatpants and boxers and pulled his cock out, putting it in my mouth and licking it gently. He began to take my top off while the other brother wrestled with my thong and skirt. Seconds later, I was on the couch naked and on my stomach sucking a cock on one end as the other brother started to play with my ass and pussy, moving his fingers in and around my holes.

I heard the camera make a beeping noise and realized I was being recorded sucking him off. I didn’t care. In fact, I started to work harder, sucking more intensely and sensually. I even looked up at his camera and gave it a little wave before putting my head back down and going back to work.

The other brother was getting impatient and smacked my ass, demanding his turn. I loved how they were both fighting over me. I smiled and turned my naked butt towards the camera, and undid the other brother’s pants to give his cock some love. I was down on all fours sucking his cock when I felt my pussy being played with and eventually forcefully penetrated with a massive cock. “Ohhhh,” I moaned in pain as his dick pierced my insides. I stopped sucking his brother’s cock for a second and turned around to look at him fucking me. To my surprise, he was recording this too. I was too horny and drunk to care and blew a kiss towards the camera and shifted my attention back to the cock I was sucking.

We changed things up as his brother wanted his turn with my pussy. They took me to a bedroom and started off by lubing my asshole. I got into position and waited for the punishment to start. Then I took a cock in my pussy and another in my ass. My asshole was not treated gently. He went in right away and didn’t bother easing it in and I let out a scream as he tore through my tiny hole. “Go easy, go easy, go easyyy!!” I screamed in between breaths. He slowed down a bit but it didn’t help. I was getting both holes destroyed and decided to accept the pain with the pleasure as their glorious black cocks penetrated both my holes without mercy. “Ahhh yes yes yes yes yes yes yesssss!” I must have said the word “yes” a couple dozen times more in between my moans, shouts and screams as I got absolutely wrecked and gutted by the pair.

By the end of it, I was exhausted and couldn’t find the energy to move. They really did a number on me. I asked them if it would be okay for me to get some shuteye and they accepted.

I was woken up a short while later. I opened my eyes and waited for them to adjust to see the other 2 friends in the group who live down the hall staring at my naked body, along with one of the brothers who had been recording me. They asked me if I was ready for another round. I was exhausted from the pounding I took moments before but couldn’t bring myself to say no. This is what I wanted, and this is what I was getting.

I inched myself to the edge of the bed as one guy grabbed my legs and forced his cock inside. Another brought his cock to my face and put it in my mouth. And the third started to eat my tits. It started off rather gentle but then like a raging fire, took on a life of its own as they roughed up each hole in my body, loosening my pussy and ass and numbing my jaw muscles. I was destroyed. Fucked. Used. Abused. Humiliated. Degraded. And utterly exhausted from what just transpired. But I was throughly satisfied and my “itch” scratched.

The two guys left after having their way with me. Me and the guy who had been recording me throughout the night were the only ones left. My body was sweating and burning from the intense workout and I drifted off to sleep naked next to him.

I woke up a couple hours later alone in the room. I put on my thong and went out to the den. The apartment was empty and I was by myself. I went back to the bedroom and noticed he had left his phone behind. I saw his phone light up and sneaked a peak at a text preview that read, “This bitch just can’t get enough.” The message was clearly about me. I poked my head out the bedroom to make sure no one was around and did something bad. I went through his phone.

He had sent all my pictures and videos in another group chat. I looked at how many people were in the chat. It listed 10 people and there was an icon that said + 8 others. I scrolled through the messages and saw that they shared the pictures I sent them the day before of me in my outfits with the caption, “New girl in the building.” Comments ranged from “she’s fine” to “she got some meat on those bones”. I scrolled down to read more. He sent the pictures and videos from today too, and comments ranged from “that was quick” to “she really couldn’t wait huh” and “white bitch gonna ride the whole train”. Other comments read, “she really thinks she’s gonna come through wearing that and not get some”, to “good lil slut”, “belongs to the streets” and “neighbourhood hoe”. There were more comments along the lines of “when’s it gonna be our turn” and “we’re coming by for a piece”.

A part of me was appalled at my pictures and videos being shared. But of course, what did I expect? In the back of my mind I knew what I was doing when I let them take those pics and let them record me getting fucked. But the messages were turning me on. The attention was turning me on. The degradation and humiliation were turning me on. I felt special, desired, wanted, and the centre of attention. It was a wonderful feeling.

I scrolled down to the last 2 pictures. The first was the very first picture he had taken of me sitting on the ottoman. My white thong was clearly visible in the picture and my cleavage prominent. The caption read “Before she met the squad.” The last was a picture of me that was probably taken moments ago without my knowledge. It was a picture of me sleeping naked on their bed, moments after having my body thoroughly fucked and used. The caption read, “After meeting the squad.”

I couldn’t count the amount of messages that came through and were still coming through as I was on his phone. But one message caught my eye, as I read it, unconsciously biting my lower lip and feeling my pussy moisten: “Whole squad gonna hit it soon.”

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