Bella Finds a New Tenant to Enslave by oliver57,oliver57

With Chris perfectly secured by his chains, Bella walked over to the closet that held her domination outfits: several pairs of high-heeled and high boots, leather pants, halters, corsets, and hats. Changing, Bella chose her thigh-high black boots, fishnet stockings, and black front-tying corset. It’s not like she wanted any obstructions to the pleasure centers of her body. When she walked out, Chris’s penis had gone flaccid with the fear he felt it stir again at the sight of Bella in her outfit.

“Do you like it? It is my full dominatrix regalia.”

“Y-yes, Mistress,” Chris stuttered, as if any other answer would have been wise. Still, she did look exquisite!

“Let the fun and games begin,” Bella announced. For the rest of the evening, long into the night, they “played.”

Bella began with putting Chris into the Iron Maiden and re-chaining his limbs to the floor. From there Bella tried many of her discipline implements on the poor boy, eliciting cries numerous times. Bella would only say after the loudest cries, “I love it when you scream, Chris” or “I find welts on men attractive.” Eventually, she relented but only after ordering Chris “to beg for it. I love it when you beg me.”

“Please, please, Mistress, please stop whipping me,” Chris would choke out.

Bella was indeed ready to stop that. Chris’s penis had gone flaccid again and clearly he did not enjoy a high level of discipline. Oh, well, she thought, he’ll have to put up with that from time to time just the same. After releasing Chris from the Iron Maiden, she forced him to his knees, putting the leash and collar back on.

“You will crawl on your hands and knees in this room unless specially told otherwise. Come.” Bella led Chris over to the the rack. “Get up on it and lie down, hands above your heads.” Bella strapped Chris into the rack and pulled his body taught. Then she blew in his ear, praising him, while stroking his penis back to a full erection.

From that point Bella attached electrical devices to his penis which could dispense pain or pleasure with the flip of a switch. She spent a lot of time playing that game, repeatedly bringing Chris to the point of orgasm and then switching the device to pain. Pleasure, pain, pleasure, pain. And occasionally tightening the rack. It went on for an hour. Finally she decided to move on to activities more to Chris’s liking.

Bella released Chris from the rack, and cuffed his hands to his thighs. He could stand or lie down normally but do nothing with this hands. Bella led Chris to the couch and laid down on it with Chris’s face between her legs and a firm grip on the leash. Bella made the boy perform cunninglingus for an hour or more, bringing her to repeated orgasms. In between those delightful events, Chris was allowed to rest, but only by resting his head on her pussy, as if it were a pillow and fully breathing in her feminine scent. Finally, Bella was ready for the real thing.

She took Chris over to the bondage table, tying him down with rope criss-crossing his body in numerous directions. She blindfolded him, and after some breast suckling, gagged him as well. He had never been gagged when they made love before. In that position she teased and tormented her slave-lover by licking his ears, biting his nipples, and stroking his cock. She stopped her activities long enough to let his penis soften a bit so that he would last a little longer in her. They would have to work on ejaculation control, she thought.

As Bella mounted Chris’s shaft, she was ready to come herself. After all, lying underneath her was a 19-year old body, completely bound, gagged, and blindfolded, and she was fucking him silly. The image contrasted in her mind with what the average college student was doing at that moment–or the average woman, for that matter–as she brought Chris to an explosive conclusion, with him screaming into the gag.

When she released the gag, all he offered was a “you’re amazing, Mistress,” by way of thanks. She then covered Chris with a blanket and left him otherwise unchanged on the bondage table for the night. She herself lied down on the couch. She would roust her slave two more times in the middle of the night for repeat performances, each time stroking him to an erection before he woke. The first time he woke as she was doing so. The second time he woke having found her already grinding up and down on his rock-hard penis. In the morning they would take a leisurely breakfast and then perhaps go out and do something to celebrate the gorgeous day(s) ahead.


As the weeks and months rolled on, Chris’s enslavement to Bella grew. Their life together was a joy to them both. Bella’s sexual appetite was essentially insatiable and at 19, Chris could easily accommodate her. There seemed to be no end to the twisted sexual games that Bella could invent. Many he liked, some he didn’t. But it felt so right to be so thoroughly dominated by this older yet quite sexy and demanding woman. Even when she wasn’t demanding sexual activity from Chris, he was was devoted to her.

Chris spent many hours doing his college homework, but often in Bella’s presence and in the nude. They would watch TV together occasionally. Chris would teach Bella how to play chess. Bella would regularly whip Chris at scrabble. They would go out to restaurants; Bella would order for him. When they went out to movies, Bella chose it. Chris did not have many friends before he moved into Bella’s house, and afterwards, none at all. He went to class and then he went home.

Separated from extracurricular activities and the dining halls, Chris was basically a nonentity on campus and he wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

When Chris’s family came for the occasional visit, Bella was nothing but the gracious and matronly looking landlady–gone were her provocative outfits, securely locked behind the basement door. Neither lover gave any hint to the daily sexual adventure they lived. For her part, Bella was growing increasingly fond of Chris–his innocence, his naivete, his inexperience aroused, ironically, very protective feelings over her young slave, even when she put him through some agonizing torments.

She wondered how she would feel when Chris had to move on in nearly three years. She didn’t usually get so attached to her young men, but this one was different. Chris, meanwhile, was thinking ahead: graduate school. A doctoral program would add six more years…

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