Or she might take her pants off but only if she’s in my line of sight will I see anything good. She wears pants more than skirts and since she rarely wear panties, I get to see her tight little ass as soon as she bends over to drop her pants to the floor and step out of them. Then, I get to see her ass completely bent over as she picks up her sweatpants off the floor. Next, I’ll see her bare ass spread a little as one knee goes up then the other to put on her sweatpants. Finally, she might do a little hop or two to get the sweatpants up and over her sexy little booty bump. When she hops, seeing her tight ass bounce is a very special treat. All this I could be seeing with her ass pointed straight at me or from the side or both if she pivots.
Adding to the thrill is that she’s also an avid fashionista! Stylish clothes and seeing how she looks in them are one of her passions. She loves, loves, loves trying on outfits. Many outfits, especially if she’s just gone shopping. So, she may try on quite a few outfits before she finally ends up in her sweats. I get to see so much of her tight little body as she enthusiastically rips off tops and bottoms.
After a few months of constantly seeing her nubile body, I started to wonder if she had any idea I could see her. Could my luck really be this good? Could someone with open drapes get naked as often as her and not know or wonder if someone might see them? Does she even care?
I decided to call attention to where I was all day and see what happened. We texted once and I mentioned I was stuck in my home office all day because of COVID. I also hollered out to her from my office a couple times when she was outside in front of her house.
Nothing changed! She knew where I was all day but still kept taking her clothes off in front of me.
The thought that she might be letting me see her naked was really getting me horny. But I still didn’t really know if that’s what she was doing. I thought I caught her looking over at me a few times and it got me thinking maybe she was sometime putting on shows for me? Not all the time but sometime? On the other hand, maybe she just isn’t ever paying any attention and I’m imagining things? Does she know someone might see her but she doesn’t care? Does she want someone to see her? Does she want me to see her? I had to know! It would be so much hotter if I knew for sure she was flashing me on purpose … if I knew she was getting off on getting me off!
But how was I going to find out if she knows I can see her and if she’s into it? After some thought, I decided there was only one way … I’d have to tell her myself and see what she does! I catch an extra special show every once in a while so the best time to tell her would be immediately after her next “special”. She might slam her drapes shut and never open them again. Or much worse! I decided to go for it anyways.
I immediately felt better after I decided to tell her. I’ve always been confident around the ladies and telling them directly what was on my mind almost always worked out for the better. At the very least I got respect but often much more than that! I wanted her to know. After that it would be up to her if I ever got lucky again. Ladies choice! It seemed only right.
After I decided to go bold, I only had to wait a couple weeks for my opportunity.
A March Sunday morning
It was spring. I was in my office in front of my computer on a bright Sunday morning, probably shopping. At some point, a flash caught my eye so I turned to look. The sun was still low enough on the horizon to cast a beam across her bedroom through her window. The flash was my gorgeous neighbor walking around her bedroom, stepping into and out of the intense beam of morning sunlight. She had obviously just come from the shower. She was completely nude, other than the towel wrapping her head. Wow! In the beam, her whole body glowed intensely, literally radiating. She was spectacular! She seemed calmer than usual. Her movements were slower and, although she did dart off out of view a couple times, she mostly stayed in view. Basking in the sunlight with her left side facing me, she started using a glove to either exfoliate or put lotion on her arms. I think lotion but I’m not sure. For a good minute, she rubbed the glove over one arm starting at her shoulder and ending at her wrist. Then her other arm got the same attention for another minute. She squinted against the sun and very slightly thrust her lips forward, concentrating on her task. I could see everything. Her square jawline, her long, thin neck and clavicle, her defined left shoulder and arm, the curve of her shoulder blade all the way down to the small of her back, the bump of her tight ass, her pelvic bone down to her thigh, her little pussy mound, her flat, defined tummy, and her firm, erect tits which danced with every circle she made with her glove.
Then it was time for her legs. She moved out of the sunbeam and over to her low dresser and wall mounted mirror. Her back was to me as she swung a leg up and propped her heel on top of the dresser! Her leg was perfectly straight, toes pointing at the wall. Her room was very bright so, while she wasn’t blazing anymore, I could still see her bare backside clearly … including her topless front reflected in the mirror! Just like her arms, she rubbed one leg for about a minute then her other leg. She was so tempting in this position rubbing her outer and inner thighs but I’ll never forget her incredible ass as she bent over, stretching to rub her shins and calves. As she stretched, I saw her beautiful tits and face almost looking at me as she looked at herself in the mirror. I saw her entire back taper all the way down to her tiny waist and ass. Her tight ass was on full display and was the star of this amazing show. With one foot planted on the ground and the other up on the dresser, her ass spread slightly as she bent over. I strained to see her pussy from behind but just couldn’t … a fucking shadow! Her pussy was right there! So close!
That’s part of her body I’m most curious about … since I know the least about it. Her yoni. Her pussy. I’ve seen her inviting pussy mound in the sunlight but I have no idea if she’s a trimmed natural blonde or completely smooth. But her pubic hair is not my real curiosity. My real curiosity is much more pornographic! A pussy is such a turn on no matter what but I’m a real freak for certain types. It would drive me crazy if I knew she had a huge clit. I had so much fun with one special lady that I developed a huge huge-clit fetish! It would also drive me crazy if I knew she had huge labia. A different special lady but same result: a fetish. They’re so incredibly inviting when engorged and spread like pink butterfly wings. They make me want to dive in and please, please, please! I don’t know what I’d do if I found out she had both. That might cause actual physical pain! Anyways, I’m guessing her yoni is tidy and petite just like the rest of her. It probably even glistens like she does! Wish I knew!